MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 709 The blue-haired female predecessor pulled out a turtle shell

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Insert, I actually forgot to use the ‘phantom brooch’, and Song Shuhang’s heart screamed badly.

He can imagine how terrible the mood is when Turbo sees his body exaggerated to the exploding muscles...

No, it should be said what the mood is. Recently, the state advocated civilized language, saying that you don’t force yourself, civilize you and me.

So now... how can he explain his muscles to his friends?

be honest? Do not make jokes! If he told Tubo that his muscles were silky and crusted, and then broke out, he grew a muscle. The soil wave would doubt whether his nerves were misplaced.

Perhaps he can give this pot to ‘XXXX Health Products Company’?

——Since I ate the new medicine of ‘XXXX Health Products Company, my waist was not sour, my legs were not painful, and the whole person had the strength to get on the 30th floor in one breath. After eating for a month, the muscles of this body grew out in a month?

It’s not right, it’s not right.

Just as Song Shuhang tangled, the sound of the Eastern Six Fairies came from behind: "Book Air, what are you doing with that muscle props? Isn't it hot? Don't you take it off?" Song Shuhang blinked his eyes.

"Haha, because the soil wave is knocking on the door, so I ran over to open the door and forgot to take off the props." Song Shuhang laughed.

- The six cents of the East, beautiful and beautiful.

[Is it a movie prop muscle? No wonder it looks so weird. 】 The earth wave nodded secretly.

But the next moment, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

His eyes were fixed on the Oriental Six Fairies behind Song Shuhang.

The Oriental Six Fairies belong to the tall beauty, and she cultivated the "Tian Mo Nine Dance", which is good at dancing and jumping, so her body line is perfect.

The important thing is - this beautiful sister, how is it in the room of Song Shuhang in the middle of the night?

Is it necessary to open the dog abuse model? Single Wang is also Wang, please love Wang!

I haven't waited for the feeling of the earth to finish, and Song Shuhang's room has gone out of a sister--this time is a mature big sister-type beauty. It is the fish that is transformed into her mother's appearance: "Book Airlines, you come over, I will help you take off this body muscles."

"Okay, thank you." Song Shuhang quickly ran to the fish Jiaojiao: "Tubo, you wait for me, I will pick up this body props first."

"Good... good." Tubo nodded.

Two sisters? Is this a bit of a dog?


After a while, Song Shuhang, who turned into an ordinary body, accompanied the Tubo to go out and wandered around the resort.

On the way, Tubo couldn't help but ask: "Book Air, what is the relationship between you and the fish girl, and the oriental girl?"

"Ordinary friend relationship, not as complicated as you think, just come over and try out the props at night." Song Shuhang smiled: "It is you, before you said that you have been abused? What happened?"

"That, ah, single dog can't afford to hurt." Tubo exclaimed: "You still remember that a few days ago, I was helping my cousin in the second grade of primary school to write summer homework."

"Well, I have an impression." Song Shuhang nodded. At that time, Tubo wrote the book "Summer and Summer Homework - Second Grade Primary School - Language", which impressed him.

Tubo exclaimed: "Today, the kid asked me for help, let me write a summer homework for him again... I was puzzled to ask him 'summer homework, I have not already written with you?', then you I know how he answered? He said, 'I asked you to help me write this time. It’s my girlfriend’s summer homework. She is in the fourth grade. I can’t write her homework. So I can only ask you for help.' I wanted to slam the phone at the time."

This little guy's way of dog abuse is particularly novel, fresh and natural.

"Later, I suddenly couldn't sleep, so I just wanted to find you to talk and ease my injured heart. At first I wanted to find Yangde's guy, but the guy was too dead to sleep. Gao Moumou, the winner of life, even if you are, so you can only find a book to sail you." Tubo continued.

Song Shuhang laughed: "Ha ha ha ha." - He understood it, and it was just an excuse to abuse the dog. Tubo himself was insomnia, so he wanted to find someone to accompany him for a walk.

"Right, Book Air, you have always been mysterious, I will not secretly make a girlfriend?" Tubo asked.

In retrospect, it seems that from the end of the last semester, Song Shuhang became strange. I often don't see it at night, and I often don't see him during the lunch break.

And there are a lot of weird friends around the book.

For example, the owner of the bandit island on the overseas island at that time; for example, when filming this movie, I don’t know where a lot of handsome men and women friends came from.

I always feel that Song Shuhang is a bit mysterious.

"Ha ha ha ha." Song Shuhang replied: "Girlfriend... What should I say? I haven't decided yet."

"Sure enough, you have to leave the team of single Wang?"

"Not yet to the extent that you said, still trying to contact, even the lovers are still not." Song Shuhang replied.

“Single-hearted?” Tubo patted his chest and said, “Would you like to talk to me about the situation of the other party? I will give you advice and make sure that you can hold the beauty. Don’t look at me, I’m still single, but I’m Successfully paired several pairs of lovers."

"Not in a hurry, not yet to that extent." Song Shuhang replied.

The dialogue between Song Shuhang and Tubo happened to be heard by a figure sitting on the roof in a daze.

The figure turned and the corner of the mouth rose.

Then, the figure took out the make-up box and made up the makeup for himself, then leaped down from the roof.



Song Shuhang continued to accompany Tubo in the holiday resort, chatting with some things.

At this time... there was a slender figure on the head and they came to them. When people are not there, there is already a faint scent in the air.

Book Air and Tubo looked up involuntarily and looked at the figure.

Through the moonlight, they saw a woman in a white short skirt, standing in front.

She wore a white round hat on her head, and her long blue hair was perpendicular to her calf. Her hair was long, dense and supple, and she was behind her with a cloak.

The skin is white and snowy, and it seems to be a Chinese-Western mixed-race. The facial features are the exquisiteness of the Orientals and the three-dimensionality of Westerners.

Her eyelashes are also blue, long and conspicuous. Wearing a pair of white super high heels on the feet, her body shape is set higher.

"Cosplay?" Tubo curious.

The blue hair of the other side, and the same blue eyelashes, look like a doll, which is not the hair color that normal humans can grow.

The earth wave voice just fell, the royal sister-type blue-haired beauty. Stepping on the elegant steps came to the book.

"Dear~ I found you." The voice of the blue-haired beauty has a sense of arrogance, but her tone is soft and sweet.

Song Shuhang: "?"

Tubo: "!"

"Dear~ How come you came here. People have been looking for you for a long time." The blue-haired beauty spoke.

"Hold... sorry, this former, girl, are you confessing the wrong person?" Song Shuhang was busy.

"I hate it, book voyage." The blue-haired beauty extended her finger and provoked Song Shuhang's chin, exhaling like a blue: "Time is not early, should we go to eat late at night? Or, you want to first , eat, drop, me?"

The blue-haired beauty said, tempted and licked his lips.

Song Shuhang 懵 ... not forced.

The soil wave on one side was shocked.

After a while, Tubo patted Song Shuhang: "Book Airlines, my brother, I have something to do, take a step first. I wish you a happy evening."

"Wait, wait for the soil, I don't know her! Believe me." Song Shuhang hurried.

But as he spoke, the blue-haired beauty spoiled forward, his arms clasped in Song Shuhang's arm, his eyes picked up, revealing a sweet smile.

Tubo: "Book Air, thank you for staying with me for so long. Don't worry about me anymore, I will go back to sleep right away. Goodbye~~"

Blue-haired beauty smiles and waves at the soil: "Goodbye~"

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Sister and sister, take good care of our book." Tubo waved his hand and ran away all the way - this year, the means of abuse of dogs and people became more and more superb.

When I was caught off guard, I was forcibly shown in love and forcibly fed a fragrant dog food.



Wait for the soil wave to run away.

Song Shuhang looked at the blue-haired beauty who hugged his arm with a smile: "This predecessor, don't play anymore, the soil wave has gone far."

Song Shuhang can feel the huge ‘spiritual power’ from this blue-haired beauty, which is hardly weaker than the atmosphere of the Beihe predecessors. In other words, the other party is a spirit of the five peaks.

The other party is not a predecessor of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group', because he has seen the predecessor of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group' who made the film, and there is no female repair with blue long hair.

Plus the other party knows his name... Is it a helper from the seniors?

"Oh, it’s awesome for you to book a small friend." The blue-haired beauty is a bad smile.

Song Shuhang: "Predecessors, now is not a movie, you don't have to enter the show."

"But I feel very interesting, hahahaha." The blue-haired beauty retracted her arm and rubbed her eyes.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Is angry?" asked the blue-haired beauty.

Song Shuhang’s eyes twitched.

"Really, you guys have no humorous cells." The blue-haired beauty sighed. After thinking about it, she said: "So, I will pay you a crime. Well, do you want to know?" ?"

"What do you want to know? Which one?" Song Shuhang asked - he wanted to know a lot of things, but what kind of news did the other party tell him?

"Which aspect, this is very extensive. However, if you have any worried people or things, I can tell you if she is safe." After the blue-haired beauty thought about it, he replied.

Is it safe?

After Song Shuhang thought about it, suddenly the flash of light flashed and asked: "Then I want to ask, is my spirit ghost safe now?"

"Would you like to ask your ghosts? Ok, look at me." Said, the blue-haired beauty pulled out a turtle shell.

Song Shuhang: "..."
