MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 15

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Under this invisible pressure, I had to quickly grab a piece of Mapo tofu and feed it to Ji Lianbing... But an accident happened.

It may be due to the influence of multiple emotions called nervousness, anxiety, and fear, which caused my nerve center to transmit wrong signals, which in turn caused my hands to have an unnatural phenomenon called trembling in one word and trembling in two words.

Then... the tofu that should have been fed into Ji Lianbing's mouth just poked her cheek.


Ji Lianbing: "..."

Onlookers: "..."


The tofu fell on Ji Lianbing's lunch box.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! to be killed! to be killed! Help!

I put my head in my hands and took a defensive stance, lest Ji Lianbing would poke my eyes out with chopsticks in the next second, but...

What came from his ears was Ji Lianbing's gentle voice like water.

"Are you all right? Makoto-kun? Is there something wrong with your body? Your movements are very stiff? Do you need someone to accompany you to the infirmary?"

His tone was full of worry, and he didn't mean to blame at all, as if he really didn't care about what happened just now, and thought about me wholeheartedly.

Everyone was moved by her gentle gesture. To be honest, even I was a little moved. While thinking about whether it was an illusion that Ji Lianbing was a dangerous person before, he released his hands and put his eyes back in front of him...

Delusional ghost!

Red, blood red, scarlet, represent dangerous colors!

Ji Lianbing's name changed from green to red!

I don't know why I can feel Ji Lianbing's monstrous murderous aura from this scarlet color. Even if she looks worried about me, I can only feel that she wants to kill me!

"No, it's fine! I'm fine!"

"That's it... that's great."

Ji Lianbing took out a handkerchief and wiped her cheeks and continued to eat.

The shocking blood red lasted for about three minutes before returning to green, but this green was lighter than the previous green...

Does this mean that she is a little relieved?

Or, she just pretended not to care temporarily?

I don't know what Ji Lianbing's true thoughts are in her heart. Anyway, she didn't talk to me again until lunch was over.

And because I was frightened, I couldn't eat well.

The lunch break ended like this in a weird atmosphere.

And I vaguely felt that Ji Lianbing seemed to be really angry.


Chapter 12 Teacher Yang Transformed

Nothing happened in the afternoon. Even after I left the classroom, Ji Lianbing didn't follow me.

It seems that she is still haunted by what happened in the cafeteria at noon.

But that's fine. It's the best way to start hating me completely and never having contact with me again.

However, because of what happened in the morning and noon, no matter where I go, I can feel other people's eyes, most of them are curious eyes, a few are hostile eyes...

Although the feeling of being stared at is somewhat uncomfortable, but fortunately no one has come to find fault... I arrived after school with mixed feelings.

I took out the certificate that Teacher Yang gave me, and sat in my seat with mixed feelings, not knowing what to do.

The people in the class are almost gone, only seven or eight are still in the classroom, and most of them are boys. The average grades in our class are quite high. Thirty of the more than 40 students are in the top 100 of the school year. Speaking of which, Ji Lianbing seems to be the second in grade...

Ah...I really don't want to go home.

Ji Lianbing aside, there are two younger sisters at home... I really don't know how to deal with Xinran and Keling.

To outsiders, I can put on an attitude that it doesn't matter to me, but I can't do this to my sisters. At least when facing my family, I can't seem to be isolated from the world. I have to take the initiative to communicate with my family.

But this time I really don't know what to do.

Question: I suddenly found out that my indifferent sister would get into my bed at night, what should I do as a brother?

Answer ①: Push it down! Push down! Push it down! Why do you think so much, push it first and then talk about it!

Paifei, next one.

Answer ②: Go and talk to my sister face-to-face, ask her why she did that, and then discuss a suitable solution together.

No, I can't be so tough when facing my sisters, next.

Answer ③: Just pretend that you don’t know what to do, and treat them with a normal attitude.

This just delays the problem, and there is no real solution at all, and it is not the solution to keep delaying, the next one.

Answer ④: Well, there is no answer anymore...

Without you answering a ball of wool!

Ah, ah, An Juncheng, you are such a useless bastard!

That's it, I haven't figured out how to deal with my sisters at all, so looking at it now, maybe I can only choose the answer ③... But if this kind of thing keeps dragging on, something will happen sooner or later... It's nerve-racking...

Although Teacher Lili gave me a certificate to let me escape from the evening self-study and go home early, but now I would rather attend the evening self-study than go home early.

As a result, I unknowingly walked to the front of the library.

However, Mr. Yang should have given each of us a certificate yesterday, so would she still come to the library today?

Forget it, I've come all the way here, let's see if the door is open...

With the mentality of trying this, I pushed open the door of the library, but it really didn't lock the door.


After pushing open some old wooden doors of the library, I walked in and the first thing I saw was Teacher Yang Lili sitting behind the reception desk.

I thought that the teacher would definitely skip class today, but she still came to work... In other words, Ms. Yang really cares about the students, so she gave me a certificate, right? What a good teacher.

Just as I was about to walk over to say hello to Teacher Yang, I stopped in place after a few steps.

Because I saw her name from a distance.

【Pure Love Succubus】

[Lilith Sackbus Inocante]

It's so strange, it's the first time I've seen a name that's longer than a title... No, who are you! You are not Teacher Yang Lili at all!

Why even the name has changed! Or is this actually Teacher Yang's real name? Is Yang Lili just the teacher's pseudonym?

But no matter how you look at it, Mr. Yang is a pure Asian, right? Why is there such a 'European' name?

Up to now, there has been no mistake in the name under the title, and this is the first time I have met someone who doesn't even have the right name...

"Lilith Sackbus Inocante? What a long name, why is it three paragraphs... eh!"

Huh? Huh? huh huh huh?

Because I couldn't believe what was happening in front of me, I wiped my eyes hard.

Just after I whispered out Teacher Yang's new name, something very strange suddenly happened.

She has transformed!

Yes, it is transformed!

The moment I finished reciting the name, Teacher Yang emitted a white light, and after that light disappeared, Teacher Yang became another person!

A devil-like body, jet-black hair, a pair of flying breasts, tender milk-white skin, and red-red pupils...

Every aspect is attracting my man's attention, but the most striking thing is... the horn on the head!

It even has horns!

And the ears are also pointed and long!

Why did Teacher Yang suddenly look like this! No, it's really not Teacher Yang this time! Who is this hot beauty! Where is Mr. Yang? Are you performing a big change of life, or are you transposing?

What's up with those horns! It must be a prop for cosplay! But the ears...

"What the hell..."

Even after forcing an explanation, I still felt like I couldn't convince myself. I stood there like an idiot, and my open mouth couldn't close.

At this time, Teacher Yang (?) also found me, looked up at me and greeted me.

"Huh? Juncheng? Why are you still here? Didn't I give you several certificates yesterday..."

Even the sound is different! The originally hoarse and harsh voice turned into a soft and heart-warming voice, which made people feel more comfortable.

No, no, calm down, now is not the time to admire beautiful women, the important thing is to find out what happened!

The woman in front of her, who has changed completely, is dressed like Teacher Yang, and the glasses on her face are also Teacher Yang's. Only the appearance suddenly changed, from the original 30 points to 300 points... The full score is 100 points.

I walked up to Teacher Yang (?) in a daze, and asked stupidly.

"You are... Teacher Yang?"

"Uh, it's me... What's the matter? Is there something on my face?"

She admitted it! She actually admitted that she was Teacher Yang Lili! And it doesn't seem to notice the change at all!

This woman, whose whole body is made up of sensuality, is really that ugly woman who no one wants!

I must have seen a fake teacher!

Why is there such a big difference? This is simply going to Korea for plastic surgery, right?

As expected of the four major sorcerers in Asia, the power is really strong enough...

No, no, even if you can have plastic surgery, you can't even change your body shape!

Originally, Teacher Yang's barren figure, which was sympathetic to the eyes, turned out to be bulging forward and backward, full of color...

After frantically complaining in my heart for a long time, I twitched the corners of my mouth and asked the teacher, "Well, how did you become like this..."

"Huh? What did I become? I haven't changed at all... Wait."

Teacher Yang frowned deeply as if he realized something. The pupils also suddenly changed from round to sharp, just like the erect pupils of a cat during the day, emitting a cold red light.

"Juncheng... Now in your eyes, what do I look like? Answer me honestly! Don't lie!"

"Uh...a voluptuous big sister...she has horns and pointy ears..."

Teacher Yang asked dumbly, "Sexy big sister?"

I nodded.

Teacher Yang pointed to his horn and asked, "Have horns?"

I nodded.

Teacher Yang pointed to his ears and asked, "... pointy ears?"

I kept nodding my head.

Then Teacher Yang burst out after being stunned for about ten seconds.

"Wahahahah! Why?! The spell should not fail! Why is it exposed! Whoahahah! It was exposed in front of the students! It's over! Whoahahahah!"

Teacher Yang covered her ears and buried her head in the pile of paper on the table with a flushed face.

"Uh...that...Mr. Yang?"

I scratched my cheek blankly, not knowing what to do.

What is this all about...

What a hell!
