MTL - Dark Civilization-v14 Chapter 177 Severed head

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"You ..." The boy's eyes widened, incredulous, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with black blood. "Why ... why ..."

"No why." The girl in the red pocket smiled very naively, and looked at him with crescent-like eyes. "You're useless. I'll keep your corpse for you first, although you are good to me, but "Who made you useless ...", her expression was a little bit resentful, but she didn't have the slightest softness in her hand. With a hard pull, she grabbed a **** paper-like soft seal from the boy's belly.

The boy's body trembled, the look in his eyes dimmed instantly, and his body fell weakly to the ground below.

The girl in the red pocket didn't look at it. She smiled with scorching eyes and looked at the soft cloth-like corpse in her hand. "I don't know what the taste is, if I swallow it, then I will print the triple corpse. . "

She licked her lips, opened her mouth, raised the corpse into her mouth, and swallowed it inch by inch.

The world suddenly became silent.

All the noise and fierce fighting suddenly receded extremely far.

The intense golden light radiated from the girl's body like a pinpoint, her white jade, like skin overflowed, and waves of ripples of water came out of her. Above her head, I don't know when it has darkened. The dark clouds in all directions are attracted by a magnet, and the clouds collide together, emitting thunderous thunder and purple lightning.

Zhu Gefan's pupils contracted slightly, and the palm of the sword's handle was pricked by a needle, arousing a layer of goosebumps. Suddenly there was a strong uneasiness in his heart, which flashed quickly, appearing in front of the empress, guarding the girl in red pocket.

The girl in the red pocket had no clothes in the wind, and was full of wind, such as feathers without weight. She stared at the remaining four guards such as Zhu Gefan and the empress in the middle, and giggled childlike laughter, "You seem to be finished, my strength is not what you can resist, how should I kill What about you guys? "She frowned, and thought carefully, as if it were a serious and serious problem.

"Damn monster." Another black-haired guard next to Zhu Gefan gritted his teeth and stared at the girl in the red pocket, "It's even worse than killing his companion!"

"Oh?" The girl in the red pocket raised her eyebrows, and the words came to her ears. "Really?"

The air rippled strangely like a liquid.

Zhuge Fan had an illusion. It seemed that something was rubbing across the skin. When he frowned, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw the talking black guard and the head around his neck suddenly disappeared. Pulling out a diamond-shaped gap, rammed his head into it, then disappeared, as if brought into another space.

The corpse that had lost its head still remained in a standing position, but the thick blood that swelled with hot gas was flowing from the neck.

Then, with a stun, the corpse fell into the ground below.

Everyone saw this horrible scene, but felt that the stomach in his stomach was stroked by a cold palm, rolling and trying to vomit. However, no one went to catch the fallen corpse.

Because everyone felt an invisible wire hanging around their necks, it seemed that with only a little distraction, their heads would be cut off in the same way.

However, Zhu Gefan shouted angrily, grabbed the palm, the air suddenly became thick like spider silk, caught the fallen corpse, collected it, and fell into Zhu Gefan's hands.

"Luosen, Luosen-one" Zhu Gefan hugged his headless body, tears shed in his eyes, and shouted anxiously and sadly.

However, only two words were spoken, a sudden numbness in his neck and neck, and his mouth moved, but he couldn't say half a word, and the world in front of him slid away inch by inch.

A small blood mark appeared on his neck, an incision appeared obliquely, the head slid down the incision, fell on the chest of the corpse held tightly in his hand, rolled down and fell, and the entire corpse also lost all Power, fell straight.

"Oh ...", the girl in the red pocket shrugged and looked innocently at the pale empress and others, "I didn't mean it. He showed too many flaws. I didn't hold back for a while, so I accidentally shot Now. You guys, don't blame me? "

She blinked jewel-like eyes and looked at the Empress.

Everyone seems to see the most terrifying and frightening monster. There is an urge to vomit and escape. The muscles on his face are twitching one by one, but they have rich experience to let them know. Will only die faster.

The only thing you can do is to apply static braking!

The emperor took a deep breath and looked at the girl in red pocket calmly. The skeletal fingers holding the sword turned white, and her nails were embedded in the flesh of her palm. Among the guards around her, the closest and most admiring to him was Zhu Gefan!

Her anger and murderousness rolled in her heart, but she was calm on the surface, without seeming to move at all. She looked at the girl in the red pocket momentarily, and suddenly she heard a huge roar from not far away. His eyes moved slightly and he glanced quickly at the roaring place.

I saw the burly man and the handsome young man colliding together, and they were evenly matched. No one had suffered, but the burly man seemed to be more durable. The offensive was as fierce as a wolf. The handsome man, like a flowing ghost, ducked left and right, never facing the challenge.

"What are you looking at?" A grinning voice suddenly pulled her back to reality, before she was back, she suddenly stunned, a sharp pain appeared on her left arm, and then she felt the cold feeling on her shoulders It came down, looked down, and the gushing blood was bright red, and the arm wrapped in a delicate robe was cut off and fell under the headwind.

The Empress's face was pale, and she looked up, and saw that the girl in the red pocket still looked at her with a smile, her pure eyes with concern, "Does it hurt?"

The empress endured the pain, and snorted coldly. The energy in the body stimulated the vitality of the body. The blood vessels and veins on the flesh at the left broken arm, such as countless twisted wires, quickly tangled together, giving birth to new flesh and blood. In the blink of an eye, it grew into a new arm with pale and delicate skin, smooth as sheep fat, but lacking sleeves.

The girl in the red pocket murmured, "It's still going to be long, it's not fun at all, I won't play anymore, I won't play anymore, humming!" She snorted angrily, but she couldn't express her cuteness. The three guards around him, but their expressions gloomed instantly, and they clenched the weapons in their hands.


Like light, flash.

The girl in the red pocket appeared in front of the three guards next to the empress, hanging on their chests, with a cold luster on the soft cheeks, and her arm slammed through the chest of the guard who was too late to shoot. .

Next to the two guards and the emperor quickly returned to God, three excalibur swords whistled down, and headed towards the girl in red pocket. Each sword contains all the power of the holder, and the momentum is fierce and heavy, and it suddenly hits the girl in the red pocket.

Before the three of them had time to show up, they suddenly changed their faces, and saw that the girl in the red pocket that had been cut off was like a smoke.

The "Little" Emperor made a loud noise, and before she finished speaking, she suddenly stopped.

Behind one of the guards, the girl in the red pocket appeared instantly, and the small white-like hand was the sharpest weapon. It only penetrated through the back of the guard, pinched the spine, and then the body flashed again. When the afterimage of the avatar was still in place, it appeared on the head of another guard, stepped on the bare foot, stepped on the guard's head, and immediately crushed the man's hard skull. A trampling plasma burst out and splashed onto her red pocket.

In the blink of an eye, three powerful guards were killed.

The empress was shocked and couldn't speak. She stared at the girl in red pockets and shook her hands and little feet. The thick blood on it was easily thrown out, and she didn't stick on it at all, and her skin was smooth and delicate. Porcelain is carved out the same.

"Really weak." The girl in the red pocket grunted, then looked up, looking at the empress innocently and expectantly. "Now, what do you do, they can't seem to protect you."

The emperor's hand holding the sword was shaking, and she suddenly waved the sword and rushed towards the girl in red pocket. A purple light was radiated from the sword. She stepped out, and the void beneath her feet rippled like a wave of water, spreading in the air. .

The world around it suddenly turned black, wrapping the girl in red pockets with herself.

"Dark, lore!"

The emperor clenched her teeth, pinched a seal with her fingers, and the Excalibur held in her hand suddenly disappeared, turning into countless silver sword lights that swept away like a red pocket girl, forming a perfect silver light that lingered around the red pocket girl. attack.

The girl in the red pocket did not panic or resist, but just looked at the empress with a smile. After all the silver sword lights hit three feet in front of her, they were smashed by an invisible wall.

The empress's face was pale, and the great humiliation in her heart cut her heart like a hot knife. She bit her lower lip tightly and stared at the girl in the red pocket. She closed her eyes suddenly, put her hand to her mouth, bit her thumb, and then quickly touched the blood on her forehead. Her eyes opened sharply and she shot. The sharp cold light shouted, "The Rock of Broken Light!"

The dark world suddenly sounded an earth-shattering roar, as if rushing from a distant direction, the sound wave gradually strengthened, and finally deafening. A ray of golden light came out, so fast that it was indescribable, and it struck the eyebrows of the girl in red.

Then, he settled.

Jin Guang was like an arrow, trembling, but he couldn't move forward a half inch. On the girl's forehead, there seems to be a transparent enchantment that resists this fierce blow.

The girl in Red Pocket also seemed slightly startled, and her tightened pupil slightly relaxed, and then she smiled softly, "OK, good."

She flicked her finger.

There was a raging gale all around.

The dark world shattered, and the white sky was exposed.

"Let's die." The girl's indifferent voice, such as the final judgment, aimed her finger at the empress, twisting the air at her fingertips, terrible energy fluctuations came out from here, and after a while, all the twisted spaces suddenly converged and solidified, Form a small translucent sword.


Suddenly lasing out!

At about the same time, a sudden snoring sound came, and the girl in the red pocket was hit hard by a dark shadow, and her fingers deviated. (To be continued)