MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1689 The ancient and chaotic will gathers together

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"Tired, expensive." The white predecessors replied briefly.

Language is the art of the door, simple, but it is not easy to understand.

Song Shuhang heard that his right hand of the king’s right hand suddenly instinctively moved: “Does the white predecessor come to a big treasure... “God of the gods” to mention God?”

White predecessor: "..."

"God of the gods", you know, this is the variant of "Fostering the sword", "Knife", okay? If you dare to use it to me, believe it or not, I will send you to the ‘slow mystery’ that Sanlang had visited in the last time. This time, even the wireless network will not open for you?

No, it’s just too tired to think about it.

So ignore him.

The white predecessors gradually closed their eyes.

Song Shuhang saw that the white predecessors had to sleep again. When the right hand was out of control, he began to slip his hand and trembled to the white predecessor.

Below, Akasaka Sword Seniors: "..."

This baby can't do it. It's completely unsuccessful. Contact the tyrant's little friend of Jiuzhou No.1 Group to book a seabed cemetery. I heard that I recently bought a cemetery mansion and sent a small parking space.



Fortunately, compared to the savage three waves of seniors, Song Shuhang's only advantage is that sometimes he can control his instinct to die.

Song Shuhang suddenly had a chance to move before the hand-sliding "sword-raising" was sent out.

He stopped the action of death.

Then, his body glides gently, his body reverses, his head and feet, in the void, stepping.

As his palm moved in the void... a beautiful black lotus condensed out and held his palm.

Step by step lotus.

"This is this." Song Shuhang smiled.

Then he consciously controlled this ‘step by step lotus’ ability, and the other hand went forward ‘stepping’.

A larger black lotus condenses.

Moreover, under the control of Song Shuhang's mind, this new lotus flower did not dissipate immediately, but always maintained the appearance of the lotus.

Song Shuhang tried to pour in the spiritual power into the black lotus.

With the support of spiritual power, this black lotus can last at least a day.

"Successful." Song Shuhang laughed and praised his wit.

He reached out and pressed on the lotus. The lotus was very soft. There was a strong buoyancy on it. A small lotus flower could easily lift the weight of Song Shuhang's body.

There is also a faint scent on the black lotus.

Song Shuhang smiled slightly, holding this **** lotus, came to the head position of the white predecessor, and stuffed the black lotus into it as a pillow.

Soft, buoyant, and fragrant pillows are all set.

The lower Akasaka sword predecessor: "..."

He already doesn't know what to say.

The white predecessor adjusted the position of the head comfortably, and his face showed a happy expression - he lacked a pillow.

"How, white predecessor?" asked Song Shuhang.

"Well, okay." The whites were separated and closed their eyes.

Song Shuhang smashed the iron: "This black lotus pillow, I can make one for the white predecessors every day. So, the white predecessor helped me to contact the white rabbit predecessor?"

"Well, the blind man can teach too." The white predecessor adjusted his more comfortable posture: "Continue to retreat, the gods go out, I will send you to the body."


Song Shuhang’s body returned to the position of meditation, sitting cross-legged, and then the gods went out.

The white predecessors were separated and handed over to Song Shuhang’s Yuanshen.

In the next moment, there was a ‘one-time flying sword broken black house version’ that appeared on the side of Song Shuhang’s god, and he was wrapped up, ‘嗖~’, and went forward.

Between the Black Dragon World and the ancient world, the use of ordinary space power can not go in, you must use the talent space of the ‘disaster giant turtle’.

"Thank you for the white predecessors." Song Shuhang's Yuan Shindao.

His voice has just fallen, and the one-time flying sword has used the secret method to pierce the space and break into it.

Before disappearing, Song Shuhang’s corner of his eyes suddenly saw the ‘destination of the fairy’. When he did not know when, he sneaked up and went to the white predecessor’s pillow, and quietly opened his mouth.

Song Shuhang: "..."

She won't want to marry the white lotus pillows of the whites?

Make a fairy, don't die!

The white lotus produced by this black lotus and the 'tongue lotus' is not a variety. If you don't see the lotus, you want to swear.

If you really want to eat lotus, if you come back, you can eat as much as you want!

But he didn't have time to remind him to make a fairy, and his figure has disappeared.



When the ‘one-time flying sword broke the black house version’ with the re-emergence of Song Shuhang, it has entered the ‘古幽世界’.

[In other words, I didn't think about entering the 'worldly world' at first. I just want to chat remotely with the white predecessors, take some experience, see if I can get some inspiration from him, so light me. The second little golden Dan. How did it become that my **** was sent to the ancient world? 】 Song Shuhang Yuanshen’s face was forced to pause on the ‘one-time flying sword’.

If it is not forced to do so, he does not want to enter the ‘古幽世界’.

Because he completely offended the ancient singularity of the ancient world, the ancient collection of the chaotic will, and was shot by the other side at the waist.

Now, my own gods enter the ‘the ancient world’. Isn’t this the sheep’s mouth, or is it delivered to the door?

Where the white predecessor and the white predecessor are, they must hurry and join the two white predecessors.

Later, it will change.

Just as Song Shuhang thought so, in the distant void, there was a reddish figure that condensed and formed out of thin air.

Song Shuhang Yuan Yuan mouth twitching.

The red-red figure, the whole body seems to be composed of magma, which can be seen as a woman's form.

The moment she appeared, the whole ‘Ancient World’ was shaking—her in her position in the ancient world, she was in the same position as the white predecessor two and the fat ball companion in the nine world.

As long as she shows up, the ancient world will create momentum for her.

The ancient collection of chaotic will, debut!

The magma is a nail, the evil energy is the garment, the flame is turned into her skirt, and the ancient law is condensed into a long gun in her hand.

Song Shuhang’s waist was not painful from bursts of pain.

The gun of cause and effect, shot out, reversing the cause and effect, crushing all the defensive, dodge, and leaving only the 'fruit' of the target.


Here is ‘古幽’, this is her place.

So when Song Shuhang appeared, she was immediately touched by her.

"White predecessors, white predecessors two!!" Song Shuhang called.

"Call me a white rabbit and kill you." The voice of the white predecessor two rang out behind Song Shuhang.

"How come you sent God to the ancient world? It's too dangerous." The voices of the white predecessors sounded at the same time.

Song Shuhang suddenly settled in his heart, steady!

"I came to the ancient world to want to cough two white predecessors, and ask a question to the nine predecessors. But the most important thing is that the woman opposite us, she is an ancient collection of chaotic will. I have accidentally passed She." Song Shuhang laughed.

White predecessor two: "When you swear, don't look at each other's ranks? It's a miracle that you can live to the present."

The long-eyed planet, the fat ball, and the stone giant long-lived who was caught by the fat ball... I remember that there was a long-lived person with ancient eyes and eyes full of eyes. These are just a few of the people he knows. He is sure that Song Shuhang’s affirmation will not only be more than the above.

Song Shuhang’s talent is not bad.

"So, I only took one after another, and I went on three and four times, and I continued to sigh for four consecutive years." Song Shuhang sighed long and sighed - and, every time, he didn't want to yell at him, it was inexplicable. Up.

White predecessor: "Next time, pay attention. Don't be too embarrassed. I remember the former you, very cautious."

"Next, I will be a quiet beautiful man, and I will not resent the practice." Song Shuhang assured.

"Come." White predecessors two.

Opposite, that ancient collection of chaotic will, agglomeration.

Then she flickered and walked through the space, directly grabbing her hand to Song Shuhang’s god, and anxiously shouted: “Follow me!”

The white star's meteor sword is gently waving.

The meteor sword with the new scabbard draws a sword curtain and blocks the hand that is captured by Song Shuhang.

“Why would she want to fit with Song Shuhang?” The white predecessors were curious.

"I don't know. When I first met, she was still going to kill me and took a shot on my waist. But after she took my body back, she suddenly changed her mind and wanted to fit with my body. I feel that it may be that I have some special physique, she is peeping at my body." Song Shu Channel.

The white predecessor looked at Song Shuhang: "If she is thinking normally, she will not peep into your body. She is a collection of ancient and chaotic will, belonging to the 'nine secluded side'. And your body has great merits, merits and protectors He also cultivated Confucianism, and he was quenched; he also built the foundation with the Buddhist boxing method... In addition, you also cultivated the power of the Holy Light in the West. These messy things are gathered together, and she has to think about how much she can Your flesh?"

"Hey, that white predecessor, two, when you contact me, will it be difficult?" Song Shuhang suddenly thought.

His voice just fell, the white predecessor two had reached out and took his gods into the past, and became a small ball: "As long as you don't put the light, it doesn't affect me. But recently you jumped too, let me be very Uncomfortable."

Song Shuhang: "..."

At the same time, the figure of the collection of the ancient secluded will just passed the original position of Song Shuhang Yuanshen.

"I will give it to me." The ancient singular chaos will stare at the two white predecessors and anxiously cried.

The tone is full of urgency.

She can sense that the two people are not good at the opposite.

"Why do you want him?" asked the white predecessor two.

"He originally belonged to me, we were originally one."

Song Shuhang: "???"

Sister, when will I be with you?

"I think, you must have made a mistake." The white predecessors calmly said: "He is not a person in this world, and he is more united with you, and there is no way to talk about it."