MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1675 Swallowing a sword is a talent show, swallowing other things is not (1 more)

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[Drop ~ connection ‘white predecessor’ failed. The ‘white predecessor’ you want to contact is not on your friends list. Please add a friend and try to contact. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Wait, let me inform you before connecting others, don't connect at will." Song Shuhang gave instructions to his two glazed Jindan.

This stuff is sometimes the same as ‘voice dialing’, it is very unhumanized to control, and it is dialed out accidentally.

Now that he has accidentally rolled the hamster into the sky, he does not want to really bring in the whites.

Um... wait.

Perhaps the white predecessor may be an exception.

Although he has just been promoted to the eight-character Xuansheng soon, but Song Shuhang always has a wonderful illusion... Maybe the white predecessors can even brush a single product.

"In short, don't dial any more." Song Shuhang once again gave instructions to Xiao Jindan.

Some things must be in a state of their own control. If they are completely uncontrollable, they will only bring a lot of trouble to themselves. It is better to give up.

"Not good, ah ~ ~" Song Shuhang side, the hamster demon suddenly screamed.

At this time, like Song Shuhang and Xiaoyinzhu, they are all in the right fist of the "Destroy Giant" and are protected by the destroyed giant. However, the hair on it suddenly burned.

Ming tomorrow, the robbery did not fall on it, and was destroyed by the destruction of the giant.

“What happened?” Song Shuhang hurriedly covered the hamster with ‘what can sell the same quilt’.

But this time, the cover effect of the sheet is invalid.

The flames of the hamster demon are still burning, the beautiful hair is already black, the flame goes further, burning its flesh and blood.

"It is the incineration function of the net fire column." The hamster said with a smile.

It is the pillar of the robbery that falls specifically against it. It is in the scope of the net fire column. Even if the catastrophe falls on it, it will always be in a state of being burned.

If it is the demon of the nine products, it can barely resist.

But it is just a cute four-devil... For a few minutes, it will be burned to ashes.

"This time I really want to die." The hamster demon is weak: "Hey, Song, do you have any other resurrection props?"

Song Shuhang shook his head and smiled.

The hamster demon trembles with pain, and clenches his teeth: "If you can live out from the 8th 9th catastrophe, tell me the Lord, I have never regretted it in my life... Everything is the world and the tyranny No. Your fault."

"Yes, it's all my fault." Song Shudao.

His body slightly spread and entered the smoke state.

Then he reached out and pressed it on the hamster demon.

The robbery of the hamster demon burned the palm of Song Shuhang's hand—Song Shuhang's smoke mode is an extremely weakened version, which can only be immune to ordinary physical attacks, and cannot be immune to such robbery damage.

"Identification of the secret law." Song Shuhang directly provoked the identification.

He needs all the information about this 'clean fire column burning function', and if there is a way to solve the net fire column, it would be better.

In the smoke, a large amount of 'blood blood' spewed out.

At the same time, the results of the identification surfaced in his mind.

[Thousand Days of Robbery - The Column of Robbery ‘Net Fire Column’ burns the field damage, and damages the damage to the Nine. In the field of incineration, the robbery cannot be extinguished and the wound cannot be recovered. After leaving the field of incineration, the effect of the robbery dissipated, and the wound can be treated with a water system to cure the secret. 】

Want to put out the robbery, only leave the field of burning.

However, the half of the ‘day-hunting world’ in which Song Shuhang is located is shrouded in the “burning field” of the net fire pillar, and there is nowhere to hide.

“Is there a way to completely isolate the 'incineration field'?” Song Shuhang secretly.

Even if the same paragraph of the ‘nothing can sell big 被’, the destruction of the giant’s defense, can’t isolate this burning field, what should we do?

Song Shuhang fully urged the 'identification secret law', but this time the 'identification secret law' could not provide more reference.

"Promise and wait for the fairy, can you protect the hamster? Well, I asked a stupid question." Song Shuhang shook his head.

The light of merit also has a strong restraint attribute to the nine sinister demons.

If @#%×仙子 protects the hamster, it will only make it die faster.

The beauty of the meritorious snake came back to the side and guarded Li Yinzhu.

She and the hamster protect the distance and avoid affecting the hamster.

The hamster bites his teeth and suffers from the fire.

"Tell me my master, his plan, I can't do it for him." The hamster came out again, and its body was swallowed up by the flames, looking like the legendary Warcraft ‘flame rat.’

But suddenly, Song Shuhang found a small piece on the back of the hamster. The robbery was weak and obviously much weaker than the other places.

That position is where he touched his finger after the ‘identification secret law’.

Could it be that……

Song Shuhang’s figure once again entered the “smog” mode, and the colorful waist of the waist glittered.

Then he gritted his teeth and held the hamster demon in his hands.

His hands were turned into a cloud of smoke, and the hamster demon was sealed.

The robbery burned his body part of the smoke, and a wave of pain surged.

However, this pain, at most, makes Song Shuhang slightly frown.

"If you can, if I have left the ashes, please bring my ashes to my master." The hamster demon closed his eyes - it felt that the pain in his body had gradually disappeared.

This means that it can't even feel the 'pain', it is already dead.

"Well, if you have ashes, hahaha." Song Shuhang smiled.

The hamster demon heard Song Shuhang’s laughter and his mentality exploded: “You can still laugh at this time. Before I actually felt that the uncle’s state is more understandable, I still mistaken you.”

"There is no way, after all, it is just the appearance, my psychological age has not changed." Song Shuhang laughed and laughed - as he imagined, his smoked state could completely isolate the damage of the 'burning field'.

It is a 'pseudo-immortal model', even if it is an infinitely weakened version, but with the word 'immortal', it is different.

Then Song Shuhang reached out and held the hamster demon and stuffed it into his stomach.

"Wait, what do you want to do!" The hamster screamed nervously.

Song Shuhang stopped.

"Yeah, it’s not like feeling pregnant when you stuff your belly. I can’t do it. I’ve been very sensitive to the word 'pregnancy' recently.” He said, holding the hamster demon, holding it up... I swallowed it in one bite.

Hamster number: "!!!"

What are you doing in the squatting, tyrants?

"I feel the feeling of accident? @#%×Fairy swallowing the swordsman, is this feeling? Is it addictive?" Song Shuhang whispered.

However, the beauty of the meritorious snake snorted and blinked, then she crossed her arms in front of her big chest and shook her head hard.

Swallowing a sword is a talent show.

Raw swallowing hamsters is not!

How can these two things be compared?

We are not the same ~ ~ not the same ~ not the same ~



Song Shuhang continued to maintain the state of 'smog.'

Thousands of days of robbery, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth.

Now, he can't help himself.

‘How long will it last? How long will it last... White blessing. 'Song Shuhang muttered.

"Your smoke mode can last for a thousand days?" Not far away, the meritorious snake beauty asked.

Song Shuhang shook his head and smiled.

The smoke mode consumes a lot of spiritual power, and the consumption of physical strength is not small.

Don't say a thousand days, even if he keeps on the remedy + the rich and powerful spirit of the outside world, he can stick to the smoke mode for ten days, and it is almost to the limit.

The hamster demon was protected by Song Shuhang's aerosolized body, which activated a water healing spell on the ring and slowly restored his injury.

"If you can't hold it, let me out." The hamster suddenly came out - Song Shuhang did it to protect it. It was really moving. Well, there was so much touch of water.

"You can rest assured that if I can't hold it anymore, I will definitely pick you up the first time. Otherwise, staying in my stomach, I feel indigestion." Song Shuhang quickly responded.

Hamster number: "..."

A drop of touch in the heart of the previous second was evaporating in an instant.

Decided... When I die, I will die in your stomach and rot into a group, not only to make you indigestion, but also to have a stomach piercing! The hamster demon swears in his heart.



Time, a little bit to spend.

The first day of the thousand days of catastrophe was completely over.

This is the most ‘day of the year’ in Song Shuhang’s life. Every minute and every second seems to be as long as a century.

Perhaps because the ‘hamster’ was completely shielded, the power of the vain in the void did not soar.

Song Shuhang and the destruction of the giants gradually began to get used to the rhythm of the robbery!

The next door to eat melon Saint Jun, is even more obvious.

He has a ‘gongde network’, and it’s easy to have the ‘gongde Xinghai’ arranged for it before leaving.



After getting used to the rhythm of ‘thousand days’ robbery, the second day was relatively easy.

This stage is actually the most easily staged stage of the ‘thousand days of robbery’. The monk's spiritual strength, energy, and physical strength are still sufficient, and the intensity of the robbery is not high.

The ‘thousand days’ robbery’ is too long. It can be easily adhered to in the past few days. After a hundred days, as the monk’s spirits fall, the body is tired and accumulated, and the intensity of the robbery rises... Every day will be as hard as hell.

The second day of the thousand days of robbery.

Song Shuhang suddenly had a little comprehension in his heart—he discovered the point that the first Jindan composition ‘never fell into the holy city’.

The lesser part is in the dark map [after the collapse of the Holy City...the giant who destroyed everything].

It is the right eye of the giant.

The giant's left eye is red as fire.

And its right eye is blank.

The finishing touch is here.