MTL - Dali Temple Small Dining Room-Chapter 433 Spring dish gourd chicken (eight)

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  Because they didn't regard the few people sitting here as outsiders, they didn't share the food, and the food was lively, and the four food tables happened to be enough for each person to sit down.

  The gourd chicken was just taken out of the oil pan, and it was still steaming. Because the spring plate does not have to be "hot", all four of them moved the spring plate back and moved the gourd chicken first.

Watching Zhao Sishan lift the teapot filled with chicken soup and pour the original chicken soup into the cup like tea, and then hand over the teacup filled with chicken soup, Ah Bing and Tangyuan both sat up straight subconsciously, stretched out He took the teacup with both hands.

  The chicken soup is delicious and light. After entering the original soup, it's time to move the gourd chicken. Seeing that Zhao Sishan tugged lightly at the gourd chicken that had been deep-fried and shaped like a gourd, he tore off a chicken leg and handed it over. Wen Mingtang had eaten gourd chicken before, so seeing this, he raised his chin with a smile and said, "You guys eat first!"

Hearing what Wen Mingtang said, Tang Yuan and A Bing took it. After putting the chicken shanks into their mouths, the two immediately exclaimed twice, looking at their bright eyes, Wen Mingtang smiled Smiling, knowing that the two of them were also amazed by the exquisite gourd chicken.

She has eaten a lot of fried chicken in modern society, and she is no stranger to the taste of fried chicken. Although fried chicken does not match the "healthy" diet that modern people pay attention to, it can make the restaurant If everyone knows it, the taste is not bad. It is also for this reason that when she saw the gourd chicken dish in modern society, she never tried it. She thought that the left and right would be a combination of various batter-wrapped meat, and the taste would not differ too much.

  Until she came to Dayong, Ye Ting was not like the free modern society. There are so many delicacies for her to choose, and some of them are good. Therefore, Wen Mingtang never let go of the gourd chicken that Zhao Sishan got. He originally thought that it would be no different from the fried chicken in his impression, but it was only after he tasted it that he realized that he was wrong.

  The same fried chicken, but this gourd chicken tasted different from the fried chicken in her impression. The meat is very tender and tender, the skin is crispy, crispy and crispy, and it tastes delicious. This is not surprising, thinking of Zhao Sishan's cooking process of steaming and boiling, the fresh and fragrant taste has already been integrated into the meat. The meat after boiling, steaming and frying is already soft and rotten. It tastes soft, rotten and crispy, and it is really addictive to eat with that plate of pepper and salt dip specially ground by Zhao Sishan.

Smiling as he watched Ah Bing and Tangyuan eat the gourd chicken, Zhao Sishan unloaded one leg of the gourd chicken and handed it over. Wen Mingtang took it, picked up the chopsticks at hand, clamped the meat on both sides of the leg, and gently With a pull, the bone inside was taken off, and then the chicken in his hand was dipped in the dipping sauce and eaten.

A gourd chicken was quickly eaten by the four of them. The glutinous rice **** gave Zhao Sishan a thumbs up and drank another cup of chicken soup from the teapot. After saying goodbye to the gourd chicken, they stretched out their hands to eat it. The spring plate prepared by Wen Mingtang.

  Compared to the exquisiteness of this gourd chicken dish, the spring plate beside it is much more ordinary. But for ordinary spring dishes, if the side dishes inside, the spring pancakes wrapped outside, and the dipping sauce are all well made, the taste of the spring dishes is not inferior to that of gourd chicken, and each has its own advantages. If the gourd chicken is astonishing as soon as you eat it, then this spring dish will become more delicious as you eat it. After eating one spring pancake, people will unconsciously want to eat a second one.

After lunch, the glutinous rice **** touched their chubby belly and said with their mouths: "The crust is delicious and soft, the sauce is good, and the side dishes, no matter vegetarian dishes or stewed meat, are very fragrant. They are also colorful and fragrant. It’s really the best spring plate I’ve ever had.”

  Master Wen hadn’t been out of the palace when the New Year’s Eating Chunpan last year, so he didn’t eat it, but this year he caught up.

  Looking at the chubby glutinous rice **** with naked eyes, Wen Mingtang sneered: "When spring vegetables such as leeks and shepherd's purse are on the table, it will be even more refreshing to eat when wrapped in them."

  The glutinous rice **** and A Bing, who was rubbing her stomach beside her, immediately lit up their eyes, and hurriedly said: "Then when the seasonal vegetables are served, we can have another spring plate."

  As long as you have the ingredients, you can have whatever you want. Wen Mingtang responded with a smile, and looked up at Zhao Sishan on the left. She ate two pieces of cake and was drinking a pot of hawthorn tea to digest her food. serious.

  Wen Mingtang lowered his head and shook the hawthorn tea in his hand, took a sip, glanced at Tangyuan and A Bing who were looking forward to the spring dishes, and said, "I'm going to the public kitchen tomorrow!"

  A Bing and Tang Yuan were taken aback when they heard this.

  Wen Mingtang smiled and said: "Ji Caimai will definitely make a large amount of red envelopes with us."

  If it was normal, the two of them must be happy to hear this. But today... Tang Yuan grinned, squeezed out a forced smile, looked at Wen Mingtang, and tentatively said, "Master Wen, it's about the public chef..."

  Wen Mingtang looked at A Bing, who was next to Tangyuan, and said, "Right now, I am still the cook of the public cook of Dali Temple, so I will be the cook. In my position, I will perform my duties. Don't be distracted!"

  The two nodded.

Zhao Sishan took a sip of the hawthorn tea in his mouth, and after Wen Mingtang finished speaking, he looked at the glutinous rice **** again, and said, "One thing after another, your father's sympathetic money has not been returned yet, first get the money back, and then Thinking about the future." At this point, she put down the teacup in her hand, squinted her eyes slightly, "Mingtang girl has something that Mingtang girl wants to solve, and the two of you have things that you two want to solve. You Dad, the matter of caring about money is your own business. The people in Dali Temple are so busy right now that they don’t have time to spare. Even though Lin Shaoqing has already entrusted the matter to the court officials, if you want to count on the court officials to come forward to impeach Concubine Jing... I Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, sometimes it is clear that a trivial matter is so simple, and it has been more than half a year since the conspiracy and conspiracy, in the end, I still have to take care of my own affairs."

Looking at A Bingtong Tangyuan who was nodding thoughtfully at the side, Wen Mingtang glanced at Zhao Sishan: "Zhao Sishan also has things to do, I have to solve the troubles before I can think about the future." thing."

When mentioning what Zhao Sishan was going to do, Zhao Sishan supported his forehead and sighed helplessly: "My father and mother will give me such an elder brother, but I haven't discussed it with me in advance, but the birth They are all born, and we can only find a way to solve this trouble."

  Wen Mingtang smiled upon hearing this helpless tone, and asked Zhao Sishan, "Can you help me?"

  Zhao Sishan glanced at her: "Do you still need your help with this trivial matter?"

  Wen Mingtang said "Oh" to express his understanding, but Zhao Sishan in the other room immediately asked back: "Do you need my help?"

   "Do you still need your help with this little matter?" Wen Mingtang took Zhao Sishan's words back, pursed his lips and smiled.

   She is waiting. After entering the palace, Xinyue specially asked her to deliver refreshments and "offended" Duke Yasukuni. As a result, Wen Mingtang, who had set up a big enemy right now, was in a state of panic, maybe... an "olive branch" came to the door .