MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 83 [Full ownership] We are the blessings of each other

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Although Zuo Ning has experience in filming and has observed those actors acting on the set, but some things have not been studied and explained by the teacher. He does not understand that acting as an actor is not based on the script and the director's position. Just fine. Although he has made a movie before, it is certainly not for someone to teach a dog how to use a split lens. Basically, he teaches it by hand and there are people who eat with a toy to seduce him. He only needs to do what the person wants. Already. But now that the real person is on the battlefield, he must be able to distinguish these, at least he must understand the script that the director gave him.

Although Zuo Ning had expected that every industry would have hard work for outsiders, when the course gradually entered the right track, he suddenly had the kind of compactness and pressure once again when he returned to the Thousand Armies when he crossed the wooden bridge. It's not a problem that the book doesn't leave your hand. When you sleep in a dog posture, you will still dream about pawing your paws. When you become a human, you will even start talking.

This is just a private lesson within his company, he only concentrates on learning without worrying about others. Zuo Ning couldn't even imagine how the young actors in the circle could manage to hang out in the entertainment circle while maintaining their studies. It was really amazing!

These Lu Chenghe looked in his eyes, but did not say anything. This road was chosen by the little pudding himself. If he took the initiative to tell himself that he could not continue, then Lu Chenghe would certainly not force him to continue, but see him. Still struggling, Lu Chenghe was a little happy with the perseverance of the little pudding, and a little annoyed at the same time, so many things can be done without doing, so why focus on this line.

When Lu Chenghe handed over a book to him, Zuo Ning, who was learning how to read and understand the script, took it subconsciously and took it up as a teacher's assignment. After a while, he realized that this was Lu Chenghe's gift to him, not the case script given by the teacher, and then he looked up at him and said, "What are you doing for me? You don't plan to let me go to film so soon? Didn't learn anything! "

Seeing that stupidity, Lu Chenghe couldn't help laughing and said, "I think you are learning to be stupid. Some things ca n’t be learned through these studies. If you always feel that you ca n’t, you just immerse yourself in looking at other people ’s things. , Then it does n’t matter how much you learn. "

Zuo Ning watched him silently for a while, seeing that Lu Chenghe was not joking to tease him, looked down at the script, the cover is [Chitose], the name looks a bit like an antique drama: "Have you seen the script? What did you say? ? "

"Look at it yourself, and give me a reply within three days."

Zuo Ning looked at the script, and rubbed his finger on the side page of the script for a while, then snorted: "It doesn't take three days, now it's OK, I'll take it!"

Lu Chenghe frowned slightly: "I give you the script to let you try it first and then combine learning, not to test whether you can continue this path, you have to learn to have your own measure."

After looking at him, Lu Chenghe said, "Little pudding, since you can already become a human, then human beings have a saying to live for themselves. Although living in this society cannot dispel everyone's eyes, but also There is no need to take others' eyes so seriously, you see. "

After Lu Chenghe said, seeing that the little pudding looked at him without talking, he reached out and poked on his brain: "Pretend to be stupid with me?"

Zuo Ning touched his forehead and snorted softly: "That's because of you. The thing you gave me is definitely the best and most suitable. It doesn't hurt me anyway. Why should I waste my brain cells by myself?" Think about it, I only care about how you look at me in this world, and I do n’t bother to care about others! ”Even the dog has done, and done so many things without a lower limit, if he cares about other people ’s views, I ’m afraid early Shame and die!

After hearing the words of the little pudding, Lu Chenghe no longer knew what to say. The responsibility to bear another person's life suddenly made him feel substantive. This was a feeling he had never had before, a little contented and a bit helpless. Satisfied with this sense of ownership that completely belongs to him, the helpless little pudding seems to be a bit unreliable.

For Lu Chenghe, for the first time in his nearly 30 years of life, he had this sense of belonging, a person who belonged to him completely independently, and this dependence made him feel more intimate than the relationship between husband and wife. In society, even husband and wife are two independent individuals, but the little pudding belongs to him and belongs to him completely.

Seeing that little thing has begun to read the script, Lu Chenghe rubbed his hair: "I have found an agent for you, these days he is familiar with your information, I will let him come and see you three days later, During this period, you should watch the script carefully. If you have any ideas, you can communicate with me first, or communicate with your agent. "

Zuo Ning looked up at him: "Information? What is my information?" His identity was simply simple and clean. Lu Chenghe was afraid he couldn't remember, so the fabrication was very simple. It could be described in less than a page. Past life, so what information can be digested for three days?

Lu Chenghe glanced at him: "Samoyed feeding guide."

Zuo Ning: "?????"

Now that he has picked up the play, what Zuo Ning is about to understand is definitely something to understand. Three days after the agent digested his information, Zuo Ning was digesting the script.

He thought that the script chosen by Lu Chenghe and him would definitely be the protagonist. From the perspective of Lu Chenghe, what he could see turned red without saying a shot, it would definitely not be the kind of film that did not have a little splash after the filming, so it was a little bit It might be okay to mix it up. Before he was ready to watch the script, he also thought that he must work hard to pick the big beams, and he must not let Lu Chenghe open his back door ashamed.

As a result, he only reacted when he saw the script halfway through. He was not a protagonist at all, not even the second man! That's one man and three!

Seeing the little pudding staring blankly at the script, Lu Chenghe raised an eyebrow: "Why, do you want to retreat?"

Zuo Ning turned to look at Lu Chenghe, and said blankly, "I thought I was the protagonist."

Lu Chenghe chuckled when he heard the words: "Although this is not much money, I don't want to lose anything. I haven't lost anything I invested in. I don't want to break this precedent."

Zuo Ning gritted his teeth, forbearing and forbearing, but he couldn't help but pounced on Lu Chenghe who was sitting on the sofa reading a book. The whole man looked down at him, and said fiercely: "You look down on me! You know I do n’t know if you underestimate you, you will miss me as a world superstar, your future super cash cow! "

Lu Chenghe gripped the tender meat on his cheek. The flesh of his cheek was not as soft as when he was a dog, and he felt very dry and smooth. He felt a little addicted to the touch and saw the soft flesh on his face. The pull is very elastic, and the whole is deformed before laughing. "It turns out your face is really big."

Zuo Ning tilted his head and opened his mouth to bite his fingers as he used to rub his teeth between his teeth. Lu Chenghe didn't smoke. His nails were always cut just fine, white and slender and beautiful. He also had a clear fragrance, so Subconsciously licked again with his tongue.

The tongue of a person is different from that of a dog. The touch to the skin is naturally different, a little too warm and soft. Lu Chenghe felt that he felt numb all the time when he licked his fingers. Subconsciously slapped Zuo Ning's buttocks: "What kind of habit do you have! I don't know if human hands are really dirty? If you don't give up this habit, I will really hit you!"

Zuo Ning watched Lu Chenghe for a moment, and then plunged into his arms and said, "You can't hit me when I grow up, otherwise I will sue you for domestic violence!"

Lu Chenghe laughed at him: "You still know domestic violence, believe it or not I really make you feel the taste of domestic violence?"

Zuo Ning laughed at him, a knock on the door interrupted him, and he was still amused by Lu Chenghe. He sat upright instantly, holding the script in a beautiful posture like a beautiful man.

What came in was a Zuo Ning's agent who came over at the appointed time. Although this agent was not a well-known gold-level agent in the circle, his network and social status were definitely sufficient. I once worked as a gold assistant for a multinational company ceo. Later, because of some personal relationships, I went back to China to develop directly, and I wanted to change the circle, so I finally moved to Lu Chenghe and asked him to bring a small pudding.

Bei Xiao is not very familiar with Lu Chenghe, but has been interacting with Lu Chenghe's assistant for many years. This time, he was able to become an agent and came through this way. So when he entered the office, he saw a young man wearing a white casual clothes. The script, and the one who always showed the best gesture in the industry, Mr. Lu was organizing his clothes seemingly casually. Bei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the teenager's slightly messy hair, and immediately The sign smiled: "Mr. Lu."

Turning his head to look at the teenager curiously looking at him, "This is Lu Ning, hello, my name is Bei Xiao. It is estimated that you are many years older, but I have a very young heart, so the age span is not Important, you can call me Beixiao Brother. "

Zuo Ning stood up and reached out to shake hands with him, and said with a graceful smile: "Hello, I'm Lu Ning, and please advise me in the future."

The boy who is polite, cultivated, and looks so good is a very pleasing, and Bei Xiao's first impression of him is very good.

Lu Chenghe said: "You know each other and have lunch together at noon. I'll go to a meeting first."

Bei Xiao naturally nodded with a smile. As soon as Lu Chenghe was gone, the boy named Lu Ning naturally got up and went into the small room inside. He took out two bottles of juice and smiled at him: "This taste is very good, not sour at all but very sweet. You taste taste?"

Bei Xiao nodded: "Okay, thank you."

Finding an opportunity to drink an extra bottle of Zuo Ning laughed and said, "You're welcome."

After the two of them sat down again, Beixiao asked directly: "What are your expectations for the future, or do you have a plan of your own? I need to combine your ideas to arrange step-by-step work trends."

Zuo Ning grunted a big mouthful of juice, licked his mouth and thought, "I don't need big reds and big purples, I just need to make a scene once in a while. I'm not afraid of hard work, but it's better not to fly around and stay here as much as possible. "

Bei Xiaowen nodded his head: "In short, you want to be an actor, not a star?"

Zuo Ning smiled a little embarrassedly: "If I could become an international top player, I would naturally think, but I know the truth of fish and bear's paw, so I just want to have a job that can get the reputation of social status, but I don't want to be blindly involved, I want to spend more time with the people I want to accompany. "

Beixiao nodded in understanding. If there is nothing to follow the landing, this feeling is definitely not in business, but if there is a little social fame, it will be different. But he did not expect that the private life was as clean as a blank piece of paper, and Mr. Lu, who was very self-contained, even had a little lover. It seems that he has to plan well for the development of Lu Ning.