MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1790 Don't worry, I don't need a dad.

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Believe it or not, I will give each of you a ‘strong identification,’ let everyone see if they are peerless. My left eye is already burning and I am just moving.

[Long Luo assistant, can you listen to me? 】 Song Shuhang uses the idea to connect with the dragon assistant in the black dragon world.

The way he never appeared in the holy city, he used it when he was eating a feast. When it reappeared, although it was still very shocking, it always felt a little new.

Song Shuhang thinks that he is a man who is constantly improving and changing with each passing day. So this time, it is best to enhance the new tricks and give the Taoist friends a different experience.

[Yes, the tyrant administrator, I can hear your voice. 】 Long Luo small assistant back.

Can you project the 'Sunrise Throne' to me? 】 Song Shuhang asked.

Just ‘projection’ will not consume too much power, and it’s full of power. And the predecessors of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' who signed the contract with the 'Rising Sun Throne' are on the wall. It is possible to resonate with projection to the maximum extent.

[No problem, Balong administrator. The projection started...] Longluo assistant replied.

Subsequently, Long Luoxiao assistant projected the Rising Sun Throne through Song Shuhang.

Behind the sacred city of ‘Never Falling,’ a dazzling little sun emerged.

In this small sun, there is a vaguely large throne. On every throne, there is a majestic saint. The saints on these thrones correspond to the ancient saints in the ‘never fall into the holy city’.

"This is... another round of small sun? Suddenly feeling hot."

"There are three days in the sky. Is this going to be ‘ten days to go empty?’

The weather is fine today and the sun is shining. On the left is the little sun of the ‘Butterfly of the Butterfly, and the right side is the little sun of the sect of the Song Dynasty. All of a sudden, the temperature felt a lot higher, the mouth was dry, the throat was dry, and the vests on the body seemed to burn.

"Wait, I seem to find something. You see the tyrants... In the little sun behind the tyrannical Xuan Sheng, there is a figure on the right side of the throne, is it like ‘Linghuazi ancient holy?’

"Where is it? Day, I saw it, it’s a bit like it."

"When you say this, do you feel the figure in the little sun behind the ancient sacred body of the butterfly, very familiar. When I saw him, I numb the scalp, and even the stomach is a little twitching, just like seeing the tyrant Song Xuansheng."

"I seem to have found something terrible."

"Between the Song Dynasty Xuansheng and the Linghuazi Gusheng, is it also passed down from generation to generation?"

"Or... is it a kind of double practice?"

"In short, there must be no connection between the two."

"The sacred butterfly of the sacred butterfly is a three-story holy, but... terrible!"

"Get rid of... can't afford it, can't afford it."

"In the future, if you encounter a genie of the sacred butterfly, you must be careful, and don't start a conflict. If you continue this way, the sacred sacred priest will probably give birth to more Xuansheng."

"More than one San Xuan Sheng, you see the group of eight ancient saints of the Song Xuansheng cart. These ancient saints can let the Emperor Song Xuansheng put down the body to pull the cart, and certainly have an indescribable relationship and transaction with him. ”



Seven repairs the mouth of the Saint Jun twitching - MD, Song Xiaoyou's brain circuit today is more strange than ever. Even if he is the old predecessor of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group', he has experienced the baptism of the brain circuit jumps in countless times. This time he still can't understand the way of thinking of Song Shuhang's little friends.

Lingdie Shengjun listened to the surrounding arguments: "..."

He looked at the little sun behind the feathers, and stared at the illusory figure in the sun, and looked at Song Shuhang in the distance. Needless to say, the eyes of the masses are really bright, and the more you look at the sacred butterfly, the more you feel the image of Song Shuhang.

In the little sun projected by Yukoko, why is there a tyrant Song Xiaoyou?

Lingdie Shengjun whispered: "Yurouzi."

Yukoko: "Well?"

"How do you feel Song Xiaoyou?" Lingdie Shengjun tried to put his tone flat, his tone soft, and his face with a warm smile.

Yukoko did not hesitate to say: "The Song predecessors were very fun. Well, the things around him are also very fun. Every time you follow him, you can encounter exciting things."

"Yes, Song Xiaoyou is really interesting." Lingdie Shengjun smiled and said: "However, he is too young, not mature enough, not stable enough."

"It’s not fun to be mature and stable, and I can’t play with me.” Yukoko smiled.

The smile of Lingdie Saint Jun’s mouth is getting more and more brilliant: “Yes, yes, he is really suitable to be your good friend. However, in the future, you need to find a mature and stable man who can shelter you from the wind and rain, so you The eyes must be further away. The need to play and the future must be clearly distinguished."

My daughter, be so cute forever. Even if one day, she really wants to leave this home, there must be a mature and stable man, sheltering her from the wind and rain, so that she can keep this precious innocence, no trouble in her life.

My daughter will always be my pride.

Yukoko heard the words and looked at the sacred butterfly with amazement: "Auntie, do you mean that I have to find another father for myself?"

Lingdie Shengjun: "..."

"No, Auntie. I only need to have an aunt. It doesn't need to have a dad." Yukoko said with a quiet voice: "Don't worry, Auntie. I didn't look for Dad. You don't have to think about ideas."

Lingdie Shengjun: "???"

What is the ghost behind Dad?

After the daughter went out, the brain circuit became even more curious. I can't keep up with the rhythm of her brain, what should I do? How can I answer my daughter's question?



On the opposite side, Sheng Sheng looked at Song Shuhang, who was far and near, and his face was completely serious.

The first holy millennium... is a super troublesome existence.

Regardless of his strength, it is possible to prove his ability and speciality by three times.

There is also a ‘Ancient Saint’ in the car behind him.

The thirty-five ancient saints standing in the row and their seals have brought tremendous psychological pressure.

Although the sacred priests can feel the vagueness, these thirty ancient sacred priests should have problems. But these thirty ancient saints were guarded by the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred city, and the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Then assume that two-thirds of the thirty-three ancient holy ones have problems.

There are still about 10 ancient holy things left.

Is this still playing a fart?

He is just alone, and the opposite of Xuan Sheng is a car pulled over. Even if he is covered in steel, can he still play ten?

You are really not so confident.

So, what should I do?

Qi Shengjun is now a bit of a dilemma. Positive wins are too small; say a few words, take a step first? Or do you mean a few tricks to go? Or, is it a peaceful competition?

"I didn't expect that even the tyrant Song Xuansheng is also on your side." He Shengjun calmly, his eyes slightly shifted, did not touch Song Shuhang's eyes, so as not to be pregnant.

However, he used a piece of instrument to monitor the status of Song Shuhang at any time.

Once the other party wants to launch a 'pregnancy gaze', he can avoid it for the first time. After all, once the pregnancy gaze is launched, it cannot be avoided. Only before the launch, the pre-judgment of the tyrant Song Xuansheng, so dodge!

The Seventh Renovation of the Holy King calmly said: "After all, we are all just new Xuansheng. We want to compete with our predecessors for the ‘Scorpio’ and have to hold the group. Therefore, I will cooperate with the Emperor Xuansheng.”

"I don't fight for the Scorpio, don't count me into it." The demon dreams of the sacred monk screamed at the corner: "However, I am very interested in Ba Song Xuan Sheng."

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Then, we will rely on our own skills." 棣 圣君 calmly said: "This day, whoever grabs it. Scorpio is just the beginning, there are more things below that are worth getting everyone to get. You don't want to be in 'Scorpio' Are you exhausted by the competition?"

Everyone is Xuansheng, looking up and not seeing the head, there is no need to tear the face for a ‘Scorpio’.

Lingdie Shengjun: "Peace competition? I agree."

"I also agree, relying on the means. But... how can this 'grab" be determined?" The seven-sacred saint reached out and held the nine-knife phoenix knife: "Only put the 'Scorpio' in the hand? Or will Scorpio' loaded into your own 法 法 法 法 法?"

That beautiful American heaven and earth: "Oh!"

"So, who will first load it into the Qiankun implement, even if it is, how?" Demon dream Saint Jun proposed: "Because it is difficult to judge only in the hands. I will be the referee."

"I agree." 棣 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长what."

"If you are a bald state, I can consider taking care of you." The demon dream of the sacred monk stunned his lips: "In addition, everyone, as long as they think they have the ability, are interested in 'Scorpio', It can be done by any means. No matter who you are, you just need to put 'Scorpio' into your own 法 法 法 法."

"Demon dreams are really ... will play." Qi Shengjun smiled bitterly.

"This day, it’s not for us. There are people in the place who have the qualification to **** it." The demon dreams lie on his golden sea. As an ancient witch, her character is unpredictable.

However, if you grab the ‘Scorpio’, you will have to put it into the 乾 法 法 法 法 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Look like it, there are hidden friends." Seven repairs the holy road, he suddenly shot in the speech, nine repair Phoenix knife out.

The flames turned into a phoenix that covered the sky, and slammed into the heavenly man Xuansheng and the heavenly camp below her.

"Is this the beginning?" Song Shuhang looked up at the sacred priest: "Predecessors, offended!"

His left eye flashed a strange light.

"Day." Yu Shengjun quickly avoided.