MTL - Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)-Chapter 1030 The nature of fog

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"your name?"


Lieta looked up and saw that there were only orange hair and four short legs, which looked like a liquid creature.

In her cognition, the 'physical body' is similar to the clothes of the human eye for their family.

Lieta didn't understand why her brother would wear a strange ‘clothing’.

"Lieta... Your nod can stop."

When the orange cat asked about the Lieta problem, her head was still waiting. Lietta was born less than a year ago. In her limited time, she was taught the most important thing, that is Listen to the words of the long sister and the elder brother.

Lieta has been obediently obeying this teaching, including now.

Under the gesture of the orange cat, she stopped the nodding movement, and Lieta's gaze once again looked at the corner is playing the little fighter's sewing to help everyone.

"Can that human being eat?" Lieta suddenly asked a helper from the sewing gang.

"Eat... are you hungry?"

The orange cat has fallen into the hair, and although Lieta has the appearance of a human little girl, her essence is the incarnation of the fog, which makes human beings very reasonable.

Lieta shook her head. She had just eaten a lizard man this morning. Although she didn't taste very well, she at least reported her stomach.

Through the look of Lieta, Qiao Xiu saw that she wanted the little bully in the hands of the sewing gang.

"You come with me first."

The orange cat jumped from the round table in front of Lieta, and Lieta also stood up and followed the orange cat.

Here is the lounge for the sewing lords, and it is also the laboratory of Qiao Xiu, where Joe built a test arcade.

The orange cat took Lietta to the front of the arcade and jumped directly onto the console of the arcade.

Lieta, who seemed to be looking forward to playing games, hesitated after seeing the arcade. She glanced at her left hand.

The faint golden mark that Lieta had just used to hold the rocker on the left hand was a scar for her...

The moment she held the rocker was not only the damage to her body, but also the loss of the fog that constituted the body.

"There is nothing in this arcade that will hurt you, rest assured."

The orange cat smashed the open button with his paws. This arcade was started instantly. The screen that was launched was not a game, but a list of games.

This arcade is a collection of all the pixelated games that Joshua has done so far, whether it is a bully or an arcade game.

Lieta could feel the rocker on this arcade... there was no power that would make her feel stinging. She sat back in front of this arcade and carefully looked at the orange with her eyes before touching the rocker. Cat.

"Do you understand human words?" The orange cat asked while he was licking his little claws.

"No." Lieta shook her head and told Joe to fix this... sad news.

The gray atomized body was illiterate.

"I will choose."

The orange cat sat on the console with one **** on the rocker and the other paw on the four buttons of the arcade.

Qiao Xiu directly chose her first contact with King of Fighters 97.

The picture on the arcade instantly turned into the picture of King of Fighters 97, and Lieta also opened his eyes at this moment.

Since her birth, there are only two colors in the world she lives in, one is the gray color of her body, and the other is the blood red that overflows from the creature.

But the arcade in front of him showed Lierta a colorful world.

"What do you think?"

Through the orange cat's perspective, Qiao Xiu looked at Lieta's every move, and her move was really far from the origin of the fog in Qiao Xiu's cognition.

Whether it is anger or hatred, these two are typical anti-social anti-human personality. This Lieta looks more like a baby who knows nothing about birth.

"Would you like to take her back to raise?" Hili heard Joe's questioning, and in a flash he peered into what Joshua was going to do next.

"I don't have this interest, I just thought maybe I could use her."

Qiao Xiu immediately waved his hand and said that he did not have the idea of ​​tempting and turning this childhood fog.

"Using? Qiao Xiu... I don't think she will listen to us. The class between the fog is very clear. The order of the messenger is absolutely absolute for other fog-stained people. There should be such a class between messengers. ”

As a witness to the period of the heretical trial, Thousands of Faces knew that the fog creatures were not unordered, but instead had a strict hierarchy.

"But it's okay to ask some intelligence from her first."

Qiao Xiu looked at Lieta with the angle of the orange cat. The original Lietta pressed his hands and suddenly stopped slowly.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Xiu did not give orders to stop her.

"Brother is asking me where I am."

Lieta also turned his gaze to the orange cat sitting next to him.

"Brother? Is there any other fog?"

This is the situation that Qiao Xiu is most reluctant to see. This city is certainly not only the childhood fog management that Lieta is not recognizable. There must be other fog.

"Do you want her to lose consciousness?" Thousands of faces can't wait to get started.

"Wait... let me try it first."

The orange cat knocked on the arcade under his own claws.

"Listen to Lieta, only I can let you play these interesting things. If you tell other brothers or long sisters, they will immediately destroy them and take you away!"

Lieta's name for the orange cat is also the elder brother, which means that the identity of Qiao Xiu may be the same level as other fog in the mind of Lieta.

In this case, Lieta is willing to listen to her orders, and she will see her own inner will.

"You just need to answer the brother who called you, and say, 'I am patrolling the city, I will return.'" Joe Xiu immediately thought of Lieta to answer the other party's wording.

Lieta looked at the orange cat and glanced at the arcade screen in front of the colorful light, and the voice in her mind constantly asking where she was.

‘I am patrolling the city, I will return. ’

Lieta responded in her consciousness to the voice that kept asking her.

'patrol? Why are you patrolling? ’

Lieta heard this question, fell into silence, and finally she threw the question to the orange cat at hand.

"Brother asked me why I patrol," Lieta said.

"Because...because I am hungry! Looking for food! It is also beneficial to Yeta to retell the words you communicate in consciousness."

Qiao Xiu does not know what the communication method between the fog is, but the origin of the fog is born in the negative consciousness of the intelligent creature. They communicate with each other in human language, and the life must be similar to human beings. local.

For example... foraging.

"Because I am hungry, I am looking for food."

Lieta understood the reasons for Qiao Xiu's reconciliation, repeating it directly in his own consciousness, and repeating it in words according to Qiao Xiu's request.

"Don't eat too much, the recent food has deteriorated and returned early."

Lieta once again recounted the news from the other party. From the content of the news, it was like a brother who cares about her sister, but the food here refers to human beings.