MTL - Dashan Makes a Living 1984-Chapter 144 142: The door of the young girl's room

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   "Are you asking if this is retribution, and God can't understand him, so he sent down a punishment so that he can't stand up forever." Cui Wanshan said.

  Wang Tianxiao has never been clear about the misunderstanding between Cui Wanshan and Liu Jun.

  Because when he arrived at the station, these two people were already old employees, so there were some things he hadn't experienced.

  Ask Cui Wanshan, but he doesn't say anything.

  But Wang Tianxiao observed the daily life of the two of them, and found that they seem to be getting along with face, and they are not as full of hatred as Cui Wanshan secretly.

   This is very strange.

  Curiosity is curiosity, but he didn't deliberately pursue it.

  Based on the relationship between them, since Cui Wanshan doesn't talk about it now, there should be some unspeakable secrets.

   "Drink, drink."

  Cui Wanshan thought that Liu Jun fell into the ice cave, and it was a punishment from heaven, but Wang Tianxiao knew that the law of heaven is fair, and it will not favor good people or bad people.

  The reason why good people always fail and bad people mostly succeed is because good people always want to live a good life for themselves, while bad people always want to gain from others.

  So, natural attributes make it easy for good people to suffer.

   However, there is no clear limit to choosing whether to be a good person or a bad person, just like no one can tell what is a good person and what is a bad person.

  More often, the so-called good or bad is nothing more than a different standpoint.

  If you choose bad people to be punished, there is a high probability that you will be ruined, physically disabled, and your revenge will be rewarded. It should really be made clear.

   Then simply drink some wine.

Life is proud to be thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

   At this time, if you don’t drink, when will you stay.

   "Old Cui, here is a toast!"


   "Today we don't get drunk and let's see who will fall first."

   "I'm afraid you won't succeed, let's go!"

   Three side dishes, two men, one afternoon.

  Unknowingly, both of them drank a little too much, Wang Tianxiao was okay, Cui Wanshan slipped directly from the table and fell to the ground, holding the wine glass in his hand, spilling all the unfinished wine on his body.

   "Haha, you drank too much, I won."

  Wang Tianxiao drank the wine in the bowl, and found that the flagon was empty, and there was no more drop.

  He put the bowl heavily on the table, struggled to get up, helped Cui Wanshan to lie down on the kang, and covered the quilt.

  The kang is very warm, let him sleep comfortably.

   I don't know what wronged him before, it looks like he is happy.

  Wang Tianxiao went out, fumbled and staggered towards the guest house in the small courtyard of Changzhan Station.

  It was about six or seven o’clock in the evening. It was already dark, but kerosene lamps were still lit in every room, so it must have been time for bed.

  People at that time had very short entertainment programs, and went to bed early at night, and basically the lights would be blown out after eight o'clock.

   Now the light is on, that is, it has not reached this point yet.

   There are also colleagues who are still doing something outside the door. When they see Wang Tianxiao coming and say hello, Wang Tianxiao is in a daze and can't see the person clearly. When someone talks to him, he just responds casually.

   Slowly fumbled for the door of the room where he lived.

   Reached out to touch the pocket, only to find that the key was missing.

  For a while, I couldn't remember where I lost it.

  He seemed to remember putting it in his coat pocket, but now he took out nothing but gloves.

  Reluctantly, he rummaged through the pockets on both sides several times, but in the end he found nothing. Finally, he was woken up by the cold wind, and felt a little embarrassed.

   It seems that they can only go back to Cui Wanshan for one night.

  Before he left, he kicked the door frame like a child, either because he was angry or because he was just being mean.


  In the silent night, the sound was very clear.

  He stuck out his tongue and turned to leave.

   But at this time, the door of two rooms away from his room opened.

  Dai Yuanyuan appeared at the door.

   She is wearing a very stylish turtleneck sweater, cream.

  Without a coat, her curvaceous body is highlighted to look extraordinarily graceful and attractive.

  She saw Wang Tianxiao's crooked look, and said with a playful smile, "Wang Tianxiao, where are you going?"

  Wang Tianxiao just turned around, and turned his head to look again when he heard the sound. His body was still twisted crookedly. He was about to open his mouth to speak, but he felt disgusted. He hurriedly crawled to the nearby grass and began to vomit.

  Dai Yuanyuan: "..."

  She was a little annoyed, but she smiled again in a blink of an eye, ran over to support Wang Tianxiao, and patted him on the back a few times.

  Wang Tianxiao vomited and almost spewed out all his internal organs.

   It was really uncomfortable.

   People who don't drink for a long time, once they get drunk, they can't stand it at all.

   If he doesn't spit out all the bitter water in his bile, he won't be able to recover.

   "You can't drink, why do you drink so much?"

  Dai Yuanyuan smiled wryly, finally seeing that Wang Tianxiao stopped vomiting, and wanted to wipe his face with a handkerchief, but he stretched out his hand, but finally stuffed it into Wang Tianxiao's palm.

  Wang Tianxiao took the handkerchief in a daze, and wiped his mouth clean.

   There was a faint fragrance on the handkerchief, which made him a little more awake. He turned around and saw Dai Yuanyuan squatting beside him in the dark, a little confused, and hurriedly stood up and took a few steps back.

   "Yuan Yuan, why are you here?"

   "I can eat you, look at your frightened look."

  Dai Yuanyuan felt slightly sad when he saw Wang Tianxiao subconsciously backed away, but he felt relieved.

  Her mood is slightly complicated.

  The man in front of her is someone she likes. If he can say something nice to her, or even make a little gesture, she will be very happy.


  If Wang Tianxiao really did it, she might be very disappointed again.

   After all, the man in her heart is a man of good character and responsibility. If he cheats on his wife and flirts with other women, even she will be disappointed.

"Hehe," Wang Tianxiao was much more awake, and quickly realized what happened just now, so he smiled and said, "Thank you for the handkerchief, and I drank some wine with Lao Cui, I'm afraid it's a bit too strong, and one of them didn't hold up, so you I laughed."

   "It's okay," Dai Yuanyuan smiled, "My father doesn't know how many times you look like this, and I have long been used to it."

  Dai Yuanyuan is a man who grew up in the city. He calls his father and also calls him dad, which is completely different from the short "dad" in the mountains.

  Wang Tianxiao feels that the title of father is much better than father, and it sounds very kind.

   "Well, you can catch a cold if you wear such light clothes, go in quickly."

  In Wang Tianxiao's eyes, Dai Yuanyuan is just a little girl, as if seeing Wang Fang's grown-up shadow in her.

  So his concern is a simple concern of the elders for the younger generation.

   There is no ambiguous meaning.

   But Dai Yuanyuan still found it very useful. With her hands behind her back, she asked, "Can't you enter the room?"

   "That's right, I lost the key."

   "Ah, what can I do then?"

   "I'll go find Lao Cui for a squeeze."

   "Brother Cui's kang is very narrow, how can two people sleep there?" Dai Yuanyuan thought for a while, "Well, you can sleep in my room."


  Wang Tianxiao looked at her puzzled.


  Dai Yuanyuan saw Wang Tianxiao's surprised face, and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I'll sleep with my father later, what are you thinking about?"


  Wang Tianxiao felt relieved, this child couldn't finish talking all at once.

   "That's no need, we'll just squeeze, don't be afraid."

"Oh, why are you being so polite? It's okay. There are several rooms at my father's place." Dai Yuanyuan stepped forward, grabbed Wang Tianxiao's arm, and pushed him to his room. "You can stay at ease. .”

   "No, no, no."

  Wang Tianxiao quickly refused, but he was still a little drunk, and his feet were so soft that he was pushed into the door of her room by Dai Yuanyuan.

  Seeing that he was about to push in, he hurriedly hooked his feet on the door frame, and stabilized his figure at the last moment.

   "I really don't want it, it's not good, how can I live in a girl's room."

  Wang Tianxiao turned sideways, let go of Dai Yuanyuan's hand, and took a few steps back.

   "Go in and sleep quickly, I'm leaving."

  Wang Tianxiao didn't wait for Dai Yuanyuan to say anything, and quickly left the guest house crookedly.

  On the way back, he thought of Dai Yuanyuan's pink and shy face, and he smiled slightly.

  I thought to myself, it is said that men like young girls to death, it seems that it is not necessarily true.

  Except for his wife Li Yali, he has no feelings for other women, whether they are young or mature, they are no different from men.

  If he insists on looking for a different place, it is that he knows to stay away from other women.

  He, Wang Tianxiao, is an ordinary person, and he is also of flesh and blood. If he doesn't know how to restrain himself and keep a distance, he will inevitably make a wrong step at a certain moment.

  The consequences would be unimaginable.

  Perhaps many men desire to be surrounded by beauties, and he can't interfere with others.

  He just minds himself.

  Back to Cui Wanshan's room, he opened the door and went in, and he smelled a disgusting smell of alcohol. It seems that Cui Wanshan also vomited.

  But he doesn't have any beautiful women patting his back, let alone handing over a fragrant handkerchief, so don't make a mess on the ground.

   Wang Tianxiao had no choice but to turn on the lamp in the dark, clean up the dirt on the ground, and help Cui Wanshan change his coat.

  The old bachelor who is single is really pitiful.

   Think about it, if you drink too much, Li Yali will help him wash his feet, change his clothes, and make him a hangover soup thoughtfully.

   If very drunk, she would put his head on her lap and gently rub his temples.


  As long as he thinks of Li Yali, he can't help but smile a little.

  He has thanked God countless times for giving such an ordinary man such a wonderful wife to him.

  After cleaning up the floor, the smell in the room is still very strong.

   There is no way to stay, I feel sick after a while.

  His alcoholism has not completely subsided, and he is most afraid of smelling alcohol.

  I persisted for a while, but couldn’t stay any longer, so I wrapped up my clothes tightly, went to the door, sat on the ridge and looked at the mountain at night.

  Today is a cloudy day, and the vast mountain is pitch black, and the cries of wild animals and night birds can be heard from time to time.

  Looking at the mountain where he has worked for nearly thirty years, he seems to have returned to his previous life.