MTL - Death Sutra-Chapter 1174 Bandit

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Thousands of Yu Linjun fired two rounds of arrows, and the middle army account collapsed completely. Like a huge dead hedgehog, the meat inside has been eaten, leaving only an ugly thorny skin.

Shangguan Yun personally held the torch in front of the road, Zihe real person guarded Xiao Wang walking behind, they want to check the situation.

It took a little time to clean up the intensive arrows. Eventually, the three men passed through the thorns, and opened a piece of felt to see the emperor's end.

The emperor sat on the handsome position, with at least three layers of armor on his body, and a heavy helmet on his head - that is the handsome helmet of General Yulin, who was only allowed to wear it in very few cases - although Daddy is more sloppy, and most of the emperor's body is protected. There are several arrows running through the armor, but it is not fatal.

The emperor died of an arrow on the front door, and then he lowered his head and never suffered other fatal injuries.

Xiao Wang felt like he was forced to swallow a huge fly, holding the purple crane real person, bending over and vomiting a few times, barely got up, "He?"

Gu Shenwei is gone. Although the Chinese military account is large, it is only a small point in the camp. All the soldiers who are waiting around are even if they are gods. They cannot disappear from the air.

Zihe real people let go of Xiao Wang, carefully look around, to say that someone can survive under such a rain, he does not believe it, but he is still very careful, to Gu Shenwei, he would rather overestimate I am lucky.

No one, the real person couldn't help but laugh, and immediately found that his behavior was out of date, coughed twice to cover up, said to Xiao Wang: "I heard that the Western Killer will be a bandit technique. Gu Shen is probably from The underground escaped, Shangguan Yun. What do you think?"

Shangguan Yun frowned and thought for a while. "Jinpengbao does not have this kind of effort, but... Xiaoyuetang is good at secret techniques. It is something weird. The Dragon King is probably a bandit learned from a crazy woman."

Xiao Wang suddenly bowed his head and felt that it was not safe, but this was not the problem he was most concerned about. He personally came over to check it out. Is to confirm another thing.

"The Dragon King has already been... he killed it, isn't he?" Xiao Wang’s voice was dry and seemed to contain something.

"I will check it out."

Before the purple crane came to the handsome position, by the fire, gently align the body, and opened the three layers of armor, and observed for a while. He got up and said, "Well, he died because of internal injuries."

Xiao Wang grows a sigh of relief, this is enough, he does not understand martial arts, at this moment, especially do not need to understand martial arts. The old **** said that the emperor died of internal injuries, that is, he died of internal injuries. He ordered the release of arrows. He intended to kill Gu Shen as a revenge for the emperor, although he did not achieve his goal. But there is no fault.

"He will... bring him back, don't get noticed."

"Yes." The voice of the purple crane is accompanied by the tacit understanding of the accomplices and the courtesy of the courtiers.

Xiao Wang turned and prepared to leave. The purple crane really stopped him, "Oops."

"How?" Xiao Wang moved nervously, thinking that a killer would break out of the ground. He is now eager to return to the protection of the army.

"There is also a royal servant, the royal servant in his arms, no more."

There are five royal coffins in the ribbon, and Xiao Wang is wrapped around his waist. Before he can see it, he remembers that there is indeed a royal coffin. Because the emperor wants to show it to the generals of Yu Linjun, he put it on it. The pocket is close to the collection.

"Dragon King! Was taken away by the Dragon King?"

"It seems like this." Zihe real people do not seem to worry about this.

"What does the Dragon King want to do, why do he want to fight for it..."

Zihe real person shook his head. "Six Yu Yu, Gu Shenwei only took one, indicating that he has not much ambition, I think... He is used to save his life, to trade with His Royal Highness."

Shangguan Yun’s gaze has been swept over the ruins of the tent. At this time, he said: “Yu Yuguo, Long Wang definitely wants to raise conditions for Yu Yuguo. He still remembers his former friends, especially my sister.”

"Dragon King also has friends?" Xiao Wang said in amazement, waving up to Guan Yun and signaling that he left with himself. These two men are now his most important accomplices, and it seems that they will have to rely on their help for some time to come. "Contact the Dragon King as soon as possible and tell him that I will agree to any condition, as long as he surrenders."

Xiao Wang originally wanted to add some restrictions. I don’t think about it. Although the Dragon King is weird, it is not an unreasonable person.

Shangguan Yun protects Xiao Wang from leaving. When he walks to the edge of the tent, he twists and nods to the Zihe real person. The real person also uses the same movement, and the two are unaware.

Xiao Wang’s heart was soon filled up with more urgent things. He couldn’t enter the city like this, giving people a slap in the face, but he couldn’t wait for it. More than a dozen guests came in handy. Xiao Wang spoke, and they volunteered to return to the city to persuade their forces to invest in Xiao Wang.

The more the last moment, the more calm, Xiao Wang has already prepared for the three-in-three rejection.

Yu Linjun is still not allowed to approach the Chinese military account. Zihe really cleans up the body alone. He looks at the dead emperor. He hasn’t done it for a long time. He finally sighed and said to himself: “The conspiracy is too much, it’s like this. As a result, did I dig a hole in the ground or take the body away?"

Then he looked up and looked over the body. "Is there really no bandits in the world?"

"The mortal does not." Gu Shenwei said, refused to show up.

He does not have any bandits, but as one of the basic skills of the killer, he can shrink his body into a very small group and find that the arrow is coming. He immediately starts to put a few pieces of breastplate in the account. On the emperor, the leg armor is used to cover himself.

The emperor was very obedient. He didn't understand Gu Shenwei's intentions until the arrow pierced the tent. He knew that Xiao Wang had betrayed.

Gu Shenwei’s plan is very simple: Xiao Wang will inevitably come to see the emperor’s body in person, and will not bring too many guards. He will take the opportunity to rob people and then escape. The purple crane is already injured. Shangguan Yun is not a difficult master. The probability of success is high.

But Zihe real person and Shangguan Yun deliberately conceal the facts. Gu Shenwei gave up the original plan. It is very risky. If Xiao Wang leaves, Shangguan Yun tells the truth. He and Zihe will face the next round of arrow rain. It will probably add a fire attack.

Yu Linjun soldiers did not move, it seems that Shangguan Yun did not want the Dragon King to die like this. When he said "especially my sister", he had already suggested to Gu Shen as a guarantee.

The purple crane real person gently broke the arrow on the door of the emperor, closed his eyes, and sighed again. "Do you think the conditions are good?"

"I have to wait until the new emperor ascended the throne, and then put forward the conditions."

"Yeah." Zihe real person agreed, twisting the helmet, covering the emperor's face, and picking up the body. "I will ask again, will you be an ally with you?"


So Zihe lived with his body, just like he and Shangguan Yun’s unclearness. At this moment, he and Gu Shenwei also understood each other’s meaning.

This is a "coup d'état" that is a temporary revival. Everything comes to fruition. It is like a big pie falling from the sky. It is almost seamless. The only thing that cannot be guaranteed is the trust between several people.

Shangguan Yun was originally for the emperor, Xiao Wang is only a middleman, Zihe Superman is more loyal to the Queen Mother for more than 20 years, and Xiao Wang is in a state of non-friends and non-enemy, the three have their own alliance, but one more layer guarantees There is no harm, especially for Shangguan Yun and Zihe.

Gu Shenwei, who took away a royal coffin, is the most crucial guarantee. The use of Xiao Wang by the two men was a lot bigger. They said that they would not accept the minister, they could not return to the army, but they could return to the imperial concubine. .

Gu Shenwei quietly left in the middle of the night. Xiao Wang has forbidden the soldiers to approach the Chinese military account. I am afraid that some people will see the horse's feet. When the news in the city is coming, the Chinese military account is forgotten.

The emperor died, and Gu Shen refused to do it personally, making Xiao Wang uneasy one of the reasons. He didn't want to indulge his murder.

The knife that stabbed the purple crane really made him mad, and Gu Shenwei still adhered to the principle set in the early years: he was not controlled by power, but he had to control the power, even if this murder was helpful to the promotion of martial arts, he also Be strictly controlled.

In the past six years, his inaction and the death of the dead have made great progress, and the mustard must be more and more powerful. He found that it is easier to control the murder than before.

Gu Shenwei walked around the back of the camp, quietly left, took a bigger circle, climbed the wall into the city, and spent a lot of time, the sky is almost bright.

He controls the murder, does not mean that he can't kill, and there is another person. He always wants to see it. At this moment, he wants to see more: In any case, the Queen Mother has an unshirkable responsibility for Gu's demise.

Gu Shen is not relaxed, but he does not give up hatred. On the contrary, he has to take revenge. "God" has helped him many times. "God" prefers to joke with him. Be cautious to prove to the invisible controller: he is very serious and does not like jokes.

The chaos in the city is coming to an end. The Yulin army entered the city. Many of the tricks to see the situation immediately realized the meaning. They immediately sent all the people, cleaned the streets, and arrested the thieves. Therefore, the sky is still not bright, but the streets are people coming. Towards, all are soldiers and tolerances.

Gu Shen sneaked all the way to the house opposite the back garden of Xiao Wangfu. The red bats and others have already left. They are occupied by a group of tolerances and are rigorously interrogating the family who are waking up.

The seven or eight master servants knew nothing about yesterday until this morning, and they did not understand why they were lethargic during the day. Only the young masters of the host family, regardless of the blockage of their parents, said with excitement: "There are people who can fly, I also ate the elixir, I also flew up, I really flew up, don't lie to you. Then I fell asleep, when I woke up, I saw two fairy-like people calling and playing, they Also flying, higher than the roof. I want to ask for another elixir, but another big brother, helping a fairy to defeat another fairy, they all ran..."

The younger parents are sweating, and the son is usually talking nonsense. In the case of tolerances, there is still no cover, why not trouble the upper body?

Tolerances are just laughing, no one takes it seriously.

Gu Shenwei was hiding behind the house. When he heard this, he remembered that he had forgotten one thing. He did not take Nie Zeng away and ignored Huo Yun’s hatred of Shangguanru.

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