MTL - Deity of the Emperor-Chapter 15 Why go?

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"Who is my way, it turned out to be you, Ling Chengfei!"

Qin Xinxin saw the coming person and cut a voice: "How? Now is the power of the tongue? On the same day, why don’t you jump out and compare it with my dust brother?"


Ling Chengfei, Ling Jiazi, talent is also good, 18 years old, it is the six gates.

On the same day, he was there, but Ling Kun was stronger than him, so Ling Kun played.

Fortunately, Ling Kun played, otherwise, he is dead.

Now seeing Qin Chen, he is naturally angry, but he does not dare to act.

"What are you?" Qin Xinxin said: "Don't dare to do it, don't be embarrassed, go cool!"

Qin Xinxin’s words fell, watching Qin Chen smile and said: “Dust brother, this kind of person, can’t dare to talk on it, let’s take it easy, go, go in and buy medicine!”


Qin Chen is really too lazy to take care of this moment.

He needs to refine Shu Gudan and Tumendan, and then to the Lingyun Mountains, these little characters, he did not have time to pay attention.

Seeing that the two actually ignored themselves directly, Ling Chengfei clenched his hands and his anger almost spurted out.

"Buy medicine..."

Ling Chengfei sneered and said to himself: "In Shengdan Pavilion, do you still want to buy medicine?"

At this moment, Qin Chen and Qin Xinxin entered the Shengdan Pavilion, and naturally there was a welcome reception, where the herbs were seen everywhere.

At the same time, Ling Chengfei entered the Shengdan Pavilion and saw this scene, with a sneer in his mouth.

"Ling brother, how come you are free?"

At this time, a surprise sounded, Ling Chengfei was in front of him, a young man dressed in a Dan suit robe, came forward and surprised.

"Du brother!"

Ling Chengfei saw this person, arched his hand, and suddenly frowned and sighed: "Hey, not for the Fifi sister!"

"Fifi? What happened to her?"

The youth suddenly became shocked.

Ling Chengfei was worried and sighed, and then he said: "Du Siyuan, I am not saying you, oh, Fifi last time, almost was given Qin Qin's Qin dust..."

"Hey, I’m still scared too much, I can’t calm down and practice!”

"I haven't recovered yet?" Du Siyuan suddenly sinked his heart and said: "You know me, I will go, how come I ran in person."

"Where can I help you with this intermediate Dan teacher!"

Ling Chengfei said sour: "You like Feifei every day, but now... that Qin Chen, you are in Shengdange, but you let him sway the purchase of medicine, even the courage of Feifei is not!"


Upon hearing this, Du Siyuan suddenly clenched his hands.

"where is he!"

With a word, Du Siyuan suddenly had a gloomy face.

"I want to let him pay the price of blood!"

"Oh, it's over there!"

Ling Chengfei pointed to the other side, smiled and said: "This kid, now arrogant, there is no side, before my three families in the Qin government before the test, he also said that Chu Ningshi he can not see, let alone Ling Feifei that look, Being a prostitute is not enough..."

"court death!"

Ling Chengfei’s words have not been finished yet, and Du Siyuan is already furious.

Qin Chen is simply ignorant of life and death, Ling Feifei, but the goddess in his heart, I hope to accompany the best companion of a lifetime, but Qin Chen actually dare to say Ling Feifei ... do his niece are not qualified.

"Dust brother, this medicine is good, you see this flower, the fruit is full, moist and shiny!" Qin Xinxin smiled.


Qin Chen asked: "Hundred flowers, how many two?"

"This young master, a hundred flowers and a hundred silver one!"

"Okay, I need ten!"

Qin Chen nodded, although more expensive, but this hundred flowers, it is really good, it is no wonder that Shengdan Pavilion is so famous in the entire North Ming Empire.

"Sorry, don't sell!"

Just at the moment, an impatient voice suddenly rang behind the duo.

Du Siyuan appeared in front of Qin Chen and Qin Xinxin, and put away the flowers, saying: "Sorry, the flowers of Shengdan Pavilion are not for sale!"

"Du Siyuan, what are you doing?"

Qin Xinxin immediately said: "What is not sold, I just saw someone bought it."

"Others buy, I sell at Shengdange, but you buy Qin Chen, I am Sheng Dange, just don't sell!"

When this was said, Qin Xinxin immediately exploded.

Qin Chen took Qin Xinxin, but he shook his head.

"Santa Dan Court opened the door to do business, the visitor is a guest, Du Siyuan, even if your father Du Zhe is the chief Dan Shi of Sheng Dan Ge, can not refuse to be a thousand miles away?"

"Less nonsense here, I don't sell if I don't sell it!"

Du Siyuan said: "Qin Chen, you don't sneak in the urine to look like yourself? You, can you deserve Miss Feifei? From today, my medicinal materials in Shengdange are not for dogs, nor for sale. Give you!"

"Where come, give me a sign outside the door, Shengdan Pavilion, dog and Qin dust, can't enter!"

Du Siyuan looked at Qin Chen with a sneer in his eyes.

Qin Chen looked at Du Siyuan and frowned. He did not offend this person. He looked at Ling Chengfei in the crowd and Qin Chen suddenly understood.

"Dust brother, let's go, this guy, the dog's eyes are low, and the whole Lingyun City is not his San Dange family selling herbs!" Qin Xinxin is also annoyed.

After all, it is Shengdan Pavilion.

In the city of Lingyun, Shengdange is a neutral force. It does not participate in any battle and can remain neutral, because the background of Shengdan Pavilion is too strong.

Within the entire emperor, it was the royal family, and did not dare to challenge the Shengdan Pavilion.

Here, you can't make trouble.

"Why go?"

Qin Chen suddenly smiled: "I haven't bought the medicine yet!"

"You are awkward or your brain is stupid, I said, don't sell it to you, hurry, or don't blame me!"

"You seem to be very happy with me!"

Qin Chen’s tone is slightly cold and indifferent at this moment.

"Not only want to marry you, I have to teach you the darling of the wolf heart and lungs for Lingyun City!"

When Du Siyuan saw the smile of Qin Chen, he felt angry in the fire.

At this moment, the anger is rolling, it is really unbearable, stepping out straight and punching out.

"Flying Tigers!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Chen’s mouth sneaked out.

Flying tiger fist? This style seems to be similar to the second type of Tiger Tiger, which is now practiced by Hu Xiaolong and Taekwondo, but it actually differs by a hundred thousand miles.

Qin Chen gently waved out the palm of his hand and slammed it.

"Flying Tiger!"

In a flash, Qin Chen’s palm was clenched into a fist, and the fist looked light and fluttering, but with the swing, it was a sudden increase in strength, an aura, swept the fist, and directly pulled out, there was a tiger in the faint The trend of the rush.

In an instant, two figures collided, and a squeaking sound suddenly sounded.