MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 62 Cat knife test

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When Leni insisted on following the team to the North, Qin Lun seriously discussed the intentions of Linda and Lenny. △¢Vertical novel,

Linda once said that Lenny was entrusted by her teacher, but Qin Lun and Hill analyzed it and thought it was just an excuse.

Lenny's level is really high, reaching the legendary level, but she belongs to the scholar-type magician. The legendary strength is achieved through the accumulation of various magical knowledge, reaching a breakthrough, and is essentially different from the legendary mage in the battle.

If it is really because Linda’s teacher is entrusted to protect Linda, why is Linda’s teacher looking for her? Look at the mage towers around the Canberra Islands. Candle Castle is not lacking the legendary powerhouse. Do you need to find Leni, one of the top eight readers?

What's more, when Lenny saw it, she knew that she was a house girl. What is a house girl? It is the kind of woman who stayed in the nest for thousands of years. The so-called travel abroad is an excuse for no cover.

Since Lenny’s visit to Silvermoon City is not for Linda, its intention is worthy of speculation.

Qin Lun and the two murderous companions thought a little and guessed that the candlelight and the silver moon alliance, or that the Lenny Big Sage had a deep relationship with the Alaska Silver Hand. Only when a friend is in distress, is it possible for Renie to let go of the research at hand, and rush to help.

When Qin Lun and his entourage arrived at Yinyuecheng, they felt the rich artistic atmosphere of the city and affirmed their own ideas.

Silvermoon City is the center of knowledge and culture in the North, and the Silver Moon Alliance, which is centered on it, was once the territory of the Yelland Elf Empire, the Dwarf Sanata Empire and the Human Sayreir Magic Empire. Even a pile of gravel here may be a relic of ancient artifacts in ancient times.

And Candletown attaches great importance to the protection of relics and ancient books. Is there any connection between these two organizations?

People in Silvermoon City regard knowledge, art and music as their lives. Their ideas are very similar to those of Candle Castle. The city owner, Alastra Silver Hand, is also a representative figure. It is not surprising that she has the same interests and hobbies as the Lenny Grand Sage, and maybe even a long time ago, they were already friends.

Of course, Lenny's great sage is a friend relationship with Alastra Silver Hand. It is actually a good thing. It is more convenient for Qin Lun and others to act, and it is easier to obtain the trust of the Silver Moon City Lord.

However, the problem has followed. Why did Lenny’s Daxian conceal this relationship with Qin Lun and others? Qin Lun did not think of it at first, and after Hill’s reminder, he finally understood. His current plot identity is the prince of the distinguished Seo Pia, not a casual elf mercenary.

In the eyes of Lenny, he went to the Silver Moon Alliance for obvious political purposes, so it was naturally inconvenient to tell Qin Lun that she had a relationship with the Silvermoon City Lord.

From the expression of the female knight just now, this Ancilia language song has long been known to his identity. In addition to the identity of Qin Lun and Idrija, the new companion actually only told the master of the harpist, Mastasia.

Perhaps Linda and Lenny had already guessed his identity, but did not say it. Marstad is a harpist. The ideal is to maintain the balance of the mainland, but it is impossible to disclose the identity of Qin Lun to the owner of Silvermoon City. Although Alastra is in danger of being in the Silver Moon Alliance, there can be no accidents, but the identity of the Prince of Seo Pia is also no small matter and no accident.

Although Qin Lun went to Yinyue City, he also told Conan Longdo of the bright hand, but the same name of the same name in the elf can be quite a lot. The bright hand still needs to confirm this information. Even if they confirmed the identity of Qin Lun, they would not tell the Silvermoon City Lord.

Pirates also have a way. Although the gang of bright hands is a thief, they are very faithful. At least before Qin Lun leaves Silvermoon City, the bright hand will not pass his identity.

Therefore, if Anasilia can determine the identity of Qin Lun, it is natural that Linda or Lenny revealed to the official of Silvermoon City. And Anna Sylvia once bowed to Leni, and then Qin Lun was swept aside, obviously pretending not to know.

The reason for this is very simple. Qin Lun as a companion of Leni to help the Silvermoon Alliance, with Qin Lun as the Prince of Seo Pia to help the Silvermoon Alliance, is a completely different two things.

The former is only a personal friendship, and the latter is equivalent to the intention of the two countries to form an alliance, and the political significance is completely different.

Switch to other apostles, if you can successfully complete the epic plot, you can not care about this. But who is Qin Lun, he is not good enough to take advantage of others, you want to take advantage of him?

You pretend not to know if it is, okay, then I just pretend not to know you, everyone is going all the way, each side!

In general, Leni and Alaska can completely ignore Qin Lun at such a critical moment. At most, I will deal with the things of the Tallinn, and then I will continue to deal with Qin Lun.

But now, Qin Lu seems to have mastered the key clues of the scattered Tallinn. If you ignore him, he can naturally watch the drama with his legs. Do you say that he has a task to watch a movie? You know, Kelly Daxian and Silver Moon City Lord don't know!

Originally Qin Lun did not care so much, but since Lenny wants to play some thoughts, he is interested.

Annasila’s call behind him, Qin Lun did not pay attention to it. Who is it, who is the prince? To be a professional, when the passers-by must be thorough, even the identity of the prince simply does not recognize.

"Annasia, go back first! Tell Alastra, I will go see her when I will." Lenny quietly called Anasilia, indicating that she would go back to the cross first.

"Yes!" The knight's look was a bit stunned, waved her hand and left the bar with a silver guard.

When the silver guards just went out, Qin Lun and Hill immediately turned around with a smile and sat back to the table, calling the waiter to add another pot of wine.

"Why are you coming back, don't you know us?" Linda said with a sigh of relief.

"I suddenly remembered, this table is our first come." Qin Lun smiled and nodded to Linda, looks polite, seems to be really explaining to a woman who does not know. Seeing the side of Hill, I couldn’t help but slant the **** and praise his face thick enough.

"You... Master Leni, I am full." Linda pouted and stood up, squinting at Qin Lun, and was forced to go away.

"Prince Ferrar, you are too stingy!" Lenny pushed her glasses and rolled her eyes, arguing bluntly.

"Master Leni, do you see me like a fool? I came to the Silver Moon Alliance for goodwill, but I was not idle and playing." Seeing that Lenny is no longer in the circle, Qin Ren suddenly puts a smile. Said faintly, "I am your companion, but you have revealed my identity to the Lord of Silvermoon. Do you know what this is called? This is called betrayal!"

"...not so serious, aren't you helping the Silvermoon Alliance?" Lenny's eyes were dodging.

"Who told you, I am here to help the Silvermoon Alliance!" Qin Lun asked meaningfully.

"Yes..." Lenny just wanted to say that she was Linda, but when she touched the indifference of Qin Lun, she swallowed it back.

She is a house girl, and she knows that some words can be known, but she can’t say it.

Among these people in Qin Lun, he and Ilistin and Idrija are definitely close friends, and Marsta is also a life-and-death relationship, but the relationship with Linda is only ordinary friends, because most of the adventure time Not all together.

As for Lenny, you are welcome to say that the two have no relationship. Linda can tell Lenny all the things she guessed, but Lenny can't be in front of Qin Lun, saying that this is what Linda told her.

It doesn't matter if the ordinary little things, Qin Lun's plot identity and the things to do in the Silvermoon Alliance, it is definitely a secret. This kind of thing is randomly spread, strictly speaking, this is not something that friends will do.

"Well, it's me and Linda is wrong. How can we make up for it?" After thinking about this, Lenny's Daxian was very bachelor's hands and said that he would admit defeat.

"I really only came to the Silvermoon Alliance in a personal capacity. I helped the Silvermoon City owner to let her owe her personal feelings and then meet with her privately." Seeing Lenny's concession, Qin Lun no longer squinted and smiled. "However, since you have informed me of the identity of Silvermoon City in advance, the nature of the matter is different."

"How is it different?" Lenny was a bit ignorant. She was only a scholar who was buried in research. She was very intelligent, but there was not much political sensitivity.

"I am, after all, the prince of the Seorpia elves in the future." Master Lenny, do you really treat me as an ordinary mercenary!" Qin Lun sighed and his temperament changed. Confident and reserved.

"If the Silvermoon City Master already knows my identity, then I will no longer be able to intervene in the crisis of the Silvermoon Alliance in my personal capacity. Since you have notified the other party, then you will be troubled by the Great Sage and inform you of Alaska, she Want to see me? Yes! But at the Silvermoon celebration, I will officially introduce my identity to all Alliance lords."

"Don't be so troublesome!" Lenny's little face wrinkled into a group This time she knows how difficult it is for the silver-haired elf who has been smiling all the time.

On the official occasion of the Silvermoon celebration, a prince of Seo Pia was introduced to the Lord of the Silvermoon Parliament. Even if the two sides did not form an alliance in private, I am afraid that other forces on the mainland would not believe it!

"You just need to inform the Silvermoon City Lord. You can't accept the Elf Prince, and you will give it to the 'Mrs. Hope' to decide!" Qin Lu smiled, he understood what Alaska would do. Decide.

If it is only related to Alaska, it is estimated that the silver moon city owner will carefully measure the pros and cons, and will never officially meet with Qin Lun. The problem is that the crisis that the Silver Moon Alliance is now facing is related to the great cause of the founding of the country, and the lives of other city owners. Alastra will eventually compromise.

"How was my performance?" Looking at Lenny's face out of the bar with frustration, Qin Lun proudly looked at the shepherd.

"Noble and glamorous to the extreme, comparable to the Oscar winner!" The old **** smiled and gave the companion a thumbs up.

At the same time, the two people's apostles' souls, unexpectedly sounded a series of starry sky tips.