MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 116 [Travel was suspended] that period of crazy love

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The facts after his own practice proved that Zuo Ning didn't have the talent he thought was different. When he woke up, he just felt that his whole bones were falling apart, especially in one part of his body. Originally I wanted to turn over, but unfortunately, the whole person couldn't move, and moaned subconsciously, and touched it aside, and then he felt empty and opened his eyes quickly.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that Lu Chenghe was reading on a sofa not far away. Zuo Ning grunted ~ ~ Lu Chenghe didn't look up: "There is porridge on the table, get up and wash your face and brush your teeth to eat, brother they have already gone out, today we will rest in the hotel."

Zuo Ning said pitifully: "I'm so tired, I feel sore and weak, I can't get up."

Lu Chenghe looked at him sideways and smiled slightly: "Don't you say that you are a fairy and you are talented?"

Zuo Ning was lying on the bed and crying: "I have backache and backache, so hungry, hungry and hungry, I am going to starve to death."

Lu Chenghe smiled helplessly, then put the book down, walked over and gently knead it on his waist, and howled at Zuo Ning.

"Well, get up and eat yourself."

Zuo Ning pulled his hand: "Hey."

Lu Chenghe gave a flick on his forehead and said, "Coquettish again."

Zuo Ning opened his eyes full of water and looked at Lu Chenghe, straightened Lu Chenghe's temper, walked to the dining table and took out the porridge in the insulated box. Just now, Zuo Ning, who was still slumped on the bed and couldn't get up, suddenly got up, then looked at Lu Chenghe and smiled.

Lu Chenghe glanced at him, but also fed him what he wanted. Seeing him silly smiling while eating, Lu Chenghe couldn't hold his face: "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Zuo Ning nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, my legs are sore and soft, and I feel like I've been pressed by a train."

Lu Chenghe glanced at him: "I'm asking if my stomach is uncomfortable?"

Zuo Ning quickly shook his head: "Okay! No fever or diarrhea, I said I was in good health." After that, he leaned on Lu Chenghe and stunned: "So you don't have to wait until 20 years old?"

Lu Chenghe squeezed his face to please him, "You give me less of that."

Zuo Ning looked him up and down a few times: "Why are you different from the male lead in other people's novels? People think about those things every day and use various methods to coax the young people into bed. Why don't you show the cards according to the script? Where ?! "

Lu Chenghe shoved a spoon into the mouth of the little pudding: "Eat your porridge!"

Zuo Ning rested for a long time. He originally wanted to lie down in bed and pretend to be sick, and he was sticky with Lu Chenghe, but Lu Chenghe only looked at the book. Eventually Zuo Ning couldn't lie down and noisy to go out to play.

Lu Chenghe glanced at the sun outside and said, "Let's go shopping, then we have to drive to a small town in Tuscany. We can buy something to eat on the road. There is a large grape estate in the town. Now is the season for grapes to grow. The garden is full of ripe grapes. Then you can pick and eat grapes by yourself. "

Upon hearing Zuo Ning's ears, his ears were instantly raised: "Really! Then I have to eat a lot of grapes! I haven't eaten fresh grapes just picked!"

I walked around the large supermarket nearby with Landing Chenghe, eating and drinking, buying a lot of what should not be bought. Lu Chenghan, who had originally planned to return late, had to return to the hotel in advance because of the sudden rain, so the four of them ate dinner at the hotel.

Although Zuo Ning didn't have any obvious marks on his body, they were all clearly invisible in the clothes, but the breath emitted by the whole person must not be used. Even Zuo Ning, who has not experienced such things before, can see Chu The navigation is different, not to mention Chu Hang who has more experience than him. That was a glance at why I couldn't sleep today.

The two of them are a pair. This kind of thing is very difficult for the man to control himself. Chu Hang didn't think much about it. He just gave him some thoughtful food.

However, Lu Chenghan looked at Lu Chenghe one by one, and when Chu Hang and Lu Ning got up to buy freshly squeezed fruit juice, Lu Chenghan said coldly, "You have not grown up, you can restrain me."

Lu Chenghe glanced at his elder brother: "Because he is too restrained, he has been stubbornly used against me."

Lu Chenghan heard that his eyes were even colder, how could he never find out that the second child was just as annoying as the fourth child, not a good thing!

But unfortunately, the plan is wonderful, but change is beyond human control. From the original vineyard, they drove by themselves, slowly drove along the road, stopped to take a look at the scenery, it took almost three days. However, just the day before the manor, a phone call made them have to return home immediately.

Zuo Ning was lying on the armrest near the window, and the whole person was lying on the wide seat without sitting, looking at the white glare clouds outside, and couldn't help sighing. Then he turned over again, watching Lu Chenghe was reading a magazine, could not help but put his foot on Lu Chenghe's leg.

The flight they were returning to was obviously not good when it came, when it was a single room, there was a bed type, and the door could be closed. Now there are only seats. Although it is much larger than the seats in the economy class, and the distance from the front row is sufficient to extend the legs, it is too private, and it can only be lame and touch your hands.

"Seonghye, what happened, shouldn't someone usurp the company?"

Lu Chenghe glanced at him: "It's not the company's business, you should stay in the crew to shoot your drama, don't run around."

Zuo Ning said, "Is that serious?"

Lu Chenghe was silent for a moment before he said, "Not serious."

Zuo Ning turned over and didn't ask again. If it wasn't serious, remote control would be fine. Where would it take them all to rush back in a hurry. I hope it's not a family accident.

Lu Chenghe rubbed his head: "I will take you to that manor in the future."

Zuo Ning smiled back at him and nodded: "OK."

Because Lu Chenghe is there, there is an elder. Although there are two brothers, Lu Chenghe and Lu Chenghan, there is basically nothing that needs the elder to show up, but it is better to have an elder to stay in town. Lu Chenghe originally wanted the little pudding to stay at home obediently. Who knew that once he put his luggage away, the little pudding turned into a dog and tangled him. Lu Chenghe had to take him home with him.

Mother Lu hasn't seen the little pudding for a long time. Even if Cheng He lived at home, he took the little pudding early and returned home every day, let alone after moving out together. Seeing that the son brought the little pudding back, she hugged her affectionately. Although the little pudding was so big that she couldn't hold it, she still shouted.

Zuo Ning sat next to Lu Mu and allowed her to smooth her hair, but kept staring at Cheng Han. It seems that it should be the fourth of Lu's family. Looking at his scum and sorrow, he secretly guessed that it would not be Ren Shishi who dumped him. However, even if it is broken, it is unlikely that the whole family will have to hold a family meeting for him. Maybe what happened to Ren Shishi abroad?

While Zuo Ning was guessing by himself, Lu Chenghan, who had sent Chu Hang back, came over. Zuo Ning quickly ran to Lu Chenghe to lie down, and the whole dog was lying on Lu Chenghe's legs, but his ears were sharp and pointed.

As soon as Lu Chenghan came, he directly asked the fourth cold face: "What the **** is going on ?!"

Lu Chenghan rubbed his face, and the image of the romantic son in the past has long been ruined by his embarrassment, and the whole person looks extremely discouraged.

However, Zuo Ning might have thought about everything there, but he did not expect that a woman would run into Lu Chenghan's house and cut his wrist and commit suicide in the bathtub in his bedroom!

Zuo Ning suddenly opened his mouth in surprise, his eyes widened. Should it be so exaggerated? Although Lu Chenghan lives alone, it is a place where celebrities live. The security system in that place is not a joke. A girl can break in casually. Is it not an individual? It's too scary to slip in.

Lu Chenghe covered the dog's face and suppressed the shocked expression.

The girl who committed suicide is Tang Xin, a treasure of the Tang Real Estate Group. It is said that she was obsessed with Lu Chenghan from an early age. The obsessive harassed Lu Chenghan more than once, and all kinds of dog blood routines have come once. People, Miss Tang even wanted to directly make Lu Chenghan strong.

In the end, the Tang family couldn't help it, and didn't want to watch her because of her daughter's revenge, so she simply sent her daughter abroad and forbade her to use all means to flee the country. After so much quiet for a few years, Tang Xin seems to have gradually changed a lot, and his behavior is not so exaggerated. It seems that he is not so obsessed with Lu Chenghan. After returning to China, he met Lu Chenghan on several social occasions. I was able to move forward and backward like ordinary friends.

Everyone thought that Tang Xin was no longer infatuated with Lu Chenghan, thinking that she had seen more scenery, and finally came out of obsession. Who knows, this man had no warning and chose this way to commit suicide.

When Zuo Ning heard this, he subconsciously leaned on Lu Chenghe, which was too terrible. Not to mention that a living life is gone, this way of suicide is simply a psychological shadow. It is said that during this time, Lu Chenghan lived in Chenghe Manor. He had to live in a room without a bathroom. What a fright.

Lu Chenghe stroked the little pudding along with Mao, and asked the fourth child, "Did Tang Xin ever look for you before?"

Lu Chenghan shook his head and rubbed his eyebrows very tired: "No, nothing at all. Since she returned to China, we have only met at a few banquets and said two words, just saying hello, except this Besides, there have been no other contacts. "

Lu Chenghan said: "What is the Tang family's attitude now?"

Lu Chenghan heard the words slightly cold: "Now Tang's brother Tang Yifeng is the master of Tang Xin, he intends to the suburban plot of land, but he means that the entire piece of Tang's must not eat, but Want to participate. "

Lu Chenghan sneered: "He participates if he wants to participate. His sister ran into the house privately and died in our Lu family. We haven't settled with their Tang family yet!" There are some things that they can take the initiative to compensate, but they can't reach others. Come to want!

Mother Lu watched their brothers stop talking and finally just sighed and didn't speak.

Lu Chenghe patted his mother's hand: "Don't go out during this time, you need to bring more people when going out, we will deal with this matter."

Mother Lu nodded her head, and said somewhat unbearably, "In the end, it is a life. In any case, a girl is good for Cheng Han. There are some things we can take a step back and do not go too far. "

Lu Chenghe nodded: "I know."

Mother Lu looked at her son and said, "I'm afraid you're all busy at this time. You can put the little pudding at home. I won't go out, and the little pudding can stay with me."

Zuo Ning crawled into Lu Chenghe's body in horror, holding his neck tightly.

Lu Chenghe rubbed his back hair and smiled: "The little pudding is too sticky to me. Just follow me. The dogs are very sensitive. If he left him at home, he would think that I do n’t want him, and it would be bad if he was depressed. . "

Mother Lu looked at this dog slave son with eyes full of helplessness.