MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 26 Married life

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When Wu Xingyun returned by a small aircraft, it was already dark. Wu Xingyun found that the rotation time of the source star was anomalous to the cosmic time. He looked down at his watch. Cosmic time: Galactic calendar April 6, 2015, 19:00.

He asked the workers who brought him to park the spacecraft at a special airport in the city, and then drove home by himself.

There are very few people in Wu Xingyun City. While watching the fast-moving street view outside the car window, he began to ponder about new tasks assigned by his superiors.

Every once in a while, pass a video that expresses your happy marriage life.

What kind of video can prove that they have a closer relationship with Ye Suikong?

After arriving home, Wu Xingyun hadn't figured it out yet. He wanted to ask Ye Zhekong's opinion, but when he entered the small building, he found that Ye Zhekong hadn't returned yet.

Wu Xingyun walked to his room, opened the drawer, unscrew the desk lamp, and began to ponder the problem.

He made a draft on the paper.

How can we show the closeness of both sides?

Ye Yekong participated in the construction of his own base? Sit together during a meeting? Passing confidential documents to each other?

Wu Xingyun wrote down these items and crossed them out. Some of them involved the contents of the confidential manual and could not be shared with Yezhuangkong.

Maybe a project where two people can watch a soap opera together?

Wu Xingyun crossed it out, and watching the soap opera with nothing to do was just a waste of time.

Wu Xingyun pondered for a while. Would you like to make a video of the two getting up?

But he immediately thought that although he lived in this small building, he didn't live in the same room as Ye Suikong. Moreover, the other party was keenly aware, and it seemed difficult to sneak into the other party's bedside to take a video.

Then, Wu Xingyun deleted all the items in his daily life, such as bathing together, going to the toilet together, sleeping together, and getting up together, because in the past three months, the two rarely worked together when doing these things. . Even eating together is very rare, and Ye Suikong has almost no need for food. He seems to have a very clever way to maintain his energy supplement.

He smeared a few sheets of paper, and the last remaining item was: reading and studying together.

Wu Xingyun dropped the pen on the altered paper with annoyance, and began to find this task more difficult.

He collected his drafts, put them in another drawer, and opened the door and went out. According to the practice, it was his evening drill time.

Wu Xingyun took off his uniform and put on casual military uniforms, then walked downstairs, holding a gun, shouting a slogan to himself, ran a five-kilometer first, and then hit a shooting range created a few days ago After firing his gun, he reviewed a set of fighting punches. Seeing that the time is almost up, I walk back with sweat.

When he returned, he found that Ye Zhuangkong still didn't come back, so he went to take a bath first, and pondered while taking a bath. If he wouldn't come back when the night broke, should he go to him? After all, the president said that he hopes to have a video transmitted today.

Wu Xingyun rubbed the foam on his head while pondering the matter. As he turned on the faucet and washed away the shampoo, he heard the door rang, and it was the night break that returned.

He could hear the footsteps of Ye Suikong going straight upstairs. It seemed that after returning to the room to take something, there was a tendency to go out. Then he opened the shower room and shouted into Ye Suikong: "Hey, don't be busy first Go out, I'll wait for something to discuss with you. "

The footsteps of the night broken sky stopped, Wu Xingyun hurriedly rushed himself, and dressed in clean clothes and came out with his slippers off. The room was relatively large and there were many. Wu Xingyun looked around and found that Ye Yekong was in his room, leaning on his desk, holding a stack of manuscript papers in his hands, looking at them one by one.

Wu Xingyun was a little upset, walking towards the night, and said, "Why do you, a man, enter other people's rooms and turn things around?"

He said at the same time that he wanted to grab the draft from Ye Shoukong, but Ye Shoukong's nerve response speed was much faster than that of ordinary people.

Ye Shuikong looked up and down at the freshly washed soldier in front of him. The opponent's hair was still carrying water droplets. His dark skin was reddened by the hot water, and the air was filled with the smell of shampoo. He was neatly dressed, but it was obvious that he was not careful when wiping his body, and the T-shirt was soaked with the water left on his arm.

Ye Shuangkong's mood improved inexplicably at this instant. Although there was no smile on his face, there was a hint of ridicule in his tone: "Aren't you saying that you won't be back tonight?"

Wu Xingyun stepped forward and sorted out the messy night table, saying, "The contact time is shorter than I thought. And, because I received a new task, I must come back. Are you? You ca n’t say you ca n’t come back Anymore? "

Ye Suikong said, "Forget something, come back to get it." He said, trying to sit on the bed, but was stopped by Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun pulled out the chair and said, "Don't sit on the bed, sit on the chair."

Ye Shoukong was not particular about it. He sat on a chair and raised an eyebrow: "You used to make me a bench. How did it suddenly become so good today? Something wants me?" He said, raising his arms. The stack of manuscript paper in the hand.

Wu Xingyun touched a bench from the bottom of the bed, sat on it, and said, "Well ... there is something that needs to be discussed with you. It's not clear for a while, let's go to the conference room on the third floor to discuss it."

Ye Yekui laughed loudly: "I was the only one in this house before, now we are both, and the third-floor conference room. No one has gone in for hundreds of years! Just say it here. Wait, let me Let's see what you write is messy ... "

The Night Broken Sky easily recognized the handwriting that was not completely blackened.

"Dining with Ye Suikong ... Attend a meeting ... Spread together ... Um ... Take a bath together? Let's ... Get up?" Ye Suikong thought one by one, and stopped when he thought about halfway, his The corners of his mouth have risen slightly, with a ridiculous look, looking at Wu Xingyun, who is much shorter than himself because he is sitting on the bench. The guy's eyes are extremely bright, staring at himself without blinking, seemingly looking forward Nothing the same.

Ye Suikong said, "These proposals are all good. Why should you cross them out?"

He said, leaning back slightly, leaning on the back of the chair: "This is yours, is the wedding honeymoon plan?"

Wu Xingyun quickly shook his head and said, "No, yes ... Well, I think I probably wouldn't agree if you crossed it out, and it's not necessary. It's like this ..."

Wu Xingyun quickly explained the whole story, and in the end he was afraid that Ye Shuikong would not agree, and added: "In fact, I have thought that this kind of propaganda is also beneficial to mutants. After all, you Isn't it true that you want to maintain peace? The situation on both sides is stable and the best ... "

Ye Xingkong was silent and didn't speak, Wu Xingyun said, "If you don't object, then I will start shooting. The leader told me to send back a video tonight, I will not disturb you for a long time." He side He said that he took out a small camera from the cabinet and brought it back from the base, and invited the night broken sky: "We can go to the balcony and take a video of reading together."

Ye Shoukong skimmed his lips: "What's so good about reading?"

Wu Xingyun pondered: "Then ... eating? But you rarely eat ..." Before he said a word, he was hugged by Ye Zhuangkong who stood up, and the tip of Nocturne's nose came to Wu Xingyun's face. : "Idiot! To show that you have a good relationship with me, naturally ... the bed is taken!"

Having said that, Ye Shoukong ignored Wu Xingyun's objections and dragged him into his bedroom.

This is where Wu Xingyun lived on the day of his wedding. After that, Wu Xingyun never came in. When he was dragged in again tonight, he froze.

All the mattresses and sheets were still red, there were still slogans on the wall, and there were pictures on the bed hanging on the wedding day, and nothing changed.

Just as Wu Xingyun was stunned at the door, Ye Zhuangkong pushed behind him, and Wu Xingyun's whole person fell on the large, soft bed.

The night broken sky immediately pressed up, snatched the small camera from Wu Xingyun's hands, pressed the camera button, placed it on the bedside, and began to pull his shirt button.

Wu Xingyun was frightened and explained in a crying voice: "That kind of video cannot be shot, and the federal has strict control over the **** industry. I will be punished!"

Ye Zhuangkong didn't hold it, and laughed. He grabbed the arm of the soldier who tried to run away, pulled it back to the bed, hugged it in his arms, and his voice was abnormally soft: "Relax, I don't want my man Seen by the whole universe! It ’s just being closer, it will never let you dew ... ”

Wu Xingyun gave a sigh, he gave up his resistance a little bit, Ye Sukong looked down and kissed his short thick hair, Wu Xingyun's movements became stiffer, and he could be like a zombie.

Ye Zhekong said, "Happily, do you want the federal government to lose its reputation and want everyone to know that you were being forced?"

Wu Xingyun could only show a stiff smile.

The video came back and forth, and it was unsatisfactory to shoot several times. It was either similar to **** or too stiff. On one occasion, I also shot a tent set up in the night sky, which was too indecent.

In the end, Ye Sukong and Wu Xingyun sat in the study together. The two dressed neatly and read the same book together. Ye Sukong's head and Wu Xingyun's heads were close together. Both men's faces were smiling, background Music is an ancient song-"Friendship Endures Forever".

This evening was a good start for the mission. At least Wu Xingyun thought so. When he was busy working in the middle of the night and sent the video to the contact station, he returned to his room. Wu Xingyun was lying in bed thinking about it Night broken sky promise: rest assured, I will cooperate with you to complete your task.

"This is a good start ... hope ... everything will go well!" Wu Xingyun thought silently, and soon fell asleep.

In the next morning, Ye Shoukong did not act as usual, but waited for Wu Xingyun to get up. After Wu Xingyun had breakfast, Ye Shoukong took him off and went to visit Another mutant in the city.

I heard that the mutant is called David Peng, who was a photographer in front of Nirvana and filmed for a well-known director. His shooting was much better than Wu Xingyun's amateur-level amateur standard.

The two did not find him at David Peng's house, and they turned to the base to find a small flying vehicle around the world.

Three hours later, they looked for a dense beam of light on the other side of the source star.

Huh! Huh! Wu Xingyun was still far away and saw the red beams in the desert in the distance. Those red beams are dense like a spider's web, constantly spreading outwards, and the range of visual damage is at least 50,000 meters.

The red beam Wu Xingyun is no longer familiar with. The junior soldier he trained to cross the optical net is composed of this beam.

When Wu Xingyun first entered the battlefield, he saw the power of this beam. It was more terrible than conventional laser weapons. The ordinary soldier's combat clothing could not resist it, and it would be burned.

Wu Xingyun was able to pass through these optical networks with ease before, but now when he sees them again during the non-war period, he feels that these optical networks are denser, changing faster and lasting longer. Longer, and a bit more scary than those encountered by the Federation.

Wu Xingyun asked: "That's your new weapon? It looks like it's upgraded again."

Ye Shoukong's mouth slightly ticked: "That's David Peng practicing martial arts."

Wu Xingyun closed his mouth in surprise. Although he has been trained to fight against mutants since he joined the army, most of the people born with Wu Xingyun are still ordinary people who rely on the Night Demon Army. He rarely There are times when you really face mutants.

"He is trained to be a nine-fold thunder knife. These red beams are not new laser weapons, but his knife lights." Ye Suikong explained patiently. He liked to see Wu Xingyun's expression very intuitively. This Minions do not hide their thoughts, and their moods and sorrows are basically written on their faces.

Wu Xingyun said, "Then ... it looks like we can't get closer. Shuttles like this require a combat suit ... Oops, I didn't bring a combat suit."

He said as he parked the aircraft on the ground.

After the aircraft stopped on the ground, although the surroundings were still wild, the beams were no longer visible, not because David Peng stopped practicing, but because of-spherical tangent, those beams occasionally flew high above Wu Xingyun's head. .

Nocturnal Sky didn't care much, he sat cross-legged, and a moment later, a blue translucent wall appeared in front of him.

Wu Xingyun quickly took out his own data tester and found that the center of the night sky was a strong electromagnetic wave activity.

A few moments later, those red light beams that occasionally flew away were gone, and Ye Suikong stood up, patted the dirt on his body, and said, "He knows I'm coming, let's go, our speed is faster."

The two entered the aircraft again, activated the aircraft, and flew towards a huge spiral nest in the center of the desert.

Five minutes later, Wu Xingyun could clearly see the photographer standing in the middle of the spiral nest.

The man looked nothing like art. He was wearing a pair of black shorts, with a naked upper body, tangled muscles, and holding a scarlet giant knife in his hand, and was just standing in the Gobi desert.

There are some fist-sized stones in the distance, but there are no megaliths around him, not even sand, but some fine dust. I wanted to come because his knife light is terrible, and the sand is also continuous. Daoguang divided into powder.

Wu Xingyun parked the aircraft in the desert a kilometer away, walked down with the night broken sky, and then saw David Peng rushing forward with a large knife.

After getting close, Wu Xingyun only saw David Peng's face full of flesh, a scar on his face straight from his forehead to his chest, his appearance was terrible, he was unusually tall and tall, a head higher than the broken night sky, he ran At that time, massive muscles were bulging, and there were blue tendons on it.

David Peng soon ran to the two of them, bowing and saluting the night broken sky first, and then shouting respectfully: "Good boss!"

Ye Sukong's attitude was casual, and he did not pay back or say hello to him. Instead, he pulled Wu Xingyun beside him, his voice was relatively indifferent: "Call him bitch!"

David Peng froze, then immediately bowed: "Good bitch!"

Wu Xingyun muttered in a low voice: "I ... was a man ..."

Even with a low murmur, Ye Shoukong and David Peng could clearly hear it. David Peng immediately changed his voice and bowed again: "I'm sorry ... then ... I call you Brother Wu."

Wu Xingyun saw the big man who was two heads taller than himself bowed and bowed to himself, and shouted "Wu Ge", feeling very awkward. Especially after seeing the huge red handle in David Peng's hand, this feeling became even stronger.

I don't know how many comrades were killed by this knife, and countless battleships in the Federation were also torn by this knife.

The Federation always thought that this kind of optical network was a stolen federal technology and modified it, but until this time, Wu Xingyun was the first person to know that this type of optical network was a knife light.

Although Wu Xingyun didn't move backwards, there was inevitably a hint of fear in his heart-he was not wearing a combat uniform.

Ye Shoukong looked back at Wu Xingyun, and felt keenly that Wu Xingyun did not like the weapon in the hands of David Peng, and then said to David Peng, "Lost the things in your hands, don't practice martial arts in these two days!"

David Peng immediately threw the knife in his hand a thousand kilometers away. The knife traversed in mid-air, and the trajectory of the blade's motion marked a red arc of light. The surrounding air was burned by this arc of light and slightly twisted.

Peng David's knife was dropped to half before he heard the second half of Ye Shoukong. He was puzzled and said, "Why? I just broke through the sixth layer of the Nine Thunderblade recently. Now I am practicing, and it is able to increase greatly. When it comes to skill ... "

Ye Shoukong took a casual look at David Peng, and David Peng immediately shut up: "Everyone listen to you, Lord Boss."

Nocturne nodded and said, "I recently and Nebula wanted to take some videos to commemorate. I couldn't find a suitable photographer. No one on this star is more suitable than you. You take one day a week. Come and shoot, and arrange other times at will. "

After speaking, Ye Suikong looked around, and the voice was still calm: "I remember I once said that martial arts training should go to a special martial arts training place. No one is allowed to practice martial arts in the wild to avoid messing up here. Wait You will go to Liu Meng to collect the penalty yourself, don't let me do it myself. "

Ye Shuikong speaks very calmly and does not see any anger, but David Peng has started sweating on his forehead, and he nodded again and again: "Master Boss, please rest assured, I will never dare to violate the regulations, I will take good pictures for you ... You and Brother Wu ... are doing very well. "

Ye Brokong heard a word, and after commanding Peng David, he returned to the spacecraft with Wu Xingyun again. Before leaving, he threw Wu Xingyun's timer to Peng David: "At seven o'clock in the morning three days later, clean up and come to my house. Don't be late."

On the way back, Wu Xingyun couldn't help asking: "I heard ... when you are in the best condition, you can even burst out the energy of a gamma ray explosion ... is it true? You are more than the Peng David just now Great? "

Ye Shoukong did not answer this question, but turned to look at Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun thought there seemed to be something wrong. He saw Ye Ruikong's dark black eyes with a little anger.

Gradually, that wrath became a regret: "If it hadn't been for the ghost warrior who was latent to shoot me and hurt me, then our mutants would have won the battle."

Wu Xingyun bowed his head, he was worried that Ye Shuikong turned over his old account at this time, and he would inevitably sacrifice his glory.

Although the sacrifice is glorious, Wu Xingyun doesn't really want to be glorified in this situation now.

Ye Shuikong's lips slowly moved closer to Wu Xingyun's ears, and the warm breath spit in his neck: "But if that's the case, you won't marry me. So, this ending is also good ..."

Wu Xingyun inexplicably felt that his heartbeat was accelerating for a while, and he silently thought: Ye Suikong, such a stubborn guy, will surely catch himself after he has completely occupied the Federation. At that time he saw that he looked like his old lover, maybe he would make himself imprisoned or something, it was even worse, and the situation is better now.

Ye Shoukong looked at Wu Xingyun's embarrassment and was in an unusually good mood. He laughed softly and reached out to embrace the shoulder of Wu Xingyun who was driving the spacecraft: "In fact, I think the closest thing to the two is the cave. You Has the leader instructed you to please me in bed to maintain the relationship between the two? "

Wu Xingyun's entire person began to get worse. He gave Ye Suikong a fierce glance, Ye Suikong laughed loudly, and his mood seemed to be more happy.

At night, the broken sky did not do his own business as usual, but changed a set of sportswear to accompany Wu Xingyun to run and watch him shoot.

Wu Xingyun was sweating a lot, and the night break was very easy. Only in the night, after seeing Wu Xingyun's accurate shooting, did he lament a little: "The shooting is very good!"

Wu Xingyun said, "I am a ghost locker, and my shooting performance and latency are ranked high in the entire army."

Ye Shoukong smiled at the corner of his mouth, and handed Wu Xingyun a cup he had prepared: "Tired, drink drool."

Wu Xingyun drank the water at a sip, then continued to practice, and Ye Yekong watched on the side. The gunfire continued around. Although the soldier in the combat uniform was only one person, he was still training severely.

Soon, Wu Xingyun's shooting training was also over, and he began to enter into smash fighting training.

The training department is Wu Xingyun's own lawn, which can only be used for some routines. He is usually alone, and now he has one more night to watch, Wu Xingyun feels uncomfortable.

Especially after Ye Suikong questioned this method, Wu Xingyun felt even more uncomfortable.

"What's the point of training the Federal Army? Can you still fight with me one-on-one?"

This sentence greatly interfered with Wu Xingyun. Wu Xingyun also began to feel that this training was meaningless. The movements became worse and worse, and he couldn't bear to look straight.

Ye Shoukong looked at the diligent but incompetent soldier under the street lamp, and suddenly said, "Would you like me to teach you two tricks?"

"Ah?" Wu Xingyun stopped his increasingly bad routine and said, "You ... teach me? No matter how hard I try, I can't be as powerful as you. I can smash bricks at most in one palm, you ... I heard them say that you can rip the warship with your bare hands ... "

Ye Suikong smiled helplessly: "Who are these rumors? Even if I have that power, but it is not necessary, use a knife to split faster."

Wu Xingyun gave a sigh, he looked at Ye Suikong a little timidly, the man in front of him was indeed a little taller than himself, looked better, and there was nothing special about it.

Wu Xingyun said: "They all said that the previous Marshal was sitting in the command ship, and was suffocated after you tore open the battleship ..."

Ye Zhekong's helpless amount: "What messy rumors, I remember your federation has a battle report. He was sentenced to exile on the edge of the galaxy because of unfavorable operations and suspected to collude with me. Did the spacecraft encounter a meteorite rain to death? "

Wu Xingyun gave a low hum, and did not speak anymore, and stood a little helpless.

Ye Zhuangkong stepped forward and stood beside him: "War is not a child's play, killing is a normal thing ... I have killed many people in the Federation, even most of them are soldiers like you, they have nothing Knowing to join the army, after a short training period, he was thrown into a brutal battlefield ... "When talking about this, Ye Shuikong saw that Wu Xingyun's eye circles were a little red, the eyes of the people in front of him were angry, and his fists were also helpless. Hold tight.

Ye Shoukong stretched out his hand, took Wu Xingyun's fist, pulled his fingers away, held his hand in his hand, and said with a calm voice: "But the Commonwealth also killed many of us. We mutants cannot reproduce and cannot reproduce. From the beginning of nearly 100,000 people, to the present, the number of mutants in the entire galaxy has been less than a thousand. We have lived together for thousands of years and have known each other. Many people are hundreds of years old, thousands of years old. Old friends, one for every death, one less. The Federation has a population of trillions, and everyone has family friends. We only have war and killing, but nothing else. "

Wu Xingyun pulled his hand out of Ye Suikong, he stared at Ye Suikong: "I won't sympathize with you!"

Ye Shoukong smiled: "These are not meant to win your sympathy. And, to be honest, your sympathy is of no use to me."

Wu Xingyun pursed his lips tightly. He felt that the man in front of him had a heart that he didn't want to know after a lazy smile.

Night broken sky reached out again and took hold of Wu Xingyun's hand: "I said these just to tell you that it is meaningless to talk about kindness, integrity, blood, brutality, etc. in the war, just like you, you just These tricks are not for physical fitness, but for killing. Have you thought about these when you tried to practice your killing skills? "

Wu Xingyun didn't speak anymore, and the voice of Ye Shoukong was a bit low; "Don't mention it again about the war? In your mind, those things may just be legends, history, textbooks. But in my heart, that is my memory , Some ... very unpleasant memories. "

Wu Xingyun gave a quiet hum. He decided not to discuss these topics with Ye Suikong in the future. Although this decision was a bit self-deceiving; as a soldier, although he was not afraid of death and sacrifice, he did not like killing and war.

Ye broken sky slowly raised Wu Xingyun's hand and sent it to his lips to kiss him gently: "I don't want to fight anymore, especially with you by my side, I just want to live like this , Always peaceful, and live peacefully. It is okay to have no future, no hope, as long as you are by your side. "

At this moment, Wu Xingyun's heart seemed to be knocked down by something. He looked at the man in front of him a little, so this person trembled almost everyone, and his name was enough to make people cold. Ye Zhuangkong, wearing casual clothes, had gentle eyes, a low tone and magnetism, and the words spoken could penetrate into the heart of Wu Xingyun.

"But ... but I won't stay with you forever. I will die earlier than you ..." Wu Xingyun felt it necessary to remind the people in front of him. The eternity of the other person and the eternity of oneself will not have the same meaning.

Ye Shoukong nodded his head: "Yes, I will ... still be alive, I have been alive ..." When he said that, he slowly let go of Wu Xingyun's hand. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and turned. Leaving, the figure was pulled out of the street by a long shadow, looking extremely lonely.

Wu Xingyun also stood under the street lamp, looking at the far back, and felt that he shouldn't say something.

Regardless of whether those words were true or false just now, Wu Xingyun believed it, because at that moment, Wu Xingyun felt that he could feel the mood of the other party. He believed that those words were the true words of Ye Suikong, and he might never There will be a day of peace that both sides expect, but at least Ye Yekong thought about it that way, and really thought about it like that.

Wu Xingyun immediately ran towards the lonely back, then stopped beside him, Ye broken sky turned his head, and smiled at him.

Wu Xingyun didn't say anything, he didn't really speak much, and he returned a smile to the broken sky at night.

Then Ye Yekuan stretched out his hand, grabbed Wu Xingyun's shoulder, and patted it on the top: "The place you choose to practice martial arts is not good. I'll take you to a good place. You will love it there."

Wu Xingyun nodded: "Okay."

For half an hour, the two stopped in a huge stadium in the city center.

Unlike the gymnasiums elsewhere, the central square here is closed in six directions, and the surrounding walls are faintly blue light, translucent.

Ye Xingkong took Wu Xingyun to stand in the center of the square. This square is two kilometers in diameter, which is extremely wide. There is no obstruction in the center of the square.

Ye Suikong said: "This is where we usually practice martial arts. The walls around me are extracted by my own energy. The defense ability is very strong. Except me, no one on the planet can destroy it. Here, you You wo n’t receive any interference, you can completely meditate and experience the essence of martial arts. "

Wu Xingyun scratched his head: "What martial arts?"

Ye Suikong smiled: "To do everything, you need to calm down. Focus is the most important skill. When you shoot, you are very focused, but when you practice those smashing fights, it is a lot worse. Although the action is standard, but it has no soul. Your training is completely composed of boring and fearless. It is supported by your will. You ca n’t experience the fun at all. I feel tired when I look at it. I ca n’t stand it. I just want to teach you. "

Wu Xingyun immediately expressed his willingness to accept criticism. He knew very well that the most important reason why Ye Suikong could become the leader of mutants and be a night demon was that he was extraordinary in force and invincible. In the initial stage of the war between the two sides, Ye Sukong didn't know any strategy and military knowledge, and he won by virtue of personal courage. In martial arts fighting, he can be said to be the first person in the galaxy.

But everyone thinks that the reason why Ye Shoukong can be so powerful is entirely because of his physical mutation. Today Wu Xingyun heard him say that it seems that those people are not right, Ye Shoukong is very powerful, not only Just because he is a mutant, I am afraid it is more because of his understanding and understanding of Wu.

"I haven't been very optimistic about federal military training, do you know why?" Ye Suikong took Wu Xingyun to sit on the open square and seemed very patient.

Wu Xingyun listened ears.

"Because of their training, they do not want to strengthen their bodies at all, but to train a large number of cheap soldiers in a short period of time, and use them to fight against us on the battlefield with human tactics. I have researched that after the retired soldiers in the Federation, most of them There will be various physical problems, and there will be many veterans. Even if they are not injured, they will not be able to enter the battlefield in their forties, right? "

Wu Xingyun has to admit that the federal research on the night broken sky is more in-depth, and the night broken sky also has the same deep understanding of the federal.

It really is that way, the person who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy.

In the next time, Ye Suikong taught Wu Xingyun how to punch, how to luck, and how to better use his power.

On the empty square, the blue halo flows slowly, and the light blue light illuminates the two.

Sometimes the broken night sky also serves as a human sandbag for Nebula practice. The two sometimes make quarrels and laughter, but more often, it's the sound of wind.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Xingyun finally successfully finished a whole set of fighting punches commonly used in the army.

He used to only feel tired, but today, in addition to physical fatigue, he also feels comfortable.

Ye Shoukong handed him Wu Xingyun's coat and said, "Let's go, it should be too late, go back to rest. Don't forget that you will also record a video for the federation tomorrow."

Wu Xingyun put on his clothes, followed Ye Zhuangkong, and walked out, saying, "The words you just told me and the things that taught me, can I ... report to the Federation?"

Ye Shoukong didn't pay much attention: "Anyway, the Federation will not take your advice anyway." With that, he seemed to have thought of something interesting and laughed again.

Wu Xingyun was inexplicable. He asked Ye Suikong what he was laughing, but Ye Suikong just laughed and did not answer this question. Not only that, Ye Suikong laughed more and more loudly, and finally had an irreversible trend.

Ye Brokong laughed like this all the way, until the two returned to the small building, he was still laughing.

Wu Xingyun couldn't help it. When he took a shower, he asked across the glass door, "You have been laughing, what are you laughing at? You won't just laugh all night?"

Ye Shoukong held back and laughed: "I was thinking, you have to report everything to the federation. If we do something like that in the future, will you stop halfway and say," Uh ... ah ... I want ... Ah ... write a report ... huh ... don't ... how to write it ... ah ... '. "

Wow, the shower room door was opened, Wu Xingyun was wearing a wet T-shirt, his head was still staring at the foam, and he came serious to the smiling Ye Yekong, punching him in the night. With soap on his face and fist.

The laughter finally stopped.

Wu Xingyun returned to the shower room and continued to take a shower. The water was flowing. He felt that the most comfortable thing today is that he just punched the punch with a steady and accurate punch, and the speed of punching was almost perfect. It seems that under the guidance of Ye broken air, His martial arts have indeed improved.