MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 38 escape

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"You listen, there is water!" Lago raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, and listened for a while, then he said with surprise.

Everyone looks at each other, and the ears of the thieves are simply artifacts. If he had to repeat his or her other bloodlines, everyone would doubt whether he was human.

Before the lake where the ghosts were stunned, he relied on these ears to save the team once. Although he himself was saved by Qin Lun, it was not that he first heard the sound of the ghost face swaying in the waters hundreds of meters away. At that time, the entire team was in danger of being attacked by marine beasts.

Ghost face is not a wild calf. If it is caught by its tentacles as thick as a bucket, it is impossible to save people back in a hurry.

Qin Lun hired a **** trio at the beginning, which now seems to be very valuable. Whether Lago, Winnie, or Rick, they have made an indispensable contribution to the adventure.

In fact, the **** mercenary group joined the adventure time, now more than ten days, but they who novel w.qul. Also do not want to mention the employment contract.

The two of the Winnie and Lago were rescued by Qin Lun, and now they are also the companions of life and death, and they are not willing to say anything about remuneration. Moreover, now in the Troll's Claw Canyon, the task of finding the missing person is completed, and the biggest goal is to quickly leave the ghost place.

Although in addition to the thieves, no one heard the sound of the water, but after a series of evidence, the ears of the thieves are still trustworthy, and the appearance of the water sound suddenly makes everyone show a relaxed expression.

After a small midnight rush, because of the drag of several injured people in the team, they only walked out more than 20 kilometers. At this point, the sky has begun to shine, and the troll village behind them will soon discover the disappearance of the captives.

Since several people in Ilistin are sacrifices for sacrifice, the trolls can never let them escape, and believe that the dawn will catch up.

In fact, in the process of the escape of the troll's claws, the threat of the trolls is only one of them. Another problem that plagues Qin Lun and others is the route and direction to the north exit of the Weihe River.

The terrain of the troll's claws is surrounded by mountains, the central canyon is also not flat, and there are many hillsides with gentle slopes.

This makes the entire canyon have many branches, and because the area is inaccessible, the trolls will not level the road, so there are almost low pine forests and bushes everywhere, making it difficult to distinguish directions.

Even Martha's, who is experienced in the wild, only relies on the stars of the night sky to determine the direction in the weathery night, so that the team will not deviate from the north route.

In the daytime, in addition to the few hours when the sun shines through the canyon, this adventure team can only rely on feelings to hurry.

Marstad reminded everyone that they must find the Weihe River as soon as possible and go north along the river, otherwise she would not be sure to take everyone out of the troll.

In the direction of Lago, when the sky was completely bright, the team finally saw a stream of rushing water.

"Great!" Marstad's delighted expression quickly infected everyone, and several serious patients felt that their hearts were loose and they fell to the ground. Although some apostles have been eaten on the way to recover the items, they have been tortured for so long in the troll village, and the body is extremely weak. In such a short period of time, the physical strength has not yet recovered.

"This stream should be a tributary of other water sources in the canyon that converge to the Weihe River. It will advance along the stream, and sooner or later it will enter the main road of the Weihe River." Marstad observed a stream and waved a few of the troops. Male, "Several of you have to cut down a few solid pines. We have to make a raft. The wounded will use the stream to clean the old wounds."

"Men are not people, we want to wash!" Lago snorted dissatisfied.

"Sorry!" Rick felt really helpless about his little friend. He licked his face and stalked the thief who was holding the claws and claws. He whispered, "The two beautiful women are all Wound, you are here, how are they still smug in the water, you have not seen the West Buddha are consciously getting out!"

"You are the first rookie to venture out, how do you do this kind of raft!" Qin Lun and others first dragged back the raft material, the Highland Elves were completely dissatisfied, and several men sweared a meal.

The pines that Qin Lun and others dragged over were too thick, and the materials were too fresh. They peeled off the bark and felt a sticky resin. This kind of material could not be used as a raft.

The wood needed for the raft is not too thick, and the thickness of the bowl is the best. In addition, the most critical is the degree of dryness, too fresh trees, the proportion of water is too large, the buoyancy placed in the water is too small, and the weight of everyone must sink to the bottom.

This kind of pine wood is not suitable for making hibiscus even if it has a thick turpentine surface. It has to be dried for many years. How can they have this time now?

Seeing that a few men were not very reliable, Marstad had to go to the woods to find the right raft material, and finally pointed out that several big men had cut more than 20 old trees that were nearly dead.

Most of these old trees have died, many of them are caused by insects, and there are many holes inside the trunk. The buoyancy they provide is sufficient, but seriously, this is not a suitable raft material, and there is a danger of breakage when it encounters too fast water flow.

But since everyone only intends to use it once, it is also in the river where the wind and waves are relatively small, and it can be used together.

Mastasia stripped the bark from the earlier fresh pine trees and used them as ropes to bind more than twenty dead trees into two rafts. They are too many people, the stream is too narrow, and they have to be divided into two rafts.

When they were almost busy on this side, several injured people in Ilistin also temporarily handled the injuries. Although it has almost become a mummy, the spirit of Ilistin and Idria is much better than last night.

Of course, the best of them, but the Mason old butler who died almost last night.

In the adventure of more than a month ago, Mason did not participate in so many battles as the two beautiful women, and there were not many injuries. The patients who have been tossed these days are slowly recovering under the magic of the dark contract, and now it looks better than their situation.

"It took almost two hours. If the trolls are in the right direction, they may not be far away from us." Marstad blocked her hand in front of her eyebrows and looked up at the direction of the sun.

The mood of the people was tense again, and they were divided into two groups on the raft according to the instructions of the master of the harpist.

Marstad used a pilo to fix herself on the raft. Although she would not be seasick, she could not swim. Originally, this secret was only known to Qin Lun. Now there is no way to stand up in the eyes of everyone, and a pair of "sisters can't swim, the sister is very proud".

“Oh!” The raft slowly accelerated in the rushing stream, first sinking, and then coming out of the waves. Although very rudimentary, he still bears the weight of everyone, so that everyone can't help but cheer, once again admiring the highland elves.

"Hey!" Marsta Xia couldn't help but feel a bit proud. In fact, as a Highland elf, she has always been less than happy to be near the water. This kind of raft was made by the other harpist companions. I didn't expect it to be very effective.

With the raft, everyone not only got a valuable rest time, but during this period, there is no need to worry about the trolls that are coming behind them. If the trolls lose their tracks, it would be better.

However, moving along the river will create another problem. Because the Weihe River is the main source of water for the Troll's Claw Mountain Range, there will be more camps for troll tribes in the vicinity of the river. If you can't avoid these troll camps in time, there will probably be more and more soldiers chasing them behind them.

"The speed of the raft is too fast. We may not be able to find the troll villages along the coast in advance." Although the situation is a little safer, Mastachaa still has strong worries in her eyebrows. She hates to say, "Unfortunately, my The devil's mouth can't get into the troll's claws, and there are too many cocks-eye hawks on the cliffs."

"If it's just reconnaissance, we have a way." Qin Lun and Rand looked at each other with a smile on his face. The fireworks touched two figurines from their arms and held them in their hands.

"The gargoyle statue... Are you prepared enough?" The Highland Elves looked at the two in surprise. "This thing can be very rare. Only the master of alchemy can make it."

"If you like, give you one!" Qin Lun smiled and took a gargoyle statue from the storage space and handed it to Marstad. He bought five gargoyles at the Sanweiyu Club. There is no loss, enough adventure. used.

"Nothing to pay attention to, no traitor is stolen!" Marsta White glanced at the silver-haired elf, but reached for the statue and refused the gift.

The harpist master knows that this is Qin Lun’s help in thanking her along the way, but she will continue to follow the elf prince of Seo Pia, and the benefits of being sent to the door are not to be white!

As Rand started the gargoyle, a small mysterious black mans appeared on the surface of the little alchemy statue. Rand threw them into the air. Two palm-sized stone statues zoomed in under the magical effect, and the wings swelled ~www.novelbuddy .com~ flies towards the river.

Qin Lun suddenly felt a cold chill behind him, turned around and saw that Ilistin was staring at him with great beauty.

"Well, give you one too!" Qin Luo silently, sighed, and found a gargoyle statue from the storage space and handed it to the elf druid.

"Hey!" Ilistin once again showed a smile.

However, when the elf beauty turned hands, she smuggled the statue of the gargoyle into the Idrija next to her. As an elf druid with an eagle form, the gargoyle statue is of little use to her, but it is only the nature of a certain woman.

Idrija grinned and accepted the gargoyle statue unceremoniously, and glanced at Qin Lun in a provocative manner.

"Oh, four or five thousand broken crystals!" Rand and Hill saw this scene, and they ridiculed him on the team channel. "This account is definitely on your head."

Qin Lun was speechless and laughed, and secretly gave the two men a middle finger!