MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 53 Nasme City

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"Time!" Almost immediately after Mi Ruimu finished, Qin Lun answered it with a blank expression.

"Do you want to be so fast, don't think about it, this is not the level that I don't have a problem!" Mi Ruimu stared at Qin Lu without a big eyes.

"Ah, ah, ah! Life is really boring!" The two little claws of the silver dragon ghost waved wildly for a while, "啵", the figure disappeared in place.

"Hey, Master Miremu, what kind of prizes have you promised?" Linda completely ignored the small soul that Yinlong was deeply attacked, and fell unrecognized in the back.

"Hey!" In the darkness, a bright gold coin fell out of the position where Mirumu had just been, rolled and rolled, and rolled all the way to the foot of Qin Lun, so that everyone was speechless, this silver dragon Sure enough, the price is very high!

"You should be content. If you don't have the lowest value in the collection of Mirumu, it is likely to give you only one copper coin." Leni pushed her glasses and picked up the gold coin from the ground.

Just took a look at the gold coin, she took off the glasses and wiped it off, and then revisited the front and back, and stuffed it into the hands of Qin Lun. "Ha ha ha, 趁Mi Rui Mu, the idiot has not reacted yet. We will transfer away quickly, and it actually throws a lucky gold coin."

"Perhaps this is a prize specially given by Miremu adults?" Linda reconciled her eyes.

"Do you think that the little gas dragon has such a noble quality that he is willing to gamble and lose?" Lenny grinned. "This is definitely a gold coin that has just been made too faceless and touched by hand. Linda, your friend is taking advantage of it, hurry, or wait for it to react, I can't walk again."

Qin Lun didn't care too much about the lucky gold coins. He heard the female mage say that the silver dragon might come back and immediately took Alistin into the transmission circle.


After a dizziness, Qin Qin's eyes can be seen again, and he finds himself in a huge underground cave. Behind him, the companions showed their bodies one after another after the magic flash, and they looked at the environment with vigilance.

The ground they stood on also portrayed a small six-pointed star array, but at first glance, there was no guard inside the cave to protect this array.

"There is a limited number of people in Candletown. It is impossible to equip all the transmissions in the local area. Therefore, the locations we choose are relatively secret. Most of them are underground. The entrance will be equipped with illusion arrays. There are also some trap mechanisms to avoid the transmission of the array. Destruction." Seems to feel the doubts of everyone, Linda explained with a smile.

"Have you been here?" Ilistin asked softly.

"I haven't been to this squad, but don't worry, I have the illustration of the cave in this hand, we won't run into trouble." Linda took a gray sheepskin roll from her arms and went to Ilistin. Shake.

About half an hour later, the team came out of the underground cave. Linda didn't say anything big. The diagram of the organization in her hand was very detailed and helped a lot along the way.

After walking out of the cave, everyone found that they were in a wilderness near a big river.

This wilderness is called the eternal wilderness, also known as the Dragon and the Wilderness. It used to be a battle place between a red dragon and a giant mountain.

During the Fifth Crown War, there was a city of the Waxing Nanta Elf Empire. At the end of the war, the city was hit by the magical attack of the Keldomo Elf Coalition, which turned into a ruin.

Since then, the ecological environment has not been restored, so it is called the eternal wilderness.

The ruins discovered by the Candleburg scholars are suspected to be the city of the Vaishenta Elf Empire. The archaeological value is huge, so Candle Castle has always retained the transmission array here.

Near the ruins of this ruins, there is also a medium-sized city with many races called Nessmai. Nessmai belongs to the Silvermoon Alliance. However, the control range of the Winter City is very close and the situation is very complicated.

As for the big river near here, the name is the Serblin River. It is actually a river with Desha ~ Linhe running through the deep water city.

The upper reaches of this great river originated from the snow-capped mountains of the world, from north to south, through the Silver Moon Alliance, the Winter City area, the golden wilderness, and then into the Sword Bay in Deepwater City.

Qin Lun and others are now on the south bank of the Sebring River. They will go upstream and go from one thing to a tributary to Silvermoon City.

"Are we going to find a ferry directly and take a boat to Silvermoon City?" Qin Lun turned to ask Mastasha.

Although Qin Lun performed well along the way, and has the identity of the Prince of the Moon, it is the nominal leader of the team, but on the route, basically obey the arrangement of the Highland Elf.

"Hey, don't worry, it's not early today, let's find a place to camp!" Marstad smiled and waved.

Qin Lun turned back and thought that they first flew hundreds of kilometers on a flying horse, and then sent thousands of kilometers in the candle for a long distance. It is said that it should be a break. It is already in the territory of the Silvermoon Alliance. There are still ten days from the Silvermoon Festival. It is completely time-consuming.

"From the map, Nismai City is just over 30 miles east of us. Is it possible to go straight to the city to rest?" Linda glanced at the map on her hand and suggested it to everyone.

"Well, well, I also need to find a place to send messages to some of my companions." Mastera nodded and agreed that it was one thing to go to the Silvermoon Alliance, but the conspiracy to destroy the Tallinn was another thing, they needed The information support of the Harper League.

“Is there anything worth noting about Nesma City?”. Hill asked Marstad carefully.

The adventures of the previous period, all of them have made a lot of dogmatism mistakes under the yin and wrong, this time in the city full of eyeliners to carry out epic plots, can not be sloppy.

“Nessmai is a multi-ethnic city in which the dwarves occupy more than 50% of the urban population. The remaining half are humans and elves, and a small number of gnomes and halflings.” Marstad recalled it carefully. Said the opening.

“This city is a semi-commercial transportation hub because it borders the area controlled by the Winter City. Its main feature is that there are many blacksmith shops in the city.”

“A city that features a blacksmith shop?” Everyone feels a little novel.

“Well, it’s very close to the ridge of the world. It’s less than a hundred miles from the dense silver hall built by the modern dwarf warhammer family. The mountains are full of mines left by the shield dwarves. It is very convenient to transport iron ore to Nessmai, coupled with the city's many dwarves, formed such a feature." Marstad explained with a smile.

"Don't look at the size of Nesma's city. It can provide 20% of the military-style equipment of the Silvermoon Alliance. The lord here is a shield dwarf, but it does not belong to the Warhammer family. Now it has joined the lord of the Silvermoon Alliance. parliament."

"Is it less than a hundred miles from the Secret Bank?" The three apostles flashed their eyes and looked at each other. They suddenly remembered another epic story that Qin Lun had contacted before - the secret silver hall.

When Qin Lun was returning to the ancient road, he encountered some snow peak dwarves. One of the dwarf princes named Lorraine responded to the call of the shield dwarf Wang Bruno Warhammer and went to the North to participate in the mission of destroying the shadow chamber of the Silver Chamber. .

According to time, the shield dwarves at this time seem to be preparing to attack the secret silver hall. Perhaps they still have the opportunity to participate in this larger epic plot with the friendship of Qin Lun and Lorraine.

The task of destroying the conspiracy of the scattered Tallinn is, after all, only a branch plot of the founding task of the Silver Moon Alliance. On the importance of the mission and the degree of exploration, it is definitely not comparable to the story of the Secret Bank.

"Don't let it go, let's talk about it in front of you, eat the bowl and stare at the pot, be careful not to get anything." Rand was very steady and reminded the other two people on the team channel.

"Mastasha, you said that Nessman's dwarf city owner is also a member of the Silvermoon Lord's Parliament?" Ilistin suddenly turned his eyes and realized what he was whispering. "If this is the case, can we pass?" The dwarf lord, directly to the silver moon city owner Alastra Silver hand, told her about the conspiracy of the Tallinn.

"You can try it, but the impact is not big." Mastasia nodded and said with a little thought, "The scattered Tallinn would have been hostile to the Silvermoon Alliance. It is normal to have a conspiracy against the Silvermoon celebration. If you can't find the mouse hidden in the shadow, it just warns them that it doesn't work."

"This is also the case, members of the lord's parliament of Yinyue, there must be guards around, and their own strength is also very strong." Qin Lun agreed with Marstaff's judgment, whispered, "The scattered Tallinn will have confidence in The celebration is overwhelming There must be a way to get around the guard. The best way is to find them to eliminate, and the verbal warning is limited."

While everyone was discussing, while on the road, I finally saw the high walls of the city in front of me before the sky was completely dark.

After entering the city, everyone found that as it was introduced by Marstaff, the blacksmiths standing tall with chimneys and the dwarves who came and came with crab steps were everywhere.

There are also human beings, but most of them are mercenaries and businessmen wearing leather armor and waist-crossing weapons. Because the weather was late, the city soon ushered in a curfew, so everyone accelerated their pace and found a pub near the outer city.

The owner of this pub is a human being. However, the market is very welcoming and hospitable, and the meals and drinks in the pub are also very cheap. The door to the money-oriented Bode is completely two world customs.

"Qin Lun, take your lucky gold coins out and see!" When I arrived at the upstairs room, Rand asked for Qin Lun and asked with a smile. On the other side, Hill also cast his sight. Obviously both of them are very interested in the special gold coin mentioned by Lenny.