MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 569 [The venue has changed]

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  Chapter 569 [The venue has changed]

  People around and around have been aroused to participate in the interest.

   As we all know, among the cultivators, there are quite a large proportion of people who like to join in the fun. They see that there is something to participate in here, and they come here one after another, imitating Peng Jiangsheng's behavior just now.

  However, their etiquette is more comprehensive, they first offer gifts before entering the pavilion, and because Fang Chang is straightforward, everyone no longer asks if they can sit down.

   "I have a few baskets of fire persimmons from a nearby mountain village. Although they are not spiritual, they are thick and plump. Let everyone have a taste."

   "The crispy chips unintentionally produced during alchemy have no medicinal properties, but the taste is quite good, the taste is quite good, and it is crunchy when chewed, and the output of each alchemy furnace is very large, you can use it for tea."

"In this rattan box is our mountain jujube, which tastes extremely sweet and is the best among all kinds of fruits. The people there often use it to satisfy their hunger when they are green and yellow. I choose the two most beautiful jujube trees and dig out their new shoots in spring. Planted in the residence, this is the fruit produced this year, it is extremely durable after drying, and the sweetness is better."

"I brought a few packs of homemade bean paste crisps when I have nothing to do. You can taste them to see how my craftsmanship is and where I need to improve. If I do well, I will find a place in a few years. In a busy city, open a dim sum shop to experience it.”

   "I brought some flat peaches, not too many."

"This is the spirit python that was hunted and killed at the beginning of the year. It was a disaster, and it has not yet enlightened. I saw that it was a pity that it was buried directly, so I took the python meat with the surrounding people, added ingredients, cooked it, and made it into jerky. And took half of it away. There is still a little spiritual power in it. Ordinary people can strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives if they eat it, but practitioners can only treat it as a snack."

   "Here are the poisonous mushrooms from the black pine forest of Luofeng Mountain. They are very delicious. The toxicity has no effect on practitioners. They are delicious when eaten raw, and they are even more delicious after being boiled."

  People from all over the world donated money one after another, and shared the special products or good things they brought with them for everyone to taste. Many East and West leaders have never seen it before, and more and more people at the banquet also expressed their eye-opening experience. There are also a considerable proportion of practitioners who bring some things that are not suitable for raw food as gifts.

  But the atmosphere here was already so lively, so they also divided the gifts into small portions and stuffed them randomly for everyone, saying that they wanted everyone to take them back, so they found a seat to sit down.

  The long square pavilion first got bigger and bigger, and then got longer and longer. The stone table inside, like the pavilion, first grows bigger and then develops toward its strengths. There were also stools pouring out of the ground all around, as well as cups and plates.

   Soon, as more and more people sat inside, the pavilion turned into a promenade, and the promenade meandered along the mountain, turning into a winding corridor. The mountain was completely changed, the stone softened and then fixed, and many places became regular and flat. The plants in the crevices of the stone were squeezed out together with the soil on the roots, and clustered on the side of the corridor, the color was green.

  Someone volunteered, stood up and said:

   "I have studied cooking skills for many years. Since you can't handle the ingredients on the spot, since there are so many people, it is difficult to divide them properly. Why don't you just let me cook here, and everyone can try it together."

This proposal was unanimously praised, and the people who stood up immediately took out all kinds of things and set up a stove outside the corridor. Fang Chang also helped him transform the surrounding terrain and built a windshield and sunshade stone hut. Everyone at the banquet also sent the ingredients over one after another, and soon the aroma wafted out of it.

   There is also someone who is good at tea art, stepped forward to take over Fang Chang's teapot and tea stove, and discarded it. Then they brewed the spiritual tea from the fairy cliffs with a special method and distributed them to everyone. Those who feel that they are juniors take the initiative to use spells to assist the chef in serving dishes.

  There are more and more people here, and they are becoming more and more harmonious and lively. Such a scene is becoming more and more attractive to the rest of the people who are not present. Finally, in this long valley, everyone came in this direction.

However, seeing someone slaughtering the donkey they rode to make up for it, Fang Chang hurriedly stopped him and said: "Fellows, everyone is welcome here, and the supplies are already abundant. Whether you want to share things with everyone, just go with nature. Don't worry." Don't force it."

   But it was useless, the donkey was killed by the river and cooked by the chef.

The chef's craftsmanship is very good. After the donkey meat is cooked, the meat is fresh and tender, and the light yellow fat is fragrant and fat. There is a row of round sesame seed cakes, with a knife cut in the middle of the sesame seed cakes, and donkey meat can be stuffed into the food by itself.

   Several practitioners who volunteered to pass the dishes, cast a little spell, and placed the dishes accurately and evenly on the table.

  Before, as the pavilion got bigger and bigger and the tables got longer and longer, the corridor was stretched to the limit and couldn’t fit. So Fang Chang was above and below, and a few more corridors were added, and there were still long tables inside.

  Fang Chang's cultivation is bottomless, and he can fully afford this kind of expense.

  Under his understated spellcasting, various buildings were dotted all over the surrounding extreme mountains. On the originally barren hillside, a large group of spectacular buildings finally appeared. Of course, most of the buildings are long corridors and long tables, and their appearance is also very fine, with various carved railings and paintings everywhere.

  In short, everyone donated their pockets one after another to join the party, and the table banquet that was reorganized made all the people present very happy. Everyone talked with each other, talked about things from all over the world, exchanged interesting stories from the past and present, tasted the dishes, fine wines, fruits, refreshments, and snacks during the banquet. The exchange of practice and techniques.

  As the number of people increased, the main house here had long been neglected, but Fang Chang was also happy to relax.

  The banquet lasted for a long time, until the appointed time, the gods who were elected from all over the world to participate in the meeting began to enter.

  The location of the assembly has been notified long ago, so when the time came, figures appeared continuously on the river beach below like a spring. The gods in various places have different styles of clothing and decorations depending on their responsibilities, regions, personal preferences, and the number of incense, and there are great differences between high and low.

  Zhang Shanshen and the others were the first to arrive, but when they looked up, they were stunned.

The originally bare river valley still looks the same, but the mountains on both sides have been covered with corridors, and the two sides of the long table inside are densely packed with practitioners. They have different postures and clothes, but the same thing is that they all look in this direction. It just suffocates God.

  (end of this chapter)