MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1048v2 Ash the Outlier

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  For his own selfishness, Xuan San cast a curse on his sect. After forging the Xuan Yi Sect roster, he secretly manipulated the fate of the disciples.

  In this case, Xuan San is Lin Xi's biggest enemy.

  The same is true for half people.

  Although he was also the biggest victim of Xuan San's series of schemes, he did the same thing as Xuan San afterwards.

  Lin Xi's own tragic experience was mostly led by half of the people.

  The purpose is to catch Xuan San.

  Half of the people also commit crimes and are also their own enemies, Lin Xi will not ignore this point.

   Facing the flying moon, Xuan San didn't care at all.

   "Even your ancestor Lin Jie, who was so amazingly talented and beautiful, died under my spell. You, a little guy who inherited his mantle and hasn't really become a fairy, want to hinder me by this?"

   Xuan San didn't care about Lin Xi's hatred at all.

  He just gave a look, and the moon stopped.

  Including some small movements of other immortals, they were also restrained in an instant.

  This kind of restraint is very similar to Tianxin's suppression of immortals.

   "Why do you think those immortals died inexplicably all these years?" Xuan San's words made everyone feel a heavy pressure.

  It’s not that they haven’t thought about it. There are special reasons for the death of other immortals, but it’s hard to imagine that at least three immortals died for no reason. The immortal who committed suicide doesn’t look right now.

  When these immortals died, except Lin Jie, the second immortal scholar who was born in the Xuanyi sect, no one sent a single message.

   Immortal Xuansan has surpassed them too much.

   "You just stand here and watch how I ascended to my position as the Immortal King." Xuan San didn't intend to kill them, but after holding them down with that force, his body slowly flew upwards.

  At the same time, two other Xuan San flew out from Xuan San's body.

  Every Xuan San revealed the aura of a fairy.

   And these two Xuansan, after they appeared, one looked at where Lu Bai was, and the other looked at the distance.

   There, the breath of star aphids is particularly obvious.

  These two avatars are the tricks Xuan San expected to deal with Lu Bai and Tianxian.

   At the same time, Xuan San, who flew into the sky, became more and more aura of the world.

   Feathers emerged from his body, and then flew away from his body, this scene even looked a bit beautiful.

   Tian Ya only wants an Immortal King, as for who becomes the Immortal King, Tian Ya doesn't care.

  Outliers miss everything they used to be human so much, this is a huge flaw.

  He pulled sideways, constantly introducing the power of Haijiao, and formed a Tao poison so that he would not degenerate into that kind of emotionless fairy.

  And over the years, he has been constantly resisting the pulling force of becoming the Immortal King.

  He is actually unqualified.

   It's just because he is too deeply involved with Tianya, so he can't really resist Tianya and completely grasp Tianya's driving force.

   Otherwise, the outliers would have already become challengers.

  The current outlier can only be said to be an individual who, with the help of the power of the cape, expected to become a challenger but failed.

  Xuan San's purpose is to take advantage of this opportunity to replace the outliers.

  To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a kind of deception.

  The world in front of me is a world created by outliers who found one-dimensional ruins and recreated the world on the basis of these ruins.

  Other things may come from the ruins, but all human beings are all 'offspring' created by outliers using their own human memes.

  However, this kind of behavior is just a trivial matter to Xuan San.

  From the fact that he cast the Immortal Curse on his sect, it can be seen that his determination to seek the Tao is extremely firm, and his ability to forget his roots is also second to none.

  At this time, he was flying in mid-air, and the power of Tianya agitating on his body caught a ray of cause and effect, and he was constantly exerting force.

  A Shi is indeed just a mortal, there is nothing special about him, and his affection for small words is also true.

  The only uncommon thing is that some oppressive associations may be brought about by the things behind him.

  As Xuan San said, in the past, his family members did not exist in this world, and outliers did not want to 'create' them in their own way.

   But the new family, most of the creations of the outliers are not worthy, so it can only be Xiao Ci, who is born with the essence of immortals.

   There are many hidden needs in this, for example, Xuan San can also reincarnate himself, after all, as the first immortal in the history of Xuan Yi Sect, he has mastered the power of Tianya.

  But once he takes the initiative to reincarnate into a fairy, there will never be an 'A Shi' who will become his elder brother.

   Those who take the initiative to reincarnate into immortals are immortals. Only passive reincarnated people like Xiaoci can be recognized by outliers.

   After Ashi's death, Tianxin, an outlier addicted to playing house, will wake up.

   This is indeed a great crisis.

  Although the outlier split himself, he/he is indeed an individual who is only one step away from becoming the fairy king.

  If nothing happens to the other party, then even blowing one breath can crush him to death.

   But at the same time, this is also an opportunity. A Shi is not an outlier, but an outlier can be A Shi.

  With the death of Ashi, it is impossible for the outliers to do nothing about it.

  But once she made a move, A Shi fell into the trap.

  After the death of A Shi, the essence of immortality in a little word must be activated. In order to prevent the little word from being completely torn apart and become the shell of the immortal, Ashi must take some action.

  He used public power for private use to suppress other immortals, and then secretly connected with the power of Haijiao to make Xiaoci stabilize his own state.

   This is indeed saving Xiaoci, and it can also solve the problem of the immortals.

  If Xuan San does not move next, then Tianxin will definitely kill other immortals with this, and turn these immortals into immortal corpses without thoughts and thoughts.

   In this way, the influence of Cape can be further expanded.

   However, this behavior is a kind of naked betrayal.

   "Ancestor, you are the first day of junior high school, and I am the fifteenth day of the junior high school. Everyone is betraying."

   "It's just that you betrayed Tianya, and I betrayed you!"

  Xuan San grasped this point, continuously mobilized the power of Tianya, and in turn stripped the he/him of the outlier, and tried to replace it by himself.

   I have to say that Xuan San is indeed trying to swallow the elephant, but the timing he seized is really just right.

  Following Xuan San's actions, Tian Xin did begin to split further under the oppression of Tian Ya.

  Part of it is that after Huaxing Tianxin's transformation, he is only one step away from the essential instinct of the Immortal King.

  The other part is A Shi, an outlier who sticks to the essence of human beings and never wants to forget everything about human beings.

  The power of Tianya is also in this process, pushing the outliers to emerge.

  No matter what, the human side of the outliers today will inevitably come to the day of abandonment.

  Either the outlier, Ashi, also becomes immortal, completely unified with Tianxin, no longer split, and becomes the fairy king.

   Either Xuan San succeeded in killing A Shi, and then transformed himself into a fairy, as A Shi's creation, to complement Tianxin and become the Immortal King.

  In short, the Immortal King will appear.

   "Why bother?" A Shi opened his eyes, and at this moment, his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

  It is similar to A Shi of brother Xiaoci before, but it is not the same.

  Brother Xiaoci is just a part of the real Ashi.

  Over the years, Ashi has been 'appearing' in the area of ​​Fengxian. Each of them is a new Ashi, and each is a part of the outliers.

  Because the place where the outliers lived was called Fengxian.

  If you can’t go back to your hometown, then you can create a similar hometown by yourself and live in it by splitting your own parts.

  After birth, old age, sickness and death, another A Shi appeared.

   "Go to hell!" Xuan San didn't have any intention of communicating with A Shi.

  In his opinion, Ashi is not worthy, and she obviously has such a good chance to become a fairy king, and become a more perfect existence after transformation, but she has always been nostalgic for those human lives that are like a family.

  Too naive and unreasonable.

   "No, I don't want to leave Grandma!" A voice sounded in Xuan San's mind who was about to attack.

  His body is constantly twisting, and the feathers on his body are rapidly proliferating and deforming.

  The whole person involuntarily evolved in the direction of a monster.

  The voice in my mind gradually became clearer.

   Xuan San realized that it was his voice in the past.

  His father died young, and his mother brought him up single-handedly.

   Coincidentally, Xuanyi opened the Xuanyi Gate in the surrounding area, and he was selected because he thought he had a fairy appearance.

   It was just that at that time, he was very unwilling to cut off his fate, and he was unwilling to leave his mother who worked so hard to take care of him.

   When he finally left, he also shouted in his mouth that he must become a fairy, and then repay his mother.

   Just when did you forget?

   When you first came into contact with the wonders of Taoism?

   Or go home quietly and see your mother different from what you know?

  He believes that mother will always be the one who will love and protect himself.

   But in fact, the mother did not obey the rules of women, and flirted with a peddler in the village.

  Or he easily killed the shopkeeper who often took care of him when he was a child, and then monopolized his mother's time?

   Or when the mother was heartbroken and simply died?

   Or is it that the immortal way is distorted, and everything has changed since I entered the immortal way?

  Time did not give Xuan San an answer. Although his past name - Wang Xiu, although I still remember it until now, it no longer has any special meaning.

  He is Xuan San, and only Xuan San, and later, he will be the Immortal King Xuan San.

  Everything in the whole world is changing, and Xuan San has already changed.

  Everything that is mundane cannot stand the test. Only by becoming a fairy can it be eternal.

   If there are not enough immortals, then become an immortal king.

  By the time Xuan San reacted, he had almost alienated into a monster.

  The bit of dao poison in his body continued to proliferate along with his past.

  From this point of view, Xuan San has never changed, and the current him is completely composed of past experiences.

   This point is also influenced by Cape! (end of this chapter)