MTL - Dashan Makes a Living 1984-Chapter 198 194: Telephone Pole Pressing People

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  The mother and daughter did not speak for a long time, just staring at each other like this, the time was almost static at this time, and I don't know how many minutes or tens of seconds passed, Wang Xiaolan called out softly: "Mom."

  Wang Tianxiao looked at his mother nervously, planning to persuade her to stop the fire when she got angry.

  Wang Xiaolan is the one who is most like her mother among her brothers and sisters. She is impatient and stubborn, and she doesn't make any sense at all.

   Otherwise, how could Wang Xiaolan would rather wander in other places than go home.

   "Is it true that if I don't come to see you, you will avoid me for the rest of your life?"

  Zhang Yufeng finally sighed with a bit of sadness in his eyes.


  Wang Xiaolan didn't know what to say, but she couldn't utter a single word.

   "Both of you, please talk more. If you have anything to say, say it face to face, and don't hide it." Wang Tianxiao gave his wife a look, Li Yali understood, and found a reason to bring Wang Fang out.

  Although Wang Fang was young, she could tell that something was wrong with her grandma and aunt. Although she looked at them curiously while walking, she didn't talk nonsense, and obediently followed her parents out.

"I'm going to the kitchen to do some work. I knead half of the steamed stuffed bun noodles, and they're still sitting on the cutting board. After too long, the noodles are too soft to cover. Shopkeeper, after I finish kneading the noodles, you can help me." Pack it, I can't make it by myself."

   "Okay, you will call me later."

  Wang Tianxiao's cooking is not as good as Li Yali's, but he is very good at making buns. The main reason is that he has strong hands-on ability. Strictly speaking, making buns is actually a small handicraft.

  After his wife went in, Wang Tianxiao saw Wang Tianxin who was cowering at the side, but he didn't get angry, and went up and grabbed his ear, just outputting.

   This guy really has no brains.

  Wang Tianxiao's original idea was to wait until his mother calmed down a little, and took a chance to bring his sister back. Although it took a long time, the insurance factor was higher.

   Now this kind of sudden attack, with the temperament of the mother and sister, if there is a stalemate, there may be no chance of reconciliation in a while.

  Wang Tianxiao has never really understood the conflict between his sister and his mother.

  Different from myself, my mother originally loved my younger sister very much, but my younger sister seems to have a kind of rebellion and sobriety that is different from this era.

  If I had to give this characteristic a name, it would be that my sister is a very free person.

  In her mind, freedom is the greatest happiness in life.

  She will not give up her freedom for anything, not even a mother's love.

Her thinking is not an exaggeration in later generations. Wang Tianxiao found that children in later generations generally think this way. They are no longer strictly controlled by their parents. Everyone has their own thoughts and advocates an equal status. .

  But Wang Xiaolan was born in the 1960s. No matter how advanced the wave of thinking after 60 years is, no matter how enlightened she is, it is not the benefit she can enjoy at this stage.

  If she showed it at this time, she would definitely be judged as deviant.

  So, in order to stick to this belief, she would rather resolutely leave her hometown and wander outside.

  If it was Wang Tianxiao in the previous life, even if he saw his younger sister in Laodong Xianshan, he might not be able to go with his younger sister because of rigid dogma, so he couldn't rescue her from that scumbag.

  But in this world, he can fully understand his sister's thoughts, so he didn't try to block her intentionally, but guided her to let her put down her protective shield, and then slowly resolve her obsession.

   Let the younger sister fully realize that her pursuit of a free life does not necessarily need to be separated from her mother.

After all, the mother is a mother, and she definitely hopes that her daughter can live a good life. This is the most basic premise. As for how to live a good life, she has her own ideas, and her daughter also has her daughter's ideas. It's just a little lost, and it doesn't really do anything to my daughter.

  In the real world, parents and children are actually a process of getting along with each other.

  For children, parents are like a cage, insisting on imposing their own ideas on their children.

  But for parents, except for a small number of people who really have a strong desire to control, the reason why most parents control their children more is actually to protect their children.

  For those who have never been parents, it is difficult to understand the feelings of parents.

  Maybe children feel that they have grown up and can be independent, and parents don’t need to take care of everything, which seems annoying and long-winded.

  But in the eyes of parents, the changes in children are actually very small.

  They raised a baby from the size of a palm to a little bit, and the love has not diminished. It's just that many children longed for this meticulous care when they were young, but when they grow up, they don't like it.

  Life is a cycle.

  From misunderstanding your parents to being misunderstood as your own parents, you will eventually step into the same river.

Therefore, Wang Tianxiao didn't blame his sister for what happened, nor did he think his mother was too much. He tried his best to make both of them take a step back and build a new castle in the middle, so that the mother and daughter could temporarily put aside their prejudices and relax in it. and nap.

  I hope they can all understand the painstaking efforts in the middle.

   People of different ages have different moods.

  If Wang Tianxiao was reborn by accident when he was young, maybe his main goal is to get rich and become a master.

  But in his fifties, his desire for success is not so strong now. Just like his farming, he basically follows the fate, maintains some basic relationships, and can have a decent income.

  When people get older, they will be particularly attached to the care of their family and relatives.

   Otherwise, in those TV dramas in the previous life, why do many people who cruelly abandoned their families when they were young, when they grow old, they want their families to forgive them and go home.

  Before reaching that age, you will not experience this special emotion.

  Wang Tianxiao also has such feelings.

  He hopes that his relatives and those who treat him well can live a good life, and everyone can live a long and healthy life happily.

  As long as it is not an essential hatred, like his sister and mother, then he will spend more time trying to reconcile it.

  After Wang Tianxiao taught Wang Tianxin a lesson, and two baskets of steamed buns were out of the pot, he saw Wang Xiaolan come to the kitchen with red eyes, threw herself into his arms and cried.

   Made him a little embarrassed.

  Although she is a younger sister, she is now an adult.

  Give Li Yali a look, Li Yali immediately understood, stepped forward and gently pulled Wang Xiaolan away, and asked softly: "How did you talk with your mother?"


  Wang Xiaolan nodded, although tears were still shining on her face, she showed a happy smile.

   The word um basically says everything.

  Wang Tianxiao let go of his heart.

   Another major event was resolved.

   "I told you earlier that there is no conflict that cannot be resolved, and you still don't believe it."


  Wang Xiaolan cried again.

   "Knowing this, I suffer so much outside alone. Brother, sister-in-law, you don't know how hard it is to be outside alone. I miss home almost every day."

  Wang Tianxiao originally wanted to tell his sister that if she hadn't wandered outside for a long time, she wouldn't have felt the importance of family warmth. She still had a lot of resentment in her heart, and she might not be able to truly reconcile with her mother.

  The matter came to an end, and my mother was satisfied, and she was ready to go down the mountain after dinner in the afternoon, but Wang Tianxiao felt that his mother had finally come up, so he forced him to stay for one night, and sent her down the mountain the next day.

  Sending his mother back, he also wanted to see the progress of the household registration project.

  It has been about half a month since the last meeting. According to the news from Wang Tianxin, the laying of electric poles in the village has already begun. Because enough workers have been called in advance, they can work together at several points, so the speed of laying is quite fast.

However, when Wang Tianxiao followed the reset line and just ran to the first scene, he found several members of the team sitting on the edge of the pit with shovel handles, dejected, and beside them fell a concrete slab. The telegraph pole, what makes people experience is that the telegraph pole was actually broken in two from the middle.

  One section still fell in the dug hole, and the other section fell to the ground.

  Seeing Wang Tianxiao approaching, several people just smiled wryly and didn't say anything.


  Wang Tianxiao pointed to the two electric poles in the ground, "What's wrong?"

   "What else can I do, the pole is broken, and everyone is collapsed."

   Someone said angrily.

  Wang Tianxiao gasped. Although he guessed what happened just by looking at it, he was still a little surprised when he heard it.

  This telegraph pole was only planted in the ground, and it didn’t vibrate much. Why did it break?

  He walked over, squatted down, and carefully observed the faults of the utility poles, which almost made him mad.

   Judging from the fracture, this telegraph pole seriously does not meet the requirements. The cement content inside must not be enough, and a piece of the fracture can be pulled out with a light hand.

   It can no longer be said that the quality is not good, it is simply a fake product.

   This is too outrageous.

  Wang Tianxiao knows about ordinary projects, because the price of cement is much more expensive than that of yellow sand, so unless the project is strictly and formally managed, such things like reducing the grade or even the content of cement will happen.

  But under normal circumstances, people only lowered it slightly, which can only be said to be a safety hazard.

   But this cement utility pole, hardly used much cement in it, is simply a yellow sand core, but it is covered with a layer of cement skin, making it difficult to distinguish.

  How can this kind of rod continue? Fracture is almost an inevitable outcome.

   Fortunately, this is not assumed. If it is really used, once it is powered on, it breaks and collapses, then I don’t know how many accidents will happen.

   It can only be said that the consciences of these guys have been eaten by dogs.

   And it's daring to the limit.

  Beyond his bottom line understanding of this kind of person.

   "Who was collapsed?"

   "Who else is there, Captain."

   "The captain was trying to save me. After pushing me away, he was crushed."

   "Ah," Wang Tianxiao was taken aback, but on second thought, this is also in line with Wang Dabao's character. He has shortcomings, but he is very loyal when it comes to major issues.

   "What about Brother Dabao? Is he seriously injured? Has he been sent to the hospital?"

   "It's hard to say, the ambulance pulled away, and Brother Tianyi followed."

  Wang Tianxiao heard that Wang Tianyi also went with him, so he was relieved for the time being. If Wang Tianyi didn't say anything else, this kind of thing would definitely be done well.

  He was already good at handling this kind of external communication.

  He went around to other points and found that everyone had stopped, sitting on the floor and chatting as before.

   I fell into confusion for a while.

  He didn't expect things to develop to such an extent. Didn't everyone say that the quality of things in this era is very good, so how come there are fake and inferior products.

   Completely disrupted his plans.

  I also think that the station will be powered on in the second half of the year, which can not only meet the needs of life, but also become a power source and completely solve the problem of water use in the mountains.

  This is no small matter right now.

  Since there is a problem with one electric pole, it is difficult to guarantee that there are no problems with other electric poles. If there are problems, then...

  He secretly felt frightened, this matter is going to make a big fuss.

   I remember hearing that the telegraph poles here came from Dongyuan Town next door. It is said that the factory was originally a state-owned factory, but it was later restructured and privatized. It is one of the more famous famous enterprises in Qingcheng.

  Every time Wang Tianxiao goes to the city, he can see this enterprise from a distance on the provincial road. The thick and tall chimneys go straight into the sky, and there is always thick smoke billowing from inside.

  This means that this era does not pay much attention to environmental protection. If it is a future generation, it will be asked to close the door every minute.

  There are also people in the village who burn cement in the cement factory. I heard that it is not easy to get in, and they can earn fifty or sixty yuan a month, which makes other people envious.

  Wang Tianxiao would occasionally think of this factory before, and remember that later generations seem to have no reputation. It may be that when he was working in other places, he closed down for various reasons and did not catch up with the development of the real estate industry later. Otherwise, he might not be able to make a lot of money.

  Thinking of real estate, he quickly thought of Zhang Wenyuan.

  Since Zhang Wenyuan has caught up with the real estate bonus period, isn't this cement factory a very interesting place...

  Unknowingly, Wang Tianxiao's brain started spinning again at high speed.

   At this moment, a familiar figure came from the main road on a bicycle.

   Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Liu Jiqing, the village chief.

  Since his wife was hospitalized and used up Liu Xiangrui's tractor, he moved to the mountains, and he never saw Liu Xiangrui again.

   Liu Xiangrui also saw Wang Tianxiao standing in the field from a distance, got off the car, and waved to him.

  Wang Tianxiao walked over.

   "Tianxiao, why are you free to come to the village today?" Liu Xiangrui really wanted to maintain a calm posture, but he squeezed a few times, but he couldn't force a smile.

  Wang Tianxiao knew that he was in a bad mood right now, so he smiled wryly and said, "Village Chief, no one could have expected this, and it's useless to worry."

   "What do you call this? What kind of **** telegraph poles are made for us by these black-hearted factories? They are completely parallel imports. Let alone tossing people and delaying things, this also hurts Captain Dabao..."

   Liu Xiangrui became annoyed more and more, beating his chest and stamping his feet.

"Then...Since it's like this, have you stopped everyone? When encountering such a thing, you must not continue to use these electric poles. This is not a joke. If it suddenly breaks after planting, then The high-voltage lines will all be crossed, and the consequences will be disastrous."

"Isn't that right? You see, this is a big deal. I've already told everyone to stop. I discussed with the leaders of the power supply station in the morning to temporarily suspend the progress of the project. I also reported it to Secretary Zhao. He also agreed. We will do it, and we will arrange people to cooperate with us and the power supply station to deal with this matter. Now there are counterfeit and shoddy electric poles, the project is suspended, and people are injured. This is not something we as a village can handle.”

  The secretary Zhao mentioned by Liu Jiqing refers to the town secretary Zhao Yunxiang.

  Wang Tianxiao is quite familiar with this Zhao Yunxiang.

  This person is no fun.

  In the previous life, Wang Tianxiao and Wang Tianxin had conflicts. At that time, Wang Tianxiao was honest and couldn't solve it by looking for people everywhere. Finally, he came to the town mansion compound.

  With him like this, the police station naturally didn't dare to do anything. The police station was originally under the jurisdiction of the Public Security Bureau.

  So, Wang Tianxiao smiled contemptuously when he heard the title of Secretary Zhao in this world.

   "Okay, if you need to come to my place, just say it."

Hearing what Wang Tianxiao said, Liu Jiqing thought of something, and said with emotion: "Tianxiao, I didn't expect that you are still doing well. I have heard Dabao say that you helped the villagers to pay the expenses. It is really good. I have a better life. It’s really rare to still think about the folks in the village.”

   "Where is it, I should be able to do something for the team. Besides, I also need to pull the electricity. If I really can't push forward, everyone will have a bad life."

   "That's true, but you don't have to worry about these things."

   "Haha, it's time to catch up."

"You, I didn't see it before, you young man is so open-minded," Liu Jiqing sighed, very pleased: "Okay, the contribution you made to the development of the village will be remembered by the village, if you need any help in the future, just ask Come to me, and I'll definitely help you out."

   "Haha, sure, sure, I won't be polite then."

"That's all right, you are busy first, I have to go to other places to see, don't let anything happen again, this hurts a big treasure already makes me terrified, hurts another person, how can I have the face to be the head of this village. "

   "Okay, I'll go to the hospital to see Brother Dabao."


After the two separated, Wang Tianxiao rode to the hospital, but saw that Wang Dabao had been transferred to the general ward. After careful questioning, he found out that because the ground was soft and there was a cushion, Wang Dabao's legs were bigger than expected. Much lighter, just some soft tissue bruises, no major issues with the bones.

   It is simply a blessing in misfortune.

  Wang Dabao's wife was at the side, but when she saw Wang Tianxiao coming in, she said hello and went out.

  Wang Tianxiao sat beside him, handed Wang Dabao a banana, and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, it's really a disaster."

Wang Dabao was also crying and laughing: "Let's just say, who knew that such a thing could happen? That stupid cement factory cut corners and materials, and what kind of **** did it make? If I didn't push people away, it would have smashed it. If the head is on, maybe there will be deaths.”