MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 642 Great Wall of Mexico

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The disaster that happened in Los Angeles, the city of angels, did not cause the people of California to fall into long-term grief. When the post-disaster reconstruction work was put on the agenda and provided employment opportunities for a large number of unemployed homeless people, many people forgot the short-lived grief. Coupled with various complex reasons, the economy of some backward areas in California has shown a thriving vitality and vitality.

   The headquarters of Atlas Survival Bunker Company is set up in California. Thanks to the magic tide that came to Los Angeles and the mutant crisis not long ago, Atlas Survival Bunker Company has become the most violent new star in California recently. When the dark cloud of disaster and nuclear war hangs over people's minds, anyone with economic strength will not be stingy about ensuring their own safety.

   Even after the mutants surrendered and all moved to the founding of Mongolia, there were only a few customers who gave up the deposit to cancel the transaction in the previous orders received, which were insignificant compared to the new orders that Atlas was constantly receiving.

  Atlas CEO Ron Hubbard listened to the cheers of the celebration downstairs and closed the door impatiently with the remote control. He was waiting for two important visitors and needed a quiet environment to think.

The management and employees of Atlas Survival Bunker have been blinded by the rapid increase in business volume. They can only see a lot of green dollar bills in their eyes, only bonuses, promotions, company Expansion and all the good things that lie ahead, but Ron Hubbard can see more.

  Ron Hubbard looks at the game of competition with his peers before the mutant capitulation. To gain an absolute say in this promising industry and enjoy a rich cake in the future, Atlas must first defeat two strong competitors: Texas Rising.S.Bunkers and Huaxia Zhanyuan.

  The former is an experienced veteran, and the latter is a strong up-and-coming star. To gain an advantage in the three-way competition, Atlas must not only work **** products, but also be prepared in all aspects. The market is like a battlefield, and Ron Hubbard has long understood this truth. Just as the outcome of a chess game is often decided outside the chessboard, the outcome of the business field is often decided outside the trading field.

   But the signs that have appeared in the recent period are too bizarre, forcing Ron Hubbard to temporarily put aside the fierce struggle and think about more important things.

  The thing that can be more important than the company is naturally the personal safety of yourself and your family. Unlike the smiling employees at the gala dinner below, Ron Hubbard wasn't thrilled by the unusual surge in orders. On the contrary, he felt bad.

If the Rising.S.Bunkers are getting a lot of money while Atlas is getting a lot of orders, then Ron Hubbard will be dancing on his desk, but Rising.S.Bunkers are counting the money too. Soft hands, not only the two industry giants, but also other bunker construction companies and large construction companies have received staggering amounts of deposits.

The rich will not make an appointment to buy nuclear bunkers together. First of all, there is no discount for group purchases. Second, they hope that the underground bunkers they ordered can be completed as soon as possible. If they can, they would prefer to see that several bunker manufacturing companies will not receive others. Order.

  So Ron Hubbard has a conjecture, maybe these orders come not only from major companies in North America, but also from the federal government. Looking at the peculiar pattern of these orders, this conjecture is completely tenable.

  The mutants have fully surrendered, so why do so many bunkers need to be built?

   The answer is self-evident: wars that have not yet broken out are still brewing.

   This imaginary made Ron Hubbard uneasy. He once thought that he was overthinking and wanted to devote himself to the management of the company, but the subsequent actions of the federal government made him unable to deceive himself.

First of all, the federal government has relaxed the immigration policy for mid-to-high-end talents in neighboring countries, but has put down the barrier and tightened the immigration policy of Australia, Asia and other places again and again. This is a hasty decision without careful consideration of the consequences. In the eyes of most people, it is simply It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world anecdote to be able to directly reach the executive layer without going through the decision of the brain.

  In Ron Hubbard's view, as the world's cultural and economic center, the United States has never lacked talents. There is only one explanation for the fact that the government of William Harrison, who has always made saving the unemployment rate a top priority, will ignore the further squeeze on the employment environment. That is, the federal government needs to attract mid-to-high-end talents with special skills from neighboring countries. This is a precursor to the war. Before and after many wars, the federal government has made similar decisions.

Many people can think of this, but the tightening of the federal government's policy on immigrants from other continents has left them confused and gave them a little comfort - of course, the looting of living materials is still inevitable. Some people do it, no matter whether other people believe that the war is coming, they will follow the trend subconsciously, not to mention that there are businesses and some people who are interested in fanning the flames behind the scenes.

Then, incumbent President William Harrison delivered a speech that shocked the world, in which he referred to the words of the distinguished sociologist Maurice Janowitz: "Spanish-speaking residents strongly resist assimilation, Mexicans It is a unique immigrant group that has maintained strong ethnic ties for a long time. So that the US federal border has been blurred again and again, even melted and moved north."

Therefore, in order for the United States to continue to maintain a good environment for cultural integration, to keep the border clear and to avoid future disputes, and to make the United States stronger and prosperous again, William Harrison, who just signed the immigration-related executive order, relaxes The U.S. president of Mexico's immigration policy has decided to build a wall on the border between the U.S. and Mexico.

Mr. President    also named the wall: the Great Wall of the United States!

Immediately after this speech was released, it caused a great uproar around the world. Many news media at home and abroad immediately made headlines about the content of the speech. After hearing it, people from all over the world expressed their laughter. Not only did William's serious speech become a famous one. For the funny video of the new form of "ghost animals", he also added an extra line for President William: "Why the United States wants to build the Great Wall! Look at Huaxia, China built the Great Wall thousands of years ago, guess how many Mexicans can successfully smuggle it. to Huaxia!"

Everyone took this as a joke, but Ron Hubbard found that the official media of various countries, which always liked to report on the US federal scandal, remained silent, so Ron Hubbard used his deep connections in the construction industry. , asked around for information, and finally got a shocking news.

  William Harrison, really want to build the Great Wall!