MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1839 Beating in the dark

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The "door" is still the "door", there is no change.

Many lives sent by the battleship comma are still passing through it continuously, and will not stop due to Chu Yunsheng's test, in order to ensure the needs of the war machine.

It's not wise to challenge the War Machine, Chu Yunsheng doesn't have that ability yet, and he doesn't need to do so.

The Liujia rune formed by the black energy obviously threatened the "door", and the war machine would lock him to prevent his sabotage attempts.

Chu Yunsheng considered the danger brought about by the test. If the war machine not only prevents it, but also further cleans up the source of the risk, then he may be killed.

Chu Yunsheng also did more dangerous things. In order to get a necessary result, he often walked between life and death.

However, this experiment was not too risky. He didn't just use the black gas now, he used it when he died naturally in the halo. For the war machine, the black gas had long been exposed.

More likely, he was known to the War Machine when he entered the 217 galaxy for the first time and added one more number.

Speaking of danger, the real danger is at that time.

It wants to eliminate the source of danger and will not wait until this time.

The deadliest dangers often appear when they are most inadvertent, and they are only known after the fact.

Chu Yunsheng didn’t know why the war machine didn’t clean him. It might be that he didn’t need to be treated like an ant. For it, everything was still controllable. It might also have another purpose. Obstructing its definition of Chu Yunsheng's role, Chu Yunsheng is temporarily safe, and so on.

There are too many possible reasons, there is no need to think about it, and it is useless to think about it.

Chu Yunsheng's current state is struggling to survive.

His struggle is not just to be hungry to death, to desperately find a bite of food, it is not just to be chased to a desperate situation, trying to find a place to hide, or exhausting his efforts to kill the opponent in order to get alive.

These are also struggles, but they are simple and clear.

The greater struggle is to survive in the tangible and invisible nets. When the nets move, they are tightly bound and dominated by the tangible and invisible forces. Unless they can smash all the nets, they can only Struggling to live in the turmoil of these powerful forces.

Starting to learn from the first page of the ancient book, even earlier and longer, Chu Yunsheng had already fallen into this big net.

The two old gods, the fire bug, the drow, the guardians of the earth... and even the ancient warring parties, some were caught in the net because of his personal reasons, some were caught in the net because of his race, and even more, it was from the stars. The reason is the reason of life itself and even the arrest, it has nothing to do with him or his race.

Just like the many beings who fled to the 217 galaxy to try to take refuge, there are various races and even spiritual beings, all of which fell into the net of the war machine because of the problem of Star Trek.

Chu Yunsheng couldn't break these nets and couldn't escape them. What he could do for the time being was not to be shaken to death by them.

As the pseudo-tyrant said, if you make a chess piece that meets the requirements of the chess piece and reflects the value of the chess piece, you can live longer.

But Chu Yunsheng can't be regarded as a good chess piece either. When on the earth, he fought desperately, and in the starry sky, he fleeed desperately.

Struggling so far, being alive is a great victory.

Of course, it is also a kind of helplessness.

Just like this, in order to stop struggling, Chu Yunsheng's desire for Macro Technology is even more fierce.

But it is precisely because of this fierceness that Wu Anu Renguang did not recognize it from the beginning. In its concept, Chu Yunsheng’s original motivation is impure, and this impurity has nothing to do with the quality of the motivation itself, and whether it can successfully break through. Macro Technology also has little to do with it.

Light always insisting on maintaining a positive increase in information is the sustainable way of life. Anything fierce, even for survival, will follow changes in the environment and situation, and become temporary, fragile, fickle, and unstable. .

Although the increase in information of the new ship has been increasing by leaps and bounds, the light still does not recognize it, and it still believes that it is unsustainable, because it believes that Chu Yunsheng’s motivation for pursuing macro technology determines that once Chu Yunsheng breaks through macro technology and gains safety, the motivation disappears. , The follow-up will become fragile and fickle, and it is a high probability event to wipe out all the lives and races known by Macro Technology backhand.

Does that kind of breakthrough make sense? It is equivalent to no breakthrough.

But it was still alive in the new ship, neither dying nor fleeing, otherwise it would not follow thunder and electricity to surrender Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng didn't kill it at the time. Today, the new ship has a large number of drows available, and still hasn't looked back to clean it, it will continue to survive until its life is exhausted.

As far as Chu Yunsheng was concerned, he and the new ship could not break through Macro Technology, and would eventually lead to a big bomb that would detonate internal conflicts, and if it broke through, there would be even bigger bombs waiting.

If he handles these problems carelessly, he will be blown to pieces by one of the bombs once, and it is not without precedent. As far as he knows, the drow people at the time did not know what they found, they were still a single one. The races were all torn apart by the explosion, not to mention that there were many clans in the new ship.

It's like the lid that Iris once opened, but there is no other way but to cover it again.

On the side not far from the "door", Chu Yunsheng's side changed various runes formed with dark energy.

These runes did not pose any threat to the "door", and the war machine ignored them.

The addition of the spiritual body and the spiritual accumulation allowed Chu Yunsheng to form runes faster, and his manipulation of runes became easier.

Soon, there were more and more runes, floating around the spirit body one after another.

There are various types of runes, and there are many at each stage.

Ninth-order runes are the highest-level runes that Chu Yunsheng can make, and their ends reach the spiritual world!

But Chu Yunsheng then pushed them all away like trash.

Although they are of high rank and come from ancient books, they are all separated from the soul of the creator of the runes!

In the end, in front of Chu Yunsheng, there were only a series of third-order runes floating in the sky, and all of them were in flames.

They seem to look contemptuously at the various high-level runes that are higher than them, and they seem to be like Chu Yunsheng, treating them like rubbish.

Chu Yunsheng seemed to stimulate them, and on the opposite side parallel to them, he created a fourth-order rune pattern with the same wood fire and sky burning.

It's like making them "look at each other".

Immediately, the third-order runes on the side facing each other were activated by Chu Yunsheng.

In their activation, they burned their contempt for those high-level runes.

Some things, from their rune bodies, were pulled by Chu Yun Sheng Ling Yun, and shot into the inactive fourth-order rune patterns on the opposite side.

Those things thrilled in the dark with a stream of flames.

One after another, the stream kept flowing.

Among them, some died directly on the way, some passed through the possessions of the fourth-order runes without any hesitation, and dissipated proudly in the universe, and some violently smashed the fourth-order similar ones.

Chu Yunsheng ignored their arrogance and resistance, as if the **** runes on the opposite side were the real darlings, but they were burned madly and sacrificed madly, lighting the opposite with their lives.

They are angry, roaring, and struggling, but they can only continue to generate and burn themselves continuously under the control of the indifferent spiritual accumulation.

On the opposite side, those trash fourth-order runes, with horror, watched the third-order runes fall down in rows, and the corpses were full of time and space.

They also desperately tried to catch the flames that flew out from the third-order corpse on the opposite side.

Those who can't catch it will be ruthlessly eliminated by the ruthless and icy spirit.

In order to survive, they do their best, they do everything they can.

In that stream of light, the fourth-order runes couldn't catch them, were penetrated... desperately shattered and died.

They begged the icy Ling Yun to let them breathe a sigh of relief, and begged the Tier 3 counterparts on the opposite side to be slower, but it was useless. Those who greet them will always be ruthless and angry.

After the lives that passed through the "door" reported to the Battleship Comma, they all stayed to watch the angry and miserable world of fire.

More and more lives onlookers have not been driven away.

Until the terrible side of the fourth-order rune, finally one on the verge of breaking, caught a stream of light!

The whole world was eclipsed at that moment, except for it.

That ninth-order rune, that cold and ruthless spirit, the angry and proud third-order kind, those onlookers, that farther spiritual formation... everything, in front of it, looks like mortal!

It came out in the blood of hundreds of millions of corpses, and there was no fear of fear, no bitter pleading, like a sharp sword, revealing the majesty that sweeps everything?

No, a vast force is coming!