MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1860 But it doesn't matter, I have money.

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When this thought just floated in his mind, Song Shuhang was pressed to the bottom of his heart for the first time.

This kind of thing can not become a hobby.

In fact, every time he is jealous, he is accidental, passive, and sometimes even inexplicable. He rarely has a real time to take the initiative. In this matter related to his own life, he still has a lot of heart.

Moreover, the shadow predecessors know that 'there are no emperors,' and they do not mean that they are a group. Maybe it’s just the shadows that the predecessors used to be the guests of the Emperor?

Can't you put him to the enemy because the shadows of the predecessors have eaten the sacred feast of the emperor?

This logic is almost pitted.

The ordinary people who eat buns are innocent.

In addition, the shadow predecessor is a guest who introduced ‘what can sell big 佬’, and if you swear, you will definitely be blacklisted by ‘what can sell big 佬’.

There are still many times in the future and the ‘what can sell big 佬’ transaction, and it cannot be lost because of small.

Therefore, Song Shuhang quickly took up his thoughts.

"Little friends, have you improved the formula of 'red-hot robbery'?" At this moment, the voice of the person in the shadows sounded again.

Song Shuhang nodded: "It can't be said that it is improvement. It can only be said to be an accident. In the first process, we added 'Scorpio'. Then, in order to make the ingredients more delicious and taste better, I tried a unique secret method. ”

"Very good. If you want me to give you the score of 'Red Burning Day', I can give you a shot of 80. Compared with the 'Red Burning Day' I have eaten, your skill in the kitchen is far worse. In this respect, it affects the deliciousness of 'red braised rice robbers'. But adding Tianzhu and your promotion of the taste of the ingredients, and adding a lot to this 'red-burning robbery'." The shadows people praised: "this road" Braised red robbery 'I confessed, fully qualified. However, Xiaodaoyou has room for improvement in your kitchen technology, I hope that you can taste at least 95 points in the next time. I declare that I am eating this. Very picky."

"Thank you for your compliments." Song Shuhang smiled slightly.

This is the first time he has tried ‘仙厨’ and he has been recognized by his predecessors. Perhaps he is very talented in the project of “Fairy Kitchen”?

"Since it is a qualified work, our transaction is completed. So little friend, do you have anything you want?" asked the shadow.

During the speech, Song Shuhang only felt a kind of ‘壕气’.

The beauty of the meritorious snake is looking up, and there is a magnetic man voice in the mouth, reading the lines of the overbearing presidential TV series.

The make-up fairy pats on one side and beats the rhythm.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The atmosphere was completely destroyed.

"Hahaha, if you want stars, I can send you too." Shadow seniors laughed.

Song Shuhang waved again and again.

The stars took it to dry up and couldn’t get into the core world.

And if one day, his core world grows to the point where it can be sapped, he can pick up the stars himself.

"Please wait for the seniors to wait a moment, in fact, I do have what I want." Song Shudao.

After all, he turned to look at the turtle's predecessors, and passed the voice into the secret: "The turtles, you know?"

Turtle predecessors: "Wang Tian, ​​do you even let the 'Oriental Emperor' not let go?"

The home of the Southern Emperor was taken over. The ambition of this book was placed on the nest of the Emperor of the East.

"Sure enough, it is the palace fragment of the Eastern Emperor." Song Shuhang nodded silently.

Then, it is it!

"Predecessors, can I have some fragments of ancient heavens." Song Shudao.

"!!!" What goods have fairy eyes stunned Song Shuhang: "La black you, guest Song!"

"Fairy, don't misunderstand, I don't mean to hit the 'Oriental Spring Court' fragment in your hand. I am thinking, since it is fragmentation, it should be a lot. The fairies are only a few of which you have to collect and sell. What I want is the other pieces of 'Oriental Spring Pavilion'," Song Shuhang explained.

Everything has a fairy holding his chin and nodded: "It makes sense."

"Is the debris of the ancient Spring Court in the ancient heaven? I understand." The shadow predecessors nodded slightly.

Song Shuhang: "Is there a fragment in your hand?"

"No, in fact, I heard about it for the first time today. But it doesn't matter, I have money." Shadow seniors said.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The shadow predecessors said, and ‘what can sell big 佬’: “Daoyou, I want to buy a few pieces of ‘Oriental Spring Court’. When it’s time to check out with the task of ‘Red Burning Day’, how?”

"No problem." Anything can be sold. The true smile is the most like this kind of guest. I never bargain with people. As long as the transaction is delivered, no matter how many Lingshi, the other party will pay for it.

"Master, don't hit my shards of ideas!"

Everything can be sold and gently touched the disciple's head, smiling: "Today, Master will teach you another lesson, business is competitive."

"!!!" There are fairies in everything: "Breaking, we cut off the relationship between mentor and apprentice."

"Divisional apprenticeship, which is more important than the business?" Anything can be sold and smiled.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Lingshi can not only buy the smiles of the robbing fairy and the long-lived, but also make them turn against each other.

What goods have a slap in the face of a fairy.

At this time, everything can be sold and gently held down her head: "Just kidding, about the fragmentation of the 'Oriental Spring Court', I have a lot of channels to start with, even though you are going to complete your own trading."

"Then, the deal is done." The shadow seniors laughed and his huge body began to return to the door of space.

Before retracting, he suddenly threw a black cup toward Song Shuhang: "With this thing, you can summon me once. Next time, if you research more "day robbery menu" dishes, you can summon I. As long as I pass the exam, I will trade with you for the equivalent price. Is the next dish, "Smoked Hearts and Slices"?"

Black skin feather soft boy suddenly felt cold.

"The next dish, I haven't studied it yet. In fact, this day robbery menu, I just got it soon." Song Shuhang took the black cup and replied.

"Hahaha, look forward to our next meeting." The shadow seniors laughed and returned to the shadow world, disappearing without a trace.


After the shadows of the predecessors left, Tiantian Island returned to its original state.

The feast of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' officially opened.

With the affirmation of the shadow predecessors, Song Shuhang began to make the remaining ‘2 Jin 3’ thunders, all of which were cooked into “red robbery”.

Everything can sell big cockroaches and everything has a fairy, and was also left behind by Song Shuhang, and participated in this feast.

Eat people's mouth soft, as long as they have participated in the banquet, have eaten and drank together, next time you want to buy something, don't say how much discount, at least when you want to find him, it will be easier? Song Shuhang thinks so.

Braised day robbery + Black Dragon World Kunna's scented wine + fairy tea from the mysterious scattered fairy Taiwanese predecessors.

Everything is a rare treasure.

After three rounds of wine, I can sell everything and start to take out the ‘dish cuisine’ preserved by the longevity level from my private space. These delicacies have grown from ancient times to today. Everything can be sold as a dish of goods. Every way has a cooking skill that is not weaker than the other snow fairy.

Originally it was just a ‘day robbing feast,’ and it has now become a feast that is not weaker than the ‘food banquet’.

The banquet has been drinking late at night!

The members of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' who had been drinking a lot more had a deeper taste.

The sacred butterfly sacred monk sandwiched a piece of 'red braised robbing' and tasted it.

In addition to the bite that the predecessors said, the triple taste, when the braised robbers are swallowing, there will be an explosion-like taste. This is the original taste of the day!

The old man has lived for so many years, and for the first time, he knows that the robbery can also be eaten.

Lingdie Shengjun raised his glass and touched a cup with Huangshan Supreme.

This wine is also a good wine, a treasure of nine grades, and even higher grades.

Book Air Xiaoyou can get so many good things, it is really a bit unexpected. This kid is also a guy with a special airlift.

Unlike the air traffic of Bai Daoyou, Song Shuhang’s aerodynamics should be displayed on the ‘popular’.

"Hey? I am drinking too much." Lingdie Shengjun suddenly muttered.

He seems a bit dazzling.

Just as he passed by, he found three Yukoko.

Black skin Yuko was sitting beside him, and at the banquet scene, he saw two feathers flying around the crowd, rolling and laughing.

"Well, it seems that I really drink too much." Lingdie Shengjun mouth smiled, he was originally a middle-aged beautiful man, this smile, the charm is a bit bigger.

Some of Tiantian Island’s little girls were attracted by his smile and they all looked at it.

"Song predecessors, Song predecessors." At this time, the feather-soft boy wrapped in the sheet rolled to the front of Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang curiously asked: "What is it, Yukoko?"

Yukoko smiled and rolled to the side of the book on the side of the book. She was the first one, and she was on the thigh of the sixteenth: "I still want to see the meteor shower."

Song Shuhang: "..."

I am not omnipotent in my predecessor, Yukoko.

Thinking about it, Song Shuhang suddenly had a bright eye.

"Right." He looked to the side of the road: "Predecessors, can I buy a meteor shower? If I am a Lingshi, I will use the ‘Red Burning Day’ to pay off the debt?”

"Haha, don't have to pay the debt. Today I am in a good mood, free to send!" Anything can be sold.

Whenever there is a fairy who hears this, I know that Master has drunk too much.

Only in the case of drinking too much, Master will give away small items for free.

"Meteor shower, which angle do you want?" Anything can be sold out, and your hands are aimed at the sky.

Just at this time... There is a meteor shower in the sky, flashing from the sky, beautiful!


Today I turned to a very tender new book with very few words, but I can't help but recommend a new book, The Sword of Dawn, which I believe is worth having.