MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 527 【Distinctive light】

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  Chapter 527 [Different Light]

After Fang Chang heard this, he nodded and said: "Since we are planning to open the school building, let's just forget it in the nearby Linxi Village. I think it has become more and more prosperous in the past few years, and there must be a need for education. You have been to Ninghe Mansion It is a private school and has been studying continuously for many years, it is more than enough to teach some children."

Hu Yun thought about it for a while, and praised: "Mr. Fang is right. I really should try Linxi Village first. After all, it is the closest to Yunzhong Mountain, and it is prosperous enough. According to the regulations, if the class is held in Linxi Village, I will not only teach Linxi Village In addition to the children in the surrounding villages, the newly transformed monsters in the mountains should also be taught."

  He explained that this is part of the imperial court’s institutionalized solution to the problem of the monster race. Integrating the monsters into the order of human society as soon as possible, so that they can understand things and know the rules, will have infinite benefits for both humans and monsters.

  After listening to Hu Yun's narration, Fang Chang thought in his heart that the trend of the court's strategy is not much different from what everyone had imagined for the future when the battle for the imperial capital ended at the end of the catastrophe, which is a good thing. I don't know whether it can be carried out smoothly after thousands of years, and what variables will appear at that time.

   Then, what Hu Yun said made Fang Chang stunned:

   "Mr. Fang, you are now famous all over the world, and the common people are telling your stories, but there are many fallacies and falsehoods."

   "Oh?" Fang Chang never thought of this, in his opinion, he should not be spread by word of mouth.

"It's still the matter of the last catastrophe." Hu Yun explained, "The process of the rise of the new dynasty was compiled into storytelling and stories by the common people, adding many imaginary gods and monsters, and adding many things that everyone likes to hear and see. It’s bizarre. I’ve listened to some, and the description of the new dynasty’s journey to start a family is not too bad, and everything else is very weird.”

"In it, there is also your role, Mr. Fang. It is said that there is an old fairy from Yunzhongshan, wearing white clothes, carrying a sword on his back, and carrying a wine gourd to save people. After the army forms a formation that is difficult to crack, it will appear and use various magic weapons and tricks to break the formation."

  Fang Chang couldn't stop laughing when he heard that, he didn't expect that he would be arranged in this way. When he goes down the mountain, he must come and listen to see how it compares with "Fengshen Yanyi".

"It's no wonder that in recent years, many people have come to Yunzhong Mountain to seek immortality and ask questions." He smiled at Hu Yun, "But there is a formation under my cliff, and people who have no fate can't get in at all, so the fairy dwelling on the cliff It's still clean."

  Hu Yun didn't notice this at all. He didn't feel any formations under the cliff, but he just admired Mr. Fang's superb cultivation in his heart.

   After a while, Fang Chang added water to the pot again, and said to Hu Yun and his wife:

   "You guys rest here first. If you are bored, you can walk around on the cliff. There are books on the shelf in my room to relieve boredom. I will prepare lunch. By the way, don't touch those lines on the pole, it will hurt people."

   As he said that, he got up and left to get busy in the kitchen.

   Facing Fang Chang, Hu Yun was much more generous and at ease. He took his wife lightly, and got up to wander around the cliff. They deliberately went to the glass greenhouse to have a look, and saw that there was nothing growing in it, but in the vegetable bed next to it, there were a lot of fruits and vegetables. Hu Yun stayed next to the medicine field for a while, and he could sense the extraordinaryness of some of the elixir inside, which seemed strange.

  There is a cave near the back mountain, but the two of them didn't dare to go in. They turned to a place with many stoves, and saw nothing understandable, so they prepared to go back to the Hall of Nameless Hall for a visit.

   "Hey, did Mr. Fang light a candle?" Song Yao said suddenly.

   "Like?" Hu Yun looked over and saw that the kitchen was very bright. He clearly remembered that the light in the kitchen was not good before, because the windows above were not big.

   "Go and see how Mr. Fang cooks." Song Yao said.

   Hu Yun nodded and walked over with his wife.

  There are many stoves in the kitchen, with different heights and shapes. They saw that Mr. Fang had activated several of them, and they were steaming, blanching, stewing, and frying at the same time, and the aroma was tangy. There was a bamboo protruding from the wall, and water gushing out, splashed into a trough below, and flowed along the hole to nowhere.

   But what surprised them the most was the lighting in the kitchen.

  Hanging on the roof is a glass ball fixed with ceramics and wood blocks, with wires attached to it, and a steady light is emitting from it, which is completely different from candlelight, and much brighter. Song Yao glanced at it twice, feeling a little unbearable, so she turned her eyes away. Relying on her good physique, Hu Yun took a closer look and found the light source inside, like a curved line.

   "Mr. Fang, what is this?" Hu Yun asked.

"Electric light, my new object, is much more convenient than candles." Fang Chang said, "It's just that it is very cumbersome to make. First, the glass must be fired into a suitable shape, then the carbon filaments must be put in, and the mercury must be drawn out of it." Gas can only be sealed with a special blowtorch."

  Seeing that the two didn't understand much, but were even more confused, Fang Chang smiled and said:

   "Go to my study room. There is a set of books on the third floor above the bookshelf. It is called "The First Talk on the Power of Electricity". If you have any doubts, you can go and read it briefly. But remember to put it back in its original place, because it has not been finished yet."


  When the two of them went down the mountain, Hu Yun was carrying a large net bag made of hemp rope, which was filled with glass bottles.

Those were the canned pork and canned fruit given to them by Fang Chang, but they were made very crudely. They just cooked the food and put it in a dark glass bottle. Cover and seal with wax. In this way, the shelf life of food is instantly increased by orders of magnitude.

  Similarly, Mr. Fang also wrote the method of making this can into a booklet, and gave Song Yao a copy.

  The two of them understood this brochure very clearly, but the set of electricity-related brochures left the couple at a loss. But they still knew that the "electric light" used by Mr. Fang was converted into the power of lightning by means of water power, and then the carbon filament was burned red to illuminate.

   The two didn't quite understand it, but they were in awe of it.

  Hu Yun told his wife that it is not uncommon for practitioners to acquire the power of thunder and lightning. As long as the cultivation base reaches the extreme depths, not to mention catching thunder and lightning, there are also legends about moving mountains and filling seas. But like Mr. Fang, there has never been a practitioner who can tame the power of lightning with ingenuity. What's more, he also wrote all the relevant knowledge into a book. Looking at the description, it can be used without cultivation. Is the knowledge here the universal way?

  So, for the "Crock Pot Recipe" that Fang Chang asked them to find a destined person, the two were also very attentive, and carefully wrapped it up and put it away.

   "Where are we going next?" Song Yao said.

   "It still looks early, why not go to Linxi Village to have a look." Hu Yun said.

  (end of this chapter)