MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 41 attack

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Both sour and happy, the sourness is because Shan Bei may like a girl, but that person is not herself; the happy thing is that Shan Bei also likes girls, and she still has a chance.

Just when Mu Qing couldn't help but want to say "female", Shan Bei suddenly covered his mouth with his hand covering his face, laughed, and said at the same time: "Haha, just kidding, please don't be like this. I actually know you Who is your sweetheart?"

"You know? Then do you know who it is...?" Mu Qing was uneasy.

"It's me..." Shan Bei said slowly, Mu Qing's heart was lifted high, did Shan Bei really know? But Shan Bei's performance made Mu Qing feel unpredictable.

"Hey, oh, it's not us, it's the boss of your company, right?" Since Shan Bei knew that Shen Hao was not Mu Qing's sweetheart, he was naturally not afraid to talk about him.

Mu Qing was taken aback, what does this have to do with Shen Hao? She never thought that Shan Bei would talk about Shen Hao. There are indeed different opinions in the company about her relationship with Shen Hao. After all, they didn't know Mu Qing's real identity. He thought that Muqing obtained these resources by climbing onto Shen Hao's bed.

Did Shan Bei also hear these rumors? Muqing's heart turned cold, none of those rumors were good, in the past she ignored it because she thought it was unnecessary, and let those gossiping ones chew on it, since it doesn't itch or hurt. Besides, if you have free time, you might as well spend more time on Shan Bei. But if Shan is misunderstood, it is another matter, and it is necessary to clarify.

"Tell me, I won't talk nonsense." Shan Bei winked at Mu Qing mischievously after speaking, she seemed to hope that Mu Qing could tell her that at this moment, Shan Bei was acting very gossip.

I really want to touch her! Mu Qing saw Shan Bei tilting his head and making such cute movements, it really made his hands itch. However, what Shan Bei said made her feel chilly, and the two of them had tacitly occupied the seats on both sides of the sofa before, so it would be too abrupt to move over.

"Why? Still don't want to talk about it? Well, it's your private matter after all. I just think that if you are so virtuous, your lover must be very happy." If it was me, it seemed that he would be very happy too. Shan Bei despised herself in her heart, she planned to punish Mu Qing when she was lying on the bed before, it was all her fault, it made her a mess. How can I feel happy now.

"Do you hope it's Shen Hao or not?" Mu Qing is really called a brain-twitching expert, and this question makes people think about it.

"'I hope'? Your sweetheart is up to me?" Shan Bei was overwhelmed by Mu Qing's off-line performance. She must have been dreaming when she heard Mu Qing talking on the phone last night. How could such a domineering person behave like this? It seems that Muqing will mess up if he gets involved with her, Shan Bei thought with certainty. It seems that her careless touch, deliberate touch, and occasional jokes will make her different. Mu Qing is still Gu Chenxue to that Chen Guxue, although she is more than gentle, but she is very calm, how can she have such a weak performance now.

"Sorry, I meant to say..."

"It's okay. I was joking." Shan Bei said with a smile.

"Actually, Shen Hao and I don't have that kind of relationship." Mu Qing still explained, if Dan Bei originally liked her but abandoned her because of such a misunderstanding, it would be a loss. Although it is not feasible for Shan Bei to like her, there are always contingencies, so all bad possibilities must be killed in the cradle.

"Then what's your relationship?" After all, Shan Bei just wanted to know the relationship between Mu Qing and Shen Hao.

"We are just friends, plus the relationship between superiors and subordinates in the company, nothing else." Mu Qing explained in great detail.

"Well, then what is the relationship between you and that Moulian?" Anyway, I asked one of them, and I simply asked all the relationship between the characters I wanted to know. It was so abrupt, but Mu Qing didn't notice it, and basically answered every question.

"Mu Lian? He's just a friend." How did Shan Bei know that she had something to do with Mu Lian? Mu Qing looked at Dan Bei suspiciously.

Seeing Mu Qing's appearance, Shan Bei felt a little displeased, could it be that she had forgotten the first time they met? !

"When we first met in 'Relax', you and Mou Lian seemed quite close together." Shan Bei said.

Mu Qing has to say that she is really happy in her heart now, and she can't help but have a soft smile on her face. It turned out that Shan Bei had already paid so much attention to her at that time, did it mean that she actually had a little affection for him?

But at that time they met for the first time, and Shan Bei didn't know that she was the designer of "Xian Fei Xian" who was in charge of it. Why did Shan Bei pay her such attention? Also, Shan Bei said that he and Mou Lian are very close together, there seems to be a little bit of jealousy in his words, is it his imagination or is it true? Mu Qing's heart was pulled up and down by Shan Bei's invisible hand.

"At that time, you should have been in charge of my affairs, right? Why did you leave without saying hello when you saw us?" Shan Bei was asking the teacher for a crime, and she still remembered that she was angry at that time.

"No, um, I just saw you and your manager eating, so I don't want to bother you."

Nonsense, at that time it was obvious that she wanted to disappear immediately, Shan Bei turned her head to the TV, denying it in her heart. After a while, she looked at Mu Qing and continued to ask: "I think you have a good relationship with that Gu Chenxue or Chen Guxue, and you let her act as my agent." This was what Shan Bei was very concerned about at the time. One point, that woman obviously disdained her, but Mu Qing actually entrusted her with her affairs, it makes me feel uncomfortable to think about it,

"You mean Chen Guxue? She is my colleague. Last time when the queen was in estrus, I asked her to help bring her cat here. In comparison, I know her better, so please She acted as an agent." Mu Qing explained.

The back and forth between the two feels like one person is questioning the other's cheating, and the other is desperate to explain.

Shan Bei didn't want to say bad things about Chen Gu Xue in front of Mu Qing, it seemed that she was petty. But she still emphasized: "In the future, can I not let her act as my agent? I prefer you to do it yourself."

The person I like wants to entrust me with carte blanche to handle her affairs, and even makes a soft request, how can Mu Qing refuse!

"I will not entrust others in the future, I promise you."

"Thank you so much!" Shan Bei took Mu Qing's hand and held it.

Muqing almost couldn't restrain herself and threw away, luckily she didn't do it, she enjoyed the close contact with Dan Bei at this moment.

"You don't have to be so serious. Speaking of which, are you really not going to tell me who your sweetheart is?" Shan Bei returned to the old topic.

"Sorry, I'll tell you later when it's convenient!" Mu Qing said apologetically.

"OK, don't force it." Shan Bei replied with a smile, but her chin was raised high in her heart: Hmph, you gave up this opportunity yourself.

"Then why don't we talk about this game! I like the setting this time, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"No, it's also because you are suitable."

"How did you think of choosing me! If you only talk about temperament, people in the entertainment industry are suitable for this role, and I'm not the only one."

"No, in my heart you are the most suitable candidate."

"I didn't expect you to give me such a high evaluation, my honor." Shan Bei was moved again, why did Mu Qing approve her so unconditionally?

"Actually, Shan Bei, I also have a question I want to ask you. I see that you and your agent seem to have a very good relationship."

"That's for sure, she's my manager. If I offend her, I won't have any good fruit to eat."

"Do you like your agent very much?"

Shan Bei really wanted to ask Mu Qing which kind of love she was talking about?

"Sure. We get along like a mother and daughter."

"Mother and daughter?" Although Fu Jieti said that she was older than Shan Bei, the gap between mother and daughter should not be as big as three or five years old at most.

"Well, she's always nagging, just like an old lady."

Hehe, will your manager cry when he hears this! But Muqing opened his mouth with joy in his heart. She is very satisfied with their way of getting along. As long as it doesn't become her and Shanbei, it's fine.

"You slept all afternoon today, can you sleep at night?"

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

"Then watch TV for a while, and I'll make you a cake for tomorrow."

"Isn't it too late to make cakes now, don't you take a break?"

"Soon, it's all in the oven."

"Then I will help you!"

"No, just watch TV."

"Television doesn't appeal to me at all."

Um? Does this mean that making cakes for her is more attractive? Is it yourself or the cake! Mu Qing was confused again.

The two finally came to the kitchen together to prepare the things for the cake. In fact, it was mainly Mu Qing who was doing the work, and Shan Bei watching from the side, and chatting with him by the way. After Muqing prepared all the relevant things, Shan Bei handed over the things according to Muqing's instructions and did some relatively simple things.

At first, the two of them were still as cautious as they were washing dishes before. Later on with the flour. Shan Bei saw Mu Qing bowing his head in seriousness, and his heart skipped a beat. Concentrating on preparing food for her loved ones, Shan Bei blushed when she thought of this. I seem to be blushing more and more now. It's all Muqing's fault!

Shan Bei bit her lip, and suddenly dabbed a little flour on Mu Qing's face. Mu Qing was completely unprepared, looking at Shan Bei's smug smile and the shaking hand, a surge of heat gushed out of her heart. In an instant, she changed from meeting with each other to reaching out to Shan Bei, who dodged. At first, Muqing didn't dare to be too aggressive because of ghosts in his heart. In this gap, Shan Bei stretched out his hand again and painted a white line on the other side of Mu Qing's face. Mu Qing let go of his guard completely and attacked Shan Bei's face. Because Shan Bei was moving too much, Mu Qing pressed directly on his body, fixing Shan Bei's body between the sink and himself. Dan Bei's face was attacked, but the red face due to struggle, coupled with that touch of white, made Mu Qing want to lick it, and then put it into Dan Bei's mouth.