MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 2047 I can’t help but laugh loudly.

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If this scream is really a book, then the book is still in the second station trial? Moreover, to what extent is the trial, can Song Shuhang be so miserable?

Su Shi’s A-16 smashed his eyebrows – the intuition told her that there might be a problem with this scream.

The female beast in the team asked for a weak voice: "Carousel brother, are we going in?"

“Wait a minute.” The turntable Taoist handed out the team to sit down and rest for a while, recharge the batteries, and prompted: “Let’s sit down and understand the situation. According to my experience, Jinlong’s second stop, Shenlong, Every time we change the rules of the trial. We wait for other trials to enter the battlefield, secretly observe and get intelligence."

This is a very sensible practice, and many trials hold the same thoughts as the turntable Taoist.

It's a pity - it's all in the calculation of the white director.

When the group of turntables had just sat down for about twenty seconds, there was a gentle woman voice from the trial area, which was directly transmitted to their ears: "The second stop of the Golden Moon Trial, here, You will accept the most rigorous trials. The winners will receive the recognition of the dragon and receive the blessing of the dragon. The loser will fall into the desperate **** and never reincarnate!"

The turntable is a glimpse.

We have not yet entered the second stop trial?

The next moment, the group of turntables felt a whirlwind.

It is space power, and they are directly involved in trials.

This kind of scheme directly cuts off the chances of the testers to 'explore intelligence' through observation.

"Miao yeah." The dragon's paws grasped the small books and recorded them quickly.

"Hey? It’s A XVI. She came in with the turntable Taoist team." On the side, Bai Long’s sister screamed. From the second batch of trials, she hit the figure of A.16.

"Sixteen?" Song Shuhang, who was screaming in the ‘flat ground blasting crater’, jumped from the pit and was no longer screaming and full of energy.

Then, he first used the ‘Exploration Officer’ privilege to bring together the members of the A-16 squad who were about to be broken up.

The other trials of the second batch were all dispersed according to the head.

Only the sixteen squad, was concentrated in a coordinate landing.

Shenlong grabbed his chin with his claws and finally acquiesced in the operation of Song Shuhang, and at the same time it showed a thick smile.



The turntable stunned the head and recovered from the stun of the space.

"Where is this place." His disciple and the young beast repaired his voice.

The turntable Taoist replied: "This is the second stop of the Golden Moon Trial. As long as you can pass the trial, you will be able to get the dragon's blessing like me, and gather the dragon pattern on the holy scorpion. Be careful, this one The trial of the second station is not the same."

The turntable Taoist is already a seven-character. He entered the ‘Galshan Mountain Trial’ in the Sixth Realm and received the blessing of the Dragon. Now that he has reached the realm of His Holiness, he once again entered the Holy Mountain to comprehend the general masterpiece of the "Sacred Dragon Power".

While talking, a gentle woman's voice rang again.

It is still a reminder of the pit people, so that all the beasts have their eyes fixed and their spirits are staring straight ahead.

[This voice, how do you listen to the voice of the Chuge master? 】 Su Shi A-16 heart in the dark.

Just as she thought about it, Song Shuhang’s voice rang in the ear of the 16th squad: “Through the question, it’s full of questions. Ready for the visual impact 'pregnancy gaze' picture. But don’t worry, it’s just a phantom, bold, Don't worry."

The turntable Taoist turned his head and looked around: "I just heard the voice of the predecessors of the Song Dynasty?"

At the same time, when the other trials gathered their spirits and stared at the front...

The phantom of Song Shuhang appeared in front of all the testers, and the deep eyes conveyed the greatness of maternal love to all living beings.

"Hege... lord Song?"

In an instant, the exclamations of the trials were one after another.

The sixteen squad, because of the reminder of Song Shuhang, although somewhat surprised, but no panic.

"The tyrants of the Song Dynasty? Why is it here?" asked the young beast.

"This is just the illusion of the predecessors of the Song Dynasty, but as a predecessor of the Song Dynasty, why did it become part of the trial?" The turntable Taoist frowned.

"Even if you already know it is a phantom..." The female beast in the team trembled and touched the pill bottle and poured out two swallows. She suffers from ‘the sequela of the sect of the sect of the Song Dynasty. Even though she knows it is a phantom, she still can’t help but fall ill.

“Is it just the predecessors of the tyrants who are reminding us?” asked the young animal repair.

During the conversation, all the people in the team turned their heads to look at the Soviet Union.

When I think about it, it seems that only the reasons why A-16 and the predecessors of the Song Dynasty met each other?

So, is this a back door? Official help cheating?


"Miao, my inspiration has come from all the way." Shenlong quickly recorded in his notebook, and copied the scream of Song Shuhang’s cheating.

As long as there is a 'hint', the trials will let go of their minds and even dare to face the illusion of the tyrants. Then, if it is time to change the phantom of the tyrant Song Xiaoyou into other trials?

At the moment when the trialers relax their minds, will it be particularly effective if they add heavy and terrible trials to them?

It’s awesome to pull the tyrant Song Xiaoyou to work as a temporary worker this time.

"The next step is the second part of the trial? When is the time to fall on the ground, how can the water drop?" Bai Long sister out of the channel.

The first part can also be secretly reminded that the scope of the second link ‘flat ground explosion is too late to escape.

"It will wait and see." Shenlong once again showed a thick smile.



The ground-breaking explosion trial began.

The second-point testers were sent together in a centralized manner. The first batch of trials were sent to the third link, the nightmare of Ba Song Xuansheng.

The Soviet Union’s 16th squad team and other testers met again.

[What will be the trial of this game? Do you want to give us a hint again? 】 The turntable is in the hearts of the people.

Just thinking about it, Song Shuhang’s true body appeared in front of everyone.

Song Shuhang looked at A XVI and smiled slightly.

This time he did not have a voice reminder.

Then he took a step, one step, two steps, three steps... four steps...

The white guide did not follow the routine.

The last time was a three-step explosion, and this time it was the fourth step.

Song Shuhang took a deep breath and took another step.

After the sixth step, he felt his feet slip.


Song Shuhang reached out and grabbed his head and threw it away at the Soviet Union.

The magic flies.

Hum ~~

The wooden body fell to the ground, and the power of the explosion enveloped all members.

At the same time, Song Shuhang's head long hair grabbed A XVI, using the authority of the trial officer, breaking the enchantment of the 'no-empty' - with her rising to the sky.

The dragon in the background, once again smiled.