MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 49 First kiss

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When Ye Fan woke up again, he felt that something hard had caught his head again. He looked towards Wu Xingyun, and the two eyes were just right.

Wu Xingyun's face was awkward, and his dark skin was able to see the flushed red in the dark.

Ye Fan had some pleasure in grasping the other party's small secrets, but he was not flat enough to show it.

He just got up quickly from Wu Xingyun's legs and asked very skillfully: "Is it morning?"

Wu Xingyun nodded: "Wake Uncle Luo, ready to go."

Luo Yaoguo was drowsy when he was awakened. He looked at the blankets and coats wrapped on his body, and apologized, "I'm a burden on you."

Ye Fan said immediately: "Uncle Luo, don't say that, we still plan to rely on you after arriving in Xi'an."

This sentence instantly dispelled that bit of guilt and inferiority in Luo Yaoguo's heart, and he began to seriously study the route and map with the bonfire.

Wu Xingyun gave Ye Fan a surprise look. Luo Yaoguo's researcher status was cancelled. God knows what Xi'an looks like. He really got there, and he can't tell who to rely on. The phrase "I will rely on you in the future" is purely comfort . "He is still very good to himself ..." Wu Xingyun scratched such a sentence in his head for no reason, and then remembered what happened on the source star. Ye Shoukong is not good for himself at all. Obviously, he has never regarded himself as himself.

When thinking of this, Wu Xingyun's mood was inexplicably low, but he thought for a while, and felt relieved that originally he and Yemo were not the same.

The route confirmed by Luo Yaoguo is not difficult to take. Although it was a difficult place to go to the sky in ancient times, various roads have already been built. Their problems are that in some places they cannot take roads and have to detour. The biggest problem is that the signposts are basically broken, there are no navigation tools, only a compass.

The three circled a great distance along the border post, but what made them feel hopeless for a while-there were barbed wire everywhere they could walk, and they couldn't get through.

As for the places that cannot be walked, there are also sentries!

The three did not think about going to attack the sentry. Although Wu Xingyun believed that there was a possibility of success, Ye Fan believed that there was a greater possibility of injury.

In this period of rapid decay of corpses and food, injury means trouble, and moderate injury means death.

They are alive, not fighting.

After being around for about a month, the three finally found a place to pass through, which is a cliff of Baizhang, which is basically impossible to climb.

But because it was too dangerous, it was left unattended at all.

The three rested under the cliff, ready to rub the rope to climb and climb over.

After walking alone in the forest for a month, Wu Xingyun realized how important Ye Fan was. His perception ability gradually became more sensitive. From the 100-meter range in the beginning to the 1-meter range now, they can let them Enough to avoid any monsters and dangers, and be able to get food.

Wu Xingyun and Luo Yaoguo began to itch their skin because they did not have vitamin supplements for cereals. Especially Luo Yaoguo had wrinkles all over their bodies and could not sleep at night.

However, Ye Fan, in this harsh environment and can only eat meat, it is completely fine, and the skin has become more flexible and smooth.

Luo Yaoguo expressed envy at Ye Fan's variation. He rubbed the twine and said, "Xiao Fan, after you get to Xi'an, you must see you Yingying. She is a creature, and she can definitely know What's wrong with you? "

Wu Xingyun contacted Luo Yaoguo for so many days, and also knew his general situation. He has an only child named Luo Ying, 28 years old this year, a doctor of biology. He originally worked at the Beijing Research Institute and was transferred to it one year ago. Xi'an. And he also heard many new words in Luo Yaoguo's mouth, such as "Saar matter".

Wu Xingyun also crushed the collected long-fiber plants with his feet, plucked out the thorns on them, and asked, "Uncle Luo, what do you often mean by the Saar substance?"

Luo Yaoguo said: "It is ... a newly discovered substance that causes global mutation. This thing is useless and even harmful to humans, but it is very good for animals and plants. They have all become stronger, even wisdom. You see, as long as you get this rattan in your hands, it is just an ordinary plant. Where can you know how to ambush people before mutation? "

Wu Xingyun laughed and gave Ye Fan an unconscious look.

Ye Fan was roasting a one-meter-long rabbit. When he felt Wu Xingyun was looking at himself, he smiled and said, "Look what I do? If I didn't remind you today, you would have died a long time ago. How are you going to repay me? What about life-saving grace? "

Wu Xingyun scolded Ye Fan in his heart, but his emotions also escaped Ye Fan's perception.

Ye Fan took out his knife and cut a small piece of rabbit meat to Wu Xingyun: "Don't be angry, just kidding."

Wu Xingyun looked at the meat delivered to his mouth, and lost his temper. He opened his mouth, and Ye Fan fed the meat to his mouth. Some asked, "Is it delicious?"

A smile appeared on Wu Xingyun's face: "It's delicious."

Ye Fan stared at Wu Xingyun with a smile and roasted the remaining rabbit meat.

Luo Yaoguo was very dissatisfied with this. While eating the stubborn rabbit meat, he lamented in his heart: hey, the adolescent boy in the last days was really hard. Can't find a woman, just estrus against a man. The estrus is okay, but what a swollen thing it is to bake the meat!

The three rubbed the rope for about ten days under the cliff, and finally it was long enough to start climbing the peak.

All three tied the rope around their waists, strung like a string of gourds. Ye Fan took the lead and determined where to go.

Wu Xingyun is responsible for fixing these ropes in the crevices that can be fixed, even if someone misses, they will not fall.

Because Luo Yaoguo is very old and has no physical strength, he climbs to the end. His job is to ensure that he does not fall.

Three people began to climb the cliff. In the darkness, three dark figures slowly climbed along the cliff at a 90-degree angle.

Ye Fan could not descend the cliff with the help of a rope three months ago, but now he is very skilled in going backwards.

The three took a whole day to climb the top of the cliff. During this period, Ye Fan fell once and was caught by Wu Xingyun; Luo Yaoguo fell four times and was still caught by Wu Xingyun; Wu Xingyun himself did not The bad record, on the contrary, is that he has the strongest physical strength. In the end, he almost carried Luo Yaoguo, carried Ye Fan, and climbed to the top.

The three were so tired at the top of the cliff, Luo Yaoguo panted: "Xiao Yun really can't see it, he is so physically fit!"

Ye Fan explained: "He is a special soldier, a pure man, and his physical strength is abnormal. It is probably a piece of cake for him, and we all have to look up."

Wu Xingyun was very happy Ye Fan's flattery, he showed a bright smile, and there were two dimples at the corners of his mouth.

Ye Fan looked a little bit attentive, and baked a vulture that Wu Xingyun had just laid down again.

Luo Yaoguo ate meat again, dissatisfied and unable to suppress, so he said, "Xiao Fan ... have you talked about your girlfriend?"

Ye Fan shook his head: "No, what's wrong?"

Luo Yaoguo sighed: "No, I'm just thinking, how many days of batter do I have to eat?"

Wu Xingyun didn't hear the conversation between the two. Ye Fan was a little embarrassed and said, "Sorry, I must pay attention next time."

Luo Yaoguo was finally satisfied, wrapped in a blanket, covered with a coat and sleeping on the cliff top. Ye Fan did not feel anything, but he was worried that Wu Xingyun could not carry it, so he ran to Luo Yaoguo: It's cold at night, um ... just borrow a blanket for the night, or should the three of us squeeze together? "

Luo Yaoguo firmly disagreed: "Xiao Fan, do you know what it means to respect the old and to love the young, how cold it is at night! I am used to sleeping alone, and I don't want to crowd with your young people. That big rock shelters you from the wind, and you can sleep at the back at night."

Ye Fan said, "Uncle Luo slept together. How cold is it?"

Luo Yaoguo said: "It's okay, I like it here. Blankets and coats are enough for me."

Ye Fan said a while, and after making sure that Luo Yaoguo was okay, he walked towards the back of the big stone, cleaning it there, and pondering in his heart: Just hold him a little bit later ... It's warm and I like it very much.

When he thought of this, he felt a little rippling in his heart, but unfortunately, after he cleaned up the place behind the big stone, the perceptive Ye Fan heard Luo Yaoguo's whisper: "Hey, the young man is too impulsive ... I It ’s not a light bulb ... just in case it ’s time to do it, it ’s embarrassing to shoot me without experience ... I, the elder, do n’t know whether to pretend to sleep or wake up. ”

Ye Fan was flushed at that moment. He originally felt that it was a secret in his heart to sleep with Wu Xingyun every day. No one knew the dim feelings.

But when he heard Luo Yaoguo talking to himself, he had a different feeling ...

Get up, shoot a face or something, Ye Fan feels very rippling just thinking about it, very calm, very ... Sorry Wu Xingyun.

So that night, when Ye Fan held Wu Xingyun in his arms and hid behind the boulder sheltering from the wind at the top of the cliff, he felt his heartbeat was so fast that he couldn't enter the state of alert at all.

Wu Xingyun was close to Ye Fan's heart. He also felt that the other's heartbeat was a little different from usual, and he couldn't help but worry: "Are you all right?"

Ye Fan said, "What can I do?"

Wu Xingyun posted and listened, saying, "Your heartbeat is not normal. Is it infected with any virus? During the day, you climbed to the front, didn't you get hurt?"

Ye Fan shook his head: "No." When he said this, he felt Wu Xingyun's breath spit in his neck, itching. So the hand was involuntarily tightened a little, remembering those explicit words of Uncle Luo who came over, and felt more rippling inside, could not help but make up for it.

Wu Xingyun felt that he was going to be strangled. He struggled a little, and felt a hard thing against his waist.

Ye Fan also found out, so they became extremely embarrassed.

Wu Xingyun didn't dare to move any more, but he could feel that the other person's breathing was gradually increasing.

No one spoke. Wu Xingyun didn't want to be upset with Ye Fan at this time. He said, "Sleep fast, don't think about it, maybe you will meet tomorrow."

However, Wu Xingyun's milder attitude made Ye Fan want to make progress. The teenager was tangled in his heart for a long time, and finally asked a question from Shi Po: "Yun, is your wife beautiful?"

Wu Xingyun said for a moment: "My wife?"

Ye Fan said, "Well ... although you don't want to mention it, I actually ... just ask whatever ... don't you say you're married?"

As soon as he said it, he began to regret it. This kind of topic was too naked in this atmosphere. What should I do if I angered the other party?

Wu Xingyun took a look at Ye Fan, thought again, and said, "Looks ... good-looking. But the character is too bad ..." When it comes to here, he seems to remember something, and laughs.

Ye Fan saw Wu Xingyun's apparent indulgence in his memories, and was very upset in his heart. He wanted to say something, but he felt that he didn't seem to stand to say anything. So he felt even more depressed. He felt like he was a junior (the junior was still unable to take over), but remembered that it seemed that his wife was already braided, and he felt that he might be able to get a place to fill the room, but immediately he realized I am a man, and the other party will not like men. I am more gentle towards myself probably because I do not want to make the relationship too rigid ...

Ye Fan sighed in his heart, his head was slightly raised, and he felt that he needed to calm down. It is better not to talk anymore. He should be more arrogant and less provocative.

But when the angle of his eyes was slightly sloping, he saw Wu Xingyun still smirking, so Ye Fan was even more upset: "What ’s so funny? It ’s useless to be as beautiful as possible. Besides, just like you, You are too beautiful to hold! "

Wu Xingyun's smile was frozen on his face immediately, and he immediately thought of those messy people. What a broken first love, Ouyang Liu ... one is worse than the other.

Sure enough, the words of the Night Break Sky Lord are closer to the truth?

Wu Xingyun's voice was dull: "You're right."

After saying this, Wu Xingyun finally realized that these days have been too close to Ye Fan, and now ... is too close. The two are together, this is obviously a couple's action, but are they two? Obviously not.

So he stood up and planned to go to Luo Yaoguo to help himself.

However, he just got up and was caught by Ye Fan.

Ye Fan's hand is very strong, Wu Xingyun is not incapable of throwing it off, but if he wants to throw it hard, it will definitely cause conflict.

Ye Fan said in a deep voice, "Sit down!" There was a hint of anger in the voice, "It's just a chat, is it necessary?"

Wu Xingyun hesitated for a while, then sat down obediently.

Neither of them spoke, nor any drowsiness, the wind blowing from the top of the cliff failed to heat each other, and they were very cold.

In the end, Ye Fanxian said: "Not intentionally ... I just ... forget it, I mean you are good and look good, and you are still charming when you smile. You can definitely find a better one. Good women are not worth remembering. "

Wu Xingyun didn't speak, Ye Fan only felt that the surrounding air would freeze, which made people feel a sense of suffocation.

Ye Fan, who feels this way, is almost crazy, and he feels that he is just following Wu Xingyun's words. Although the flattery hit the horse's hoof, shouldn't he have such treatment? Besides, I have already apologized. The most important thing is that I didn't say anything wrong ...

So he turned his head, with a hint of provocation, raised his eyebrows and asked Wu Xingyun: "Is that right?"

Wu Xingyun looked at the person in front of him quietly, the other side had a look of persistence, stubbornness, and refused to accept defeat.

This kind of look is familiar to Wu Xingyun, exactly the same as when Ye Zhuangkong was crazy.

When the other party was a night demon, Wu Xingyun didn't dare to sing against him intentionally.

But the person in front of him is not a night demon, and will not destroy the entire universe when he is angry. Wu Xingyun raised his head slightly and smiled proudly: "You're wrong."

Ye Fan's eyes narrowed, and he could not wait to choke this guy in front of him.

But Wu Xingyun went on to say: "Although it's not worth remembering all the time, but that person is not my wife. He is ... a man ... alas ..."

Wu Xingyun's lips were sealed, and the words behind him could not be said.

Ye Fan wouldn't kiss at all, and his lips were tightly pressed against Wu Xingyun's lips, but he didn't know what to do next.

He just felt that a fire was burning in his heart. If the enemy was a woman, of course he was embarrassed to grab a girl from a man.

But if the enemy is a man ... then you're welcome!