MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 2045 Closed eyes have become a luxury

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The first stop of the Golden Moon Trial.

It’s hard to get rid of a lot of ‘class devil’ monsters.

The beasts who participated in the trial also lost a lot of members - those poor guys, who were sucked by the monsters, and the skinny skinny, the miserable look like the people squeezed by the capitalists, so that the hearers shed tears.

I have not been able to recover for three or five months.

In the middle of the giant tree, these losers were rolled back into the cabin.

After all the monsters were killed, the giant tree pulled out its body from the golden moon. In a rumble of sound, it set off to return to the position of the "Galshan" in the beastly world, and took away all the way. loser.

All the trials were relieved.



"Next, go to the next stop." A tall, horned female beast repaired the channel.

For most of the beasts who participated in the trial, the next stop is the most important stop.

Although the land of trials in the holy mountain of Gard, the final biography of the sacred dragon power is hidden.

But not every goal that enters the ‘trial of the trial’ is directed at this ‘final inheritance’.

The goal of most of the five and six members is the next stop of the 'Golden Month Trial' - the recognition of the 'Dragons'. Let your "Sacred Dragon Power" enter a state of perfection, add a dragon tattoo on the projection of the Holy Grail.

In the future, after they are promoted to seven products, eight products, and nine products, they will once again be eligible to enter the ‘Galshan Mountain Trial’. At that time, it was when they went after the ‘final inheritance master’.

"In other words, I saw that the predecessors of Bai and Song and Bai Sheng had already traveled to the next stop. I don't know if they passed the acknowledgment of the ‘Dragon'.” A unicorn repaired the channel.

Members of the animal husbandry community are both in love and fearful of the hegemony.

I don’t have to say anything about what I am afraid of. I love that he has brought the treatment and treatment of nine sinister sinister infections to the animal husbandry community. Even the tyrannical Xuansheng is an expert in the treatment of ‘nine sinister energy’ infection.

Among the trial tempers, one member has relatives and friends, and indirectly or directly received the grace of the tyrants.

"In general, I still hope that the predecessors of the Song Dynasty can successfully pass the recognition of the dragon, and it is best that he has already entered the next stop." The tall horned female animal monk.

Because of the grace of the predecessors of the hegemony, everyone did not want to defeat the predecessors of the Song Dynasty.

In addition, everyone hopes that they will not encounter the predecessors of the tyrants during the trial.

——So the tyrannical sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

"With the strength of the predecessors of the tyrants, we must be sure that we have more than one street." There is a snake scale beast repairing haha ​​and laughing: "Maybe he has already entered several stations. To be honest, we don't have to worry about him at all."

The unicorn repair also smiled and said: "Yes, we are a group of six or seven people who are worried about the eight-class tyrant Song Xuansheng predecessors. It is really unnecessary."

In the crowd, Su Shi’s mouth was raised and he did not speak. He just listened to the beasts on the side and praised Song Shuhang.



Because of the first stop of the Golden Moon, the monsters jumped out of the shadows and attacked. So when I went to the second stop, most of the trials chose to organize the group and they also had a photo of each other.

Soon after, the first batch of trials arrived at the second station.

"Come on!" The snake scales repaired the channel.

"Be careful, there is a shadow beast in front!" A black-haired beast repairs.

I saw that at the edge of the second stop of the trial, a dog-shaded beast was tied to a thin branch.

The shadowed beast of this dog was lifted, and looked at the trialer with anger, then closed his eyes and squatted on the ground to put the dog.

“Why is there a shadow beast in the second wave of trials?” There is a beast repairing his brow.

These shadow beasts can sneak in the shadows. The attack method is very different and it is hard to prevent. They are so hard to kill a group, but they don’t want to make another wave in a short time.

"I am going to kill this shadow beast." The snake scales monk.

At this time, the shofar female beast rushed out of the air: "Wait, don't be impulsive. I remember that the tyrants and seniors took a dog-shaped shadow beast when they left the first stop. It is probably a predecessor of the Song Dynasty. The spoils."

"Indeed, I also remember that the predecessors of the Pa-Songs had tossed a dog-like shadow beast."

"But why are the dogs of the predecessors of the Song Dynasty tied here? Is it the predecessor of the Song Dynasty who has not passed the second level of trial?"

"I didn't see the figure of the predecessors of the tyrants in the vicinity, he...will not fail?"

"With the strength of the predecessors of the tyrants, there is no reason to fail. Perhaps the predecessors of the tyrannical Songs first put the shadow beast here, and they rushed to the next stop?"

"We bypass this shadow beast."

Thus, the first batch of nine-person group animal repairs bypassed the dog-shaped shadow beast and entered the second station range.

When their feet stepped into the second station, they felt like a spin.

Then, nine people were split into nine directions.

[Space power? 】

The nine beasts were shocked and took the defensive posture for the first time.

At this time, there is a noise when the microphone is tuned, and it sounds in their ears.

"Welcome to the second stop of the Golden Moon Trial. Here, you will accept the most rigorous trials. The winners will receive the dragon's recognition and receive the dragon's blessing. The loser will fall into desperate hell, never forever. Reincarnation." A gentle woman's voice rang in the ears of everyone.

Using the language of the animal husbandry, there is no obstacle to communication.

Nine beast repairers, swallowed.

"Ready? I will give you ten seconds, concentrate your spirits, broaden your eyes, hold up your defenses, accept the most rigorous trials and blows!"

Nine beasts are repaired and their mental power is highly concentrated.

The "Sacred Dragon Power" was completely activated by the trials, and various defensive measures emerged.

Their eyes are staring at the front.

at this time……

Suddenly, a familiar figure that makes the beasts respectful, loving, and scared appears in the sight of everyone.

After the figure appeared, a pair of deep scorpions shimmered.

"What is love?"

"What is filial piety?"

"Do you know the greatness of maternal love?"

Among the pair of scorpions, there is a terrible light that flashes.

Because the nine beasts are highly concentrated in their mentality, the eyes are huge, and they are firmly staring at the front, causing them to have no room to escape.

Even closing your eyes has become a luxury!

There is no way out.

"Hege... tyrant... Song..."

Nine beasts screamed and the mentality suddenly collapsed.

They thought about the possible options for thousands of trials.

I have thought of a lot of cruel trials and oppression.

But they did not expect that the tyrannical Xuansheng will ambush here.

Why did the predecessors of the Song Dynasty as part of the trials become part of the trial?