MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 23 0 foot dragon (top)

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Now Cheese can see it clearly, the multi-legged Allosaurus. There are reasons why dragons are considered to be the source of magic in this world, and one of them is the existence of Allosaurus.

In general, hybrids and subspecies, especially those that have been distorted, will appear in a state that makes all natural creatures feel uncomfortable, such as the existence of the original rat people named by cheese, those who have been transformed by the rat plague The bodies of the first infected are full of distortions and anomalies.

But the Allosaurus will not. As offspring born from the blood of giant dragons, no matter how strange their appearance is, they will give the impression of incomprehension at best, rather than distortion and ugliness.

Generally speaking, the appearance of Millipede Dragon is somewhat like a snake. Unlike the giant snake that is so huge that it makes people feel bloated, Millipede Dragon's snake body is very harmonious. Its abdomen tightens, and with breathing, one can see the outline of the bony protruding bony under the scaly soft skin. Its muscles have a strong sense of strength, and it is this well-developed back muscle group that gives Millipede Dragon the ability to gracefully move its huge body through complex environments. Of course, the satin-like scales on its skin are also a reason that cannot be ignored.

Ah, the beautiful scales, Cheese has never seen such grace in any other scaly creature, perfectly nested like chainmail from a dwarven elder artisan. Together, it forms an outer skin that does not affect the movement at all and is extremely close to the body.

But you can't ignore their defensive function because of this, even if their owners wantonly shuttle through the hard wood forest, smashing the ground from a high place without leaving any room, these scales will not see any gaps, not even smudges. exist. The rain fell on the nail plate, and it slid away like it fell on silk that does not touch the water, but it didn't stay at all.

A huge creature wrapped in such a skin has several pairs of symmetrical legs on the side of its abdomen. Cheese is sure that these limbs are specialized in structure with different positions. Otherwise, when the allosaurus is standing on the ground, It is impossible to make all the soles of the whole body fall on the soil. Perhaps the only thing they have in common is the protruding claws at the front of the soles of the feet, a typical dragon claw structure, which leaves no doubt about its pedigree.

In comparison, the head of Millipede is closer to that of a lizard. It does not have the bony bulge that is common in giant dragons on the corners of its eyes, and the structure of its two eyes is closer to that of a crocodile. But on the chin of the Allosaurus, there was a lush blue-black mane. Those manes extended from under its mouth to the upper end of its abdomen, and the length gradually shortened, as if it had been carefully trimmed.

Millipede also had some bristles under its nose, which were longer but few in number, reminiscent of the tentacles of aquatic creatures. Unlike most of the flamboyant monsters, the Allosaurus's mouth is tightly closed, and no teeth or gums are exposed, which makes it look more gentle, like a gentleman with scales.

However, this gentleman's walking stick made no secret of its sharpness. The thick tail was flattened at the last part, and the sharp bone blade spread like a bird's wing, which could maintain balance and turn into a deadly cutting weapon. Cheese was very sure that the branches that fell before were cut by Millipede with its tail, which means that it can also easily cut the arms and thighs of the gray robe with its tail, and even the waist is not without a chance.

Deadly grace and graceful lethality have shaped this creature, and Cheese has no doubts about how a dragon would treat such a descendant, and he would bring it back to his own territory, because such a creature would be reluctant to abandon. .

However, the cute cat is a terrifying hunter of birds and mice in the wild, and it's hard to compliment the graceful Millipede while staring at you. Destroying beautiful things is what mages always do. They have witnessed the magic of nature countless times, and they have destroyed it countless times with their own needs. Beauty equals strength. contains rationality.

The elegant monster walked slowly towards the branch where the spell was cast, the smell of sheep blood was rapidly changing, and in a few seconds, the rich blood soup would be diluted and not worth swallowing. Cheese is forcing Yilong to eat quickly, or he has to watch the food no longer eat. For a hungry guy, this is something to try even if he knows it is a trap.

The thousand-footed dragon raised its upper body and looked down at the blood in the branches like a real centipede. It opened its mouth slightly, revealing the teeth that only omnivores would have inside, as well as the overly long tongue. The tip of the tongue, through the bifurcation of the wood, plunged into the blood, like a butterfly gathering honey.

"Drink, you can rest assured." The trap arranger whispered to himself, hiding behind the tree. He noticed that the dragon didn't show the slightest interest in the fake body he left in the trap from beginning to end. This is the complete opposite of aggressively attacking yourself before.

Either the dragon was really starving and now ignores everything else, or it was arrogant enough to think that the humans in front of him couldn't hurt it at close range. Or, it has become the second existence to see through spells. If it is the third possibility, Cheese feels that his self-esteem will be somewhat damaged. He is a spell caster, and it is inevitable to have confidence in his spells.

Just as Gray Pao was analyzing in secret, the Allosaurus that tasted the **** smell became excited. It no longer only sticks to the tip of the tongue. In order to eat the food better and faster, the Millipede Dragon sticks its entire head into the branch. in the crack. Cheese was waiting for this moment, a spell, a gesture, the magic applied on the wood was instantly lifted, the soft wood flowers immediately returned to their original appearance, and the scattered wood quickly gathered, and it became a call from all directions. The hammer!

At the center of these hammers is the head of the Millipede. The head is not necessarily the most vulnerable part of an animal, but it is susceptible to impact.

"Boom!" The wood chips in the sky actually blocked the rain for a while, and the elasticity suppressed by the magic and the impact force were all wasted on the head of the thousand-footed dragon. into canned meat.

As soon as he succeeded, Cheese immediately began to cast spells. He never thought of using this trap to defeat the Allosaurus. Just kidding, that creature was much tougher than a human knight.

"Om!" The sound of the air being cut into the air forced him to stop casting spells, and the fatal sense of crisis forced Gray Robe to squat down. The next moment, the blade tail of the thousand-footed dragon swept across the huge tree he was hiding, leaving deep wounds on the trunk of the tree. .

"Have you already known where I am? Isn't it stupid that I gave up my raincoat and washed the rain in vain for so long?"

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