MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 902 Handle

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"Father, can you go a little further to the left? Is it flat?" Li Sui stretched out a few tentacles, raised his head and followed the instructions behind him, pasting Spring Festival couplets on the wall.

The smell of meat in the air and the crackling of firecrackers in the distance put a happy smile on Li Sui's face. She really likes the excitement. Chinese New Year is the most lively place of the year. She really likes Chinese New Year.

"Sui Sui, can you recognize all the characters on the Spring Festival couplets?"

Feeling his mother's hand gently stroking his head, Li Sui nodded proudly, "I know! I know everything!"

"Really? It's amazing. Then Sui Sui told Mother, what are the characters in the Spring Festival couplets?"

"This first couplet is, Gao Jubao, land and wealth are prosperous, and this second couplet is Fuzhao's family is rich and prosperous!"

"It's awesome, Sui Sui, and Hengpi."

"Holding the Spring Festival couplets makes all wishes come true!"

"Sui Sui is awesome." Feeling his mother hugging him from behind, Li Sui smiled so much that his eyes narrowed.

"However, Sui Sui, isn't this horizontal comment a bit crooked?"

"Is it crooked?" Li Sui took two steps back, carefully studying the horizontal inscription under the plaque.

But after observing it very carefully for a while, Li Sui still didn't see where the red banner was crooked.

"Mother, it's not crooked, Dad, do you see that it's crooked?"

However, this time the inquiry did not receive any response from behind.

"Father? Mother?" Li Sui turned around blankly, but saw that there was no one behind him, and the smell of meat in the air and the sound of firecrackers disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly she saw a white and a red figure fading away at the intersection in the distance. Li Sui became anxious immediately, and she struggled to run towards that side. "Father! Mother! Where are you going!"

Li Sui chased after him more, but found that the figure in the distance was farther away from him.

Seeing this scene, Li Sui couldn't care less about maintaining his own body at the moment. More than a dozen tentacles came out of his body, and his whole body split from it, swinging quickly towards that side.



Don't leave me behind, I beg you! I will never make you angry again! I dare not! "

But no matter how fast she ran, the red and white figure in the distance was always one point faster than her, and finally disappeared at the end of the distant intersection.

Li Sui finally couldn't hold back anymore, she staggered and fell to the ground, sat on the ground and cried loudly.

Crying and crying, Li Sui gradually woke up, choking with sobs, she looked towards the surrounding caves, and then realized that she was just dreaming.

It has been several days since I fell from the sky that time, and I still haven't found Youdu.

Wanting to be sad, Li Sui couldn't help feeling sad, and cried loudly again.

But no matter how long he cried, he couldn't change the situation. He had to walk the road by himself. After half an hour, Li Sui walked out of the cave and continued walking towards Youdu along the path.

She didn't know if she was going wrong, there would always be many forks along the way.

More importantly, it's been so long, and I don't know how my father is doing, whether he still lacks dragon energy, and whether I can catch up.

After walking on this small road for several hours, the small road gradually converged into a main road, and Li Sui walked on this road all the way. When you are hungry, you go to the forest to catch living animals to eat, and when you are thirsty, you drink the blood of living animals.

After walking like this for two days, a town appeared in front of Li Sui.

Li Sui was looking around in the middle of the bustling town, looking at the lively everything around him.

In the past, she must have been running around to join in the fun, but now her mind is thinking about other things.

"I don't know how far away, I need a map."

"Should I buy a carriage like my father? It's tiring to walk, but I have no money."

"Fortunately, I didn't throw away those furs. I should be able to exchange these furs for some money." Li Sui reached out and touched the inside of the skirt, where several tentacles were tightly wrapped around some animal furs.

You can wear skirts if you put on female leather, and you can store more things.

In the past, Li Huowang always made decisions for her, but now Li Sui is going to start making decisions for herself, and she will follow what her father did in the past.

As she was walking, Li Sui saw a few circles of people around the intersection in front of her. She stood up on tiptoes and walked over, only to find a few men with their upper body naked, dancing with guns and clubs in the middle.

The sound of "Kang Bang Bang" gong sounded, and a kid who looked like eleven or twelve years old was beating the gong around the crowd while doing somersaults, that's it, he didn't stop talking.

"Little gong wandering around! Visiting friends from all corners of the country, traveling from south to north, and from east to west! Travel all over the southeast and north, and go to the expensive land of Luoshan. Parents who live and eat, the so-called talk is not practiced. You are a master of martial arts, let everyone see the real martial arts! Your chest will be crushed with big stones!"

Soon a long bench was lifted in the center of the ceremony hall, a strong man lay directly on it, two men held a big stone and put it on his stomach, an old man walked over eagerly holding a hammer.

"Hey!" Following the old man's strength, the hammer hit the stone on his stomach fiercely.

This frightening scene immediately caused the older girls and younger daughters-in-law in the crowd to close their eyes.

With a "crash", the stone cracked, and the people under the stone were completely fine, and exclamation sounded again and again.

Seeing that the atmosphere of the onlookers was mobilized, these performers hit the iron even more while the iron was hot, performing various unique skills such as breathing fire, swallowing swords, walking ropes, etc., and applauded wave after wave.

Li Sui was going to leave at first, but after all, he was a child at heart, so he forgot anything else when he stood there and looked at it.

After a series of moves, the onlookers got carried away, and were so tired that the performers were sweating profusely.

Feeling that the atmosphere was almost over, the bearded old man winked at the little boy.

The little boy was lying on the ground with a face of reluctance, UU reading www. turn the palm over.

When the old man stepped on the palm of his hand, the little boy kicked his legs, and with his screams, his hand was twisted off.

But the little boy didn't care about the pain, he dragged his severed hand with the bowl, and begged for money from the theatergoers around him miserably.

Seeing that the money was about to be collected, the onlookers dispersed immediately, and there were not many people left after a while, but there were some kind-hearted people who took out a few pennies from their sleeves and threw them into the bowl.

When the bowl came to Li Sui's turn, Li Sui thought about it, took out a piece of wild rabbit skin from under his skirt, and put it in the other's bowl.

Li Sui didn't leave. She planned to ask these performers for directions. Seeing their performers, she couldn't help but think of Lu's class, and felt a sense of intimacy for no reason.

She remembered that her father said that he once asked Lu Jiaban for directions. This kind of traveling from north to south has a lot of knowledge.

It's just that unlike Lu's class, there are no women among the performers, all of them are men.