MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 935 real

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Immediately afterwards, Li Huowang told them everything that happened before.

One is Si Tianjian and the other is the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus. Sooner or later they must know.

Moreover, Li Sui can also pass the news to Gao Zhijian.

This kind of big threat should also be informed to the high level of this history, let them prepare.

If they really came over and fought against the White Lotus Sect, it would be no small matter.

"I heard what they said. It seems that there was a feud with the White Lotus Sect in the past. Since there is no play there, the White Lotus Sect may find clues about the jade hand."

"Yu Shou? Dad, are they having a problem with the White Lotus Sect? Or are they having a problem with Wu Sheng's old mother?" Li Sui found the key to the problem.

When Bai Lingmiao heard this, her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly remembered something.

"Aren't they all the same? Help me find out. From such miscellaneous books, first find out all the former enemies of the White Lotus Sect, and then investigate one by one."

"I...I seem to know who they are." Bai Lingmiao said.

"You know?" Hearing Bai Lingmiao's words, Li Huowang looked at her in surprise.

Miaomiao has never had contact with those people who value history at all, so she can know who they are just by relying on her own words? This is a bit too fast.

"Is there really a record in these books? Then who are they? What is the origin of the jade hand?"

Bai Lingmiao didn't know how to explain it. Looking at the books scattered around her, she quickly scanned, picked up a book accurately, and brought it to Li Huowang.

Li Huowang glanced at her hesitantly, reached out to take it, and opened it directly, browsing quickly.

The Inanimate Mother is an ancient Buddha with no birth and no death in heaven! She can save us from the mortal world and return to the vacuum home to avoid catastrophe!

Everything in this world should have been a lifeless old mother! At that time, every inch of every inch of the sky was a vacuum hometown.

We are born, grow, and age under the care of our inanimate mother. Until someone betrayed her! That is the most trusted Tianhuang Guiwei around her!

When those unspeakable armies grew out of the dantian of Wu Sheng's old mother, a group of Tian Huang Gui Wei betrayed.

They can't tell the truth that the army conspired to betray Wu Sheng's old mother! Killed those Tianhuang Guiwei who were unwilling to betray, and deprived Wusheng of everything!

They threw away what they didn't need, swallowed what they needed, and finally stood together shamelessly in the position that Wu Sheng's old mother should have been!

These people against their will were afraid that their shamelessness would be discovered, so they revised the history books and the history books in everyone's heart.

But we didn't, our history books will always belong to Wusheng Old Mother, we will always remember, waiting for the moment when Wusheng Old Mother comes back again!

Wusheng old mother has no life and no death. It seems that Wusheng has been deprived of everything by them, but it also means that Wusheng old mother can no longer lose anything.

When a person is full of wounds, he will never have new wounds, and when he is deprived of all existence, he will no longer be deprived of anything!

The Birthless Mother is always trying, day or night, man or woman, yin or yang.

Those perfidious traitors are watching, they are afraid, they are constantly blocking the lifeless mother who is with us.

They can always send their lackeys to stop us, but it doesn't matter, as long as we succeed once, the lifeless mother will return to her rightful place on six ceramic horses!

"No matter how long it takes, I will wait. As the only surviving Tianhuang Guiwei, even if I am killed, the son who crawled out of my body will wait.

My son died and my grandson. I will wait forever for generations to come! No birth mother, a vacuum hometown!

Looking at these contents, the more Li Huowang read, the more he discovered. When he related everything before, he suddenly understood what was going on.

"So..." Li Huowang looked away from it in shock. "So that person who values ​​history is Tianhuang Guiwei who once betrayed Wusheng's old mother?!"

As soon as these words came out, some of Li Huowang's previous confusions were instantly resolved.

Why did they have a feud with the old mother of Wusheng, why did the old mother of Wusheng return to her throne, they will come to kill the holy girl of white lotus.

Li Huowang, who felt very astonished, looked down at the contents of the book again.

They can't tell the truth that the army conspired to betray Wu Sheng's old mother! Killed those Tianhuang Guiwei who were unwilling to betray, and deprived Wusheng of everything!

They threw away what they didn't need, swallowed what they needed, and finally stood together shamelessly in the position that Wu Sheng's old mother should have been!

"If all of this is true, it means that before the history, it was called the vacuum hometown, and the history is actually the territory of the mother without birth?!"

Li Huowang raised his head abruptly, looked at Bai Lingmiao in front of him, and took a breath in surprise, actually making them wait.

No wonder that jade hand was able to remove the truth that he had cultivated! These days, Huang Guiwei snatched away the heavenly dao from Wusheng's old mother, and used it for his own use.

Although the five histories all have different trends, judging from the current situation, this history is definitely very different from other histories.

Ordinary people actually **** the way of heaven from Si Ming's hands and use it, no wonder their strength is so strong! This is not good news, it means that the enemy this time is very dangerous.

Li Huowang, who frowned tightly, continued to look at the content in his hand, analyzing word by word.

When those unspeakable armies grew out of the dantian of Wu Sheng's old mother, a group of Tian Huang Gui Wei betrayed.

"They conspired with the big army to betray Wusheng Old Mother! They killed those Tianhuang Guiwei who didn't want to betray, and deprived Wusheng Old Mother of everything!"

"You can't say Dajun?" Li Huowang muttered the name to himself, thinking about it in his heart.

This could not be said that the army is the key, if they hadn't teamed up with Tianhuang Guiwei before, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for mortals to **** away the heaven from Wusheng old mother.

I am not only the enemy to face, not only the heaven and stomach in the vacuum hometown, but also the unspeakable army recorded above.

It can't be said that what Da Jun is definitely talking about is not the season disaster. He knows how the season disaster came, and it is absolutely impossible to get out of the single field of the lifeless mother.

Moreover, the season disasters are literally indescribable, and this so-called indescribable army is definitely not the same.

The only information that can be understood from it is that the suffix Dajun seems to mean that there are many of them.

"If you say that, then the jadeite hand that stretched out from the hole before, is it a big army or a rich stomach?"