MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 674 The Secret of Fire Song

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   Chapter 675

  Ya raised her head in shock, and saw the huge picture in front of her.

  In the picture, Tang Ling is making strange gestures, which are very fast, but the gestures are full of a strange sense of power.

   "First Generation!" Ya looked at Tang Ling's picture, and shouted in surprise.

  "What are you surprised? He has entered the temple! Otherwise, why would he release a piece of primitive space?" Kun stared at the screen firmly, with a clear and very caring appearance, but his tone was pretentious.

  "" Ya was stunned for a moment, and then said, "But I didn't expect that he completely learned the Fire Singer Art."

"No, he didn't fully learn it before. This time, it depends on his luck. After all, where he is now is the best catalyst." Kun's palms are sweating, but the surface still barely maintains his composure. .

  "How much did you hide?" Ya was very surprised.

   "I only paid attention to Tang Ling to know so much. I didn't deliberately conceal it. His hot singer technique is still missing a few key points and I haven't learned it."

   "Well, if this time he can really play a complete Hot Singer Art. Then, his opportunity for the first nine and a half floors has really arrived." Ya also began to stare at the screen nervously.

   In the picture, Tang Ling, at this time, the speed of change of the hand tactics has begun to slow down, his eyes are full of doubt and shock, his brows are frowned, and he seems to be thinking about something?

  Behind him, there was a large silver lake with streams of firelight flowing in it, but among them, one or two firelights close to Tang Ling seemed to be stirred by a burst of energy, undulating violently.

  Looking at this picture, Ya became even more nervous. Tang Ling's comprehension and sharpening seem to be a trivial matter now, but in fact, for the future, this trivial matter represents a different meaning.

  But at this moment, Kun waved his hand and turned off the screen directly.

   "Kun, what are you doing?" Ya frowned in dissatisfaction.

   "It's nothing, let's hurry up and open a store. As for Tang Ling, you are right, let's see his fate." Kun said calmly.

   Ya pursed his lips, trying to say something, but after all he did not say anything. Looking at Kun's appearance, it was obvious that he wanted to escape directly.

  There is no so-called hope, and there is no such thing as disappointment. Maybe Kun doesn't want to hold himself too much hope.


  The teenagers on the halo gathered more and more.

  Originally one hour, but now only twenty minutes have passed, but more than half of the teenagers have gathered on the halo.

  "Hell-level difficulty, is it impossible to pass, right?" Some teenagers muttered to themselves like this, trying to comfort themselves, but their eyes flashed unwillingly.

"Or, if the second-order Purple Moon Warrior comes here, he can't pass, right?" Some teenagers said so, and he was obviously wounded on his body. This should be a failure of the system judgment, otherwise he would be injured during the challenge and spend a certain amount of dream coins. It can be treated.

Injuries left by the system, it takes time to heal. Dreamland will not heal. Of course, you can also spend Dream Coins to buy some good healing medicine, but it also takes time to heal, but it will speed up some.

  This kind of injury annoys the teenagers. It seems that the complete recovery ability of the people in the Purple Moon Era is invalid for them, and it is useless for some teenagers to use cell repair drugs.

  The only useful thing is the wound medicine of Dreamland.

  Dreamland is really skinny!

   So look carefully, there are not a few teenagers injured in the halo. Compared with the teenagers eliminated at the fifth stage, these people are much more tragic.

  Yes, Hell Difficulty is definitely not a trifling matter. Until now, no one has successfully challenged it, even if it is only the beginning of Hell Difficulty-the seventh level.

More than half of the number of people now is definitely just the beginning, and more and more teenagers will fail in the future, because the remaining people who have not yet come out are basically gathered in the seventh level, and more than half of them have been exposed. A frustration.

  The teenagers are not exaggerating, the difficulty of **** level is not necessarily successful even if the ordinary second-order purple moon fighters challenge.

   However, the difficulty of the Hell level is an important dividing line, which separates the future, who can hope to become a real mainstay.

  But now is not the time for despair, Kun’s encouragement has long been left-they can still grow after the first, second and so on.

"Opening bargain, won't you come and have a look?" When the teenagers in the halo were immersed in the bitterness of disappointment, they began to talk about challenges or self-comfort, a clear and kind voice came to everyone's ears. in.

  At this time, everyone turned their heads in surprise and found that beside that piece of Chinese-style building, I wonder when there was another piece of western-style building.

This western-style building looks like a western castle. It looks the same as the Chinese-style building, which is the most common Chinese courtyard. It is also an ordinary castle. A huge wooden door blocks the way into the castle, but the wooden door The above is also engraved with ancient Western characters-Mystery Store.

And between the Chinese-style building and the Western-style building, stood a black-haired man with a sincere smile on his face, his eyes squinted, like two curved seams, his hands in his sleeves, looking towards The appearance of the teenagers is so kind.

  If Tang Ling was present, he would definitely recognize that the friendly man in front of him was Liuhe. What Tang Ling didn't know was that not long ago, he was still in the World Dream Mountain as a messenger.

  "This is also an opening discount, and you can also come here." At this moment, a burly man appeared behind Liuhe.

  His face is full of flax-colored beards, his appearance is no longer visible from the bushes, he is also wearing linen, with a strong chest open, and he also starts to shout.

  "Are you here too? Gwendolin?" Liuhe greeted the man in a low and intimate voice.

"Is there any way? For efficiency! Not only me, but ten messengers came, and they each brought a hundred followers, not only to save time, but also to guide these teenagers in their choices." He was called a grid by Liuhe. Wendolin's man's voice was not small.

  It's that those teenagers can't hear what they are talking about? They just heard what kind of bargaining, discounts, and the like, and they rushed over in a hurry.

   "The adults are really generous this time. Unfortunately, Master Kun's guidance to Tang Ling was a violation of the rules." Liuhe said quickly.

   "This is different from the past, you can't say that." Gwendolyn quickly replied.

  At this time, there was already a courageous teenager who asked timidly: "Adults, I want to ask what the discount is?"

  Liuhe stopped talking to Gwendolindo, smiled and looked at the bold boy and said, “Well, does it count for free healing? If you have no injuries, you can buy a 10% discount on dream coins today.”

   "It's the same on our side." Gwendolyn added.

   "Then, did the door open?" It was the boy who asked again. Judging from his expression, he was obviously very surprised.

   But such a good thing, where is it just a surprise for this teenager? The rest of the teenagers are already excited and cheering.

   "Of course it's already open, please, kids." Liuhe smiled kindly again, and bowed in an inviting gesture.

  The same Gwendolyn also made the same pose.

  The teenagers jumped up with cheers, and began to file into two mysterious shops.


  At this time, Tang Ling was still in the huge cave of six and a half floors.

  In front of him was still the mud-like high-ranking sergeant of the Silver-winged tribe.

   Tang Ling hadn't attacked yet, he was still making gestures that were strange and inexplicable in the eyes of the senior sergeant of the Silver-winged tribe.

  It’s just that compared with the beginning, Tang Ling's gestures are getting slower and slower, while the face of the senior sergeant of the Silver-winged tribe is getting more and more ugly.

  Although he can't move now, as a senior sergeant of the Silverwing Clan, his natural instinct is still there. He can clearly sense that the fire element in the cave is becoming more and more active, and he begins to gather towards Tang Ling.

  Not only that, even the dense fire elements naturally conceived in the Yuanguangye have begun to be mobilized. Look, the two flames that are constantly tumbling in the Yuanguangye!

How can it be? How could it be possible to comprehend the element of fire in one breath? ! Even the highest-level Skywing adults, if there is no fire in the corresponding element talent, there is no way to do it so quickly!

  Even if there is a secret method to switch induction, there will be the same factors between the elements! That's impossible!

The senior sergeant of the Silverwing Clan clenched his teeth tightly. He couldn't express any surprises about this. He didn't hope that the humans in front of him would have any insights. From his surprise, he found that the road was right!

  But, this senior sergeant of the Silver-winged tribe doesn’t say anything? Would Tang Ling not know?

  No, Tang Ling felt different from the time he played the third tactic.

  Originally this set of hand formulas The energy in the body will be extracted, and then it will be transferred to the palm in a special way to form fire.

  In this process, it is not so much that the energy in the body turns into fire, but the moment when the energy is released from the palm, the heat ignites the combustible part of the air, thus forming a fire.

  Tang Ling’s understanding was correct. Although he rarely used this set of tasteless maneuvers, he occasionally practiced. He wanted to play the last few maneuvers that he had hurriedly remembered but could not use at all.

   However, although the next few techniques have never been successful, I have a lot of comprehension.

   But this time, this time was different. Because Tang Ling had new discoveries, he finally saw the possibility of being able to use a complete tactic!

  If this is really successful, then the light of clearing the customs on the right path is in sight!

  What is Tang Ling’s discovery?

    Before going out, write a chapter to everyone, because the second chapter will be very late without accidents, don’t wait. I should be able to see it when I get up the next morning.



  (End of this chapter)