MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 651 empire oigetsu

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  The asteroid hits the earth, the natural disaster that ranks first among the four sudden and huge disasters. When it comes, even the steel lion of Great Germany cannot stop it.

Before listening to the top-secret meeting held in the palace, Adrian never knew that the energy released when an asteroid with a diameter of more than one kilometer broke through the atmosphere and hit the surface or sea level was more than the sum of all the empire's armaments. And it will also cause many problems such as global climate change and drastic changes in the ecological environment.

Adrian didn't want to believe it, but seeing the iron-like evidence presented by the Royal Academy of Sciences, Adrian couldn't refute that the earth has been hit by asteroids more than once in billions of years, and there are still hundreds of large impact craters. The remaining surface cannot be erased by time.

  The chief astrophysicist and chief paleontologist of the Royal Academy of Sciences have produced strong evidence to prove that more than 60 million years ago, the former ruler of the earth, the dinosaurs, was wiped out by an asteroid hitting the earth. Geologists also gave a report that Allied geologists found the remains of an impact crater with a diameter of about 180 kilometers on the Yucatan Peninsula in North America, because the impact crater was deeply buried under the ground and seabed sediments. So much so that the crater was hidden until it was discovered in a survey a few years ago.

  According to the speculation of scientific officials, the diameter of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was about ten kilometers. And now, an asteroid with a diameter of 500 kilometers is about to hit the earth.

“We can think of it as a five-hundred-kilometer-diameter cannonball hitting us straight at us at hypersonic speeds that exceed long-range cannons. From a physics point of view, it’s an incredible miracle. The resulting explosions, shocks, tsunamis, earthquakes and other disasters will surely destroy us."

This is the original words of the chief astrophysicist, and it is also the opinion of most senior astrophysicists, while astrophysicists who hold different views believe that humans on earth will not be able to survive at that time, and will be directly affected by the big bang. destroy.

  Whether it is the Holy Race, the New Humans, the Rebel Army or the Allied Powers, compared to this world-destroying planet, they are nothing but insignificant dust. The dreadlord finally got his wish to plant the seeds into the hearts of the upper echelons of the empire, making them panic all day long.

   Overnight, the Great German Reich stopped all fighting, and the huge machine started to run at full speed, heading in the other direction under the orders of the Reich Master. The order is: Find a way to save the planet at any cost!

   Gathered the most intelligent brains in the vast territory of the empire, and then gave the whole country the power to think about a problem. Naturally, various solutions were quickly obtained, but they were all rejected without exception.

  Some people say that a spacecraft should be launched, and the spacecraft should install a solar sail on the asteroid, and use the tiny thrust of solar radiation and the light pressure of sunlight to make the asteroid deviate from the impact orbit. This plan seems feasible. Since scientific officers compare asteroids to bullets or cannonballs, in the case of long-distance flight, only a little disturbance can make the "cannonball" deviate from the target. However, the asteroid is in a state of high speed and constant rolling, and this plan cannot be realized at all with the existing technology.

  Some people say that a heavy spacecraft is launched into the orbit of the asteroid, and it rotates around the asteroid, using the gravitational force between the two to pull the asteroid out of the impact orbit. But it will take several years of traction and interference, and it will take more than ten years to build such a heavy spacecraft, not to mention that no one knows the impact orbit of the asteroid at all, and the forecaster can only predict the impact. Time, but do not know which direction the asteroid is flying from, and the Royal Observatory can observe the asteroid that is about to hit the earth up to two years in advance.

   There are also people who say that they are going all out to build atomic bombs, nuclear weapons and space rockets, and then blow up the asteroid when it appears, or use the energy from the explosion to push it away from the impact orbit. This arrogant idea has become the most feasible solution, but unfortunately, it is difficult to hit an asteroid at a far enough distance with a nuclear bomb, and once the distance is too close, even if the asteroid can be blown up - but blown up An asteroid with a diameter of 500 kilometers is just an unrealistic fantasy - the debris generated after the asteroid breaks up will also become a planetary rain and land on the earth, and the result is still human extinction.

  Finally, the chief astrophysics science officer proposed to the Führer a maddening escape plan: use all the power of the Great German Reich to build spaceships and space shuttles, land on the moon, build a moon base, and make the moon the last human refuge!

Yes, the earth does not need to be saved. It has undergone 4.6 billion years of changes and has suffered an impact of this magnitude more than once. It will still exist, and it will still continue to run in a similar orbit, that is to say, The moon, as a satellite of the earth, will not be affected too much, at least not fatally. As long as the moon base is built underground, you can escape the catastrophe.

The reason why this plan is crazy is because the moon is big, but in just a few years, even with the strength of the empire, it can only build a lunar base that can accommodate tens of thousands or thousands of people at most. In other words , trying to escape the moon with all his strength means giving up the remaining three billion people on earth.

   After listening to this crazy plan, the Führer and Adrian fell into silence. Of course, the silence did not last long. After about half a minute, the Führer ordered the execution of the plan to prepare to escape from the moon.

The next day, the Führer announced that he would vigorously develop astronautics, because the Great German Empire has already conquered the earth, and the next step is to conquer the solar system, and the primary goal is the moon that everyone can see when they look up. his palace.

   A gigantic project of toiling the people and hurting the wealth has begun. Millions of laborers died of exhaustion or were executed, including not only cool slaves, but also senior scholars with smart minds. The resources consumed every month are in units of 100 million. People describe the moon landing project with the ancient Chinese myth and legend "Kuafu chasing the sun", and there is also a popular proverb: Kuafu chasing the sun, and the empire chasing the moon.

The remnants of the Allied countries got a chance to breathe. While laughing at the stupidity of the new head of state, they kept sending spies to try to find out the secrets behind the dark scenes. Of course, the SS led by Adrian would not let them succeed, and the Gestapo's reputation returned. Not to be defiled by these little ones.

Another four years have passed. In these four years, the empire has lost more people and resources than the previous three world wars combined. Everyone is in danger and the situation is turbulent. Outside allies are eyeing them, and inside there are uprisings and revolutions. Incessantly, the rebel army, which was originally just a spark of fire, has already started a prairie fire. Seeing that the empire is about to fall apart, the two spaceships leave the earth with a splendid tail flame. When the Allies discovered them, it was too late to launch missiles to intercept them.

   In 2007, the spacecraft of the Great German Empire successfully landed on the moon, the construction of the near-moon space station was completed, and the first phase of the construction of the lunar base was completed on time.

  More than 3,000 carefully selected lucky people landed on the moon and became the first residents of this gray planet.