MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 667 emergency collection

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  The icy water sprayed from the faucet and poured it all over the back of Zeng Bo's head, making his groggy brain wake up again.

Zeng Bo reached out and wiped it from the back of his neck to the top of his head, brought out a handful of water droplets and sprinkled them in the washbasin, and then grabbed a face-wiping towel on his head a few times. After brushing the hair, the dry towel pressed down the stubble-like hair, and quickly dried the water droplets on the scalp.

For a boy like Zeng Bo who is not good-looking enough and not good enough in temperament, if we want to talk about the advantages of Bancun Tou, the only advantage is convenience. Rinse your hair with cold water even if you wash your hair, and you can dry it with a towel after you wash it. . This convenience is very important for recruits who are drilled to death by the instructors every day. As for the image, who cares about the image every day with a bunch of big men?

  After the end of the Southern Metropolis Defense War, Zeng Bo was influenced by Dan Guodong and Cheng Xu, and resolutely decided to join the army, and called his parents to ask for permission.

Unexpectedly, the parents who always persuaded Zeng Bo to enlist in the army for training were hesitant this time, because the Yuanjiang incident and the Nandu defense battle made them realize that the peaceful situation may not be sustainable. That could be life-threatening.

   However, despite his worries, Zeng Bo's parents were eventually persuaded by him to agree and support Zeng Bo's decision to join the army. It happened that Zeng Bo went to the Academic Affairs Office to inquire about relevant matters and met an officer who came to issue the draft documents. As the first cool guy who volunteered to join the army at Nandu University, Zeng Bo received some special treatment, skipping the registration process and accepting it directly. Physical examination, political review and background check.

Needless to say, Zeng Bo successfully passed the physical examination and became a scheduled recruit. However, the list of recruits had not been published for more than five days, and Zeng Bo had already been approved to join the army. Later recruit training confirmed this.

As far as Zeng Bo knows, the training content of recruits in the first month of enlistment usually starts with walking in a queue, followed by various physical training items, protective measures, automatic rifle operation, grenade use, etc. Of course, it is inevitable to add nighttime emergency gatherings , surprise inspections and other interesting projects.

  Because most of the recruits are forced to join the army by their family members, they cannot adapt to the new environment after suddenly losing their freedom. Therefore, high-load physical training and all-round monitoring are required to prevent deserters from appearing and prevent bad incidents in the army. Generally, recruits remain in training camps until they receive adequate political education and physical fitness.

   The situation that Zeng Bo encountered was completely different. Walking in the queue was a necessary training subject, so it was not excluded, but it did not become the main training content as Zeng Bo expected, throughout his three-month recruit period and even his entire military career.

   After just one week of walking, Zeng Bo's company began to train the recruits' actual combat ability. Every day, they not only had to practice the weight-bearing laps in the field, but also conducted double-practice courses, that is, live ammunition shooting and grenade throwing.

God, Zeng Bo is a recruit of the communication company. With his outstanding performance in college, he will become a technical arm in the future, but within a month of joining the army, he shot three calluses on target and broke through a set. Brand new training uniform, this is not a normal recruit training process at all!

Half a month after joining the army, Zeng Bo had guessed the imaginary enemy of the army, because every night when he assembled to listen to the class, it was not the officers who stood in the lecture hall, but the members of the scientific staff group, and it was no longer political education who occupied the large class. , but an explanation of various monsters and monsters.

The Scientific Staff Group, the full name of the Scientific Research Staff Group, is a think tank that advises the front-line troops in the defense of Nandu. After the defense of Nandu, they collected various video materials, studied the living bodies and corpses of various alien creatures, and analyzed their weaknesses. , and with the help of the military staff, put forward effective and targeted combat plans for the combat troops, and then bound them into volumes, and together with the new version of the "Variation Catalog", it has become a new textbook for major military regions.

   Whether it is a veteran officer or a new recruit, they should study this textbook collectively. Every member of the subject group who teaches the course will welcome the audience to put forward new ideas, and carefully record the feasible methods and discuss them with each other.

   From these details, Zeng Bo deduced that the imaginary combat targets of the troops were not mutants, but those monsters that once appeared in the southern capital.

"Zeng Bo, have you washed it? Come and recite the "Guide to Non-Human Creatures" with me. We have an exam tomorrow. If our results delay the company's retreat, the company commander will open a small kitchen for us. , Mom, the last physical training was not up to standard, and I was almost killed, a dog's hindsight."

There was a call from a comrade-in-arms in the dormitory, Zeng Bo responded, put his head out of the balcony and greedily took a few breaths of fresh air, and then opened the balcony door with a heroic expression of dying, and suddenly there was a strong smell of sweat and odor. The stench of the feet came out, and for a moment Zeng Bo suspected that it was not the door that he opened, but the pull tab of the gas bomb.

Now the military dormitories do not sleep through the bunks, they are separated into single rooms with bunk beds. Zeng Bo was lucky to be assigned to the new dormitory. There is a balcony and a separate bathroom outside the room. Finally, there is a place to breathe fresh air, but once you enter the eighth In the human world, the "manly flavor" in it can make people vomit.

   It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Zeng Bo took a deep breath by the door, he would feel as if he swallowed a foreign body and blocked his throat. To survive in such a sinister environment, it has to be said that human beings are really very adaptable creatures.

"Can't they wash first and change their clothes? Every time they come back, they immediately collapse on the bed, and the dormitory is about to become a gas chamber." Zeng Boqiang pretended to be calm and walked to his brother in the lower bunk, complaining, "If only I could spray air freshener."

"Does it work? Veterans do it like this, and of course the newcomers do the same." The brother in the lower bunk whispered, "Don't mention the air freshener, someone in the next dormitory said it last time, and the veteran in the same dormitory taught him a lesson. It is said that when you are a soldier, you must be able to fight tough battles, and you must endure all circumstances. Hey, bear with it, you won’t smell the stink in Baosi for a long time, you will get used to it.”

   "Hey." Zeng Bo sighed, "Where's the book, take it out, memorize it first, then replace it with me."

As soon as the    voice fell and the book had not been opened, a piercing alarm bell sounded outside.

Zeng Bo saw the veteran who was paralyzed on the lower bunk in the same dormitory, like a spring that was pressed to the bottom and then let go, jumped up from the bed, bumping his forehead against the solid wood board on the upper bunk, but he didn't say anything. With a word, while folding the quilt and changing clothes, he shouted: "Emergency assembly, emergency assembly!"

  The other seven people, including Zeng Bo, are still in a daze. Usually, the horns are continuously blown for emergency gatherings, but the alarm bell is ringing for the first time. The inertia of thinking prevents them from reacting as usual conditioned reflexes.

   The veteran folded the bed and quilt in less than 20 seconds and put on his training uniform. Seeing that the others were motionless, he yelled in a hurry.

   "Ri, are you waiting for **** to eat? You **** can't keep up with the heat, hurry up! The alarm bell is not an exercise this time! Emergency assembly, immediately!"