MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 128 Flight test

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In the isolation ward, Lian Jun put down his mobile phone, loosened his breath and leaned weakly on the bed.

The time-to-face appearance of the video call immediately came to the front of the camera, nervously asked: "What's wrong? Is the stomach uncomfortable?"

Lian Jun looked at the tablet on the bedside and raised his spirit. He smiled and said, "Nothing, not stomach discomfort, just a little lack of strength... Sorry, you didn't send you on the day of sailing." ""

"It doesn't matter, you fell asleep, how are you doing these days, are you going to sleep?" Shih-hsien asked softly, deliberately chose a more everyday word, and wanted to make Lianjun a little easier.

Lian Jun listened to the heart but the ups and downs of the ups and downs, squeezed a smile and said: "I'm sorry, I slept for too long."

"No, you can rest better if you have more rest. It is normal to sleep more." When he looked at him with no **** face, he barely let himself down and said, "I should say sorry, let you just Wake up and do this. Will you blame me for making my own claim? I didn't do what you arranged before."

"You are doing right... cough, cough..."

Lian Jun suddenly coughed up, coughing and coughing began to retching for a while, probably afraid of entering into the worry, he also specifically stooped down, hid under the lens, not allowed to see.

When I was in a hurry, I asked, "What happened? Is it uncomfortable?"

"Nothing... cough... don't worry, drink some water... just fine."

There is no picture in the lens, only the sound, then the sound of the door opening of the ward is sounded, the footsteps are close, and Long Shu appears in the picture. He looked at the opposite side of the video and said: "Don't worry, Jun Shao just needs a break." Then he reached out and hung up the call.

The call interface disappeared, and when I looked at it, my mind was all cynical and coughing, and I saw a progress bar that suddenly rose to 600 in the brain, and collapsed and caught my hair.

The little dead and dry Baba comforted: "Nothing, there is a dragon uncle, baby will be fine..."

"I know." When he entered the deep breath, he sat up and looked at the progress bar that began to slowly fall back. It was speculated that Long Shu used the medicine for Lian Jun and wiped his face. "He just woke up and was a little uncomfortable. I I know, I am fine."

In this way, he got up and went out to find Fei Yujing, who was reading in the room. He said: "The air in the boat is not good. I am going to play mahjong on the deck today."

Fei Yujing looked at him with a look of emotion, and put down the book, picked up his coat and stood up.


In the ward, Lian Jun stopped coughing and retching under the comfort of the drug. Long Shu frown adjusted his drip speed and said: "You are too weak now, don't force yourself to chat, the body will suffer. live."

Lian Jun’s eyes stunned and said softly: “I just want to hear more of his voice... Long Shu, how many days have I been in a coma this time?”

Long Shu glanced at his expression and did not return to him. Instead, he bent down and took out a small box from the bedside table. He took out a ring wrapped in a red thread and handed it to him.

"This is...what?" Lian Jun stunned, looking at the ring, holding his body and trying to sit up and take the ring.

"Don't move." Long Shu did not let him get up, put the ring on his hand, and replied, "This is a birthday present that is given to you, when the caregiver wipes your body, afraid of the water ring The red line on the line was wet and rotted, and it was taken off."

The birthday gift that was sent in time... Lian Jun lifted the ring to his eyes and touched it gently, asking: "Which finger?"

Uncle Long doubts: "What?"

"Which finger is the time for me to wear?" Lian Jun asked, his eyes are rare and self-medicated.

When Long Uncle saw him like this, he felt a little uncomfortable. He replied: "The ring finger, he is wearing the ring finger. This ring is the same as the one you gave to the time, the blue diamond is set on it, the red line is the time. Wrapped by myself because of the ring..."

"I am wearing too much now." Lian Jun squinted, and slowly put the ring on the ring finger, and looked straight at it, suddenly smiled. "It's just good."

When the words fell, he suddenly flashed a few vague words in his mind, as if someone had sat by his bed and held his hand and said the same thing. He glanced, frowning and recalling this memory of dreams and dreams. The hand that touched the ring did not consciously become a grip, and it was getting more and more force.

[If you can't get fat enough to wear this ring, let's finish it. 】

[It’s just right. 】

[Come on, get better, you said that when I finish, I will pick me up, but don’t talk. 】

I have never heard of it, as if I can cry out at any time... Lian Jun raised his hand and covered his eyes, and his heart was uncomfortable.

It’s not a dream, it’s not a dream...

Long Shu frowned and called: "Jun Shao."

"Dragon Uncle." Lian Jun held his eyes with the hand wearing the ring and said, "The period when the toxins are most active has passed? Get some food, I want to eat."

Long’s brow wrinkled more tightly and said, “But you are just still...”

"I just want to eat suddenly, even if it is just a food, let's get some. If you have enough to have a cure, isn't it?" Lian Jun interrupted his words, let him down and look at him, his eyes clear and serious, not to refuse .

The honest man who didn't know how to listen to the doctor came back.

Long Shu should have been angry, but his mouth was open, but he only said a sentence; "Okay."

The food was quickly delivered, just a small dish of rotten porridge. Lian Jun was waiting to lean on the bed, first drank a little warm water and throat and warm stomach, then took a little porridge and sent it to his mouth.

I can't help but nausea, and then I want to vomit.

Uncle Long thought, standing outside the ward, seeing Lian Jun really licked his mouth and began to retching, sighed with a deep sigh.

It’s still too reluctant, but... he looked at the gangster who had been forced to swallow the porridge after retching, and his expression eased down – taking care of a patient with a strong will to live, can be taken care of because a lover is not around. The patient is much better.


When I was in a bad mood, I went to the table to kill the Quartet. I won a lot of money for Fei Yujing, and then I waved a big red envelope to the two people who accompanied the playing cards. Yu Jing’s winning money, and finally returned to the room to hold the tablet to play a single machine mahjong to play until two in the morning, until the sleep can not be trapped, only to sleep and sleep.

A heart-warming night without dreams, at 10 o'clock in the morning, when you get up with a chicken head, turn to the bathroom, wash your hair, blow your hair, then come out and put on a custom-made striped casual suit and wear all kinds of extravagance. Accessories, go out to the restaurant with a hungry flat belly.

In the past few days, he has been looking for someone to do it for him. He has never had a chance to wear it, and he doesn’t like to wear it. Later, after he decided to take the route of the younger master on the ship, he asked him to call the sixth. Six of these clothes were packed and sent by helicopter. As a result, I didn’t expect that not only the clothes were sent, but also the complete set of accessories was also packed, giving him more room to play.

It was a pity that he couldn't wear it to Lian Jun. He managed to toss out these accessories. He touched the decorative buckle on his jacket pocket and his mood was unconsciously lowered.

"Small forward."

After entering the restaurant, a sound that shouldn't be ringing here suddenly came from far away.

When I stopped, I stupidly looked at the sound and then looked down and turned my forehead and muttered: "It seems that I haven't woken up yet, then I slept and went to sleep... Ah, so hungry..."

Hungry is true.

Oh, my stomach is protesting.

He stopped and looked at his stomach, blinked, and slowly turned his head, looking at the place where the "illusion" appeared before.

Wearing a handsome black-blue air force uniform, Ai Ting sat at the window by the window, with a glass of water in front of him, frowning at this side, holding his hand on the table, leaning forward, and getting ready to get up. appearance.

The eyes of the time went up a little bit, then turned and walked three or two steps to the side of the court, reaching out and pinching his face and pulling.

"Xiao Jin, what are you doing?" Asked about the eyebrows of Ao Ting, grabbed his hand and took it down to save his face.

Hot, live, is true!

When I entered the face, I couldn't believe it. I asked, "Why are you here?"

"I was asked by Major General Liu to bring the team to help maintain the order of the meeting." Answered to Ao Ting, looked up and down his shape, and his brow wrinkled more tightly. He asked, "What is your dress?" ?"

In his impression, only the time when the family will wear such "publicity" is Rong Zhouzhong. When the time is normal, the dress is more casual. How to feel comfortable, never dye hair, do not wear accessories, clean and clean. Fang Fang’s, very lovable. Nowadays, he wears a striped suit with a high quality. Although the color of the suit is low-key, the tailoring is different from the ordinary formal suit. With the hip-hop style that young people like, it is... star fan. Moreover, Shijin also specially caught the bangs behind him and revealed his forehead. He also wore various accessories that matched the clothes. It looked more "grand" and radiant, just like a fashion banquet. Little master.

When I heard the words of my suit, I said, "Oh, this, because the leaders of other organizations will come over today, so I specially changed the clothes with a slightly low-key point."

A little low-key point... Looking at the various accessories on his body, he began to wonder if he had a misunderstanding about the definition of the low-key word.

"But the fourth brother, you wear the air force uniform is really more handsome than wearing the army uniform!" Time is excited again, and he is pulling up to the court, pulling around him like a puppy, reaching out and touching him. The epaulettes, the eyes asked brightly, "Four brother, are you coming by plane? When did you come?"

"I was in the middle of the night yesterday, I was afraid that you would sleep, I would not go to you." Answering to Ao Ting, seeing him like this, his face smiled and asked, "Want to see?"

What are you looking at, the plane?

When I entered the eyes, I slammed it. The breakfast didn't remember to eat. I was excited and said, "Look at it! Can you take me around? I haven't seen people flying at close range!"

"Yes, but only a fly."

"You are awesome in the fourth brother!" When he was cheering, he wanted to leave.

He was very busy with Ao Ting, and said: "First eat something, you will feel uncomfortable flying on an empty stomach."

When I entered the place where the restaurant ordered the order, I asked for two buns and a bottle of yogurt. I ran to the side of Ao Ting, and took him out, and I couldn’t wait. He couldn’t help him to take it to him, and he was taken away by obedience.


Sitting on the opposite side of the court, but has been squandered by Li Jiuyi, who has been ignoring the time, and also took a piece of ice from the cup and stuffed it into his mouth, biting it.

"The teeth are good." Sitting next to him, it was also faintly evaluated by Fei Yujing, who had disappeared from time to time.

Li Jiuyi frowned and picked up the fork to poke the grapes in the fruit platter.

Looking at the two brothers who seemed to be blowing cold in the week, they took a slap in the mouth and turned and chased in the direction of entering and leaving.


The official vessel is very large, and the plane that sailed to the court is parked on the spacious rear deck of the vessel. It is a helicopter gun that is bigger than a regular helicopter. It is dark green with numbers and troops printed on it. Banner pattern.

"I thought it would be a fighter." Time was a bit disappointing.

Opened the helicopter's cabin to Ao Ting and said: "The fighter can't be opened casually, and it can't be carried. It's the same. Come over, I will help you wear helmets and equipment."

How could this be the same... I regretted the sigh, but I thought that I could see the plane at a close distance, and he quickly got excited. He relied on the past to let him wear equipment.

Unlike ordinary helicopters, armed helicopters have only two positions inside, which are arranged in a step-by-step configuration. When he arranged for Ao Ting, he sat in the back position, tied him to the seat belt, then sat in front of him, closed the door, and put on the safety equipment. He said, "Don’t mess, if you don’t feel comfortable, follow it immediately. I said, I flew back and landed."

When I was busy, I should be screaming. I was excited and excited. The plane was really an airplane. It was really open to the court!

With the skillful operation of the court, the instrument panel of the airplane illuminates, the sound of the wing's rotation is transmitted through the bulkhead, and then after a slight sway, the sense of floating rises, the plane is off the ground, and the field of view rises a little.

Lying in the trough! Fly up! Really flew up!

When I was excited, I was so excited that I first looked at the back of the head of the helmet, and looked at the gradually approaching sky and the gradually shrinking ship. I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to scream.

"Sit steady, accelerate."

It came to the voice of Ao Ting, and then the plane gradually pulled up, approaching the sky, then stopped at a certain altitude and began to circle around the sea. When you look down through the monitor screen, you can see the huge official ship next to it. The destroying vessel is quietly docked. In a little more peripheral place, there are dozens of ships of different sizes, which are slowly adjusting their position. It is the ship of other small and medium-sized organizations that arrived this morning.

"This perspective is great." Time can't help but sigh.

Hooked at the corner of the proud court and said: "I will take you to a farther place to see."

The plane pulled up again and flew further afield. When I look into the vast sky and the endless sea, I only feel that my heart is wide open, and I feel refreshed.

"There is a boat coming, it is a big guy." Suddenly opened to the court.

Time has returned from the excitement, looking forward, with the help of the clairvoyance buff, I saw a large ship approaching the designated sea area at a constant speed.

"It should be a big organization ship." He said, it is not too unexpected. "Today is the last day of the collection. Most of the organization's ships will be present today."

"Go and see." Flying to the side of the court, flew a little to see the height of the ship, then flew in the other direction.

When he couldn’t help but laugh, when he approached, he used the clairvoyance buff to find that the ship was actually a tarantula, and Lushan stood on the deck, looking up at it. Holding a satellite phone in his hand, the mouth shape is clearly the word "lying trough".

He was busy amplifying his hearing, and he heard Lushan’s voice intermittently coming and forth: “What a ghost thing... Meng Qing, I have a helicopter gunship flying around my head, are there any over there, what is the official doing? Patrol? Monitoring?"

Meng Qing? The leader of the Noon Gate?

When I moved into my heart, I wanted to listen to Lushan’s conversation again. The distance between the plane and the tarantula boat had been far away, and I couldn’t tell the voices.

He heard his laughter from Ao Ting and asked, "What happened?"

When I went back to God, I was busy gathering my thoughts and replied: "Nothing, I feel that looking down from above, those boats are like toys, and they are fun."

Like a toy... It’s a childish answer. Smile to Ao Ting, speed up the helicopter and fly to the front.

After that, the two of them saw other organizations that were approaching the official ships. Everyone was close to seeing them. It was very odious to slap them. After more than an hour, the flight to the mouth of the proud court finally flew, and the two flew back to the official vessel.

At this time, I don’t know when there were more armed helicopters on the deck. Each side stood next to a person wearing an air force uniform. Liu Zhenjun also appeared on the deck and was burying his head and holding a piece of information.

I took the plane to the first step, and then put the time into it.

Liu Zhenjun immediately put down the information and came over and asked: "How about the test flight to the university?"

"Not bad." Answered to Ao Ting, looked back at his team members, and ordered the number. After confirming the correct number, he looked at Liu Zhenjun again and asked, "How is the Major General here, is there something?"

Of course, something happened. Liu Zhenjun put his eyes on the time and asked: "Mr. Mr., how are you on the plane to the university?"

When he did not speak, he explained to him that he was invited by him. "I invited him. It was too boring when I was flying. Some people said that it is not bad to talk and explain."

Speaking and getting bored?

The players brought to the court of Ai Ting heard a sigh of expression, and turned their heads to look forward to the time, eyes and gossip - the captain took the initiative to invite ... 啧啧啧 ......

When the time was seen, the cold hair was straight and he looked at them. Yuguang saw a ship that was obviously a large organization stopping at this side. He moved his heart and deliberately raised his hand to the shoulder of Ao Ting, raising his voice and saying: "Four brother, I am hungry, I should have lunch."

"Mr. Mr.." Liu Zhenjun was a little black in front of his eyes, reminding him to call in. Although he listened to Zhang Zhuoyuan, he said that the deputy leader sent this year was a young adult boy with a complicated background and no adjustment at all. He made a little preparation in his heart, but he did not expect this little boy to be like this.

I don't even look at the occasion. How many people around me watched, the deputy leader of a violent organization, actually took the initiative and the commander of the Air Force to shoulder the shoulders. What is this like? Although I heard that the deputy leader is a relative to the university... it is more trouble for relatives! The deputy leader of the violent organization and the air force officer are relatives... Scorpio, going crazy, why the Air Force is going to come to the big school, it hurts.

When I heard the call, I looked at him sideways and warmly invited: "Mr. Liu, are you hungry? Then come with you too. By the way, the director will also yell, and everyone will have a good meal."

搓 搓 搓 ...... 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘The style... can be more calm." So don't worry so much!

Shi Jin immediately misinterpreted his meaning, retracted his hand and stood upright, and marched toward Liu Zhenjun with a standard military ceremony. He said loudly: "Yes, Major General! The trainees remember your teachings!"

Hey, all the people around the four who heard this sentence looked over and watched the standard military ceremony, and the eyes were bigger than the bronze bell.

Liu Zhenjun felt that he had a myocardial infarction. When he reached down and pressed the military ceremony, he slowly squeezed out from his teeth. "Mr. Mr., here you are representing the extinction. Please temporarily forget the identity of your police school student. Thank you for your cooperation."

It is even more horrible than the deputy leader of the violent organization and the Air Force general is a relative. It is the deputy leader of the violent organization who is actually a police school student! At this time, it is really stupid or fake, and it is what you want to do to send such a person to attend the meeting!

"The generals, what are you eager to do, and the fact that the official is an ally, everyone has long known that I can contact the official and the important link of the extinction. You can relax a little." Shijin suddenly reached out to the partner's attitude. Gently patted Liu Zhenjun's shoulder, his fingers pointedly pointed at the big ship that had stopped at the back of the slanting direction, and then gestured toward Ao Ting, saying, "Four brother, go, eat, eat, I teach you to fight." Mahjong."

He responded to Ao Ting and put down his helmet.

When he entered, he greeted the team members of the court and said with a smile: "You also come together. Just four brothers praised you during the test flight. I am very curious about your combat experience."

The captain actually boasted? Wait, four brothers?

I was amazed at the players of Ao Ting, and I took a look at today’s obvious mood and a lot of softness. I’m looking forward to the time, I’m thinking about it, I’m thinking that there is no objection to the court, and I’m busy. After the invitation of the time, I went up with the heart of gossip.

On the back deck, only Liu Zhenjun was left alone. Liu Zhenjun frowned and looked at the back with a departure from Ao Ting. He looked back and saw a silver ship belonging to Chiba at the back. He recalled the attitude of just talking. If you think about it - this time, it seems that there is no such thing as Zhang Zhuoyuan said.

Is it intentional?

He walked in the direction of going in and out, and his wrinkled brows slowly loosened out - also, people who did not adjust, could not get the first place in the police school and the first place in the military training.