MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 3079 So, Tianhe Su is actually an alien?

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Compared with the previous Taoism, the fifth Taoism is indeed a relatively low-key one.

Her Jiuyou Master has not bounced around, and she does not even know if her Jiuyou Master is still there ... her Tao has never appeared, and legends about her are even rarer. Even the few "Tiandao Relics" that she died were collected and studied by the former Tiandao Fat Ball, and they were not left on the earth.

Because of this, Song Shuhang did not have the opportunity to contact her. Song Shuhang came into contact with the ‘traces of heaven’ in the past. One was dominated by Jiuyou, and the other was through Tao.

"In the end, did you still choose not to fuse all the" little sixteen "?" Su Shi shielding the fairy and looked up at Su Shiliu and asked, "Why did you choose to leave all the" little sixteen "in the end? Personality? "

Su Shiliu blinked, and she remembered all the answers from Xiaoliu when she exchanged, and said, "Adults?"

Sister Bai Long: "..."

Su blocked the fairy: "???"

"Maybe it's because I feel that every 'little sixteen' is me, so I can't stop it?" Su Shiliushi replied, "Furthermore, a hundred 'little sixteen' with different personalities are very interesting. I occupy a 'right' position, and I want to keep them. "

The reason why human beings are human is because human beings have feelings and not only survive by instinct.

Su shields the fairy and pinches her chin: "So, this is the adult taste?"

Su Shiliu: "..."

Does the ancestor incarnation have ‘Internet Delay’? I always feel like the response is slow.

"Get ready, I'll take you to Su's ancestor to see the relics of the fifth day." Su shielded the fairy and smiled and groaned.

"Ancestral Star?"

Sounds like a planet?

And the name of the ancestor, literally, is the origin planet of Su's?

We Tianhe Su are aliens?

Then the subject matter of the encounter and training between me and Shu Hang is actually not the urban cultivation category, but the friendship story between aliens and earth people in the science fiction love classification?

Su's shielding fairy looked at the vivid expression of Su's Shiliu: "..."

Was it infected by Song Xiaoyou?

What's more, this jumping thinking mode always feels like a kind of virus that has been passed down from one source to another.

"Are you ready?" Su's shield fairy reminded with a soft voice.

Su Shiliushi reached out and surrounded Sister Bai Long and asked, "Ready, ancestor. Can I take Sister Bai Long over?"

"Nothing. You and Jinlong Fairy are currently in a coexisting relationship. There is no reason to leave her." Su's shielded fairy said softly.

In other words, Su shielded the fairy from reaching out in the void.

A miniature rainbow bridge shaped in her palm.

After a while, the miniature rainbow bridge turned into a light curtain, and one end fell in front of Su Shiliu, covering her. The other end runs through the starry sky of the universe, and even breaks through the heavens and heavens, and directly leads to a star field of other 'skys and heavens', connecting the two starry sky.

The rainbow bridge's light was too bright, and members of the entire Tianhe Su family were shaken.

"What's going on? Why is there a bright light in the shrine?"

"Is it space fluctuations? Did Jiu Pin Jie Xian break in?"

"Who scatters wild in our Suhe Temple in Tianhe?"

"Go and tie the ancestors!"

Doing things in other people's family ancestral halls, if you can't make trouble, it is a life and death feud!

Su Shiliu: "..."

She quietly returned to Tianhe Su's family. As a result, the ancestors made such a large lineup.

[Don't panic. 】 At this time, Su's knot tied the ancestor's voice, covering the entire Tianhe Su clan: [It was the opportunity of Xiaoliu 16 and she led the ancestor's incarnation. The bright light is the rainbow bridge leading to Su's ancestor. After the light passes, send someone to organize the shrine. 】

Su's knotting his ancestor's voice suddenly settled the entire Tianhe Su's members.

"Sixteen have new opportunities?"

"Will it have something to do with Ba Song? At the beginning of the year, Ba Song left Xiaoliu with him. Now when Xiaoliu returns, he has activated a new opportunity.

"Did Naha Song come here?"

"You said, my little sixteen **** came back mysteriously, would [m] be pregnant?"

The reason for such a bold guess is that Su's digital fairies seem to have such a tradition. When they encounter the surname Song, there will always be some accidents. Among the Su's fairy tales in the past, more than one had an emotional entanglement with the surname Song.

"Don't make trouble, Dasong Song is a veteran of elders. It doesn't have this function."

Su Shili, who was in the shrine, heard some communication and his cheeks became hot because of his great hearing.

Among the disciples of Tianhe Su Family, in fact, they didn't know Song Shuhang deeply. Most of them thought that Song Shuhang was an ‘old-fashioned elder’, as in the rumors of heaven and earth.

"Ancestral, let's go." Su Shiliushi said with some guilty conscience.

Su Shi shields the fairy from seeing her guilty conscience. If you think about it next time, do you want to set a new rule in Su? Any Su figure who repairs a fairy will encounter the guy with the last name Song and report back Let the elders in the clan help look at it?

Forget it, what is the young woman's perception?

"Let's go ~" Su Shi shielded the fairy softly.

The light of the Rainbow Bridge is in full bloom again, pulling Su Shiliu through the starry sky, and instantly transferred from Tianhe Su Shi's clan to the endless starry sky.

After the disappearance of Su Shiliu, the light of the Rainbow Bridge did not spread.

Behind ...

The self-dead lord Ben, who has been keeping the appearance of "transparency" for a moment, hesitates to keep up.

[Ba Song Daoyou, what are you waiting for? ] The gentle voice of Su's shield fairy sounded in her ear.

"Well? Fairy, do you notice me?" A faint touch came from the corpse's heart.

In a small transparent state, he was all noticed, and maybe there was a salvation in the vein of the fish.

[You are really nearby. ] Su's shielding the fairy channel.

She just scammed a word at random just to see if Su Shiliu 16 came quietly, would the Song Song Dayou follow him.

What she manifested in the shrine was just an avatar, which was not as powerful as the body. If Ba Song sneaked in, her avatar could not be sensed.

After a scam, she was actually answered.

My corpse: "..."

Su's shielding the fairy, what about the trust between people?

[Now come, come together. Stepping on the Rainbow Bridge, I will take you to Su Zuzuxing. ] Su's shielding the Fairy Road.

I thought for a moment, and said, "So, Tianhe Su is actually an alien?"

Su blocked the fairy: "..."

Sure enough, you must be infected with the same virus, and the brain circuit bungee jumping is exactly the same!