MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 51 Heir

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Under the guidance of young monks, everyone passed through another magical water mirror door and finally walked out of the city wall gallery and entered the interior of the candle castle. ~Vertex novel,

After crossing the water mirror door, a colorful and vibrant garden appeared in front of everyone. The garden can be seen without a person responsible for taking care of it. All kinds of wonderful flowers and plants compete and show the best side to the visitors.

Compared with some aristocratic courtyard gardens that Qin Lun once saw, they are not combined into a gorgeous pattern, or they are trimmed neatly, but a natural beauty is so vigorous that the viewer can't help but fall in love.

Of course, apart from opening the garden to the eyes of everyone, the most attractive building inside Candle Castle is the giant tower standing in the middle of the castle. It is the central library of Candleburg and the core of the entire candle castle.

The central library is a Gothic spire tower, which is more than 20 meters high than the mower tower of the six-sided wall. It is the tallest building among the entire candle-block island group.

The bottom floor of the tower is a rotunda with a large footprint, and the diameter of the widest part is about 70 meters. From the place where Qin Lun and others stood to the main entrance of the tower, there was a smooth gravel road.

The main entrance of the tower is a conical arch. There is a raised stone platform in front of the door. There is a hand holding a book on it, wearing a pointed masculine cap and looking up at the statue of the old man in front. This is to commemorate the great prophet. Blue more.

There are more than ten embossed patterns on the sides of the arches and the stone walls above them. From the content point of view, it seems to tell the history of the candle fort from the establishment to the present.

Qin Lun and others walked into the main entrance of the library with amazement. The library's lobby is very spacious, and the dome is almost tens of meters high and should occupy one-third of the height of the tower.

At the edge of the hall, the gently corridor circling around the wall, upwards and down to the underground part of the tower, is a huge hop structure.

The strange thing is that the turret has no steps, but a **** with a small angle. According to the monk who led the way, the cancellation of the ladder is to let those scholars who are immersed in thinking not fall when they walk. This is really thoughtful.

There are some portraits hanging on the wall of the gallery, there are humans, elves, and even dwarves. In short, you can see portraits of various intelligent races.

Marstad recognizes some of the characters in the portraits. She said that this is a relatively famous historical figure of all races, among which most scholars are scholars.

From here, I can see scholars who wear books, monks or mage robes. Most of them have a look of thought on their faces, and they almost turn a blind eye to these outsiders.

"Please go here!" The monks who led the way for Qin Lun and others laughed and laughed, leading everyone to the underground gallery.

"Hey, Idrija, Ilistin... you shouldn't want to leave me alone!" Linda panted and ran towards them as everyone looked around.

This little girl who doesn't know how old she is in this adventure has a deeper relationship with her companions. The weird thing is that the best relationship with her is not the **** trio who was originally taken care of by her, but the believer of Ms. Ivrea, Ms. Lauvita, followed by the elf beauty, Ilistin.

"Oh, Linda, your teacher didn't punish you?" Marstaff asked.

"Oh, don't mention it, the teacher smacked me a lot and laid out a lot of homework. After this thing is over, I will copy the book in Candletown in the next few decades." Linda The face slammed down and said with a grin.

"Oh, after this thing is over? Then say your teacher allows you to go to the Northland?" Idria sensitively heard Linda's words, and suddenly asked strangely.

"Yes, the teacher said that world peace, everyone is responsible! Candletown should do its best, but he has no time, so I have to represent love and justice, to judge the many evil organizations of the Tallinn." The little girl raised her fist and said it solemnly and sacredly.

"Hey!" Seeing Linda's pretty face and the swearing look, the three beautiful women in the team couldn't help but smile.

Qin Lun and the other two murderers smiled and knew that Linda was lying, but they did not plan to go deeper. No matter what Linda’s teacher is thinking, as long as Linda does not help the Tallinn, they will be happy with many powerful Dragon Masters.

Going down the gallery, Qin Lun and others are getting deeper and deeper. Although it is far from the ground, the air here is still very fresh, and the sides of the corridor are inlaid with magic crystal lamps, emitting a bright orange glow.

I don't know how long it took, and there were some doors with engraved inscriptions on both sides of the turret. According to the young monks who led the way, this is a place for some scholars who like quiet, and some of them are special kinds of classic storage rooms.

After about two quarters of an hour, Qin Lun and others finally came to the end, and there was a spacious hall space in front. The light in this hall is a bit dark in an uncharacteristic manner, and you can see the quaint and heavy stone gates around the hall.

"Please try to keep quiet here. The stone gates around are the tombs of scholars who have been sleeping in Candlecast." The young monks whispered everyone.

"Why are the tombs arranged here? Isn't Candletown not afraid of visitors disturbing the scholars who are sleeping?" Qin Lun lowered the door and asked.

The monk glanced at Qin Lun and replied softly: "There is also a tomb in the deeper part of the candle fort, where no one can enter. The tombs arranged here are the remains of these scholars.

When they were alive, they devoted all their time to the **** of knowledge, Ogma. Instead, they left no inheritance, so after the death, they hoped that visitors who came to Candletown would meet the conditions and inherit their clothes. ”

"What kind of conditions?" Qin Lun asked curiously.

"Every eternal scholar is not the same, and some just leave a difficult puzzle in front of the tomb. As long as someone can solve the puzzle, they can enter the burial chamber to take their relics. Others are Relying on the blood, if there are their descendants or relatives coming, the hidden magical organs of the tomb will react."

This time, Linda took over the topic and said with a smile, "In short, what kind of conditions may exist! If you want to find a chance, the guide can also take you around here, but it won't be too long. ”

"Forget it, don't make extra money, or send the squad as soon as possible!" Marstad urged.

"Of course, you have paid enough, everything is as you wish." The young monk smiled and took everyone to the ramp behind the hall.

However, just as the team passed through a burial chamber, a heavy stone door that seemed to be plain and unpredictable suddenly gave a radiant glow, which surprised everyone.

"No, it's so bloody!" Everyone, including Linda and the young monks, couldn't help but widen their eyes. According to Linda, one of them is a descendant of scholars who have been sleeping in this tomb.

"In any case, please stay here, I want to check your blood and see which visitors can inherit the inheritance of this candlelight ancestor." The young monk looked serious and insisted that everyone go to the front of the tomb one by one. Come.

"It won't be delayed for a long time!" Linda also spoke to the monks.

"If some of us take the items in the tomb, do we still have to pay the price?" Qin Lun asked with a frown.

"No, the things in these tombs don't belong to the candle fort, but the private relics of those scholars." The monks and Linda shook their heads at the same time. "The candle castle just obeys their will, so that their inheritance will not be cut off. This is the candle fort. The only thing that can do for them."

I heard Linda say that everyone has no reason to oppose it. One by one, the fingers are cut and the blood is dripped into a stone trough in front of the tomb.

The three apostles of Qin Lun are certainly not descendants of blood, and their blood has not responded after dropping into the stone trough. The next two geniuses, Mastacha and Elistin, were also unqualified, and everyone’s sights suddenly gathered on the last person.

"I?" Idrija's face was a bit complicated, hesitant to refuse to go forward.

"It doesn't matter, Idrija, maybe this scholar who is sleeping in the tomb is one of your distant ancestors." Linda smiled and encouraged.

"After I joined the Lavetta Church, I had already let go of my family and my life. I have no ancestors and I don't want any relatives." Idrija sighed and refused to verify the blood.

"It doesn't matter if you don't recognize the First take out the relics of the scholar in the tomb. If you really don't want it, give it to Candle Fort." Qin Lun blinked and Idriya Pushed to the front of the tomb.

When Idria's blood dripped into the stone trough, the magical reaction was produced as expected, and the red blood gradually turned red, as if the **** little bead rolled in the stone trough.

"Hey" heavy grave room stone door issued a sound of the body, slowly open inward. After Idrija was pushed forward by everyone, the tomb door was closed again.

However, according to the monks, there is no danger in the tomb. As long as Idria takes out the heritage left by the scholar, the tomb door will open again.

After a while, the stone door of the tomb was opened again, and Idria, whose face was a little weird, stepped out from inside. The crowd noticed that she had a quaint ruby ​​ring in her hand.

After coming out, Idrija did not hand the ring to the monks of Candletown, but directly on the right middle finger, it seems to have accepted this inheritance.

Seeing that the horsewoman was a little silent, everyone was very clever and did not ask her about the West, as if this had never happened.