MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 970v2 Hundred Years Boundary War (12) (Ask for a monthly ticket!

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  Chapter 970 The Hundred Years Boundary War (12) (Ask for a monthly ticket!!)

   "Lu Bai!" Dashu watched Lu Bai who suddenly appeared vigilantly, and then his inquiring eyes fell on the chaotic and destructive field that Lu Bai had previously displayed.

   That power is still stagnant, frozen by the Sky Supporting Tree.

  But the Lu Bai that appeared in front of him now is definitely not a phantom. On the contrary, he feels that the current Lu Bai is a bit stronger than before, and of course his temperament is also a bit different.

  This Lu Bai looks very sacred to people. Although it is still in the form of a real red dragon, it does not have that huge body.

   "You have been hiding from the beginning until now?" Dashu frowned, he had checked many times before.

   Lu Bai definitely died in the realm of chaos and destruction, and with the other party's situation, he definitely shouldn't be revived so quickly.

  And judging from Lu Bai's words, all the conversations he had with Jinfeng before fell into Lu Bai's ears, allowing him to grasp a lot of information.

   "Aren't you also hiding all the time?" Lu Bai smiled, not showing too much aggression.

   And Dashu also seemed to let go of his previous vigilance. He suddenly realized that although Lu Bai had something to hide, he was sure that Lu Bai was definitely not a person who stepped on the dead, nor was he a rebellious person.

  Since this is the case, there is no fundamental conflict between them.

  The only conflict they have now is the fact that Dashu pretended to be dead and let Lu Bai stand up to Jinfeng alone.

  The covenant between him and Lu Bai is not unstable because of this, after all, they are a relationship of mutual use.

  Both are using each other in their own ways. He uses the information gap to hide his identity and asks Lu Bo to work for him.

  Lu Bai's ability is not bad, he can still hide aside as if nothing happened after death, observing everything.

   For things like this, at most he would admit his mistake later and pay Lu Bai some more resources.

   "That's my fault."

   "I know Arthur's Boundary, where Jinfeng stores resources, and his resource storage point in Lear Boundary, and you can find it just by looking for it."

   "It's a pity on the boundary of many places. It is estimated that with the death of the Zerg, it will be difficult to find it again, but I can fully use my influence to collect resources for you during this boundary war."

   "What do you think?"

"Very good, but this is what I should get." Lu Bai nodded, his eyes looked at Dashu as if with some kind of bright red light: "It's just that I died once after all, so I feel relieved. "

   "Why don't you die once, and I'll forgive you, how about that?" Lu Bai's words made the aura around the tree darken.

"Did you die once and become unconscious?" The sky-supporting tree continued to spread, and the space structure was constantly locked by this tree, and the voice of the big tree was no longer so friendly: "I just don't want to continue the meaningless fight. afraid of you?"

   "Isn't it?" Lu Bai still strolled in the courtyard like that, turning a blind eye to the blockade of the surrounding space, and looked at the big tree in front of him with a smile.

   "I am also very curious about what will be obtained when the three marks of this boundary converge."

   "Before you die, can you give me something?"

   "Desire is making me want it all!" Lu Bai asked.

   "Then you go to die!" The voice of the big tree swept towards the land cypress along with countless branches.

  Lu Bai is no different from the previous Jinfeng, restricted by the sky tree, and then he will be torn apart and devoured by him as a nutrient.

   "Don't worry!" Lu Bai still didn't feel too much sense of crisis about this, he flicked his dragon claws slightly, and something was changing.

  When the branches were close to the cypress, they withered quickly, and at the same time, everything began to flow.

  The sky support tree has no effect in the face of this flowing force, on the contrary, it is constantly withering.

   "The Messenger of the Netherworld!" The tree's huge spiritual power trembled at this moment, and the branches that were originally stretched towards Lu Bai quickly retracted at this moment, and then the figure also flew towards the distance.

   He didn't even want anything, he just wanted to leave this event.

   Now he finally understands why Jinfeng's original recovery speed is so high, but it has never appeared, allowing him to absorb it so smoothly.

  Because, for Yuanyuan, if he is absorbed by him, Yuanyuan will only be damaged, but there is still a chance to integrate into the Star Cave, re-open an event, wait for new fitters, and develop into a life-defying person.

   But once it hits the head of Lu Bai, the messenger of the netherworld, his originality will be split again, and then he will be truly buried.

  If it weren't for the existence of the star cave, these individuals should basically be digested continuously in the nether world. Maybe they will be in the dirty soil if they are lucky, but for them, there is actually no difference.

  However, with a wave of fluctuation, the space changed again.

  The space structure reinforced by the sky tree was locked again by Lu Bai.

  No matter how fast the big tree is, it becomes almost impossible to escape from this area.

  Being forced to the big tree of the Jedi, he had to calm down at this time, turned around and observed Lu Bai carefully.

   "He is no longer a star!" He had already guessed this information.

  Responding to his own tree branch attacks before, and now to strengthen the space structure, Lu Bai used methods of refining truth.

   Sure enough, Lu Bai in the realm of chaos and destruction did not come back to life, and what appeared in front of him now was just another side of Lu Bai.

  An individual who took the path of refining the truth and reached the moon level.

  Although this kind of individual has the identity of the Nether Messenger restraining him, it is not that he has no chance of winning the battle.

   "The way of the holy dragon!" Lu Bai seemed to explain his current state as if he was trying to solve the big tree's doubts: "Dragon has a variety of development paths."

  "Before I went to the fourth floor, I encountered an opportunity to specialize in the way of the holy dragon, which is the way to use the rules of heaven and earth."

   "Just that needs to wash away some of my strength."

   "Of course I didn't do this, but the desire to have everything will never stop."

   "Without the help of that incident, it's not impossible for me to get the body of the holy dragon."

   While talking, Lu Bai flew towards the big tree. During the flight, everything changed according to Lu Bai.

  His main body is cast in two forms of light and light, so the dragon body can naturally form reincarnation in two forms of evil dragon and holy dragon.

  When Lu Bai's evil dragon body, with the immortal evil reform, drives the evil power to the extreme, it is the time when the negative yang is born and the holy dragon haunts.

   "As for the rules of everything, what I understand most is life and death." Lu Bai's figure stopped, and then everything flowing around him also stopped at this moment, and then decayed and withered, and dead tentacles spread everything.

  The root system of the big tree buried in the space was also exposed in the process and turned into a puddle of mud.

  As Lu Bai's holy dragon side, although Huaxing has mastered a huge energy level like the evil dragon side, he is not much weaker than the evil dragon side.

   Even because there is no energy level burden of evil force, his targeted methods have become much more.

  Especially against these rebels, Lu Bai has a special attack.

   "So what, go to hell!" At this time, Dashu stopped making those little tricks, and it was his turn to desperately.

  Huaxing battles against Lianzhen, relying on crushing it to death with an energy level dozens of times higher.

  Countless energies erupted from the big tree, and at the same time, the Arthur mark and the multi-place mark also played a role at this moment, coordinating with this huge energy, they rolled towards the lander cypress.

   "This is indeed Huaxing's correct approach to the path of refining truth."

   "However, Kanglong has regrets." Lu Bai faced those energies directly, and there was a burst of power in his body, which led to some changes, and the rushing energy began to distort along with Lu Bai's traction.

   "Excessively large energy levels will greatly reduce your control ability, and my ability to control rules is just a billion points higher than yours."

   "It's actually not difficult for me to disturb this energy level."

   "And you seem to have overlooked something." The huge energy flow distorted and brushed past Lu Bai like a breeze.

   At this time, two huge **** flew back from a distance, and they were the dragon **** forged by Lu Bai.

  These dragon **** can speed up the recovery of Lu Bai Nielong's body.

  Once he is allowed to return, Lu Bai will be able to complete mixed doubles with the bodies of evil dragon and holy dragon.

  With the current state of Dashu being restrained by Lu Bai, he can't handle just one, let alone two.

   "Supporting the sky tree!" At this time, Dashu can only place his hope on the power given by the one who stepped on the dead.

  Many imprints shone, and the synergistic force acted on the sky support tree, making the light green light film prop up.

  The film of light immediately moved, restraining Lu Bai's two returning dragon balls.

  But at this moment, in the Dragon Ball, a figure suddenly flickered and flew out of it.

  There were roaring sounds from all parts of the figure's body, and it was this sound that made the restraint of the Sky Supporting Tree become ineffective when facing him.

   Dashu also looked at the person with a little surprise. The opponent probably has the strength of the moon level. It looks good in the field of the moon level, but it is not bad.

   In normal times, Dashu can fight against seven or eight such opponents.

  Using a crushing-level super-standard thing like the Upper Supporting Sky Tree can form something similar to a realm barrier. For individuals of the same level without special means, it can be kneaded at will.

   However, at present, the sky support tree is not activated normally.

   This thing comes from the identity of the dead, and it is not his normal way to get it.

  Secondly, when this thing faced Lu Bai, if it didn't use synergy runes, it would even ignore his manipulation.

  In this case, Tianzhu can hold two dragon balls, which is already a treasure.

   But at this moment, facing this person rushing over with an explosion, Dashu seemed to have seen the last straw.

   The first update.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion