MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1796 My theory has finally succeeded.

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For a moment, Song Shuhang almost thought that he had failed the "Language" and missed the second word.

He repeatedly stared at the name in his address book list, which is ‘the most settled.’ Yes, the most two words he really knows. Even if he is embarrassed again, he will not read ‘Yue’ as 'Day’.

Is it the wrong track number in my address book?

Not right... I used to pronounce the name several times, and I was happy several times, thinking that I remembered his track number.

Therefore, Song Shuhang looked up at the layman, his eyes filled with pity.

居士: "???"

"Hey-monthly predecessors, my "Thirty-three beasts first qigong" directly refers to the nine products to rob the fairy realm, do you want to consider changing a practice to practice?" Song Shu Channel.

The exercises of the predecessors of the Japanese dominance continue to cultivate, and the pills of life. As the cultivation is becoming more and more sophisticated, the predecessors have changed from small transparency to large transparency, and the degree of transparency is getting higher and higher. When he is successful, perhaps he will be completely forgotten...

"Drunken day, it is drunken day." Ju Shixin sighed and said: "Forget it, don't talk about this topic, let's talk about the topic just now. Do you want to use this "Shen Bing Ji Jian" in your hand? "Is it all right? I was still hesitant to gather a piece of work that only has the upper and lower volumes, and see if there will be any special changes."

The opportunity for the choice of treasures has not been used. If Song Shuhang wants to collect the "Shen Bing Ji Jian", he can take the volume of the "Shen Bing Qi Jian" for Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang thought a little: "Alright, the scrolls are all in hand, and the scrolls are collected and tried."

This is the case with people. The scroll of a certain treasure is in hand. If it happens to meet the middle volume, the mind will have the mind to get the middle volume.

"I will help you." Ju Shidao, after he strolled around, he found that there was a lot of things he wanted... but he wanted too many things, but he didn't know which one to order.

"Predecessors wait, I will do an experiment." Song Shuhang hurried.

Then he thought of a move.

A tall and tall ‘天人’ was transferred from the core world.

This is the six-person Tianren who was captured by Song Shuhang last time. He originally wanted to change him into a reward... But after half a day of tossing up, the most important six-person Tianren has forgotten to change into a reward. In the core world of Song Shuhang.

The six-person Tianren is in a state of weakness at this time, and his physical injury has basically recovered. He is unable to move. After being transferred from the core world, it slammed Song Shuhang.

In order to be on the safe side, Song Shuhang summoned the ‘invisible knife 蛊’, and took a knife to the waist of the six-person heavenly man, injecting numbness and poison.

"In theory, it is the realm of six products. It is also qualified to take a treasure from this ‘the throne of the throne.” Song Shuhang reached out and pointed at the six-person heavenly person, waving a little.

In the next moment, the body of the Six Pinnacles seemed to be pulled by the shackles, and climbed stiffly from the ground.

"Dining?" asked the layman on the side.

In the last days, the squirrels of the sacred squirrels in the world were related to ‘念力’, and it was a new way of using ‘念力’.

Many practitioners in the heavens and the world are trying to cultivate, but the time is still short. At present, no one can cultivate the ‘special mindfulness’ in the ancient magical demon. And... After starting to cultivate according to the method of dyeing the ancient demon, it was discovered that this 'special mindfulness' is not something that everyone can cultivate.

Moreover, even if you cultivate your mind, many people's ‘thinking’ attacks are not as practical as ordinary spells.

Some people suspect that the 'special mindfulness' of the ancient demon should be tailored for some special people or for the 'nine secluded creatures'.

It seems that the book air friend is particularly suitable for the cultivation of this 'special mind power'? Therefore, this special power can be cultivated successfully in a short time.

"Yes, it is the power of mind." Song Shuhang reached out and picked up the invisible mind to control the body of the six-person Tianren, close to the volume of the "Shen Bing Qi Jian".

【what? Do you want to choose this volume of exercises? The treasures chosen by the first holy millennium must be of high value? 】 Near, there are two six-practice practitioners in the heart.

If...they took the first step from the method of taking this volume, would this practice be returned to them?

But this thought, just emerging, was annihilated by themselves.

Because this is ‘the tyrannical sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priest’ Maybe the air in the same room as he breathes will be pregnant with the terrible existence of twins. A few of the six products really hold their breath and turn into the internal mode.

Song Shuhang did not notice the change in the expression of the practitioners on the side.

He used his power to control the six-person heavenly man to get close to the volume of the "Shen Qi Ji Jian" and reached out to grab it.

Then, Liu Pintian took a hand and successfully removed the middle roll.


My theory has finally succeeded in practice.

"Hey, this is a good way." Song Shuhang reached out and took over the volume of "Shen Bing Ji Jian", then transferred the six-person Tianren into the 'Winter Hall': "Predecessors, if there is a chance, we go Grab the heavens and catch the living. Then I control the angels and I can take more treasures."

"Good idea, I have caught a few heavenly people, but I did not bring it into the throne of the throne, but I also closed it outside. I will take them out in a while." The layman said, and the voice was secreted to Jiuzhou. Member of the group '.

The living heaven is worth more than the dead.

"Predecessors have seen the next volume of "Shen Bing Ji Jian"?" Song Shuhang put the roll and the middle roll together and asked.

Gu Shi shook his head: "I walked from the 1st floor to the 7th floor, no impression. It is estimated that it should be above 8 layers." When the layman said it, it would be good.

Because there is no ‘Long Yin’ on his body, there is no ‘Old Holy Name’, so he can’t go up on the eighth floor.

However, when he was blocked by the eighth floor, there was still a trace of ecstasy in his heart, which represented the rule of the throne of the throne, and did not ignore him!

"The predecessor, I went to the eighth floor." Song Shuhang waved two brochures.

Although his chances of 8 products were wasted, he was a lot of people.

Gongde snake beauty, creation fairy, Xiaoyinzhu, Chugezhu, turtle predecessors, and even invisible knives have already become human, and maybe even a quota...

Not to mention the 8th floor, there are turtles and Chuge masters, 9th floor can also go up and see.

As a result, Song Shuhang’s figure jumped hard and leaped to the top of the throne.

After a few jumps, he crossed the 7th floor and fell to the eighth floor.

Then he slammed hard and jumped to the seven-sacred priest who stood at the top of the eighth floor.

"Not good... It’s too fierce." In the air, Song Shuhang called.