MTL - Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel-Chapter 21 [021] The demon appeared

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   Chapter 21 [021] The Demon Appears

   In the middle of the night, in the inner courtyard of the yamen.

   Dong Fu, who had been sleeping in bed for a long time, was suddenly awakened by a call from outside the house.

   Before he could scold him for being disturbed by someone, the man outside the room immediately said, "Master, Master Ning came to the yamen, and brought a corpse, and asked you to come and take a look."

   As soon as he heard that Ning Xiu was here, Dong Fu was full of anger and instantly suppressed it.

   In the capacity of Ning Xiu's Demon Commander, let alone getting him up in the middle of the night, even if he sets fire to this yamen, Dong Fu can't hold any complaints.

   quickly changed into a suit, and Dong Fu hurriedly followed the messenger to meet Ning Xiu.

   Ning Xiu was standing in the county court's court. On the ground beside him, there was a wet corpse, and it was not clear who it was with his hair disheveled.

   "I have seen Lord Ning." Dong Fu walked into the court and immediately gave Ning Xiu a salute.

   "You're welcome, Master Dong, come and have a look. You can recognize this person."

   "This is..." Dong Fu walked beside the corpse quite puzzled, and he used his scabbard to remove the long hair on the corpse's face so that Dong Fu could observe it better.

   However, facing the corpse whose entire face had been soaked to the point of being swollen, Dong Fu couldn't see what it was at all, so he could only shake his head and said, "Xiaguan doesn't know this person."

   At this moment, Zhu Kuai, who was next to him, suddenly said to himself in surprise: "Hey, this seems to be the hall where the corpse disappeared in the end."

  Ning Xiu asked, "You know him?"

"My lord, when I salvaged this corpse floating in the Changxia River, I was in charge of it. This man has a birthmark on his chest and neck. I remember it very clearly, even if his face turned into this ghost. I can recognize it as well."

   After the arrest, Ning Xiu recalled that before there were many drowning cases in Wendeng County, the original cause was an inn runner who fell into the water and died.

   Later, when the family collected his body and placed it in the courtyard, the body disappeared at night. The Paotang family searched the whole Wendeng County and found no trace, so they had to leave it alone.

   Only then did a series of major events follow. Unexpectedly, this disappeared corpse appeared in the form of a drowned ghost in the Changxia River.

  Somewhere on the drowned ghost, Ning Xiu also found traces of the spell map.

   "Master Dong, I need you to help me with something."

   "Sir Ning, feel free to say what you need, as long as it can be of help to the Lord, the lower official will do his best to do it."

   "Investigate the people who have lived in Wendeng County for the past two weeks. They are non-locals, and they are born. You record all their names and give them to me."

   "The officer understands."

Ning Xiu pointed to the drowning ghost on the ground and said, "In addition, you asked someone to hang this guy at the gate of the county government early tomorrow morning, saying that the previous drowning cases were all caused by this evil, and you secretly organized the night patrol to arrest the fast. Changxia River, successfully killed the drowned ghost, so that the people will no longer have to worry about it in the future."

  Dong Fu is delighted, this is a credit, this Fu Mowei wants to give the credit to himself, where can I find such a good thing.

   But he still pretended to be humble and asked: "Sir, why don't you tell the people of Wen Deng that it is the evil that you eradicated, so that everyone will be grateful to you and remember your reputation forever."

  Ning Xiu glanced at him and said solemnly: "I let you do this for your own purposes. You must remember not to reveal my existence to outsiders, otherwise, if something goes wrong, neither you nor I can afford it."

   "Yes, yes, the lower official knows."

   As soon as the drowned ghost disappears, the monster hidden in the dark will definitely be alert.

   In the name of Dong Fu, he publicly announced that the drowning was eradicated by the yamen arrest, and the demon would not have the heart to leave Wendeng County.

  If Ning Xiu reveals his identity, I am afraid that the monster will flee Wendeng County on the day he gets the news.

   The next day.

   "This is the evil spirit hiding in the Changxia River and harming others. It looks really scary."

   "If I came across this thing by the river at night, I would probably pass out on the spot, let alone run away."

   "Murdering seventeen innocent people and letting this evil creature die so easily, it's too cheap for him."

   "Dong County magistrate lives in moderation on weekdays, and he has no political achievements. I didn't expect that this time he did a good deed."

   On a large pole at the entrance of the county government office, the drowned body was tightly tied with hemp rope and hung like that.

   The people of Wen Deng who were watching below were able to see clearly and exclaimed happily.

   For half a month, the Changxia River incident was like a stone pressing on the heart, and it became the shadow of everyone in Wendeng County.

   Now that the truth is revealed and the cause of the calamity is resolved, it can be regarded as a relief for everyone and a lot of peace of mind.

  In the crowd, an expressionless man was staring at the drowned body, which was in great contrast to the joyful expressions of the other people around him.

   After a while, the person squeezed out of the crowd and quickly left the yamen.

  No one noticed that at a tea stall on the street not far away, a young man was holding tea and quietly observing everyone standing outside the yamen.

   The boy's pupils were slightly white, and it was Ning Xiu who was using the Spiritual Eye Observation Technique.

   When the strange man left, Ning Xiu's eyes were fixed on him the whole time. There are so many people present, but this person has a little evil spirit, which is very suspicious.

   So Ning Xiu had his eyes on him early in the morning, and the drowning ghost was hung up by the yamen to show people. If the demon wanted to stay in Wendeng County, he would definitely come over or ask others to check the specific situation.

   Just follow this person to find the hideout of the demon.

   Put down the tea bowl in his hand, and Ning Xiu immediately followed silently.

   Crossed the streets and alleys, and finally the man walked into the back door of a compound. This compound looked cheap, and the owner of the house must be a wealthy person.

  Ning Xiu looked around, then jumped up and climbed the high wall of the yard and climbed in.

   There was a very slight evil spirit wafting in the yard, which should have been left when the man just passed by.

   But for some unknown reason, these evil spirits soon began to fade to a degree that was visible to the naked eye, and eventually disappeared completely.

  If Ning Xiu came in a little later, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to see these evil spirits.

   Ning Xiu had never seen such means of concealing evil energy before, if the demon could rely on this method to hide himself.

  Ningxiu's Spiritual Eye Observation Technique is useless at all.

   Looking at the back of the man who had just passed the corner of the corridor and disappeared from his sight not far away, Ning Xiu immediately chased after him.


  Lu Chuan's mood has not been very good recently. Since his father was transferred to Wendeng County as the county magistrate, his whole person has become strange.

   Every time I talked to him, I either stayed in the room and didn't come out, or left in a hurry after a few words, which made Lu Chuan feel extremely unfamiliar, as if his father was a different person.

   The day before yesterday, he sent his subordinates to **** Huang You's treasure by force, but he didn't want to hear from his subordinates that there was a powerful hammer-wielding expert on the other side, who frightened them away with just one move, and returned without success.

   Things went bad one after another. Even if his father became the local county magistrate, Lu Chuan couldn't help but feel that his days in Wendeng County were very boring.

"Master, I stayed in the study all day and didn't come out. Except for reporting to the county government office on the first day, I didn't leave the residence for the next few days, and the county government sent people to urge him several times. "

  The old housekeeper of Lu Mansion walked to Lu Chuan and couldn't help but say.

   He stayed in the Lu family for 15 years, and has been doing his best for the Lu family. This time, Master Lu opened up the relationship and spent a lot of money to be promoted to the county seat of Wendeng County.

   But for some unknown reason, as soon as he came to Wendeng County, Mr. Lu seemed to be a different person, and he became less concerned about the position of county magistrate.

   It has been nearly half a month since they came to Wendeng County. Master Lu only went to the yamen once, and the rest of the time he stayed in the mansion.

   Shenlong can't see the beginning but not the end, and even the maids and servants in the house rarely see the figure of his master.

   "Young master, although the master has already become the county magistrate, but if this continues, I am afraid that the people in the county government will not be able to bear it.

   After drinking a sip of tea, Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Okay, got it, I'll go see my father now and ask him what problem he encountered."

   Walking out of the pavilion, Lu Chuan immediately walked towards his father's residence.

   Skillfully came to his father's house, Lu Chuan knocked on the door and said, "Dad, are you inside? My son wants to tell you something."

   Soon, a rather hoarse and cold voice came from the room.

   "Dad has something to do, let's talk about it next time."

Lu Chuan was anxious: "Father, you can't lock yourself in the house all day if you have something to do. Our family moved to Wendeng County this time, but because you are going to be the county chief, you will go to the county within half a month. Ya once, how can this work?"

  There was no sound in the house.

  Lu Chuan pushed open the door and walked in.

   It is also strange to say that it is a bright day, but the interior of Master Lu's house is dark and cold.

  Lu Chuan looked around, but didn't see his father's figure. Thinking that the other party should be deeper in the house, he walked over to light the candlestick on the table, picked up the candlestick and walked towards the depths of the house.

   "Father, if you really encounter any difficulties or troubles, you can tell me what it's like to lock yourself in the house all day."

  Looking at the figure lying on the bed, Lu Chuan walked over directly, stretched out his hand and pushed the quilt away.

   With the light of the candlestick, Lu Chuan could see the man on the bed instantly.

   The wrinkled skin all over his body was tightly adhered to the surface of the bones, and the entire face was torn off, blood red.

  A large number of maggots squirmed wildly in the eye holes, nostrils, and lips, eating all the edible flesh on the corpse.

   Even though the other party has turned into a terrifying appearance, Lu Chuan can still see at a glance that the other party is his father.


  The candlestick suddenly fell to the ground, the last light in the whole house dimmed, and then it returned to the original darkness.


   In the darkness, a sound of tearing flesh sounded, and soon it fell back into silence.


   Watching the man with evil spirit walk into a room, Ning Xiu bent down and slowly walked over under the window sill.

   When he came to the window of that room, Ning Xiu stopped and listened to the movement inside the room.

   "The drowned ghost has already been killed by the Yamen's catcher. Now we need a new target to help us absorb the mortal energy."

   "This method of yours is not good at all. The efficiency is slow and it is easy to cause suspicion. If you provoke the Fu Mowei again, you can see how we can achieve the goal set above."

   "Then try your way, what are you going to do next."

   "I have a plan of my own, so don't ask any more questions. When the time comes, I will inform you when I complete my goal."

   Listening to the conversation between the two people in the house, the situation is very clear. They are the real culprits behind the drowning case of more than ten people in Wendeng County.

   However, what Ning Xiu never expected was that the monsters hidden in Wendeng County were not one, but two.

   Fortunately, I found one of the monsters today and followed him to the hiding place, otherwise Ning Xiu might never find out this secret.

  Since the loot has been obtained, then we can directly cut the grass and root it. In this way, it can be regarded as a successful completion of the mission that Su Qianqian sent himself to Wendeng County.


  In an instant, Ning Xiu broke through the window and saw two people standing in the room at a glance.

   One of them was the one that Ning Xiu had followed all the way, while the other had a very strange and bizarre image.

  Half of his body is covered with dark green scales, and there is not a single hair on his head, all of which are a layer of milky white transparent flesh membrane.

  Ning Xiu could even see the brain lines inside the flesh membrane.

  When Ning Xiu rushed in, the two monsters in the room were obviously stunned, apparently not expecting that there would be someone hiding outside.

   "You brought him here?!" The Scale Armor roared immediately.

   "Don't worry about it, just kill him."

   The two monsters quickly rushed towards Ning Xiu. The scaled monsters had sharp claws like beasts. If they were caught, if they couldn't resist, they would definitely have holes on the spot.

  The other demon looked ordinary, just pulled out a short sword from his arms, and was about to stab Ning Xiu.

   Ning Xiu, who has the ninth floor of the golden bell hood, did not panic at all, his fists exploded, and he faced the two demons at the same time.


   The scale armored monster shook his body, and was immediately knocked back by Ning Xiu with a punch, and the other monster even let go of the short sword and fell to the ground.

   It was obvious that there were a few more clearly visible gaps on the edge of the dagger, which was collapsed by Ning Xiu's golden bell hood.

   "The Eighth Grade of Martial Arts!"

   The two demons exclaimed at the same time.

  Ning Xiu shot quickly, grabbed the arm of the demon without the weapon, and immediately poured the internal force into the palm, and the violent one threw it over his shoulder with force.


   The demon has no resistance, and his strength is much lower than Ning Xiu imagined.

   But something weird happened.

   When the demon was slammed to the ground by Ning Xiu, his body was like a broken ceramic, with a lot of cracks appearing on the spot.

   In the end, it shattered into pieces with a snap.

   This person's body does not have any internal organs and blood, it is just blank.

   is like a clay figurine.

   Thanks to 'Joker Huang' for the 100 Fan Points.

   Thank you 'SM Little Bookworm' for the 100 Fan Points.



   (end of this chapter)