MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 114 [Lu Chenghe wants to hit people] The sweet little daily routine of traveling

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The advantage of self-help travel is that there is no specific time no matter what you do, it doesn't matter how late you play, and it doesn't matter if you wake up naturally in the morning. Early in the morning, Zuo Ning and Landing Chenghe ran outside in the morning and ate another meal that was not appetizing. I wished to go back to the room and make a bucket of instant noodles for breakfast. Then they waited until noon until they came down.

Lu Chenghe slapped his pudding's eyes with a slap, and turned to him with a slap, staring at Chu Hang: "Look at anything."

Zuo Ning leaned directly on Lu Chenghe's body, leaned his head and whispered in his ear: "I always feel that today's big ah ... there is a gentle feeling, especially different!"

Lu Chenghe glanced down at him: "If there is anything different, you have more things to do."

Zuo Ning pouted his lips, snorted, and took out several tourist guides and shook their hands at them: "Is there any arrangement for Big Brother Big Brother today?"

Chu Hang glanced at them with a smile. Today is a couple outfit, a simple white shirt and casual jeans. Although the clothing styles are not exactly the same, Lu Chenghe wears a bit mature, while Lu Ning wears a younger, but the same The belt and watch are especially close.

Seeing their slimy appearance there, Chu Hang smiled again: "Today I want to visit the exhibition hall. Some of the famous paintings can only be seen in Milan."

Zuo Ning heard a word and looked at Lu Chenghe: "Today we went shopping, we only brought a box of clothes, and today we went around and bought and bought shoes by the way." He also extended his foot and shook: "Everyone blame Cheng Hyuk, who lied to me about weight restriction, which caused me to not even have a pair of extra shoes."

Chu Hang laughed: "Then you go shopping, there are a lot of things here than domestic goods, we will drive in Tuscany in the next few days, there is no urbanization over there, so what do you want to buy while taking advantage of these Good day. "

Zuo Ning nodded: "Well, that elder brother and elder sister have to play well today."

After pawing with his paw to watch his elder brother and uncle leave, Zuo Ning couldn't wait to pull the landing and Cheng Hye also went out. How can Milan not visit the streets full of luxury shops, even if Zuo Ning doesn't like shopping and eats? The requirements for wearing are not high, but being able to buy and buy is still very happy.

However, the imagination is beautiful. When I really came to the bustling street, watching the crowd of people, Zuo Ning grimaced directly to Lu Chenghe: "Are all the tyrants who can travel abroad? Are they not spending money? Look at those people, the bags in their hands will not be able to hold up, or do you say that the things here are so cheap that you will lose money if you don't buy them? "

Those indifferent stores in the domestic gates can hardly be overcrowded at this moment. They are exaggerated like the night market in China.

Lu Chenghe looked at the little pudding standing on the street confused, not knowing whether to go in or not, holding his hand and slowly strolling in from the other side of the road: "I do n’t always buy it for myself, now there is not a profession Is it called purchasing. "

Zuo Ning was puzzled: "I have n’t understood it all the time. I am optimistic that a lot of purchasing agents take the price of the goods together in the circle of friends. Then you can convert the amount of those things abroad. If the purchasing fee is too high, It ’s expensive, people will definitely not ask him to buy it, but it ’s cheap. I still do n’t know if the money for this plane stay will be earned back. Do you think this purchasing will make money or not? ”

"There is no career in the world that does not make money. Fortunately, you have no intention of starting a business. Otherwise, you have to think about yourself."

Zuo Ningheng groaned, and clenched Lu Chenghe's hand, and followed one store after another. The last time Lu Chenghe took him shopping like this, he was still a dog and he couldn't say what he wanted. Now it's hard to seize the opportunity, of course we have to make enough money.

It ’s okay not to go abroad, only to know the wealth and power of the people. Walking on the street, at least one of the ten people was a Chinese, and in the overcrowded shops, more than half were yellow. The large amount of bills of payment looked like a bank at home.

Zuo Ning pulled La Lu Chenghe's hand: "You said I went into the store, pointing at this, this and this, don't, all the others wrapped me up, wouldn't it look vulgar and dumb?"

Lu Chenghe laughed: "You can try it."

Zuo Ning rolled his eyes: "Am I so stupid?" As soon as he finished, Zuo Ning referred to the shop behind Cheng He and was surprised: "Rainbow ice cream!"

When he was eager to run over to buy it, he was pulled back by Lu Chenghe: "It's all pigments, and you are not allowed to eat it."

"I think someone recommended it and said it was delicious."

However, before he finished speaking, Lu Chenghe pulled him away. Zuo Ning also kept looking back, looking at the pigment in that small cup of ice cream and it would not die. It is said to be flavored with fruit, maybe there is no pigment at all, pouting mouth full of resentment.

However, at this moment Zuo Ning hated Lu Chenghe's strict control over himself. The next moment he really hoped that Lu Chenghe would come out to control himself. Unfortunately, he could not find Lu Chenghe's people, as if destined, he had to disperse this script To be considered complete.

They were not scattered by the crowd. Although there were a lot of people on the street, it was not enough to turn around to see the individual, but after Zuo Ning came out of the bathroom, he found that Lu Chenghe could not find him. Location. Before entering, Lu Chenghe was clearly standing next to the big potted plant in front of the bathroom, but after he came out, let alone Lu Chenghe, even the big potted plant was gone!

Zuo Ning looked around blankly, thinking about going to the bathroom, he took the bag to Lu Chenghe, and his mobile phone was still in the bag. He now has only one bag in his pocket and two paper towels left. Some panicked and stood there for a while without seeing Lu Chenghe. Zuo Ning almost wanted to cry, lost on the streets of Milan, and didn't know if the alarm would be dealt with.

It was said that he would be jailed for himself. He did not dare to spread Lu Chenghe's hands while walking along the road.

He flipped it into his pocket again, and wanted to find out if there was any unused change on his body, and turned to a card. He doesn't know when the card was put in his pocket, but Carry must be rich. As long as he has money, he won't panic, find a machine to pick up some money and take the taxi back to the hotel.

After waiting for a while, I still didn't see Lu Chenghe's figure. Zuo Ning simply went to find someone by himself. This street is so big anyway, maybe he can meet it.

On the other side, Lu Chenghe, who hadn't waited for a long time for the little pudding to come out, was worried about what was going on. He simply went into the bathroom to find it. The shopping areas like this are long queues. The men's bathroom was better. There weren't that many people. They walked in and shouted, but didn't respond. When I came out, there was an exit on the other side. I immediately frowned and walked, but I still didn't see the little pudding.

Needless to know, when the little pudding came out, he definitely couldn't remember the direction, and went out through the exit on the other side. As a result, he didn't see himself, and Bacheng looked around in a panic.

Lu Chenghu suddenly had a headache, and he gave him moths without realizing it.

Going around, Zuo Ning went to the ice cream shop just passing by and saw the UnionPay logo on the counter, so he couldn't help but ran in and bought an ice cream. Contentedly licking the ice cream, he turned and walked toward the busiest street, maybe he could run into Lu Chenghe.

As soon as Zuo Ning's forefoot left, Lu Chenghe approached and turned around in the ice cream parlour. He didn't see the little pudding and went to another place where he sold food.

So the two always met a distance of one or two steps and then missed, and Zuo Ning ate all the way and bought all the way. Lu Chenghe's size he remembered, afraid of buying cheap Lu Chenghe, he was not willing to wear it, and in his limited knowledge of luxury goods What is the most expensive thing to buy, I am happy.

And Lu Chenghe was able to receive consumer text messages all the way. That was the card and some change that he deliberately put into the pocket of the little pudding. The fear was that the guy would have no money in case he was scattered. Now looking at his brush, Lu Chenghe really couldn't wait to grab that guy for a meal.

I'm not afraid of losing with myself, and I'm in the mood to buy and buy. This little thing is really not ordinary.

Coming out of a store, Zuo Ning couldn't help but breathe out. He felt as if he had killed a bloodstream in a group of purchasing agents. He looked at the things he bought, several sets of clothes, several pairs of shoes, and hands. The sacks inside can't hold up.

He looked around to see if there was a street seat to let him sit for a while, vacated a few bags and tossed away, seeing a familiar figure in the crowd passing by.

Zuo Ning quickly threw things to the ground, jumped up and waved, "Cheng He Cheng He! Lu Cheng He! I am here!"

As soon as Lu Chenghe turned back, he saw that he had been looking for a small thing for an afternoon, and he was jumping and jumping with excitement, his face flushed.

Lu Chenghe walked coldly, but was hit with a shell.

Zuo Ningchao landed a bear hug: "I said I could find you! Aren't you waiting for me at the bathroom door, how did you get away, I didn't see you when I came out, and I was scared to death!" "

Lu Chenghe saw a pile of bags thrown on the ground by the little pudding not far away: "You are scared to death while shopping?"

"Then I'm looking for you. Of course, I'm looking for it as I walk. When I see good-looking clothes and shoes, I thought I was going to buy them, so I just bought them. You haven't said where you went, why don't you wait for me at the door ! "

Lu Chenghe put him down: "I blame me for taking the wrong exit right and left."

Zuo Ning blinked, and he said that when he went in obviously, there was a big potted plant. There was no way to get out. He grabbed the hand of Cheng Chenghe and laughed, and kept telling him that he would leave in the afternoon What happened afterwards, I also encountered a few Chinese who recognized him, and signed a group photo.

"You don't know. It took me a long time when I was recognized. I was still wondering who the person they said was coming. It took me a while to react. I said I can be red. Isn't this red? "

Seeing him chattering there, he was still thinking about giving him a good lesson, and lost himself with himself. He did n’t immediately find someone to borrow a phone or call him in any store, and he was very relieved. Walk around. But seeing him excited to share his afternoon experience with himself like any adventure, let's talk about the lessons.

Returning to the hotel at night, Zuo Ning dumped everything out of each bag, and piled clothes and shoes on the bed. He pulled out a few beautiful little boxes from a pile of things and held them in his hand. Handed it to Lu Chenghe: "Guess what this is!"

Lu Chenghe glanced casually, and the little pudding opened the box without waiting for him to answer: "Oh! It's a set! A set! I bought the best, although I don't know what brand it is, but it's all in one It ’s not cheap, it ’s more than 70 euros! I ’ve never seen such an expensive kit, I ca n’t help but buy several more.

Looking at Xianpu's little pudding, Lu Chenghe only felt that the forehead was twitching and his palms were itching.