MTL - Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)-Chapter 122 go away

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This is his legendary heresy trial court? Can the legendary nephew send any heresy to the execution desk?

This is completely Hu Yu!

Although the thoughts of the inner game at this time were not so violent, they were not far behind.

She saw that one of the people from the heresy lost control and desperately stood up and asked the elf to sing again.

The Messia began to seriously doubt the rumored ability of the heretical trial court, and may not even match a new recruit of the Holy See.

They made the most serious mistake in the Hearthstone pub, that is, without being ruined by the priest in the Hearthstone game, they dared to make trouble in the pub!

This tavern called Hearthstone is not like any tavern in the world, it is a bunch of unknown punks, or some despicable thieves.

Since the World Expo, the Hearthstone Tavern has attracted people from all walks of life to visit, and many of them have been attracted by the Hearthstone legend to become frequent visitors.

There are a few of the players who are known by the Messiah, and many of them are the mentor of the Nolan High School of Magic... and the famous magicians of various magic schools.

If the church dares to cause trouble in this pub, it is bound to provoke dissatisfaction from people from all walks of life.

Messi wanted to stand up and stop, but I saw the casters in the pub took out the magic wand, and several dwarves who went to the pub to fish in the day took the bench more directly.

The member of the irrational heresy court finally calmed down a bit after feeling the strange magical fluctuations in the entire pub.

‘Chata calm! ’

The other two people in the heresies can still maintain their senses, and the presiding judge speaks to his men with some special means of spiritual communication.

‘Can’t... kill them? Did you hear the voice of the saint? The presiding the voice of the saints, as long as... she is willing to sing for a while, those...the **** voice can get out of my mind! Just a little more! ’

The voice of the man named Chata sounded illogical, and the presiding judge realized that the situation had deteriorated.

'That is not the voice of a saint, just a song sung by an unknown elf. He can't help you to drive away the sins you committed in the past. You can only rely on yourself to win before returning to the Holy City. Chata My child, don't commit sin for no reason, the rest of the pub is innocent, let's go back to the church. ’

The presiding judge followed the persuasion of the out-of-control judge, and he could understand the reason why the judge named Chata was out of control.

Because he almost relied on the song of the elf, and drove out all the crazy whispers in his mind, but the song ended too fast, and it was almost time to let him feel a little quiet.

This ups and downs will always be unbearable.

'innocent? I don't think who is innocent! These people who are in the same league as the devil are guilty. ’

‘Damn! Chatta! This pub is not the place where the mice gather. There are at least three great magicians with the seventh order! ! There is also a chaotic demon! ’

Another judge has been unable to endure. The original goal is that a chaotic demon is already dangerous enough. Coupled with a group of great magicians, even if their manpower is doubled, there is no way to get it.

Not to mention that it is not an assassination now!

He rushed to control the irrational guy, who had completely disregarded his identity, and the appearance they used now was not their own.

So they took the out-of-control judge with rude means.

“Thank you for your help, Girona, give everyone a free rye, and the gentleman who doesn’t drink a sweet wort!”

After the three left, Qiao Xiu bowed to the caster who stood up to maintain the order of the Hearthstone pub, and then said loudly to a waiter in the pub.

"No, no, the boss, we don't want free drinks, come to a free card pack." A dwarf who just sat down shouted.

Qiao Xiu smiled and shook his head. He said that these dwarves were only playing jokes. After they finished, they continued the game of the Hearthstone that they had not completed yet.

The casters talked a few words to each other and once again sat back in their place.

And Qiao Xiu went directly to the front of the Messi and sat down, looking at the lady with a very complicated expression on her face.

"Miss Meiss... can tell me a little bit, what do the three people have to do with you... or the Holy Army?"

In the unconscious reminder of the Messiah, Qiao Xiu first noticed the three strange faces.

From their body, Qiao Xiu felt a sense of violation. This kind of violation, Qiao Xiu once felt in the dark elf.

"do not know."

The expression on the side of the head of the match was a bit shy.

Even if she was really enlightened that day, treating Qiao Xiu as a good person, there is no way to tell Qiao Xiu that the three guys are the elite of the church. Their purpose is to assassinate you! ’

This sentence is a shame in thinking about it.

"Since you are not willing to answer, I am not reluctant."

Qiao Xiu has been able to vaguely guess what the three people are here to do.

They have the same breath as the dark elves, which means they should have the same abilities as the dark elves.

"Mrs. Marina, here is the trouble you continue to greet. I will go to Tyran and Hilly to Squirrel Street."

Qiao Xiu’s calculation time is almost the same as the time when the devil is not too cold.

"Give it to me, Joe's coach is already ready outside," said Marina.

Joe Xiu nodded, no longer paying attention to the unhappy Miss Cavalier, with Tylin and Healy sitting on the carriage prepared by Mrs. Marina.

“The church seems to be sending people to kill you. Is it really not in the pub for a while to observe?”

Hiri closed the door of the carriage, from the farce in the tavern, and the conversation between Qiao Xiu and Mi Sai, she had already guessed what the three people were doing.

"In fact, I am safer when I stay outside."

Qiao Xiu showed the imprint of his hand to Hiri, from the imprint of the bones of the public.

Qiao Xiu, who is a chaotic demon, is not a sheep that hides in the fence. In addition to the special magic that disables the spells built by the caster, Qiao Xiu also has the power of the skeleton.

"Several dead souls on Squirrel Street should be fine. After all, the Association of Necromancers is there."

The seal of Joe's hand is filled with the breath of death. The elf lady sitting in the same carriage with Qiao Xiu has curled up in the corner and shivered.