MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 57 Night exploration farm

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In fact, Qin Lun and others did not need to cross the Ruiwen River. The dark wounds on Ilistin finally recovered after so many days. She could change into a giant eagle and take Qin Lun and others out of the city one by one.

"Druid's career is really convenient. I already know that we can also turn these people!" The three apostles expressed their sincere admiration for the elf druid who can adapt to any environment. Happy.

The farm where the accident happened is only two or three kilometers away from Silvermoon City. The farmer of this kind of farm itself does not dare to leave the city too far away from the sudden attack of wild creatures.

It is because of this close distance that the farm has been attacked by the gnolls, which has caused concern in Silvermoon City. Otherwise, such things will not surprise the large-scale Torrel world residents.

After a while, everyone saw the farmhouse shrouded in the night. However, after successfully arriving here, several people fell into some embarrassing situations, hiding in the bushes next to the fields and began to discuss.

The assassin of the Tallinn Association is very strong, and Qin Lun himself has a deep understanding. Since they are planning to make trouble at Alastra's Silvermoon celebration, there will probably be no more than one or two people, at least a small team of five to ten.

The city lords of the northern land are different from the ordinary aristocrats of the human country. Most people who can grow into lords in such a complicated environment have a weak combat power. Among them, "Mrs. Hope" Alastra is more magical. The legendary powerhouse of the goddess Misra.

It is not difficult to make a ghost under her eyelids. It is really rare that it is not caught in the current situation.

The Tallinn will be the city that wants to use this action to leave the Union of Silvermoon. In case everyone is aware of the assassination of the truth, it would be useless to kill a few lords. Instead, it may be self-defeating and help Alaska to make the league more united.

Based on this, the scattered Tallinn will send at least two legendary assassins against Alastra, and the rest will be at least high-level.

The five people who came out of Qin Lun this time, only Ilistin is a high-level druid, Idrija and the three apostles have not reached the high-order, can only barely confront the high-order for a while.

If such a lineup is on the top two legends, plus a group of high-level, it must be looking for death. Besides, Qin Lun and others came here mainly to investigate the situation, not to seek a decisive battle. Otherwise, it would be better to bring Marsta and two women in the candlelight, at least a few cannon fodder.

The problem that Qin Lun and others now encounter is that they are not sure to sneak into the farmhouse and the underground storage of the farmhouse without disturbing the other party. It is the most likely place for Tibetans.

Originally, Qin Lun had a shadow blast leopard available. However, in the battle of the troll's claw against the troll sentinel, the shadow blast leopard was seriously injured by the troll's mortal counterattack. The spirits have been violently oscillated and are currently not summoned.

And let Ilistin become a Bobcat sneak into everyone, everyone is not at ease, after all, Ilistin is also cautious, she also has no shadow talent, will not sneak.

"With the construction of beetles, the area of ​​the farmhouse is too large. In fact, even if the shadow blast leopard is not injured, it will be alarmed if it is active for a long time."

Hill reminded the other two companions on the team channel that "the construction of the beetle is not easy to attract attention, but also climb into the cellar of the farmhouse. We put a few of each of us three, and searched the area faster."

"Good!" Qin Lun and Rand eyes lit up and nodded.

"Hey, what kind of bug is this?" Seeing that Qin Lun took out more than a dozen palm-sized black beetles from the storage space, Ilistin suddenly curiously came over to watch, while Idrija was cold and upright, one The face left the three people in horror.

“It’s an alchemy creature that can help us explore this farmhouse and it won’t attract attention.” Qin Lun puts the beetle on the ground, and these constructive creatures can be associated with the apostle’s soul, though not like The gargoyle feeds back the mirrors that are seen to the apostles, but can also pass back some simple messages.

Elistin did not swear at these ugly big bugs, and squatted and grabbed a beetle and waved at the horsewoman.

"Idriya, look, okay!" The construction beetle swung six cheeks in the hands of Ilistin, and the sharp mouthpiece like a knife opened and closed. The sound of insects.

This alchemy beetle is certainly not a good one. On the contrary, they are very aggressive. It was only Qin Lun who suppressed them with consciousness and did not let them attack Ilistin. They had no choice but to stroke their legs and screamed and expressed their strong protest.

"You, don't come over!" Idria's face showed a panic color, and he repeatedly fell back and almost fell.

"Oh!" Seeing Idrija's appearance, Ilistin was frustrated, and the elf's ears were pulled down.

The elf Druid has been close to wild creatures in the forest for many years, but he is not afraid of bugs. Instead, Idria, the believer of Ms. Lauvita, has not escaped the nature of women in this respect.

Watching more than a dozen construction beetles climbed toward the farmhouse, Ilistin curious about the baby's habits, and asked Qin Lun to ask the West to ask about the way to build the beetles.

She knows very well that Qin Lun absolutely did not have these things before she disappeared.

In fact, in the case of the inexplicable disappearance, Ilistin has never had the meaning of pursuing the roots, but from the elf Druid's sometimes whispering expression, Qin Lun knows that her patience is about to burn out.

However, after so long, Qin Lun has prepared an excuse for this matter, and intends to rely on a certain god. In any case, the world of Torrier has the entire elf **** system, and there are many gods in the elves. Regardless of whether Elysin believes or not, at least it can smash the past.

"Well, I know what you mean!" Qin Lun looked at the bright eyes of Alistin, and sighed. She took a few shelled beetles from her storage space and put them in her hands. She finally blocked her. Q.

The elf Druid opened his eyes and smiled to the side, teasing the poor worms. However, this time she did not assign the body beetle to Idria, watching the woman's shocked undecided look, she knew that this good sister would not like this game.

"Oh, weird!" Without a moment, the construction of the beetles sent some simple messages to the apostles who controlled them. "There are no living creatures in the farmhouse. Do we guess wrong? The Tallinn did not regard this as a temporary stronghold?"

"Wait, there is a beetle that smells bloody." Hill had a little gain.

"The Ghosts and the Silver Guards have had a party here, it should be what they left!" Rand laughed and teased.

"No, **** smell is very strong, it was only recently left." Hill shook his head and said, "Go, since no one, then let's go in and see!"

The exploration of the structure of the beetle is very detailed. Every inch of the farmhouse has climbed over. Except for a few smells of blood, there was no information about the living.

Despite this, Qin Lun and others are still very careful. Constructed beetles are unwise alchemy creatures, and as long as they are prepared, many methods can deceive them.

The five people were divided into two teams to approach the farmhouse in two directions and eventually merged in the main house of the farmhouse.

The main house of the farmhouse was a mess, and the original wood tables and chairs that were originally made were almost ruined. Perhaps in the days when the gnolls are entrenched here, they use these tables and chairs as firewood, and they are heated by fire.

The ground was full of broken crocks and utensils. Although the silver squad annihilated the gnolls, they did not clean up the farmhouse. Dark brown blood can still be seen in some places on the wall of the main house, which is estimated to be left by the former owner or the gnoll.

These bloodstains are not the smell of blood smelled before the beetles are built. After a few months, the smell of these bloodstains has long since shed.

“It seems that no one has been here!” Hill carefully searched the farmhouse and reached an accurate conclusion.

The shepherd had a voice on this point. When he was still a madman, he paid great attention to cleaning up his "canteen." If this were not the case, the world would not have been able to find his crimes for so long.

If the farmhouse is inhabited for several months, it is absolutely impossible to hold Hill.

"It seems that we did take a trip. The Tallinn may not have chosen this place as a hiding place." Rand shrugged helplessly.

"Isn't you still found the cellar? The **** smell of the beetle smells, it may be there, and it will be clear after reading it." Qin Lun is very unwilling to give up, no matter what, everything that happens here is too It's a coincidence.

If you lose this clue and combine the bright hand to find the abnormal situation in the city, then you can find the assassin of the scattered Tallinn.

"Find the entrance to the cellar, come on!" The call of Idrija came from outside the farmhouse.

It turned out that the cellar of this farmhouse was arranged in the farm's forage warehouse there are not many straw left. Because there was no drying for a long time, the straw piles had an unpleasant smell of mold.

Open the floor behind the forage warehouse, a large tunnel appeared in front of everyone.

"Is it smelling?" Hill asked, frowning, vigilantly.

"Well, I smell it, it is very bloody." Qin Lun sniffed his nose and couldn't help but sneezed. "The ventilation conditions below are estimated to be very poor. We wait a quarter of an hour to go in."

After a while, the **** smell under the cellar was slightly lighter. Qin Lun let Rand stay with Alistin, so as not to be caught in the crowd, he himself went to the tunnel with Hill and Idria. .

"Hey!" The knight who walked in the front lit up a torch. The dim light swayed, and the tunnel seemed a bit gloomy. Fortunately, the cellar of the farmhouse was not big, and the tunnel of more than ten meters soon came to an end.

"Well?" As the fire illuminates the entire cellar, the three people look at the scene in front of them without shrinking. I640

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