MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 70 Retrograde

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Halfway through Ye Fan, he suddenly heard someone calling him in the grass: "Ye Fan, Ye Fan!"

Ye Fan didn't have to look back to know who was calling him. He said, "Come out and go back with me. It's okay."

Wu Xingyun froze for a moment and slowly came out of the grass. He was puzzled by Ye Fan's meaning of this sentence, but he believed him.

Ye Fan reached out and held Wu Xingyun's hand, and looked him up and down.

The gray-faced soldier didn't have enough food these days, and he didn't say anything when he was hungry. There were red silk in his eyes and dark circles under his eyes, which shows that he didn't sleep well these days.

Something must have happened.

Ye Fan held Wu Xingyun's hand in his palm, and felt a sting in his heart.

What happened? When Ye Fan saw the Wang brothers rushing in the distance, he had guessed ten out of ten.

The Wang brothers quickly ran to Ye Fan, but didn't know how to speak. Wang Qiang even held the knife in his hand tightly.

In terms of strength, Ye Fan is definitely not Wang Qiang's opponent now. As long as he shows a little bit of dissatisfaction, he will be killed immediately by Wang Qiang.

Ye Fan smiled and raised the person's head slightly: "Director Dao, I have done what you ordered. Have I promised anything before I set off?"

Wang Ruoxu winked at the people around him, and someone came up to cover Ye Fanti's head.

But no one dared to talk to him, everyone looked at him with a touch of sympathy.

Ye Fan actively pushed Wu Xingyun to the front: "I heard about things in the city, so I came back. This person is a plaything to me. If you like it, just take it."

Both Wang Ruoxu and Wang Qiang froze and did not understand the meaning of Ye Fan's sentence.

Ye Fan raised her eyebrows, and her face was full of careless smiles: "I hope to enhance my strength. In the last days, this is the most important thing. Everything else is something outside of you. Dao, you said at the beginning Have you ever taught me the exercises? "

Wang Ruoxu took a short while to react before he came fiercely-Ye Fan's move was to show himself that he was afraid to take himself as an enemy.

The moment Wu Xingyun was pushed to Wang Qiang, looking back at Ye Fan, he couldn't believe what he heard.

He saw the casual smile on Ye Fan's face, just like when he first met him.

He wanted to say something, but found himself unable to say a word.

Wu Xingyun was almost numbly caught and then tied up. In the process, he didn't resist at all, just staring at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan walked beside Wang Ruoxu, and Wu Xingyun was tied with a rope and dragged behind Wang Qiang.

Wang Ruoxu walked and glanced at Wu Xingyun: "Ye Fan, how willing you are? Your friend is crying sadly."

Ye Fan said: "I have long felt that he was burdened, but he was embarrassed to tear his face. I also do n’t have the ability to support him. The director is helping me reduce the burden."

Wang Ruoxu smiled hesitantly: "So, you are doing two great things today! I don't mean to forcibly occupy him, but just practice the function, and return it to you after use."

Ye Fan said, "I don't care about these things, I only care about cultivation. As long as I have strength, what kind of person I want to find can't be found?"

Wang Ruoxu was very pleased: "Okay! This is really a powerful right-hander!"

A group walked into the garden where Wang Ruoxu usually lived. Wu Xingyun was thrown back into the bath where he ran away. Some people wanted to step forward to wash him, but Wu Xingyun resisted fiercely and claimed to see Ye Fan.

Almost everyone understands that Wu Xingyun is the anger of betrayal. When Wang Ruoxu and Ye Fan chatted, when talking about **** another leader of the mutant group, Wang Qiang came in: "Ye Fan, go and persuade your friend, he is crying and noisy to see you."

Ye Fan said, "What's good for you?"

Wang Qiang gave Ye Fan a vigilant look. He did not believe that Ye Fan would betray Wu Xingyun for the purpose of physical promotion.

But he couldn't think of Ye Fan catching the purpose of Wu Xingyun's return.

"I won't worry about seeing him, then I will change my old feelings and don't have the heart to give him to us." Wang Qiang said that he couldn't bear the appearance of Ye Fanba's own brother, and he was annoyed that his brother Wang Ruo could not know anyone. This is clearly a wolf-eyed wolf. Today, he can betray his lover, and tomorrow he can betray his two brothers. If it were not for Wang Ruoxu, Wang Qiang could not wait to kill Ye Fan now. Anyway-with his current strength, killing Ye Fan is a breeze.

Ye Fan gave Wang Qiang a glance and smiled slightly: "It seems that Brother Qiang doesn't like me very much. I said when I first saw you, as long as you like it, I don't mind. From the beginning to the present, it's all the way . "

Wang Qiang snorted and stared at Ye Fan alertly.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows: "Then I go to persuade Wu Yun that he will listen to me no matter how he talks. Rest assured, I will ... let him obey."

In the last sentence, the Wang brothers felt inexplicably the murderous radiance from Ye Fan.

After Ye Fan left, Wang Qiang said, "Brother, I don't think Ye Fan is sincere. He is just afraid of me, so he doesn't dare to violate the law. After this evening, this person can't stay, it's an aftermath!"

Wang Ruoxu twisted his beard and shook his head: "No? I usually treat him well, I see, he is in return for the gratitude I have for him. Moreover, I don't think he has any feelings for that Wu Yun ... couple It ’s too difficult for them to fly, and he really needs to stab me. "

Wang Qiang snorted heavily: "Forget it, you can't believe me, there is nothing you can do. Wait for Wu Yun to come and go on your own. I'll send you a whistle outside, just in case."

With that said, Wang Qiang walked out of the room.

He is not like an ordinary person like Wang Ruoxu, as a mutant, some vague sixth sense still exists.

He felt anxiety in his heart, but he didn't know where it was at all.

Wang Qiang checked his equipment and weapons, and remembered the value of Ye Fan's military force. He couldn't think of any threats to Ye Fan. So, he returned with Wu Xingyun, just to make up for his brother ? Maybe he thought too much, Ye Fan just wanted to climb up in the last days?

In the bath room, Ye Fan squatted in front of Wu Xingyun and reached out to untie the rope on his hand.

The ropes were so tight that Wu Xingyun's hands and feet were bloodied.

Ye Fan helped Wu Xingyun rub his wrists and ankles.

He originally thought that when he came in, he would encounter Wu Xingyun's scolding, or he might be questioned and maybe beaten.

But he did not expect that Wu Xingyun was silent all the time. When the rope that tied him was untied, Wu Xingyun hugged Ye Fan tightly, and his whole body shuddered in fear.

Ye Fan opened his arms and embraced Wu Xingyun. When he first saw Wu Xingyun, he wanted to explain to him what would happen tonight, but he was afraid that an explanation would reveal flaws and be seen by the Wang brothers.

But now, when the two people are hugging each other tightly, they already have the same heart, and no explanation is needed.

Moreover, Wu Xingyun not only understood what Ye Fan wanted to do, he also cooperated with each other and even helped the acting.

After a while, Wu Xingyun said, "Why bring me back?"

Ye Fan smiled slightly: "There are mutant beasts in the wild, afraid that you will be in danger."

Wu Xingyun said, although he was still dissatisfied with what Ye Fan said at the time, "but it was just a plaything", but now is not the time to care about these things with him. He whispered, "It doesn't matter if you don't succeed. You ... don't be stubborn, big deal we run away from here."

Ye Fan bowed his head slightly, and kissed on Wu Xingyun's lips: "Rest assured, I have full confidence. If you rest here for a while, no one will bother you, I will finish it soon."

Wu Xingyun said, he really felt tired and exhausted, and an irresistible fatigue surged up. His eyelids gradually closed and he fell into a dream.

Ye Fan hugged Wu Xingyun in the dry corner of the bath room. Looking at the sleeping person, he felt extremely painful heartache and hatred that could not be suppressed. The beautiful face gradually twisted, revealing a sloppy look, as if the death was coming again.

"They must die!" Ye Fan said in a low voice, gnashing his teeth.

In the night, Ye Fan's figure perfectly melted into the shadows.

When he came to Wang Qiang, Wang Qiang was unexpectedly asleep.

Ye Fan didn't talk to him for more than half a sentence, nor did he need to explain everything he arranged, let alone how hard he went through to get into the hostile mutant camp, which was specifically used to target Wang Qiang's drug. I also didn't want to let the other person die. I told him how he had just dispelled the drug while he was talking to the two brothers. He was too lazy to say that he had blocked his nostrils beforehand.

He has no interest in chatting with Wang Qiang before his death. This plan has been prepared for a long time. Although he wants to see Wang Qiang's face asking for mercy before he dies, and listen to his words for mercy, but now he wants to be foolproof and not give each other Any chance.

Therefore, Ye Fan was just very straightforward. He picked up Wang Qiang's knife and then cut it with his hand, cutting his throat.

Then, with more force on his hand, he cut off his head with one stroke.

Ye Fan, holding his face full of flesh and **** head, walked into the glass room where Wang Ruoxu was.

The glass room door didn't open, Ye Fan kicked him, the glass door was kicked and shattered, and sharp glass **** splashed around.

Wang Ruoxu was an ordinary person. He was drowsy, but was awakened by such a big movement. He opened his eyes blankly, and saw a man covered with blood, holding his head in his hand, and came out of the darkness.

The man's face was slaughtered, with a hint of sorrow, as if walking out of hell.

With a bang, a round human head rolled in front of Wang Ruoxu.

Ye Fan asked very simply, "Where is the cultivating classics? Don't say, you are just like your brother!"

Wang Ruoxu suddenly found that the head rolling in his arms was Wang Qiang, and he shouted in shock: "Help ... come on!"

Ye Fan looked at him coldly, and went straight to the point. Wang Ruoxu's arm was gone: "I have no patience to chat with you. If you don't say it, I can find it!"

Wang Ruoxu screamed in disbelief, looking at his cut arm in disbelief, and fell to the ground in pain, still crawling unwillingly towards his arm, leaving a bloodstain on the ground. He climbed and shouted, "Come, come! Where did everyone die!"

Ye Fan waved the sword again, and Wang Ruoxu's other arm was also cut off. Ye Fan's jaw was slightly raised, and he squatted in front of Wang Ruoxu who was lying on the ground: "No one here is my opponent except Wang Qiang, whose head was cut off by me. I will ask you again, where is the cultivating books? If not, I will send you to death! "

Wang Ruoxu was so scared that he finally believed that Ye Fan was a white-eyed wolf, and that he would really kill himself!

He almost fainted, but he couldn't faint at all. He only said stupidly: "It's in the secret room below this house ... don't, don't kill me ... I'm good to you ... you save me Live ... I give you the keys ... you said, you won't let me die ... the keys will only work if I'm alive ... "

But Ye Fan stretched out his feet and stepped on Wang Ruoxu's head, and Lisuo cut his neck again.

Ye Fan's voice didn't have any undulations and seemed extremely calm. "Say it and send you to death."

Wang Ruoxu died without staring.

Ye Fan kicked Wang Ruoxu's body aside, opened the futon that had been stained with blood in the center, and saw the so-called secret room.

It is a small cubic space sealed by glass and locked.

Ye Fan sneered, he didn't have the key, but he didn't want to ask for any key.

Alas, Ye Fan punched him in the back room, and the glass was shattered by him.

Ye Fan easily took out Wang Ruoxu's jealous books from the inside, packed these things in his backpack, and returned to the bath room to find Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun just fell asleep because he smelled the drug contaminated by Ye Fan, but now he has woke up. He looked at Ye Fan who was covered with blood and covered with the smell of just killing people. And asked, "Are we going to run?"

But Ye Fan took a step forward, took Wu Xingyun's hand, held it tightly, and said firmly: "I intend to take over this place. From today on, no one will dare to bully you again! Anyone who disrespects you I will cut off their heads! "