MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 649 Adrian (2 in 1)

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   Adrian von Bismarck had many special identities, one of which was related to his noble surname. The noble meaning of the word "von" in German is far less than the surname Bismarck.

   Adrian has a great ancestor named Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, he was the first chancellor of the Second Reich of the German Empire, a famous iron and blood chancellor, iron represents weapons and blood represents war. This diplomat, military strategist and statesman, known by the world as "German architect" and "German navigator", not only has natural political skills, but also has extraordinary military ideas. beautiful.

It was he who successively planned the Pudan, Pu-Austrian, and Franco-Prussian wars, assisted the German Emperor Wilhelm I to climb the Versailles Palace, completed the reunification of Germany, and established the Second Empire (in the eyes of the people of the Great German Empire, the real empire in the world is only Three, the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle Ages is the first empire, the German Empire established by Otto and William I is the second empire, and the Great German Empire established by the great head of state spanning the Eurasian continent is the third empire).

   He was also the one who promulgated the Anti-Socialist Extraordinary Law, brutally suppressed the workers’ movement internally, combined hard and soft externally with alliance diplomacy, and established the hegemony of the Second Empire in Europe.

It was he who, after familiarizing himself with Marx's "Das Kapital" and "Communist Manifesto", passed legislation and established the world's earliest workers' pension, health care insurance system and social insurance, and of course, the first to set up national pensions and social security benefits Not to meet the needs of individuals, nor for the happiness of national life, but to meet national interests, ensure national loyalty, and dispel the enthusiasm of workers for revolution.

During Otto's tenure, the German Empire was always on the right path. Unfortunately, after his death, the Bismarck faction that lost royal support was besieged by Otto's political enemies. Since then, the German Empire has only lost its "navigator" The behemoth rammed headlong into the path of militarism that Otto had tried so hard to avoid during his lifetime, leading to the outbreak of the First World War.

After the defeat, Germany, which was constrained by many restrictions, was about to decline. Fortunately, another great man stood up at this time and proved to the world that militarism has become the wrong path because the leaders are not strong enough, and they are correct and correct. Powerful militarism can make a country that was defeated in World War I, which was limited everywhere, become the greatest empire in history within half a century, and with its vast territory, became the second largest empire in world history after the Spanish Empire and the British Empire. , the third empire on which the sun never sets!

  People say that the sun in Germany will never set, because the territories, colonies, occupations, and dependencies of the Greater German Empire are all over the world, spanning seven continents and four oceans, covering more than one-third of the earth's land and population.

When referring to the Great Führer (the term Führer can refer to the emperor or king of the monarchy, so after the establishment of the Third Reich, the term Great Führer was still used instead of the Great Emperor) Adolf Hitler, poets often described in the Old Testament The sovereign power of the Lord of the Empire is explained in the verse of the Messiah King: "He shall reign from this sea to that sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth."

In the eyes of such a majestic and powerful emperor, there are only two people in German history who are worthy of his respect in the past 100 years, that is, Otto von Bimarck and Hans von Seeckert, the former removes obstacles , unifying the territory and creating a powerful Germany, the latter, which had severely damaged its vitality after the First World War, retained the hope of rising again. If there is no Otto, there will be no Germany with profound national strength. If there is no Hans, there will be no general staff system. If military power is lost, diplomacy and alliance ability will also be lost. Then the great head of state will not be able to get rid of the shackles of the Treaty of Versailles through diplomatic mediation. .

Because their ancestors had such glorious achievements, the Bimarck family and the Seeker family ushered in glory again. The great head of state who insisted on taking the road of militarism did not shy away from Otto's proposition during his lifetime. There is nothing wrong, it's just that the times are changing, the world is changing, and therefore the road to renaissance in Germany must also change.

   With the appreciation of such a wise monarch, the descendants of the Bimarck family immediately abandoned their misunderstandings and prejudices against the great head of state, and all of them became angry, and entered the military and political circles again to restore their power.

Adrian von Bimarcks began to accept militarized education management since he was sensible. Under the strict requirements of his father, Adrian's entire childhood and adolescence were full of competition and pursuit, even ten minutes of leisure time. It is a luxury only in dreams, and even dreaming is a rare luxury, because excessive exhaustion often makes Adrian fall into a deep sleep.

This kind of tempering is not suffering in Adrian's view. Adrian scoffs at those who pretend to be pitiful for him. They are just pitiful creatures who have no chance to fight, and he, Adrian, will become a great leader to fight together. the lucky one.

  Some people with rebellious thoughts will say that Adrian has been brainwashed. Adrian keeps a distance from these self-confessed sober people, and getting too close to these smart idiots will bring bad influence on themselves.

  Yes, those rats who only dare to whisper in the dark are just making themselves smart. If anyone has a clear enough understanding of the great head of state, it must be Adrian's grandfather, the eldest grandson of the Jagged Prime Minister.

  Grandpa has a different opinion on the Great Führer. Adrian will never know that in another history on another earth, his grandfather participated in the assassination of the Great Führer and was imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp after his defeat. But Adrian learned from his grandfather that the Führer was not as great, selfless and bright as others said.

   Despite this, Adrian is still willing to serve the Fuhrer, because Adrian loves war, and the Fuhrer is the initiator and master of countless wars. Being able to follow in his footsteps is the happiness that every war madman dreams of.

  In adulthood, due to various accidents, Adrian did not enter the Air Force as his father and himself expected, and became a pilot who conquered the blue sky and licked fireworks, but entered the SS personnel headquarters, responsible for the recruitment and appointment of team members. This is a position that countless people are looking for. After a few years at the grassroots level, they can sit safely in the rear and enjoy the treasures, food and women that are continuously transported back to China from all over the world. At the same time, they can have the power to transfer personnel. Prominently, he may also be transferred to the personal staff of the SS national leader and become the staff of Lord Heinrich Himmler in the future.

But Adrian hated an environment full of struggle but no gunfire, and when Adrian entered the SS, Heinrich Himmler, a notorious executioner who could stop children crying at night, was nearly eight years old. Ten, about to abdicate, Adrian had a hunch that a storm was coming within the SS, and if he had just arrived, he had better leave as soon as possible if he didn’t want to become an involuntary cannon fodder.

   So Adrian begged his father to use the relationship and transferred himself to the seventh armored division, which is the famous division of the devil, the division of the king created by the imperial eagle Erwin Rommel. There, Adrian learned the aesthetics of strong and violent violence, learned how to attack like a storm, and used this counterintuitive method to win again and again in future political struggles.

Adrian stayed in the 7th Armored Division for two years, and then returned to his alma mater, the Imperial Military Academy, for further studies. Two years later, the opportunity that Adrian had been thinking about for more than 20 years finally came. He ranked first in the school. He graduated with honors and was transferred to the Army Armored Forces to be promoted to regimental commander. He left Germany and went to various occupied territories and colonies to participate in wars. He traveled all over three continents and suppressed seventy-six uprisings, large and small. More than 100,000 dead souls.

  The irony is that while war accompanied Adrian and became a part of his life, Adrian found himself disgusted with war, and the joy of conquest diminished rapidly after the brief period of initial euphoria passed. When he heard the soldiers muttering the names of their hometown relatives as they bleed on the battlefield, and when he saw the unarmed enemy rush towards the armored aircraft like idiots, even trying to bite the armor with his teeth, he began to get tired.

Adrian wanted to end the war, but countless rebels sprang up like weeds. It seemed that the only way to eliminate the rebels was not only to wipe out that country, but also to wipe out all the population on that land. ——Of course, this must be a wrong understanding. The reason why Adrian can be sure is because someone has tried it more than 30 years ago. The revolting countries carry out indiscriminate slaughter, and on the scorched earth, nothing will grow. However, it turned out that this did not have much effect. Those insurgents did not give up because of fear, and the rebels continued to appear in and outside the territory of the Empire like stubborn moss.

Later, Adrian realized that this was actually the result of the Führer's connivance. If there were no rebels, the Great German Empire would have no excuse for developing military power in an open and aboveboard manner, nor would there be an excuse to carry out genocide to clean up inferior races. Allied countries hiding on the other side of the ocean Of course, the remnants know that peace cannot be continued, but they also know that with the current strength comparison, once the war starts, it means that their good days will end, so they do not want to see the war break out early - especially those who enjoy the glory and wealth. Those in power, presumably when they think about it, it's best not to break out the war in their lifetimes - but the group of short-sighted idiots also need a valid reason to ignore the increase in the armament of the Great German Reich and the dry bones that can be seen everywhere under the scorched earth.

  Rebels appearing everywhere are the best reason.

  In desperation, Adrian's attention drifted elsewhere, he met a female reporter who was conducting field interviews on the front line, and fell in love with her. It is said that falling in love makes people stupid, which is really good. Adrian finally made a big mistake because of the touch of love. He let go of a group of rebels, who were just a group of children who didn't understand anything. Because of excessive hunger, they were bewitched by the rebels. In exchange for two pieces of black bread, he gave his life to an omnipotent person. in the hands of the rebels. Because these children could not in any way cause harm to the Iron Army of the Great German Reich, and because Adrian's woman was pregnant with his child, Adrian let these poor little things go.

This would not have been a big problem, but the SS was shaken by the death of Heinrich Himmler. After his successful campaign, Adrian may only be able to leave the prison under the shroud.

After returning to Berlin, Adrian went through many ups and downs, or fate made others. Due to fate, he returned to the SS personnel headquarters. This time when he returned to the SS, he had polished off the edges and corners, hid his blood, and became a person who has both Tough tactics and a tactful mind.

Thirty-year-old Adrian had a very low starting point in the SS, but he climbed up very quickly. At the earliest, he had sworn that when he sat in Heinrich's position, he would take the SS as an example. The Big Mac, which the Yuan capital should treat with caution, will be transformed into another look, no longer a beast that eats people, but will use its own strength to benefit the people.

  Yes, Adrian wants to regain his ancestral glory and become the second iron-blooded chancellor of the Great German Empire. For this belief, Adrian can do whatever it takes, just like those rebels, do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, but unlike the rebels, Adrian has a really powerful power, using his ten years of military experience to accumulate With the connections and knowledge under his command, coupled with the intimidating means of attack, Adrian easily swept away those rivals who were sacks of money.

   However, when Adrian became No. 2 in the SS, he found that fate had played a joke on him again. At this time, as the top leader of the state secret police, Adrian saw the full picture of the SS, a terrorist machine, and he finally understood that this behemoth composed of complex interests and racial persecution propositions cannot be changed by mere individuals. , at least it will not accept changes in this era, and anyone who dares to make a different voice will definitely be swallowed, and not even bones will be left behind.

   "My life can only go on like this."

  The forty-year-old Adrian told himself that anyway, he has killed countless people before, so it doesn't matter if he adds the number in the future. He has abandoned his human conscience and is gradually indifferent to the continuation of life.

   But Adrian's boring life took a turn in the most unexpected way. A mutation and an asteroid changed everything. Then, in the last few years of his life, Adrian witnessed the complete destruction of humanity and human civilization.