MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1745 What about the holy name of the sacred butterfly?

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Song Shuhang smiled bitterly: "But my fat whale Jin Dan is now stopping the water spray."

"Almost, you should spray again every other time. You have to let it have a rest time, and you want Jindan to spray spring water. Do you have to cultivate yourself? It is impossible for you to lie down and it will continue to flow. The water spray? There are so many things in the world that are not worth the effort." White predecessors two.

"It makes sense, it turns out that." Song Shuhang nodded.

With the words of the white predecessor two, he is more at ease. It turns out that his upgrade process of the life of the whale is similar to that of the dragon-free golden dragon.

"Right, look back and bring my 'final holy sword' first to your natal lake, so that I can occasionally see your sacred whale through the 'final sacred sword' Change." White predecessors two again.

Song Shuhang was moved: "Thank you for the whites."

The white predecessor, two, is concerned about his life, the whale, and the accident, so I am going to take a look at the changes in the life of the whale.

"I have never seen someone who feels good about yourself like this... I am going to come over time and see myself full of charm." White predecessors.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"I will go back first. When the hamster is sacred, I will find a way to connect it to this space and strive to reach the 'worldly world + the world together. At that time, the hamster's teaching content, you listen carefully... After a while, I will review your understanding of this lecture." White predecessors.

“Is it still worth checking?” When Song Shuhang heard the word, he immediately recalled his fear of being dominated by the college entrance examination.

But his voice just fell, the spirit of the white predecessor two has disappeared.

Song Shuhang continued to look at his fat whale, Jin Dan, who was up and down: "If I cast the characters I want to portray on Jindanxing Road, will it make it change again?"

After a while, Song Shuhang mobilized his own ‘physical power’ from the lake of Mingshen and returned to the body.

As soon as the spirit returned, Song Shuhang took a cold breath, his body twitched slightly, his eyes slowly opened.



"Book Hang Xiaoyou, is the end of the heavens and the people of the world?" In the ear, the inquiries of the six centuries of the East were heard.

Although the lecture ended, Song Shuhang was always in the state of 'promotion', and the predecessors of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' did not bother him.

At this point, after seeing Song Shuhang finally ending the promotion state, the Oriental Six Fairies only asked.

"Yes, it is over." Song Shuhang smiled back.

"Congratulations, book friends Xiaoyou." Huangshan Zunren laughed.

From today, Song Shuhang is the real six-pronged emperor... The true realm of the realm, in today's comprehension, is also a ‘big predecessor’ level.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Song Shuhang laughed.

"In the end, the sacred man finally ended. In order to maintain the majesty of the predecessors, I kept my posture and did not move. Every cell in the body was protesting to me." The mad knife and three waves sighed. After all, it was the first time on TV, and the three waves were rare. Constrained one time.

"Next, we are almost leaving now?" Fengfeng Gongzi stretched out: "We have been here for a long time."

"This time I was involved in the glory of my predecessors, I am really sorry." Song Shuhang whispered.

"There is nothing to apologize. If you really want to say something, we have a lot of responsibility." Lichee Fairy patted Song Shuhang and smiled.

"And, in fact, it is very interesting to be able to go back to the TV together. When you don't promote the eight products, you can experience the presence of a person. This is a chance. There are many people who want to get it. Plus, I got it. A spiritual blessing for a permanent blessing." Snow Wolf Cave has a big roll and shakes the wolf hair: "Next, we are going back to the world to drink, don't we get together?"

"As I said before, go to the restaurant of Song Shuhang's Xiaoyou. It is actually close to Tiantian Island, and the seven-seven-character friend should be there." Beihe scattered people laughed.

Song Shuhang nodded: "We will leave the space of the sacred space and return to the ‘black dragon world.” Then, I will send back the gods of the predecessors through ‘龙络’.”

After all, he looked at Longluo's assistant: "Can we leave?"

Long Luo Xiao Assistant nodded: "Execute the order."

The next moment, Li Yinzhu, Song Shuhang, Lie Niang and the members of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group were all transferred to the core world of Song Shuhang.

Peas and Yuko are also in the core world.

At this time, Yukozi’s mood was low, sitting on his knees, and Peas seemed to comfort her on the side.

"Hey? My core world?" Song Shuhang wondered.

How can I move here, not to the Black Dragon World?

Just as he thought about it, the power of Longlu rolled up Peas and Yuzizi again, brushing ~ and taking everyone back to the Black Dragon World, Song Shuhang began the robbery.

This area has now become a forbidden place. In this place, the Emperor and the Longlu Kunna fairy and Song Shuhang smashed each other and sprinkled the magic blood.

At this time, the power of Longluo is suppressing and restoring the area polluted by the blood of the demons.

Long Luoxiao assistant brought a group of Song Shuhang people to the edge of the forbidden land.

"Long Luo small assistant, the first to send back the gods of the predecessors." Song Shuhang out of the channel.

It’s not a good thing for Yuanshen to go out for too long. Especially the gods of the predecessors, who still robbed without the flesh, and sent it back soon.

Longluo assistant nodded.

However, before he executed the order, Song Shuhang suddenly slammed and ran straight to the ground.

Yukoko and Doudou, who are in the lost stage, are busy.

Yukoko reached out and held Song Shuhang. The peas are covered and Li Yinzhu and Lilian are caught.

"What happened to the predecessors of the Song?" Yu Yuzi asked with doubt.

Why was it just a good end, suddenly fainted?

"Maybe it is too expensive?" Huangshan Zunzi guessed that - when he recently met with Song Shuhang's younger friend, Song Shuhang often stunned without a word, and blew himself after the last coma.

"Maybe doing a nightmare? The body is still twitching constantly in a coma?" Doudou.

"It may also be a very cool thing, such as driving a car, the whole person is in a state of stimulation? I sometimes do this." Oriental Six Fairy Road.

The mad knives and three waves suddenly brightened their eyes: "Six children, are you dreaming of a car, all the way to the past, people rolling, so the whole person is irritating?"

Oriental Six Fairies: "..."

She suddenly reached out and grabbed the three waves of the knife.

I saw her small hands constantly swaying, and in a blink of an eye, the mad knife and three waves were smashed into a small ball.

"Oriental Six Fairies, when did you get promoted to the realm of real kingdom? Impossible, you are promoted ahead of me?" The three waves of the knife screamed.

It is clear that everyone is still in the realm of five products six months ago, and how they all agree, and break through again and again.

First, the lychee fairy, followed by the Beihe River and the bronze gongs. Now even the Eastern Six Fairies are promoted to the true king. The strength is stronger than him. They can turn his **** into a small ball.

Huangshan Zunren reached out and pressed on Song Shuhang. He always felt that Song Shuhang seemed to endure great pain.

After a while, Huangshan Zunren got up and said: "The flesh is innocent, and the newly opened Linghu in Dantian is very active. It should be no problem, maybe it is too much mental consumption. Go to the 8th product with five products." Robbery, consumption is also imaginable."

"Song predecessors must make a big news every time they advance, hahaha." Yu Rou Zidao, unfortunately she did not have the ability of the predecessors of the Song to engage in big news, otherwise she also hopes that she can go to TV every time she advances.

"Yukoko, Peas, give you a task. You two stay first, take care of Songshanghang Xiaoyou." Huangshan Sayādaw said: "I and other friends are now the body of the gods, it is not convenient to stay outside too For a long time, after the booklet Xiaoyou wakes up, we will see you in the world."

Yukoko saluted, smirked: "guarantee to complete the task."

"Then we will see you later." Litchi fairy waved.

Huangshan Zunzi looked to ‘Longluo Little Helper’ and was preparing to ask him to send him back.

At this time, everyone suddenly felt the heart.

Everyone raised their heads.

Someone else ‘has been sacred before the people’?

"So smart, today is the wholesale of Xuansheng?"

"This time, the Taoist friend who is sacred, is the first holy?"

Fengfeng Gongzi pushed the glasses: "It should be counted as the 11th holy, Song Shuhang's little friend, the title of 'Balong ancient holy', obviously can not occupy the pit, can not count."

"This friend should be more depressed. Normally, he should be able to be included in the ‘then-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands.’

"Ah, it’s an aunt!" cried Yukoko.

This time, it is the sage of the sacred butterfly.

After he was ordered by Song Shuhang, Song Shuhang and others came out from the ‘Legal Space,’ and finally it was his turn to be holy.

Since there is still a temporary connection between the ‘Black Dragon World’ and the ‘live,’ this temporary connection has not been broken. Therefore, the sacredness of the sacred butterfly is also projected into the black dragon world.

"What do you want to do... the name of the predecessor of the Lingdie?" The Snow Wolf Cave owner raised a brow and looked at the feathers.

Yukoko spit out his tongue.

At this time, under the attention of the practitioners of the heavens and the world, the handsome middle-aged monk held the hand and stood 360 degrees without a dead end.

As soon as he stood there, a master's style naturally emerged.

This is the strong temperament that the true card Xuan Sheng should have.

"There is a handsome man in front of him." The mad knife and three waves said: "Eight products, my current goal is to promote eight products with all strength, and to show the people before the people, so that all the world knows me."

"Mr. Sanlang, do you want to be independent?" At this time, Longluo assistant suddenly said: "Although you can't arrange to synchronize to the heavens, but the black dragon world is holy, do you want to try?"

Mad Knife Three Waves: "???"

"Search into the database, extract the 'Sun Plan' and open the plan in the near future. If you want to experience the sacredness, you can consider this plan. You have already passed the 'Saint Space' robbery, which meets this requirement." The little assistant replied.