MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 702 How to spit silk knots? Online, etc., very urgent!

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The face of the public pilgrim was more red because of the excitement. He separated twenty "Dragon Magic Potions" from the bag, loaded it into another small bag, and handed it to Song Shuhang for several tossings. This dragon magic potion finally came out.

Song Shuhang took over this small bag: "Professing the seniors, can this ‘Dragon Devil’ drink directly?”

"You can drink it directly, but before you drink it, I suggest that you should first practice a smelt of the body and let the body swell." After drinking it, you can absorb the effect of 'Dragon Magic Pharmacy' more quickly. "The public sergeant took a pipe and spewed a white smoke, proposing."

"When I take it, do I need to dilute the liquid?" Song Shuhang asked again. The dragon magic pharmacy has a high level and strong potency. He is worried that if he takes it directly, will there be a crisis of explosion?

Dedicated to the public, he laughed: "Don't worry, Dragon Magic is different from other medicinal drugs. The medicinal properties are not so overbearing. When you take it, you don't need to dilute it. Just reduce the amount you take. If I take it, take three at a time. The left and right 'Dragon Magic Pharmacy' can only be taken after the drug is completely absorbed. And if you have a 'Dragon Magic Pharmacy', it is good to divide it into ten times."

"Understood, thank you for your predecessors." Song Shuhang nodded. He took out a ‘Dragon Magic Pharmacy’ and put the rest into a one-inch shrink bag.

"So the seniors, I am going to the body now, and then take the dragon magic potion!" Book Airlines can not wait to improve the mental health as long as the physical fitness is improved. At that time, he no longer has to suffer the pain of 'small hammer and his head.'

Therefore, the sooner this dragon magic potion is taken, the better!

"Then I will protect the law for you." The public servant nodded.

This dragon magic medicinal agent is extracted from the blood of the 'variant dragon magic'. Although the pharmacist said that the configured 'Dragon Magic Pharmacy' is absolutely no problem, the public lord always feels that when taking this medicine, there must still be someone. It is better to protect the law around you, just in case.

Song Shuhang: "Well, thank you for your predecessors."



After a while.

Song Shuhang, Yu Jiaojiao, and the public laymen came to the open space behind the room. This open space is large enough for Song Shuhang to stretch his muscles.

Song Shuhang took a deep breath and first applied the "King Kong Basic Boxing Method". This set of boxing method is the enlightenment boxing method of his practice. It is already a realm of Dacheng.

In the current level of Song Shuhang's current level, when this set of basic boxing methods is applied, there will be no sense of heavyness. Every stroke and every style is like a flowing stream, and it is easy to write.

After the "King Kong Foundation Boxing Method", he also displayed "King Kong Volt Boxing" and repeated several times.

After the smashing of the boxing method, the book voyage was weaker than the stretched, and the whole person's state was adjusted to the best.

"Yes." Song Shuhang secretly in the heart.

At this time, the public sergeant also said at the same time: "Book Air Friends, almost."

Song Shuhang stopped practicing boxing, spit out a sigh of gas, and then took out the ‘Dragon Magic Pharmacy’ from his arms.

Around, the fish Jiaojia handed a small cup: "One tenth of the weight, don't drink too much."

“Thank you.” Song Shuhang smiled and took a small cup and poured out one tenth of the liquid from the ‘Dragon Magic.’

After collecting the ‘Dragon Magic Pharmacy’, the book will raise the cup and drink the liquid.

Sweet, and a little apple flavor, just like drinking ordinary juice.

Then, Song Shuhang closed his eyes and operated the "Real My Meditations" monk in a state of meditation, which was more effective in absorbing the potency of the drug.

After about three minutes...

Song Shuhang opened his eyes in confusion: "Quiet!"

The dragon magic pharmacy has been drinking for so long, how does the body have no reaction? There is no feeling of the hot potion, and there is no feeling of coolness filling the whole body.

Is it that I drink too little?

On the one hand, paying attention to his contribution to the public, he also wondered: "Is it too little for you to drink?"

"Would you like, let me try again?" Song Shuhang asked, and he stood up and reached into his arms, ready to take out the "Dragon Devil" and drink a little.

But just as he got up and stood up, suddenly, Song Shuhang felt a bit bitter in his mouth, and then his tongue began to numb.

The book's subconscious open mouth is the same as the reaction of the subconscious mouth to inhale after eating super spicy food.

"Hey? Is there a reaction?" asked the public in the eyes of the public, asked.

Song Shuhang was trying to answer... But when he spoke, he felt something squirting out of his mouth is a silk thread!

A white silk thread spouted from Song Shuhang's mouth.

Spider-Man is spinning from the hands, but Song Shuhang is spinning from his mouth.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Fish Jiaojiao: "..."

Dedicated to the public: "..." What is going on? I have never heard of it, people who drink the dragon magic potion will spit it out?

"Is it the impurity in the body, which is extracted by the dragon magic agent, and turned into a silk thread to spit out from the mouth?" The public judge guessed.

Song Shuhang shook his head and he could feel it. These silk threads are not impurities in the body.

However, when he wanted to speak again, the sound had not yet come out of his throat, and a longer thread sprang from his mouth.

The wire is sprayed faster and faster.

Later, with Song Shuhang's breathing, the silk thread in his mouth continued to spit... The silk thread became longer and longer, and in a blink of an eye, Book Air had spit out a thread that was nearly three meters long.

I am going to become a spring silkworm? Song Shuhang smiled bitterly.

The fish blinked and asked: "Book Air, what do you feel? Answer it by means of voice and secret."

Song Shuhang nodded and replied with a group of voices: "I feel very bitter in my mouth, very hot, very numb, and my mouth is open. I have a mouth, the thread is constantly spewing out, can't stop."

The public sergeant frowned: "Just like this? No other feelings? Do you feel that your physique has become stronger? Or is your strength getting bigger?"

This dragon magic potion... will not fail, right?

"Physique, seems to have enhanced a little, but did not enhance too much. But I can feel the power of 'Dragon Magic Pharmacy', and now I began to integrate into my body." Song Shuhang replied: "In addition... I have a strange The impulse."

Fish Jiaojiao: "Weird impulse? What impulse?"

"I want to...have a knot?" Song Shuhang replied unequivocally, but he now has such an impulse in his mind. I want to use the silk spit out of my mouth, and I will wrap myself in it.

Fish Jiaojiao: "..."

Dedicated to the public: "..."

"What to do? The silk thread is more and more spit." Song Shuhang said, in a few words, he had piled up a small pile of silk in front of him and it was ten meters long.

Fish Jiaojiao: "Would you like to try a knot?"

The public lord thought about it and agreed: "Book Hang Xiaoyou can try it. We all know that after the worms are crusted, they can make a transformation. If you have a book, you will be able to break through. When the physique can also complete a transformation!"

Song Shuhang: "..."

It is reasonable to say what the seniors said. He can’t refute it at all.

So, let’s try it out?

So, what is the problem with the knot?

As a great young Chinese in the 21st century, he received a nine-year compulsory education from a young age, followed by a three-year high school, a year of university... He studied astronomy, geography, mathematics, biology, physics, language, foreign languages, history, chemistry, machinery. , music, art, sports, ideology, etc., etc., various disciplines!

He has a huge amount of knowledge, and some knowledge has not been used for a lifetime.

This vast amount of knowledge is a precious legacy of human ancestors.

However, in such a large amount of knowledge, no subject can tell him how a ‘person’ will be like a worm!

The silk thread in the mouth is still in the spit, and Song Shuhang stood still.

Fish Jiaojia urged: "Book, don't stay still. Try to scare!"

Dedicated to the public: "Book Hang Xiaoyou, you can rest assured that there is a problem, I am on the side to protect you, there will be no problem! If life is dangerous, I can interrupt your crusting process in the first time."

"..." Song Shuhang shook his head and asked, "The Jiaojiao, the public predecessors, who can tell me, if human beings want to bear, how do you end?"

Fish Jiaojiao dedication to the public: "..."

Then, the fish is very charming: "Although I am a hybrid of Snapdragon and mermaid, I don't bear."

The public squirt spurted a smog: "I am a pure human monk, and I don't have a knot."

At the crucial moment, Jiaojiao and lay people can't help.

Song Shuhang sighed again, and then he took out his cell phone.

The silk thread in the mouth is still vomiting, and Book Air opens the ‘Jiuzhou No.1 group’ on the mobile phone, inputting the message.

Jiuzhou No.1 Group

King Kong Gentleman Knife: "At this point, there are still predecessors in the group online? Ask: Is there any predecessor knowing that if humans want to 'crust', how do you end up? Is spinning, online, etc., very urgent! ”

The first reply, it really is Beihe scattered people.

Beihe scattered people: "Book Hang Xiaoyou, I am sorry, as a pure human monk, I don't know how to swear by humans. Ps: I feel pure human beings, and I won't spit it out. Then ps : Regarding the problem of crusting, you can ask the demon in the group."

Defeat the phoenix son: "The friends of the Beihe Road are very different. As a pure demon repair, I don't know how humans should 'crack'. I feel that the book hang friends should ask the 'worms' monk. ""

Snow Wolf Cave Lord: "Furious top annihilate the phoenix son."

蛟霸真君: "Furious top phoenix son +1."

The Seventh Life of the House of Lords: "In our group, are there demon-prepared worms?"

Three waves of mad knives: "If you talk about the 'worms' monk, we should have @灵蝶岛羽柔子! Lingdie Supreme, must have been practicing from a small green worm, has been cultivated into a 'lingual butterfly'. Certainly not wrong!" (To be continued.)