MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 689 The second battalion commander, my shield?

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A full sixteen-second shot, ‘A few months in the moon,’ a friend in the role of [Evil will be the moon], incorporates his true feelings!

‘When the movie is playing, everyone will notice me? The superintendent of the evil world, the most powerful existence of the opposing characters in the appearance. On the occasion of the moon, the momentum of the Taoist friends climbed.

Come on, drop friends. Let us jointly perform the highest level of fighting in this movie!

‘There are some friends in the moonlight, and the best among the six products are the ones in the ‘Jiuzhou No.1 Group’, who hope to be promoted to the seven-pronged person in a hundred years.

‘Falling the True King’ is also the Sixth Zhenjun. Although there is still a long way to go from the realm of ‘Seven Masters,’ he has learned a lot and has excellent combat effectiveness.

The battle between these two true kings, even if only in acting, will definitely be wonderful.



The "No Man" who plays the role of the dust is the sword, the sword refers to the demon: "There is a veteran, you can't think of passing here!"

"Old guy, the tone is quite big, this superintendent can kill you within ten strokes. Small people, don't bother with this old guy, go after the disciples of the empty cloud pie!" [Flaw will be bright moon] cold and cold, he mentioned the giant Sword, lift the giant sword high.

Taking advantage of the two real kings, the evil spirits of the nine worlds are killed by the escaped secret path in the distance.

In fact, they don't want to chase the secret passage in their hearts... The nine sects of the three products have little wisdom, but the wisdom of the four-grade level is not weak.

They clearly feel that the secret road is not a good place.

And compared to chasing the monks in the secret passages who are arbitrarily arrogant, there are a large group of low-ranking monks on the nearby side, which seems to be more worthy of shots!

However, the nine sinisters have no chance to choose.

Whenever a demon wants to leave the team and attack the onlookers of the low-ranking monks on the side, the very beautiful female practitioner will shoot, and she will reach out and grab the demon from the team and throw it back into the team. in.

After losing two or three times repeatedly, the beautiful female practitioner simply cast a spell, and the spells concealed the low-level monks onlookers.

Later, the beautiful female repairer threw a group of powdered things into the ranks of the nine sinister demons.

The powder spreads out... It was originally able to maintain the ‘thinking’ of the four-nine-nine ecstasy, and both eyes were red, screaming and killing the secret road.



"The obstacles, I want to leave!" The "Nuwei Dao" played by the dusty princes sighed and slammed the sword. A sword of nearly a hundred feet high was taken out by him, and he went to the nine sinister demons.

"Old guy, your opponent is me!" When the moon was played by a friend of the moon, the evil spirits of the moon were also screamed, and the giant sword in the hand was thrown out. It was also a hundred-foot-long sword, and [inaction] The sword gas hits together.


The sword gas collides and cancels each other.

At this time, those nine evil spirits have successfully crossed the ‘inaction,’ and killed the secret road.

The dust is really taking a deep breath, and in his mouth, there is blood overflowing... According to the plot, he plays the "inaction" as a monk with no life, and each time he launches an attack, he will bear the old body. Enormous pressure.

His gaze is firmly looking toward [the evil will be the moon].



When the moon is bright, the friends now feel great. From the beginning of this battle between the two sides, the camera lens has been facing him and the dust.

The lens is facing him, which represents a strong sense of existence.

Therefore, in this battle, he must perform at a high level! At least it’s better than the fight between Bai Zun and Song Shuhang’s friends at the beginning of the movie.

"Old guy, eat me a sword!" When there was a friend in the moon, he dragged the giant sword and ran wildly. The sword is on the sword!

[Innocent] Removes the blood from the corner of his mouth. He has no defense. He chose to attack and attack! He also ran wildly, and the sword pointed to [the evil will be the moon].

The swords of the two great monarchies broke out, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.



Both sides sipped at the same time.

The giant sword is waving, and it will drop ten times!

The sword is fast, but it won't break!

Jianguang flashed, [Innocent Taoist] and [Xie will Mingyue] passed by.



After the half interest.

叮 ~ evil will be the head of the moon on the head of the moon was smashed into two halves, falling to the ground, long hair flying with the wind.

And behind him, [innocent] spurted blood and crashed into the ground...

The evil will close the huge sword in the cold moon: "Old guy, you are too old. Your ending has been doomed to die only from the beginning."

Throughout the battle process, it is a high-end battle.

But why is it a spike!

‘When is the moon, there’s a singer’s heart in the roar, according to the script, he and the [inaction] have to have a wonderful battle, right? Why is [innocent] a trick to be his second?

Can't you fight with him for three hundred rounds, and then he will be killed by him?

It’s not that [Stop Fight] isn’t exciting, but ‘What time is it in the moon?’ The friend wants to play time. Although a trick is cool, but the whole battle is dozens of seconds, how does the audience of the movie remember him?

At the end of the war, the camera lens is ready to move to the next scene.

The rest of the time, at the very least, can only let ‘a few months when there is a friend’s po color, and it will end.

The ‘wonderful’ wave of ss battles, the whole process adds up, and there is only a shot that is less than a minute.

When a friend of the moon was already looking for a toilet, he was ready to cry in the toilet.


[Inaction for the Taoist] and [The evil will be the moon] the end of the battle.

The predecessors of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' who had been carrying corpses on the ground all climbed from the ground.

The Beihe Sanren assisted the pharmacist and began to deal with the corpse of the 'Nine Monsters' on the ground. Although the bodies of these nine sinisters are only 3 or 4, they win in a sufficient number.

It is also a considerable asset to get together.

If you hand it over to the pharmacist, you can give the Friend of the Jiuzhou No.1 Group and the subordinates of the Lingdie Supreme each of them as a souvenir.

The rest of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' predecessors protected the film director of Jacob, went to the secret road, and photographed the next story.

And the dusty Zhenjun, the ancient lake Guanzhenjun, and the tyrants of the tyrants, the three monarchs, got up and went to the ‘restaurant’, and helped the public lords to dispose of the nine sinister demons that were still alive outside.

The movie [Empty Clouds Destroyed] has already been filmed, so... you don’t need to come to the evil devil.



Originally, after the film was filmed, there will be a break.

But this scene is especially special for these ‘reverse dragons’ from the nine worlds, which will not rest with you.

Therefore, the Jacobs crew, with the help of the 'Phantom Butterfly' and the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group', helped to pick up the equipment, props, cameras and other items at the fastest speed and rushed to the 'empty cloud road secret road'. .

At this time, Lichee Fairy, like a shepherd, is driving the ‘9 幽 邪 邪 大 ’ , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

When the crew set the camera, the lights and the like, the lychee fairy also drove the ‘9 幽 邪 魔 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨.



The film director began with a command from Jacob.

"Damn, the chasing troops of the evil world have been killed." Su Shi A-six played the Tai Bai Jianzong female disciple [knife no trace] out of the channel.

The phoenix son turned out his demon body, playing the guardian beast [swallowing the cat]: "Mute dumb, you continue with the disciples, I stay behind!"

Master Tong Xuan hands together, silently.

[Swallow the cat] Turned and rushed to the nine sinister demon army, and the evil spirits who fought together.

Because the plot needs, [swallow the cat] has the power, can not block all evil spirits!

There are some fast demon, and they immediately passed the ‘swallowing cat’ and flew to the empty cloud disciples.

At the end of the team, the two empty cloud sentimental disciples resolutely turned around and took the initiative to take responsibility.

However, their strength is too weak, only after the five interest, the two empty cloud disciples made a scream.

They were besieged by several monsters, ‘falling to the ground’.

When they fell to the ground, they activated a layer of transparent shield to protect themselves.

The mad nine sorcerer angered a few transparent shields, but there was no effect.

After that, the ability of the shield to hide the breath was launched. The nine sinisters gave up these two dragon disciples and continued to kill the ‘empty cloud team’ in front.



"It's my turn to play." Song Shudao.

He looked at the transparent shields of the two dragons. It turns out that this layer of shields can guarantee that actors will not be harmed by demons when they are 'pretending'.

So, the question is coming... what about his shield? Why did the fish Jiaojiao not prepare him a shield?

Or, is his shield hidden in the organ of the robe?

It should be right! After waiting for him to activate the agency, the shield should be synchronized!

Seeing the evil spirits in front of them getting closer and closer, Song Shuhang stopped.

"Higher brother? What are you stopping to do? Let's escape." Two of his classmates asked.

Song Shuhang slowly took out the knives and broke the knives. He read the handsome line: "At this time, someone must stay, cooperate with [swallowing the cat] after the adults break... Otherwise, the nine sinister demon kills, the consequences are unimaginable. I am a brother, it is my duty to protect all the younger brothers and sisters. The enemy, let me resist it!"

To put it bluntly, [Gao Sheng brothers] rushed to the nine ecstasy army.

From the very beginning, people’s disgusting ‘Gaosheng’s brother’ role was instantly washed in this scene.



"The demon enchantress, eat a certain knife!" Song Shuhang fully exerted his experience and learned to kill the nine sinister demons.

At this time, there is no need to "fake".

This is already the last scene of the nine ecstasy, Song Shuhang only manages the real gun.

In fact, with the practice of Song Shuhang’s initial entry into the realm of ‘three products’, under the attack of dozens of three or four evil spirits, it will not last long. (To be continued.)