MTL - Dad, Please Try a Little Harder-Chapter 110 I'm going to hit eleven!

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  Chapter 110 I want to hit eleven!

  The highlight of the non-governmental exchange competition is communication. There is no fixed schedule. In the initial contact, everyone can learn from each other and challenge at will.

  Although there is no promotion rule in the exchange match, according to the tradition of the martial arts field, the loser will naturally withdraw, unless you challenge the defeated opponent again and win.

  After Zhang Xianger withdrew from the exchange competition, he realized that Japan's preparations this time were more adequate than he imagined.

  They probably collected the data of all Chinese players, and made corresponding analysis and response.

  For example, I was preparing to challenge the girl named Asuka this time, and the other party immediately arranged for Ichiro Shimizu to challenge me. In order to be sure, even the chairman Isao Okochi personally took action.

  Is this escorting that beautiful girl?

  So Igarashi Xigiri's exchange of injury to Qian Quan was also for her?

  If this is the case, it would be too well-intentioned.

  However, they have calculated thousands of times, have they calculated that the money and power will be restored so quickly?

   Or, in order to deal with Qian Quan, have they prepared any plans?

  Zhang Xianger came to Zhonghai from Beijing on purpose, met Qian Quan face to face, and learned that Japan had arranged players to challenge Qian Quan.

   "Usamilian?" Zhang Xianger felt that the name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it. "It should be specially arranged to test your injury."

   "Why is this necessary?" Qian Quan

   "That's great!" Zhang Xianger said firmly, "Now review the cause and effect of this exchange match, and you will find that everything is foreshadowed.

   "If you don't believe me, Zhuge Liang's analysis after the fact: Before you entered their sight, I was actually their first target, which is why Shimizu Ichiro wanted to compete with me;

  "Then I made a mistake and asked you to fight for me, but you defeated Shimizu Ichiro with a stainless steel chopstick, and immediately replaced me as their first target.

   "That's why Igarashi Yugiri came across the ocean to find you for a duel."

  Zhang Xianger's analysis seems to be well-founded, but Qian Quan didn't care much, and said:

   "Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. Since it is a martial arts competition, it is natural to see the truth under the fists and kicks. Let him do everything possible, and I will only drop ten times."

   "Yeah, I just let myself go because I knew you had fully recovered, and fought with Isao Okochi and Ichiro Shimizu.

   "I'm just curious now, who are they planning to arrange to deal with you."

   "It's the same for anyone," Qian Quanruo said casually, "And I'm not fighting alone. I think some of the players sent by Japan this time are really good. It's a good opportunity to train myself."

   "That's why you asked Zhao Baiyu to fight for you?"

   "Well, this is also what I suddenly decided to change after meeting the Japanese players.

   "These more than 30 players are actually more than 30 whetstones, which are of great benefit to players like Zhao Baiyu."

   "What if you lose?"

   "Isn't that normal? Because of this failure, you will never recover from a setback?" Qian Quan asked back, "And, don't I still have my back?"

  Zhang Xianger nodded with a smile.

  In the afternoon, they watched the match between Zhao Baiyu and Usami Ren in the Xundao Pavilion.

  The moment he saw Usami Ren appearing, Zhang Xianger recognized him immediately.

   "Mad dog! So it was him." Zhang Xianger said.

"you know?"

   "I saw him in an underground fighting arena in the United States. His style is very fierce and savage. Everyone nicknamed him 'Mad Dog'..."

   "Have you ever fought?"

   "No, but he lost to an American boxer, and that American boxer was even with me. Rounding up, he should be slightly worse than me."

   Qian Quan nodded with a smile.

  On the court, Usami Ren and Zhao Baiyu have already set up their postures.

  With a playful smile on her face, Usamilian stretched out her hand to challenge Zhao Baiyu.

  Zhao Baiyu turned a blind eye, his footwork was as light as he was heavy, and he walked forward slowly, the saber in his left hand came out in a snake shape, with a whistling sound, like a gust of wind blowing through the crack of a door.

  Zhao Baiyu rushed to attack.

   Usami Ren let out a strange cry, not dodging or dodging, and punched out, choosing to face head-on.

  Zhao Baiyu rotated his feet to walk, and drew a large arc with his hands in the air. After a buzzing sound, Zhao Baiyu pushed Usamilian's arm to his chest, took him with his arm, and pushed back a few steps.

   Usamilian roared "Ba Ga", and rushed towards Zhao Baiyu with a vicious kick.

  Zhao Baiyu was not in a hurry, his movements were not hurried or slow, his steps were snapped and buckled, his body turned freely, and he pierced the opponent's thigh with a single palm.

   "Girls playing Baguazhang are also very good-looking, and their movements are like dancing, with both beauty and strength." Zhang Xianger commented.

  Usami Ren's thigh was hit by a blow, the pain was unbearable, her forearm swept across, and she wished she could knock Zhao Baiyu unconscious with a punch.

  Zhao Baiyu still evaded with agility, and stabbed Usamiren's armpit fiercely with his sword in his hand like a boa constrictor.

  His entire right arm was numb and numb in an instant.

  Zhao Baiyu straightened his body, put his palms together, and pushed towards Usamiren's chest with a bang, like a gust of wind, he was pushed backwards and fell to the ground.

  Zhao Baiyu's palms trembled slightly in the air, which was the aftertaste of trembling.

   Then silently withdrew his palms and stood still, like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi.

   "I know why you asked Zhao Baiyu to fight him, playing Fatianke." After all, Zhang Xianger is an expert, and he can taste it after watching it for a while.

   "It's a pity that this mad dog is too anxious, and everyone has no chance to get a glimpse of the whole leopard of the 'Sixty-Four Hands of Jin Sheng Yu Zhen'." Qian Quan said.

   "How can you not be in a hurry, a well-known master in the underground fighting arena, being teased like this by a little girl...

   "Of course, some may not adapt to this fighting style, so it is most suitable to test you."

  Qian Quan nodded with a smile, and suddenly saw the defeated Usami Ren walking towards this side.

   "I still want to challenge you! A real man should not hide behind a girl." Usamilian said to Qian Quan in English.

   "Too dedicated." Zhang Xianger sighed.

  Qian Quan stood up with a smile, and replied in English: "Now?"

   "Yes, are you scared?"

   "No, no, it's just that I'm taking advantage of it."

   "It's okay, I heard your injury is just right."

   "That won't work, I am the host, and I will definitely not take advantage of this.

   "How about this, you invite another helper, two to one, it's fairer." Qian Quan said.

  Usami Ren heard the words, her face was livid, she gritted her teeth and said, "I'll talk after you win first."

   "Alright." Qian Quan didn't force it either.

  When everyone in the venue saw Qian Quan's end, their expressions became serious.

  Everyone wants to know what is going on with Qian Quan and whether he can still fight.

   After 30 seconds, everyone saw the answer:

  Qian Quan and Usami Ren punched each other, directly breaking the latter's arm.

  Qian Quan wants to use this to show an attitude, I don't have to hide anything from you.

   If there is still a little selfishness, it is that he really rejects and dislikes the ferocious screams of the Japanese from the bottom of his heart.

  The animal-like voice echoed the history of blood and tears of the Chinese people.

  So Qian Quan showed no mercy.

   "Who else wants to advise?" Qian Quan has been playing anyway, so he took advantage of the opportunity to communicate with them.

   After a moment of silence, five or six Japanese contestants stood up firmly.

  Qian Quan said: "You can have a few more, I will hit eleven!"

   This sentence angered all the Japanese players. Amidst the anger, another six or seven players stood up.

   "Then let's come together."

  Qian Quandao.

  (end of this chapter)