MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 65 [Pudding Search and Rescue Device] The style of painting in Baibai has become strange.

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Zuo Ning sat obediently on a stone pier wearing a suit with bear ears. This suit was all-inclusive, and just opened a tail-sized hole in the buttocks, enough for his tail to be exposed through the clothes. , And then there are a few hidden buttons on the abdomen. If you want to pee, you must unbutton them. This kind of clothes is obviously anti-dog, most people usually buy open crotch pants, but Lu Chenghe made several sets for the little pudding. I didn't expect it would come in handy now.

Such an all-inclusive package, as long as it rolls in the mud slurry, and brushes four claws every day is enough.

Lu Chenghe was discussing with Nie Yong and the leaders of several rescue teams. Since Lou Jiu disappeared in the mountains, the village chief here informed the local police station of the incident as soon as possible. This is not the first time that Lou Jiu has come. Although the locals are not quite sure of his identity, they know that he should be a big boss and have conducted several transactions with the villagers here. It can be said to be huge for people in the mountains. If Lou Jiu had something unexpected here, it would be a tragedy that no one wants to see.

So the rescue team came up almost at the same time as the police. However, after searching for no fruit on the first day, a group of deep mountain search and rescue teams from the city said to be quite professional the next day. However, after a day and night search, nothing was found.

Until this third day, in addition to the police and rescue team, a group of friends from Lou Jiu came and two helicopters drove back and forth. Some cubs have n’t even seen it on TV today. Stopped in the open space on their hill.

The slightly vicissitudes of the old village chief smoked tobacco and stood aside to listen to their discussions. I did n’t know how many years no one had been in the deep mountains. At first, the young man naturally stopped when he said he wanted to go in. Later, People also promised to be on the periphery.

This time, twice, they still brought people from the beginning. Later, people who were familiar with each other simply did not bring people, and the accident happened. He used awkward Mandarin to describe what happened before Lou Jiu and what path he took. However, there are only two sentences to go, and the help provided is very limited.

Zuo Ning lay down on the stone pier. He really didn't want Lou Jiu to be in trouble, such a gentle and beautiful person. I heard that although there was someone from the house who was looking for a professional rescue team, none of them came in person.

There is also the man for whom Lou Jiu gave up his family and Jinyiyushi. He has never appeared. Thinking of this, Zuo Ning couldn't help but sighed in his heart. The conditions in this building are not as strong as ordinary people. How is it that he is a proud man in heaven?

As soon as Zuo Ning turned his head, he saw a dilapidated brick building in which three or four children hid behind the brick wall and peeked at him. Zuo Ning paused slightly, then turned his head casually. The winter snow in this deep mountain has not been completely gone. Those children are wearing mules that can't see the color one by one, the cuffs are worn out, and the body is also large and small patches.

Look at yourself, although it is a piece of thin cotton, but whether it is texture or warmth, I am afraid that it is much higher than that group of children. Zuo Ning couldn't bear to look at such a picture. He didn't have the patience to let the people in this village go out. If he saw it a lot, it would be easier to think about it.

After several discussions, they decided not to limit the direction provided by the village chief and began to search in a map style. Now there are two helicopters here, which have greatly helped rescue conditions.

The rest is only waiting. Lu Chenghe, they ca n’t go into the mountains to find people in person. No matter how good the relationship is, they do n’t have that ability. So after understanding the next tracing plan, Lu Chenghe took the little pudding back to the temporary accommodation.

It is still a very worn brick building, and the room they lived in is the only one whose windows are still intact, not the kind that is stuck with calendar paper. Their deep mountain houses have extremely high beams, and a small yellow light bulb hangs on them. Even if the sun shines through the windows, the whole house is still very gloomy.

Zuo Ning didn't know if this was the case in rural houses. His parents were both in the city. The relatives in the family got along badly, and they didn't get close to each other. So the memory of the countryside was almost zero. Put on that hard bed that was almost the same as the coffin board, and didn't dare to move. I do n’t know who came up with the design that the bed is wrapped on three sides, so I ’m not afraid to fall asleep and have nightmares.

Lu Chenghe took out a few bags of jerky before taking it out of the bag, and asked him, "Did you smell Lou Jiu here?"

Zuo Ning shook his head. Although Lu Chenghe brought him without expecting him to search and rescue, he almost instinctively distinguished the information in the air after he arrived, but did not.

When Lu Chenghe heard this, his face became cold.

Zuo Ning thought he felt useless, and quickly rushed into his arms. He is not a professional search-and-rescue dog. He has not undergone special training in this area.

Lu Chenghe hugged him and touched his head: "No smell, this is the biggest problem."

Zuo Ning looked up at him puzzled, what's the problem? If you smell so many authentic search and rescue dogs, then you will definitely find them.

"If people have come, there must be a certain smell in the village. Humans can't smell it, but dogs can. The search and rescue dogs only smell a little when they are close to several farmers. It was Lou Jiu who cooperated with them to buy game for several times, so there were more contacts, and then the road that Lou Jiu often took, but when it was near the mountains, the smell broke again. "

Zuo Ning's ears stood up in an instant, and it was a plain little essay, why did he become suspicious in an instant! Still the kind of thriller and suspense!

Lu Chenghe squeezed his little ears: "So Lou Jiu has either never been or it must have happened in the village, but the whole village has been cleaned up, so you can't smell it."

No, it's not, how can there be so cruel, he sees the people in this village are very simple.

After Lu Chenghe said, he directly held his two claws and let him stand up. He dressed him up and said, "So you must not run around, otherwise, you will disappear next."

Zuo Ning jumped from the bed to Lu Chenghe's body instantly, his two hind legs tightly wrapped around the landing Cheng He's waist. Without such a scary person, he is just a fat and fat dog. In the eyes of every family who can't eat meat, it is already attractive enough!

Zuo Ning felt that Lu Chenghe was frightening him intentionally, but he also felt that Lu Chenghe did not seem to say so casually, and the suspicion of Cheng Lucheng's hunger went down. The more he thought about it, the more it might be possible.

When Lu Chenghe went out again in the afternoon, Zuo Ning followed him, but this time facing the curious onlookers, Zuo Ning slowly approached the past.

These children probably saw this domestic pet dog for the first time, and they all just watched carefully, and they did n’t even dare to touch it, especially when they saw that he was still wearing clothes, that envious look Zuo Ning felt a little uncomfortable.

Lu Chenghe saw that he even went to play with the children, and frowned slightly: "Little pudding."

Zuo Ning turned back and screamed at Cheng Cheng's landing, but he didn't mean to walk away. Seeing this, Lu Cheng didn't care about him anyway, anyway, the little thing was very timid, and he didn't have the courage to run away.

After a while, Zuo Ning took the initiative to stretch out his claws and woke his tail to laugh, and the children became familiar with him, all of them ran over and tried to touch their claws. Unfortunately, all the children spoke in dialects. Zuo Ning couldn't understand a sentence, but I didn't expect that there were dogs in this village.

Probably because Zuo Ning was so cute and beautiful, the children also ran to catch a dirt dog in the village.

Zuo Ning looked at the traces of the dog's neck that had been tangled for a long time, and the hair on that lap was obviously different from other places. The whole dog is extremely thin, with bones all over it, a dirty black hair and a yellow hair, apparently also a small figure, but he is two circles smaller than him.

The little native dog saw that he was very shy, and he was afraid to move when he was lying on the ground, and his throat made an unconscious purr. This voice is obviously a sign of weak submission, maybe it ’s been locked up for a long time or something, and even the way of greeting between dogs will not be the same.

Zuo Ning didn't approach the dog, but just said to him within a safe range: "Hello."

The dog looked at him, and watched him wincingly. He heard him say hello and took a small step back.

Zuo Ning suddenly thought of something, ran to Lu Chenghe and grabbed his pants.

Lu Chenghe bent down thinking he was about to hug, and saw the little pudding glance at the little native dog, and then hummed twice.

Lu Chenghe understood what he meant, smiled and touched his head, and said to the village chief who was always following him: "My little pudding wants to play with that little native dog, does the village chief mind?"

A dog who doesn't understand anything, naturally he doesn't mind, nodded generously, if the person is willing to sell it to them. Afraid of the dog hurting the village head, the village head went directly to a family's house, found a rope to tie the dog's neck, the dog remained motionless, and then let the village head drag.

Lu Chenghe wrapped the rope around the little pudding's front paw, and then saw the little pudding dragging the dog into the farmer's house where they were temporarily living.

Some children wanted to keep up, but came to the door and saw a man in a black suit sitting in the hall, again timid, and said a few words to the friends around him, and a group of children ran away.

Back in the room, Zuo Ning loosened the rope wrapped around his hand, then turned to find a piece of jerky, and tore off the sealed bag for the dog, let the jerky in front of the dog: "I'll give you something, good food."

The rich flavour of the meat has never been smelled since it was born. The taste is not the same as the meat eaten by humans. It is more fragrant and more attractive to dogs.

When the dog saw that big white dog really wanted to feed it, he tried to get closer, and when he saw that the white dog was sitting not far away without moving, he quickly lifted up the jerky, then rushed into the corner and began to eat.

When Zuo Ning saw it finished, he asked, "Are they delicious? Do you still want to eat? If you still want to eat, you answer my question, you can eat as much as you want."